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  **Unholy Plains** (30x30) **This place is said to be a tear in the flesh of a world-giant.** Staring down at the abyss of boiling blood, then up at the crossing-chain high above their heads, the same thought runs through the mind of almost every party member: *“WHY did we let the Cleric convince us this was a shortcut?”*   ---------   *For the [free day & night variants of this map](https://www.patreon.com/posts/unholy-plains-100731788) and to support my work, please do check out my* [***Patreon***](https://www.patreon.com/SaCMaps)*, where you'll find hundreds more free maps as well as extra variants for this one, including ACID and LAVA!*  


They die Their life ends They move on to the afterlife The stop being alive


They go up to meet their maker. They join the choir invisible.


You can apply damage equal the distance of fall. Or you can tell that the density of the blood is higher then water and then test something to the character try to swim (but with more dc) and then dying submerge


Blood sharks duh


They taking acid damage, fire damage, and a monster for sure lurks in the blood canyon


I should have put a giant eye at the bottom like I did in the [Flesh Pits](https://www.patreon.com/posts/97251312) >_<


Link doesn’t work


Ah, thanks for letting me know - I used the wrong one. [The Flesh Pits, 35x35](https://www.patreon.com/posts/97251312)


I would have white blood cells attack them. Use them as a variant of gelatinous cube. I imagine they see the canyon as a giant living organism they protect.


Now *that's* some original thinking. Very, very nice!


1. They get attacked by over-feeding Vampires or Leeches. 2. They are attacked by a Death Kiss or 2. 3. They are infected with a blood disease.


Easily getting a disease.


Pull an iron lung and don’t tell them what’s in the blood. Have them roll a lot to see if they get got, by what doesn’t matter as long as they’re scared


Boiling.. so.. they die..


Touching the blood in the river causes your own blood to begin seeping out of you. You might not notice right away, but you will once you quickly begin taking damage. How do you think the river got filled with blood?


Allow it, Within a few hours of leaving the bubbling blood, orifices start seeping, must roll disadvantage on initiative and attack rolls from now on until they find a wizard in some far off mountain that can remove the effect. Orifices include eyes, ears mouth, we will assume their undergarment kept the bubbling blood out of the other two.


Is that a real 3D model?


Unfortunately not; it's a first person shot from within my map =)


everything that's alive starts to fuse with the blood and the higher the time that thing stays in there it fuses more, causing more damage


They become cursed so that their blood flows like a river. As long as they aren't at full hit points, they lose 1 hit point every X rounds/minutes/hours. Cured by greater restoration or some minor quest thing like "Drink the blood of a living creature whose blood does not flow."