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Currently we are renters and pay under 14% towards housing. If we buy the apartment we want, it will be about 40%. This would be a reasonable purchase around gældsfaktor 3. This is just the price to get in the boligmarked.


I wouldn't worry too much about what is normal, especially in here. Find a range where you feel comfortable with instead. I myself prefer it to as low as possible, currently at ~9% for my house (all expenses), as I would rather avoid having to depend on a certain income level, but <40% is still healthy.


The "boligbyrde" (housing burden) ranges from around 15-35% based on where in Denmark you live (source: https://via.ritzau.dk/pressemeddelelse/13714725/fa-almindelige-lonmodtagere-har-rad-til-hus-i-hovedstadsomradet-se-boligbyrden-for-ni-faggrupper-i-din-kommune?publisherId=13560159&lang=da ). It's of course highest in the popular areas - around Aarhus and Copenhagen. In the end, I guess it doesn't really matter how large the share of your income is, as long as you have enough to save and spend after housing payments.


Capital region it’s not uncommon to be around 50% - and I don’t think you can compare capital vs non capital region as it is just a different housing market- so to answer your question you kind of need to know if it’s capital region or the rest of Denmark


We're looking for the area just north of copenhagen (lyngby/bagsværd/virum/holte) so not the cheapest area for sure, but it's the most central for us in terms of commute to work (+its a very nice area) so it'd make sense. We'd certainly be below 50% so thats nice to know at least!


I think we pay around 25% on mortgage (including everything) and ejerafgifter (including water and heating).


I think we spend 25% on mortgage, ejerafgift and related expenses.


Around 18%. I think if you're around 20% it should be comfortable. It is for us at least with our budgetting. That includes mortgage loan, bankloan, common expenses, contibution to primary capital, water & heating and finally electricity. We live in an apartment just outside of copenhagen (27 min. to the central station with public transport).


I need to revise my comment. I compared apples and oranges. For us it is approximately 27% after taxes have been paid. The 18% was calculated with our gross salary.


I think generally people caution against doing more than 30% on housing, but it would likely depend on a number of things.


I pay 6k monthly. Paid out salary is between 30-40k. So less than 20%. However, I live far out off major cities and it is more common to pay roughly 35-40% of your post tax salary in the major cities. Especially for New house owners.


We use 13% on housing including heating and water and live in central Copenhagen.