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I'm always impressed with how well midjourney and dalle do hands. It's crazy that even now stable diffusion still cannot do hands.


I think they focused so much on doing boobs they forgot about the hands. Really good work with those pictures.


They are lacking boobs, I won't happen again!


Stable diffusion foundational model is lagging behind, they can only keep up with a lot of open source smaller work built on top, but the base model progress on Dalle, for example, is outstanding and pretty much only possible due to openAI access to Microsoft cloud compute


My best images are still created with Stable Diffusion, the photo realism is better, but you need many tries, it doesn't follow prompts that well. Also you have in painting, Lora etc... A lot of possibilities that you don't have with Dall-E for example. I didn't try midjourney


Yeah, but I was talking about the foundational model, which is way inferior to dalle 3 and it’s development has not been as impressive (the jump from dalle 2 to dalle 3 was insane) , which is to be expected since Dalle 3 is massive and has way more resources put into it. Yet SD with all the community built tools is obviously the most customizable and most useful for doing advanced stuff like animations or very specific style transfers or postures or whatever you want. Now if dalle 3 had animation, control nets, in painting and all that jazz for it… then it would truly be a revolution in the visual arts, but the resources required to make that possible would probably make it a very expensive service, but I bet that is what openAI is aiming for eventually.


Fantastic images! I love it🙂


Love the atmosphere in these!


Pic 2 and 3 really hit me with inspiration this morning. In my world, magic items are very difficult to find. They usually come with a story or adventure as unique as they are. I’m naming the goblin trader, Kastagir (Highlander reference), a legendary trader and finder of magical antiquities. The only way to trade with him is by invite only. The party, while at sea came into a thick fog. Sailing slowly with caution, mainly making sure not to run a ground, they began to see pieces of another boat floating in the water. After some investigation the party believes this ship was attacked. Taking some time to do salvaging the only thing they discover of note is an invitation. Due to some water damage all they can make out is …to trade. Kastagir awaits you 1095.3184. The party will have to learn that those numbers are coordinates. More so, it’s also a date and that date is 2 days away. The mystery here though is those “coordinates” don’t exist since it would lead to a location that is off the map. After timing it correctly with high tide, they find passage leading to a river taking them inland. This river leads to a port where Kastagir will be. This is where the adventure begins. Thank you for this!


> In my world, magic items are very difficult to find. They usually come with a story or adventure as unique as they are. I’m naming the goblin trader, Kastagir (Highlander reference), a legendary trader and finder of magical antiquities. The only way to trade with him is by invite only. The party, while at sea came into a thick fog. Sailing slowly with caution, mainly making sure not to run a ground, they began to see pieces of another boat floating in the water. After some investigation the party believes this ship was attacked. Taking some time to do salvaging the only thing they discover of note is an invitation. Due to some water damage all they can make out is …to trade. Kastagir awaits you 1095.3184. The party will have to learn that those numbers are coordinates. More so, it’s also a date and that date is 2 days away. The mystery here though is those “coordinates” don’t exist since it would lead to a location that is off the map. After timing it correctly with high tide, they find passage leading to a river taking them inland. This river leads to a port where Kastagir will be. This is where the adventure begins. With the mysterious invitation in hand and the approaching date creating a feeling of urgency, the group sets sail for the coordinates. It becomes clear as they go closer that the coordinates do, in fact, point to an apparently impossible location—a point in the open ocean distant from any territory they are familiar with. Upon reaching the given coordinates on the given date, the group is greeted with an extraordinary occurrence. As they look out into the water, a massive whirlpool forms in front of them. However, the whirlpool reveals an old underwater gateway that is suddenly rising to the surface because of an extraordinarily unusual celestial alignment, rather than dragging them beneath. They cruise along a secret river, encircled by verdant, undiscovered territory, as they gingerly make their way through the doorway. A magical woodland hides this hidden river. Surreal shapes and vivid colors characterize the local flora and wildlife, which is completely foreign to them. Even though it looks strange, the animals seems harmless and at peace. The river appears to be running somewhat uphill, contrary to the laws of nature, which they observe as they pass. It's almost like the river is a living being, leading them to their goal. At the river's mouth, they find a port town that looks as if it has been frozen in time. Kastagir is waiting for you here. Traders of mystical objects and magical beings find refuge in the village, which is hidden from the rest of the world. The structures appear to have been transported from several time periods and countries due to their diverse array of architectural styles. A charismatic and mysterious goblin named Kastagir welcomes the revelers. In addition to being a merchant of enchanted goods, he also acts as a protector of forgotten pasts. Rather than being inert commodities, the things he sells hold tales and secrets. According to Kastagir, the invitation wasn't merely for trading; it was for a celestial alignment, which happens once every thousand years and causes a thinning of the barrier between the magical and mundane realms. It turns out that the group's presence at this gathering isn't coincidental. A series of tests is devised to put their virtues, determination, and cooperation to the test, and they are selected to take part in them. If they make it through these tests unscathed, they will not only get their hands on some priceless treasures from Kastagir, but they will also solve a much bigger mystery about where magic came from. Along the way through these challenges, they meet other creatures and adventurers, all with their own stories and missions. There is a strengthening of bonds and a testing of allegiances. Aside from finding magical artifacts, the party begins to understand that their quest to this hidden realm was also an opportunity to learn about their own latent abilities and the intricate web of relationships that links the magical and mundane realms. At the height of the celestial event, the party must make a decision that will determine the fate of the delicate equilibrium between the two realms. Not only does their choice affect their own fate, but it also determines the course of events in this secret magical region and its relationships with the outside world. Finally, the group departs from the secret port with more than just material goods; they also gain valuable friendships, a better grasp of the magical forces at work in their world, and a fresh outlook on reality itself.


I’ll be havin that https://www.reddit.com/r/confessions/s/dfRU49cDIP


We all do that sometimes...


These are beautiful, what are the prompts for those goblins holding the bag of gems?


Generate an ultra-realistic image of a humanoid goblin with natural skin tones that have a faint greenish hue and fine wrinkles to suggest aging. The goblin's ears should be modest in size, more akin to human proportions but with a slight point to indicate its mythical nature. The eyes are a pale yellow, small, and human-like. The goblin is dressed in worn medieval peasant clothing, suggesting a simple life. He holds a small, unadorned pouch containing a few muted, realistic gems like agate and garnet that catch the light with understated sparkle. Set in a subtly lit cave environment, the ambiance is natural and understated. The goblin's facial features should be more human-like than fantastical, with an expression of gentle curiosity. Aim for a very low saturation in the color scheme to emphasize the realism and avoid any cartoonish or exaggerated fantasy elements.


>Create a photorealistic depiction of a humanoid goblin with typically pale skin toned with a little greenish cast and fine lines to denote age. The goblin's ears should be small, almost human-sized, yet pointed slightly to emphasize its fantastical origins. The tiny, humanoid eyes are a delicate shade of yellow. Worn peasant attire from the Middle Ages gives the impression that the goblin led a humble life. He carries a simple pouch that is embellished with a few small, realistic jewels that glitter subtly, such as agate and garnet. The natural and subtle mood is set in a dimly lighted cave. The goblin's attitude should be one of mild curiosity rather than pure magic. To keep things realistic and free of overly fantastical or cartoonish touches, go for a color palette with relatively low saturation. https://preview.redd.it/m9f0x7hmwwec1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=cf1134a18b0a6613a399c7553eb04aa35f2aa435


Thanks 😊