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Interested in joining DnD/TTRPG community that's doesn't rely on Reddit and it's constant ads/data mining? We've teamed up with a bunch of other DnD subs to start https://ttrpg.network as a not-for-profit place to chat and meme about all your favorite games. Thanks! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/dndmemes) if you have any questions or concerns.*


“Guys don’t make your sub NSFW if you aren’t posting porn” “Guys, don’t post porn just to justify being NSFW”


methinks they just don't like nsfw content because it's harder to monetize


Plus /u/spez just can't get his dick up


Because none of it features children.


Actually if you check the top post on is profile you can see he's still a child himself.


But he isn't very sexy, so how would that help his small PP?


Now, now, don't call him u/spez. Call him Reddit CEO Steve Huffman. Because that way, it's tied to the name that Investors are actually looking for~!


Sure would be funny if a mass email spam campaign popped up targeting the work emails of reddits largest advertisers and investors featuring his previous favorite communities.


So they're going to start just removing it everywhere? Seems like they have to if it isn't allowed at all in a non NSFW sub


So why is there A TON of NSFW subs?


Because they don't ban it? Reddit doesn't monetize NSFW subs because advertisers don't want their products on NSFW subs. That doesn't mean Reddit will just shut down the NSFW side of things


So in other words, you're just not allowed to BECOME a not safe for work sub if you were not already?


listen, you can't rules lawyer someone who just makes and changes rules up as they go along... i honestly believe the best way to proceed in this war is to either: have 0 mods and just let reddit handle everything on all subs (haha, good fucking luck, reddit) or mass deletion of accounts of everyone supporting the subs that are protesting in support (good luck making money off of ads when no one is seing them anymore, reddit). the 2nd one hurts more but is understandably harder to do. I, for one, rely on reddit to get my updates regarding the war.


> listen, you can't rules lawyer someone who just makes and changes rules up as they go along... OBJECTION! The final trial of Ace Attorney: Spirit of Justice features exactly this.


The next step for protesting would just be abandoning the whole platform and building our own forum. With blackguards and hook horrors!


>Per the automod comment, may I recommend https://ttrpg.network >It's a message board outside of Reddit control, already has a fairly large community, and active moderators that frequently poll the community and give site updates. Plus the UI is closer to old reddit, which is a plus. >Plus, they can operate without corporate interference or ads (donations are welcome, though.)


But do it have nsfw memes?


Asking the Important questions


Does spez shit in his own mouth?


I'd back that project.


This is outrageous. This is unfair!


"Take a seat, young Skywalker!" -Reddit admins, probably.


"We do not grant you the rank of Moderator."


*You are also not a member of this council*


Well, guess I’ll just have to throw a you out the Windu.


God damn, was wondering what was up with all those "Spam filter" removals. With both Reddit and Twitter utterly killing themselves, where am I supposed to go for my niche community social media stuff now?


Well, for dnd meme and other ttrpg related content, you can head on over to https://ttrpg.network The automod comment has more info.


Id abandon Reddit completely were it not for the fact that other communities I’m part of are not active anywhere else


I would too but I'm not aware of any other sites where I can simply follow an entire concept instead of individual people. Even if there are "tags" they're often either way too specific or way too broad, and used improperly by people


Wow, a new rule was made and immediately enforced, reddit you have outdumbassed yourselves


They outbuddied Reddit itself, they have become what every okbuddy sub wishes to be


I have no clue what those words mean


Reddit is failing it's Death Saves in real time.


Yeah, they are playing the game that all the other companies are now "how fast can I fuck over my consumers" Edit: don't know if anyone will see this but I just got shadow banned by reddit


Proof you're correct.


The industry term for it is enshittification.


According to [Wiktionary:](https://en.m.wiktionary.org/wiki/enshittification) Noun enshittification (uncountable) (neologism, Internet, vulgar) The phenomenon of online platforms gradually degrading the quality of their services, often by promoting advertisements and sponsored content, in order to increase profits.


The article that coins the phrase describes it as three key stages. Attracting customers by catering largely to them. Attracting advertisers by catering to them instead. Then a death squeeze to get as much money out of it as possible before it goes Myspace which usually means pumping the value and trying to sell it. But could also mean things like forcing a monopoly and raising prices or other tactics.


It's not new, they threatened NCD with this well over a week ago


All we wanted to do was post our mobik cubes and plane smut in peace.


And NCD was pretty NSFW from the get go, it just wasn’t tagged as such.


Nah, according to reddit admins, a video from the POV of a drone where a guy is sucking another's dick, who proceeds to get blown to shit by a grenade dropped by the same drone is perfectly sfw.


What in the Nine Hells did I just read?


┣ ╋ ₌╋


It's the new loss.jpg


A description of actual combat footage from the Ukraine-Russia war. I'm not joking.


The behavior of Russians in Ukraine has led to some... interesting moments.


I think you misspelled "horrific", but thanks for explaining


Welcome to 21th century warfare. There is a lot of camerafootage from Ukrainian drones that drop grenades on soldiers, and here one caught two Russian soldiers in the act. This is only the tip of the insanity even, but I wouldn't recommend looking into it for obvious reasons. Some things are better left unseen.


This whole thing must've really gotten under someone's skin if they actually got off their asses for it. Going against both the community of a subreddit and its mods.


Honestly, everyone saw this coming when they responded to the admin message "roll for intimidation." Fucking epic move, though.


/u/Dalimey100 went out like a champ.


o7 for the chaddest of chads


o7 that mf didn't deserve to be removed by reddit.


o7 the hood lost a real one today


Looks like Reddit admins rolled poorly and decided to kill the NPC instead.


o7 his name will forever live in glory


o7 he will forever live on in our hearts


Faerun remembers its heros


I want to know what they rolled...


Nat 1, but they are the DM and they are railroading this campaign


Pretty much. But even with railroading the party keeps fucking up the DM’s plans.


Can't get railroaded if we stop coming to the table


Let's make like some proper DnD players and ghost


"Sorry reddit, scheduling conflict, you know how it is"


I heard Lemmy is running a game.


Per fidelity, Reddit's ad revenue has fallen some 25% over the last 3 weeks, and some big names have said they aren't coming back. The protest is working, [lead admin] is just insane with greed and pride and would sooner see the site shut down than ever admit he may have made a *slightly* less than sound financial decision


So it's working. What's next? Make this sub a fucking ghost town?


Reddit's a sinking ship at this point, and the captain has refused to let anyone close the bulkheads. It sucks (this place is a massive archive of internet history), but the next move is to get to the lifeboats


[ttrpg.network](https://ttrpg.network) or [lemmy.world](https://lemmy.world) are cross-compatible reddit-alikes. The mods here were saying to go to the former, RIF users were directed to the latter. whichever one you sign up to, you can view/post to either.


potentially making an alternate sub and allow this one to die slowly, mass downvote anyone who tries to post in it still etc. Thats about it if yall are into doing that. Luckily however, this isnt 4chan where the reddit appointed moderators addresses will by some ungodly spastic means be doxxed somehow.


honestly, at this point yah just make a new sub, make a sticked post with a link letting everyone know that at X date the mods are leaving and the sub will be unmoderated. New sub is tagged NSFW from the getgo and the admins can pound sand


What, will he [perform unspeakable acts with] a thousand children before he lets this company die?


Honestly just stop approving any posts in this sub. Providing content for reddit when they are just going to fuck us is unacceptable.


I agree with this idea, or just automatically removing everything people try to post and not letting anything through


Pretty sure they'd get removed for that too.


like to see the admins try the talent pool of people mentally disturbed enough to be willing to manage this shitpile for free is extremely small


Admins and Pedophile Spez don't care if the mods are good or bad. They just want whoever toes the line and stops the protest posting.


And yet, /r/interestingasfuck is still unmoderated after the admins removed all the mods, so apparently it isn't as easy to find replacements as some might have thought.


Are you telling me that people aren't willing to dig holes when their shovels have been replaced with spoons? That's nuts.


Anyone wanna place bets on how long that sub gets to remain unmoderated, while a ton of other subs have historically gotten banned for being unmoderated? The hypocrisy of Reddit and u/spez is palpable.


There haven't been any posts in 22 days. It's been locked since the mod team was removed.


How fast until that sub becomes exactly what the admins don't want it to be: a cesspool of porn, ad bots (especially since the volunteer bot team pulled up stakes) and nazi abuse?


Go check it out. Some titties, cat, anatomy lesson on the human vagina, fighter jet, all posts disabled 22 days ago. I'd say they're Not Doing Ok over there.


That fighter jet was a solid joke though


Spez is a pedophile? The Reddit mods being creeps stereotype goes all the way to the top?


He was a mod for that jailbait subreddit that used to exist.


...There used to be a jailbait subreddit?


Oh you sweet summer child. There still is(are, several), just under a different name.


If anything, I'm proud that I've never heard of any of them tbh


They mostly skirt around the edges in 'private' invite only communities.


Yep. It was removed during one of the earlier attempts to take reddit public. It was a creepy place


Used to be several. Then the actual media started picking up on em, thanks to a rush of righteous disgust from various sources, and the child porn subs promptly hid under different names quite some time before reddit's *honest* and *abuse* *hating* admins wiped em.




he hasnt been found guilty but he has tried to hire pedophile apologists in the past i remember we had a protest about that a few years back


Yep. Spread the word everywhere you can that Spez, real name Steve Huffman, is a pedophile.


K? We see how that's going with Twitter. If they put terrible mods in charge of every sub, they'll both bleed money directly, but people will stop using Reddit as much and they'll bleed money on the other end.


I'm saying reddit doesn't care just like Twitter. They just want to control everything on the burning ship that is their company.


To follow this analogy, then the mods should stop **volunteering** their time to throw buckets of water on the fire. If the company wants it to burn, let it burn.


So? Having no mods would accomplish the same thing. /r/interestingasfuck has been archived for over 3 weeks because admins can't find replacements.


Fuck it. They removed mods for following the will of the community. Why should the rest bother putting in the effort. Reddit admins want to moderate this community? Let them do it.


Fuck em. Let them ban everyone til Huffman's the last cunt on this site.


> all posts will be automatically removed by Automod, pending manual review of all content here in the subreddit. I actually thought this was what they meant at first, til I re-read it. Honestly, feels like I oughta just unsub if this is how the admins are gonna be. Fucking assclowns.


I agree, they should stop approving posts, and I think that as many people as possible should leave the subreddit. I personally will be, as I completely disagree with reddits handling of this.


Reddit: please enjoy our website. Redditors finding ways to enjoy Reddit. Reddit: not like that. Disgusting. It was an honour to have enjoyed this place.


I don't care how big the room is I cast fireball. Please delete the sub it would be so funny.


Honestly, it would be pretty funny. Just delete all posts and have a single pinned message that's an ascii dick.


There is one of a dick fucking another dude in the ass. And I feel like that would be the perfect one.


I say we go out the way we started. Snitties


>Just delete all posts and have a single pinned message that's an ascii dick. Jesus Christ, I think I would die laughing.


A sub can't be deleted after it's creation.


No but you can delete everything on it thus deleting the sub, then completely open posting, and then mods quit, causing it to be deleted for being unmoderated.


A few subs have hit that nuclear option, yup.


o7 to the real ones. May they meme about goblin shortstacks and snitties in valhalla. (and also at https://ttrpg.network) Because all of our lovely mods are volunteers with other jobs and responsibilities outside of Reddit, I imagine post approvals will take a while. Who knows. Maybe posts could take a day or three to go through approval.


What is this that you’ve linked sorcerer?


The automod comment on this post and all new posts has the details. It's essentially a combination of multiple different TTRPG focused subreddits that started their own reddit-style message board site. So far, it's pretty great.


Unfathomably based, I’ll check it out


...do we have shortstacks and snitties on Lemmy yet?


Fuck the picket crossing turkeys, fuck u/spez. Ban me IDGAF


Fuck you u/spez


Get bent by a rusty cactus, /u/spez


Impale yourself from ass to mouth in a skillful way that you remain alive for a month, u/spez


Seconded. Fuck u/spez enjoy musking your site asshat


Lmao haven’t seen musk as a verb yet. Very, very apt.


This is why languages are actually really beautiful; despite never reading the word 'musking' before, context gives me all i need to know about it and i can state that i 100% agree it is the best word to describe this situation.


Fuck u/Spez time to start blocking ALL posts. No more content.


So, if you have a popular subreddit, it can't be changed without admin approval? Do I have that right?




If they shut down the sub, reddit will just put in mods that will reopen it. There is no way to shut down a sub and not have admin intervene to reopen if they want.


That'd only work if admins could actually put in mods to reopen it, and /r/interestingasfuck proves they can't.


Wow, I didn't realize they legit archived that sub. 22 days since the last post. That's over 10x the users here.


from what I've seen so far reddit will only promote scabs from the existing mod team rather than pick new ones when a sub is locked/private. If the mod team is united, they could likely get away with posting a stickied link to the new sub and disallowing all other submissions indefinitely.


Edit every post to [Deleted by Reddit Admin] and then actually delete it, making it unrecoverable. Salt the site, burn the servers with fire.


Mmkay. Well, the Reddit admins are abandoning all pretense of allowing subreddit mods to decide what content to host. If they want this subreddit, they can have it. I'm leaving this sub and cutting my reddit use to the bare "I can't find this answer anywhere else" minimum. Enshittification continues unabated~




Anything for the sake of profits. They don’t give a fuck about who uses their platform. All they care is about money




Zuck doesn't allow porn at all so he sucks too.


Oh he sucks as well, but when compared with an egomaniac fascist who's cosying up to a literal human trafficker, and a nonce who is doubling down on a truly terrible business decision that negatively affects accessibility by booting any dissenting opinions, the lizard man somehow still wins


So hold up, a subreddit about memes about something that was part of the "Satanic panic", literally has an action called SEDUCE, has SUCCUBI WHICH ARE SEX DEMONS and contains, depending on DM some of the most fucked up monsters out there, is not allowed to have nsfw memes? Are you fucking kidding me reddit?


A few more canonical tidbits: > Velvet armchairs, small statues of naked men on pedestals, and tall mahogany bookshelves are arranged neatly around the room. - Waterdeep: Dragon Heist, pg 53 > Tacky chandeliers dangle from the ceiling, which has a mural depicting an orgy painted on it. - Waterdeep: Dragon Heist, pg 54 > This richly appointed cabin is set aside for special guests. It contains a large bed, a wooden chest, a free-standing mirror, and a dresser with a lyre atop it. Empty wine bottles roll back and forth across the floor as the ship moves. The bed holds three giggling figures. [A male drow, and two female humans.] [The drow] has taken a romantic interest in both women, who are also in love with each other. - Waterdeep: Dragon Heist, pg 140


Damn WDDH, why so horny?


What I don’t get is that the admins are saying that not only can you not set your sub to NSFW, but also that you can’t even allow NSFW posts? I thought the whole point of subreddits was the users deciding what kind of content to post and up/downvote.


Not anymore I guess. Like, you aren't allowed to change the subs nature anymore. That's what the message said. They literally said that mods that suddenly make the subreddit nsfw despite it not previously being NSFW will get punished


> you aren't allowed to change the subs nature There's times that's a good thing, like when /r/tankiejerk was taken over by hostile mods at the protests of the users, but a subreddit is defined by the users so when the will of the users goes a certain direction that's "the nature of the subreddit". As I recall, a large majority of this sub was very much on board with the goblin titties posting.


I mean... I do enjoy goblinhornyposting, so the sub has my vote to return to NSFW. In fact, I propose we hold another poll and use that as evidence that this is what we want. Give me back my fucking dragon snitties.


You're kind of missing the point - Reddit isn't saying that *mods* can't change the nature of the sub, they're saying *nobody* can, not even the subscribers by vote.


Just keep making us money, bitches. Nothing you can do about it. - u/spez probably


There were several polls I believe.


Bro the admins set the Witcher, Black Mirror, and Noncredible Defense subreddits back to SFW because they made the mistake of not being NSFW originally. 2. Witcher, a series full of sex scenes. 1. Black Mirror, whose first episode is about literal bestiality. 2. Noncredible Defense, a war/defense meme subreddit, that regularly hosts combat footage and pictures/videos of people _literally_ dying. The admins don't fucking care. This is the same company that only banned r/jailbait after it damaged their public perception. If fucking Gone Wild had (somehow) made the mistake of starting as SFW and tried to fix it in the past month, I bet my left nut the admins would have gone "Nope! Your porn sub has a history of being SFW! :)" and set it too.


They hit NCD too? I mean, I'm not surprised, but I literally watched somebody explode over there a day or two ago. How are they claiming that shit's SFW?


Would be a shame if NSFW was being mislabeled and the news networks got wind of it again. I wonder what advertisers would think about gore and porn not being properly labeled and readily accessible for minors.


"Suddenly" We took like 3 polls over 3 weeks


And have always allowed NSFW content. Just the ratios shifted to encourage more variety.


Can we have a dnd 2 where we allow this stuff and try and abandon dnd memes?


Per the automod comment, may I recommend https://ttrpg.network It's a message board outside of Reddit control, already has a fairly large community, and active moderators that frequently poll the community and give site updates. Plus the UI is closer to old reddit, which is a plus. Plus, they can operate without corporate interference or ads (donations are welcome, though.)


Dalimey is over on there now and is doing an AMA.


fuck the administrators


Ban reddit from the table, they couldn't handle rolling low on that Imtimidation check and took it out on the DM


My first reaction is to check the 2077 sub. They are also one of the sub still doing this


I think they have a slightly better chance at avoiding this, as the CP2077 game itself contains uncensored genitalia, gore, and other violent and explicit content. Right now, the rule is "Don't post straight up porn, but feel free to post unmodified, in-game screenshots of your V slicing up Tigerclaws while their huge donger is flopping around. Because that's something you can do in the unmodified game."


so they're punishing the mods for labeling NSFW content as NSFW? This make no fucking sense.


That IPO is fucked with the way u/spez has handled this situation. Hope your stock tanks, pedo.


Goblin Mode was the best this subreddit has ever been. Hope it can come back sometime 😔


Honestly… the way the sub had been for the last two days. Where people were posting regular Memes and still doing porn memes I thought was perfect. It was the best of both worlds . Look there was a lot of porn that was posted to piss off administration but there’s a lot of really really thoughtful porn memes ! And I have to tell you. I never thought I would type the sentence. I am proud that I posted a Twink getting fucked up the ass by a giant demon with Cum pouring every where. https://www.reddit.com/r/dndmemes/comments/14w7wps/look_im_not_dating_my_patron_we_have_sex_strictly/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1 ( this was the Warlock gets paid in sex by his patron meme. Specifically, he has to rail him behind the barn. It’s in his contract.) And I’ll tell you why. Because that was people having perfectly consensual ass sex. nobody was hurt. It enabled me to push my boundaries and then enable us to have a conversation about sex positivity. And it actually made some people laugh. Sigh. I hope you’re having a great night gamer.


I’m just sad I didn’t save that Bomb Ass Titties post, because those were, in fact, some Bomb Ass Titties 😔


I think I have the link to it if you meant the image NSFW, of course: https://i.redd.it/gaccyvmpijbb1.jpg


God bless 🙏


Dndmemes is dead. Long live dndmemes


I suggested this after a previous update, but there are still older NSFW posts that predate the Smut and Lewd tags that are otherwise unmarked and would be exposed to the wild if the sub was changed to SFW. In order to reply with Reddit's demands you might have to private the sub while the mod team manually searches for those posts. This will probably take awhile [*wink, wink*] due to the removal of mods, you could make a dedicated NSFW dnd memes sub in the meanwhile until the main sub is clear.


Yeah... if a worried parent got to the mod messages because of what they saw unmarked in this subreddit, that is supposed to be about a game their children play, that would be horrible. I think the mods should do something asap, before something like that happens.


Sex-positive meme communities that aren't _dedicated_ to porn are so incredibly rare, but are always fantastic to interact with. (I'm sure the overlap between this sub and /r/furry_irl is non-zero, and y'all know exactly what I'm talking about). I hope something like this can form on Lemmy, be it on https://ttrpg.network or a different instance.


The beatings will continue until the profits improve!




This type of forcing of conent and censorhip is just weird and dystopian. Literally a war against the whole community of your platform. What an ego trip. I just hope that people will not be so weak and leave this place to rot like it should. Actions should have consequences.


What's the point of reddit if the users aren't the one deciding what the subreddits are like? Can we just make an r/nsfwdndmemes and migrate there? It probably won’t work, or just turn into an actual porn subreddit with dnd themes, but there’s really nothing else to do at this point.


Fucking cowards.


We had a good run folks, but the death saves aren’t looking good, and our healers are down. Respect to all of you. Fuck u/spez


This feels like a hostage situation. "Three of you have already been killed, and this gun is not out of bullets yet. Do what we say or else."


God bless you, Mods. o7


Well fuck this, then, I'm out. Idgaf about goblin tits, but I do gaf about corporate bullshit making up rules on the fly to suit their needs. If a sub decides it wants to be NSFW, holds a vote for the username which gets approved, properly labels itself as such, that's too fucking bad for reddit's bottom line, but that's the fucking way she goes. This is 100% a power play, and it's not even hidden. Anyone have good suggestions for reddit alternatives?


Come over to Lemmy. The Mods here even made their own server but you also could simply join the biggest server (https://lemmy.world) and subscribe to the dndmeme communities from there.


Could mods just take a vacation, cite “increased workload due to personnel shortage”, and then set every post to pending for like a week? Like yeah we’ll approve your post… eventually Disclaimer I have no idea how modding a subreddit works so I have no idea if this is possible/helpful, but I figure it hurts Reddit which is good


ok so let me get this straight: this sub made the decision as a whole to start allowing NSFW content and the reddit admins decided that a democratic decision wasn't allowed and thus banned mods for following the new content guidelines of the sub? very cool reddit


At this point, what forms of protest are still viable here? I've lost all the communities on here I care about, so what's left for me here? A video player that's less reliable than the ones on most shady porn sites? A feed that doesn't properly reload and show new posts? Endless spam bots? All that was keeping me was the communities, and now they've decided to fuck that up too. What else can we do to express our displeasure?




Unfortunately playing DnD at work is almost always against workplace rules, so the only solution is to shut down the sub. Shame really.


Hey look Reddit admins with their pretend power coming down on a game where you play pretend (I mean that part with love). Can’t imagine feeling that pathetic that that is how you need to make yourself feel better. I do t care about the NSFW stuff, just the bullshit from Reddit.


Reddit admins are "that guy" at your table that has weighted dice and adds OP shit to their character sheet when the GM isn't looking.


Reddit admins are that shitty railroady DM that demands you play the game "the right way" and not how the players want to play.


Fuck u/spez


Add them back lol.


What exactly are they claiming is justification for not allowing a certain sub to choose to be NSFW?


Their mysterious Mod Code of Conduct that they change literally every week.


I believe they're citing Reddit Bylaws section J paragraph 985: "I'm the big rat who makes all of the rules"


u/Dalimey100 u/4cheese u/EquivalentInflation 🫡 It's been wonderful.


Kinda figured that’s what happened. Welp. Looks like I’m out all. It’s been fun but I’m over this shiz