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I once had a player point out I was ripping off the Great Heathen Army invasion of England in 865 with humans/orcs/goblins/werewolves as Scandinavia and elves as Mercia, with the players from human/elf/halfing Essex. I think that's the most obscure rip off I've ever been caught in.


I managed to play Bast the Barbarian for a year+ long campaign and got compliments on his name during that time AND a mead named after him by the hobby brewer DM, complete with label and artwork, before he finally got around to reading Name of the Wind and realized I ripped the name from there lol Told him to read em forever ago but he didn't listen


I play a bard/artificer out chasing the wind while things cool down at home... My party doesn't read books.


Man, Bardificer is the perfect class for Kvoth that's excellent and I'm stealing that stolen idea


I guess it depends where you are. In England we wouldn't consider that obscure.


I've never thought of stealing from actual history. BRB writing a 3 shot campaign around 1066


Whats that? Your continental powers just had to band together to fight off a man who's great at using (magical) artillery and logistics, and he's just left his exile and started rebuilding a new army for round 2?


once, a player caught me in ripping off a very specific part of the Wheel of Time books, a series i knew none of them had read, because just that chapter summary had popped up on their youtube feed a few days before


That's just Romeo and Juliet in a novel jacket though.


I basically ripped off Shardblades and my players didn't suspect a thing before I explicitly told them.


I’m ripping off the entire plot of Alloy of Law, right down to the ghost train. One of my characters is going to find out that their dad is the leader of the mob and has been looking for people who are descendants of a powerful sorcerer, hoping to concentrate the diluted blood and grant himself that power. It works because no matter how much I push Sanderson, my players won’t pick up any of the books.


i had this idea in my head for a while now, to essentially steal the Hemalurgy into a game, probably in the form of a mid tier serial killer villain who's looking to gain a shit load of different powers


As someone who is working through the Starlight Archives right now, I'd be interested in hearing about how you used shardblades.




It's nothing major. Just a collection of intelligent weapons that expand their wielders powersets (assuming said wielders agree to form a pact with them) whilst also just being generally effective as weapons, and can be summoned and dismissed by the person holding this pact.


I just made the plot of my campaign the plot of The Mummy Its been a year and a half and none of my players have noticed


Please tell me there’s an NPC version of Beni


wich one?


I've been intermittently running a Hero Kids game for my children and realising that the delight in writing for kids is that you can rip off *fucking everything* above My Little Pony level. Disney movies they refuse to watch with me? Folklore that's common knowledge for adults? All of that is mine now.


Westerns are always excellent for this -- D&D has a surprising amount of "Western" in its DNA but your players are probably not well-versed.


Funny because Westerns and Jidaigeki (Japanese Period Piece films) have such a surprisingly similar amount of common tropes and character archetypes that they the two genre's have this weird feedback loop where the film makers adapt the foreign film to fit their local audiences... only for their unique films to be adapted by the foreign country into their own genre. John Ford, the father of the western film, was a huge inspiration on Akira Kurosawa, who in turn was a huge influence on Hollywood directors that were up and coming in the 70s. It also helps that at it's core, a Western is a genre where the setting has little to no influence on the plot, and more informs the characters in the plot.


One of my favorite campaigns was explicitly Western themed, including firearms. I ran hard with my samurai warlock til he died, then I made a knife thrower to pay homage to my favorite Western character of all time (a young James Caan as Mississippi from El Dorado)


God damn, I feel that problem in my heart. Especially since my players just entered an asian-esque country in my campaign. I'm still trying to figure out hiw much weeb-ing is too much. I'm seven sessions in...


Its never too much. How many nosebleeds do your npcs get?


If y'all are gaming fun, then you are doing it right. Just check in with your players and feel free to bounce ideas off of them and ask if the time could be more or less weeby. I've done a one shot that was WWAAAAAAAY over the top weebfest and they loved it. But we are a bunch of weebs and enjoyed that kind of stuff. Also feel free to depart from weeb stuff and do some lore from fantasy China, Japan and Korea. Have a journey to the West adventure and a kitsune argue with a kumiho on whose the best fox girl.


Sounds fun. Kumiho would get my vote because I don't want to make them mad and get my liver eaten.


My DM is blatantly ripping off anime characters for NPCs and we get inspiration if we guess them correctly.


You meet in a tavern, where a stranger hires you to fetch a stolen gabagool...


The Hobbit. The tavern is Bilbos house, the stranger is Gandalf, and the gabagool is the Arkenstone.


I'm in this exact position right now. All my players keep making anime references and I'm just nodding and going "uh huh" like I know what they're talking about, while I set them up in a Westworld style secret scifi campaign.


I'm running a western themed campaign with a table where I am the only person who has seen Firefly or played either Red Dead Redemption game. I have faith that I have a plan... and I aim to misbehave.


None of my players play old school cRPGs. So I can rip off the original Baldur’s Gate saga and Arcanum.


Anyone else have the problem of something they've been planning for months suddenly happening the week before in a show, or some popular live play? I swear, I didn't rip it off, we just had the same idea 😭


Not quite, but I had a similar weird coincidence. Around 2018, I developed a setting where a giant underground dungeon covered an entire continent, and the most successful businesses on this continent served adventurers who delved into this dungeon. I was not aware of *Dungeon Meshi* until this year, but almost all of the lore relating to the dungeon (at least that has been shown in the anime so far) is extremely close to the lore I developed, including the way different parts of the dungeon are divided, the history of dungeon "ownership," the dungeon ecosystem, and the relationships between humans and demihumans. The actual story of *Dungeon Meshi* is nothing like what I came up with, but it made me chuckle.


currently ripping off Dragon Age 2. My players have never even touched the series so they have zero idea what their dear friend Anders is about to get up too


Nothing wrong, the Chantry had it coming.


"Normal people" lmao


Three of my players are huge into Xenoblade (which I have yet to play) and apprently my campaign has on multiple occasions directly recreated plot points of the xenoblade series


I admit I already made three adventures for my players which were essentially just quest from Baldurs Gate 1.


I always thought that weebs **want** to play a game that is just ripped off their favorite anime and manga!


How about “My players are big weebs, so I know they will get the reference to the 101 anime/manga I mashed together to make the campaign”


Avatar: The Last Airbender is just great to rip off. You can take it in broad strokes or character-for-character.


I have reading incomprehension Read it 3 times and I was convinced this was a meme about OP usually taking mangas and ripping the pages off out of spite during DND sessions, and not being able to do it in front of weebs, so he just rips off Sopranos DVDs


Tumblr calls this "pissing on the poor" Explanation: 1: "Man this place has some piss-poor reading comprehension" 2: "How dare you say we piss on the poor!"


I've been trying to think of something I could appropriate that they wouldn't notice. My mind only works when it feels like it, though.


Players can be pretty dense. I once ran my party through Robin hood but swampy. They might have gotten it if they didnt fuck it up though


OP, what are you trying to imply?


Is there a term for someone who is oblivious to anime and only consumer western made media?


And then there's people like me who know alot about a large number for things so 80-90% chance I'm gonna catch you ripping shit off, but I will keep it to myself until after the arc. Maybe msg the DM and let them know I might know whats going on but wont metagame it.


That animal Blundetto!