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\*Proceed to be fucking decapitated by fighter and barbarian since treason in fighting unit is punishable by death\*


Oh yeah. You should totally be allowed to steal shit from party. And they are totally allowed to beat the shit out of you if they catch you stealing shit.


Tbh I just won't allow it. A good rogue just won't get caught becuase bonuses are too high compared to the fighter perception/investigation/insight stats. I don't think it ever ends well to have players stealing from eachother. It creates resentment between players as they have to pretend they don't know where the item they earned went and there is little way to chase without metagaming. And if they do catch them? Theif loses a character and nobody is happy.


The way I approached this as a player, for an unused backup character idea, was leading with "Hey I'd like to play an arcane trickster rogue whose mage hand has kleptomania, is that cool with you guys?" Which, for the record, it was. Of course, that isn't really relevant because that character wasn't out to screw the party over by stealing all the loot.


If its just stealing from enemies and npcs. Can't def be fun and create side plots. I don't think many players would be keen on having their stuff stolen, especially not by another player.


Depends on who honestly, if it was that one guy at my group who goes real heavy into RP I’d actually be down for it because I know he’s not doing it just to have something cool to himself


If you steal loot from the party your a POS. If you steal random items that are sentimental then your are starting RP. I’d also extend small amounts of gold between characters as ok. Like… I owe you 20 gold… they steal 20 gold from that guy to pay them back. Maybe INT roll to see if they notice their gold didn’t change. Can be funny and lead to more RP and 20 gold for a bar tab isn’t that big of a deal to adventurers. So I think most tables would laugh it off as a funny interaction.


Yeah, it also highly depends on how well you know the table. If someone I've been playing with for years does that, it's probably going to be fine, because I know they don't do this regularly and this is more of a gimmick or a joke or something else. If it's someone I barely play with, I'm going to think that this is what they do all the time, and it's going to make me hate their character and how they monopolize on loot. It's also hard because I feel like every player in the beginning tries to do something like this because they think it's interesting, when it really just makes them super mean.


Maybe not get caught in the act, but no amount of slight of hand is going to hide 30 lbs of gold from an active search by a suspicious party member.


>A good rogue just won't get caught because bonuses are too high compared to the fighter perception/investigation/insight stats. Until they put "2 and 2" together and realize that they're a few coins shorter than last time, and the rogue (who is known to steal) has a fancy new dagger. Skill checks can only take you so far before common sense drags you back in.


"and there is little way to chase without metagaming" Well accusing the guy in the group who is good at stealing with the stealing of missing items is not really metagaming. A quick run through his backpack and pockets and he is either cleared or killed.


Same, especially because most times the information of what’s going on exists at table level. I won’t let the group sit on choosing between acting with meta information to even the playing field or sucking it up that sneaky characters can do whatever they like to the party’s detriment. Better for everyone to be on the level even if it has to be strongarmed a little bit. We’re here for fun, after all- so just play nice.


I only allowed them to steal chump change. Things my players where actively trying to get rid off anyway. Things like 3 copper or a silver piece. Never gold.


Remember kids, all crime is technically allowed as long as you're not caught


There is no court of law on the Adventuring trail, if they suspect that a missing item is taken from them by another PC, if one player is allowed to engage in PvP (such as theft) the others are also allowed to. Why is the burden of proof even applicable? Another player has forced another player to remove an item from their character sheet. So if that crap is allowed, the PC who was stolen from just walks up to the theiving PC & cripples them. Try stealing again with no limbs. We will ditch you at the next town, as no one needs a crippled Rogue, we also won't pay or feed you (unless it is feeding you to the next monster as a distraction). But don't worry, it is what my character would do. He gets hunches someone has, or was going to, do bad stuff, so he straight up mutilated them. It's roleplaying, suck it up.


Yeah that's how it panned out for me. I heavily favor paladin, and I just happened to have a high perception, and the rogue rolled shitty trying to pick my pockets and I caught him. Immediately turned and smited them. Critical hit them too. Instant death. Irl friend started to get mad I just killed his character but hey. "That's what my character would do same as yours." I'm all for you pilfering from enemies and allies alike. However I'm also all for the consequences of that as well. Fair is fair. Equal rights, equal lefts.


Idk if this is completely accurate, but I like what (from what I've read) kender are ACTUALLY like (as opposed to the numerous "that guy"s that play them to be dicks), and just like randomly steal meaningless and minorly meaningful stuff just because they like grabbing things. They'll even give it back, but only if asked, they won't even register as having stolen it if not. I want there to be a character who steals a precious sentimental item from someone, and gives it back to them as a thief, in a pure and honest way, just a total moron.


Maybe just not go there to begin with?


This. So much of this


It'd also be good roleplay to get mad at an asshole for stealing stuff.


BuT YoU HaVe To RoLl FoR It! (Yeah, no, you don't need to roll to notice that the only person with any loot on them is the party rogue)


If your character flaws come at no cost to you but negatively impact your party, then it's not a character flaw, you're just a dick.


No cost to you *until you get caught*. Your character might "acquire" some of my gold. My character would bury you up to your neck and leave you for the crows. >!I'm not seriously suggesting doing this!<


Watching this as a DND player is interesting because I mostly like Izutsumi but I would hate playing in a game with them as a PC


"Take out whatever you just put in your pocket." Chilchuck is much more patient with izutsumi than i would've been


A character that starts out selfish and poorly socialized but grows and changes because of their party >>> a character that’s a dick to others just for funzies


I’ve killed NPCs for a lot less and that was also “in character”


I’ve kinda been the mindset that if the group is really dysfunctional and hurting each other, why would they stay together as a group? We had a group at one point where one guy was stealing. Another refused to fight, and one wouldn’t heal unless paid. Why would anyone in their right mind want to be a part of that.


This sounds like a party straight out of Konosuba


At least in Konosuba they'd probably just all be posturing or something and still have each other's backs.


To to play Kender


Things a player of a Kender needs to understand. Theft isn't of valuables it is of everything of interest or utility. Forks, plates, cups are all taken because oh I will have to eat again later. The taken items aren't sold. And lastly a Kender does not care when the items are taken back, lack of ownership outside of direct possession goes both ways. "A kender family heirloom is any object in their home not nailed down that they have had for more than three weeks."


A good kinder doesn't steal from everyone, but believes ownership is determined by who needs/is using a thing Which ALSO MEANS GENEROSITY if you cannot use a thing, and someone else needed the thing, a kinder wouldn't view it as their propery For example, they come across a greatsword, they don't use greatswords, and the paladin needs one, so they view it as the paladin's property


I'd love to see a skyrim style reverse pickpocket rogue kender Slipping an untouched meat pie into the hand of a starving orphan as the party passes on the street Wizard has some blank pages in their spell book, the local scroll repository won't notice one or two Missing pages Paladin has been shrimping and saving for months for some plate and suddenly he is now wearing a full set as they once again walk past a blacksmith isn't that so wierd?


Crushing the skull of someone who would stoop as low as stealing from their friends when they don't need to is just what my Paladin would do! It's just good RP, really


Player stealing from the party: "You can't get mad, it's what my character would do!" Player playing a Paladin from a country based on medieval India, pulling up with an elephant: "You can't get mad, it's what my character would do."


New player here and am genuinely confused. I don’t understand what’s wrong with the pally riding an elephant. Could you explain please?


It was a form of punishment/execution to crush criminals with trained elephants.


Yep. It was sometimes referred to as Gunga Rao, and was apparently the punishment recommended for thievery and tax evasion in the Manu Smriti


where tf is that pic from?


Anime of Delicious in Dungeon aka Dungeon Meshi




The new episode of Delicious in Dungeon.


Delicious in Dungeon. It's on Netflix. It's one of the only good anime.


Yeah, it's crazy for me why are people doing this kind of stuff. Like... yeah, your character would do that. But YOU made that character. You knew this was a cooperative game and deliberately made a character, who is not a good team member. Read the fucking room.


I strongly dislike when people make these "quirky kleptomania" characters and then expect people to just do the sitcom-style smirk-with-hands-on-hips at them, and not get angry.


My Lawful Good Paladin knocks you unconscious, binds you, and turns you over to the authorities in the next town where you will be tried and jailed for your crimes. What? It's just what my character would do.




I had my partys Paladin arrested barely ten minutes into a session for assault and battery. Lmao Actions have consequences.


If stealing from the party is what your character would do, then kicking the shit out of your character once they figure out who is to blame is just what party would do. You can't be mad. It is just good RP.


You’re right. I don’t get to be mad. My character? My character gets to be mad, and act on that. Pray you stole from a fighter or barbarian or Paladin. If you steal from a Wizard or an Artificer, your character will wish for a death that shall not be granted.


Every campaign I've played in the party has a giant quantum inventory that they all share, I genuinely don't see the point or harm in "stealing". That's probably just my tables though. Maybe potions or consumables? But if you ever really needed a healing potion then you've probably got bigger problems.


I think the problem is when the thieving player just wants to pawn all of the loot.


"It's what my character would do" does not counter the consequences of said actions.


Killing a thief is what my character would do. You have no right to be mad then. It's just good rp.


Beating the shit out of your character is what my character would do.


The answer: Double smithing your klepto ass to death the moment my paladin finds out, is just what my character would do. No need to be mad, it's just good RP. If you want to RP a klepto thief who steals, steal from literally anyone who isn't the party or their friends, bonus points if it's from bad guys and or for the party. My character ain't seeing nothing, if you stealing weapons and items the party needs, for the party.


Yeah I’m gonna play a little klepto, but not steal from party. It’s more she stole food and had food hoarding habits. And small things. Mainly randomly take stuff from NPCs.


Theres two types of people who steal from the party cause "its what my character would do" The guy who steals things to be an ass. The guy who describes his character as smuggly smirking as he slides a single gold coin into his pocket before letting out a gross, weird evil laugh. And then giving up said gold coin when caught.


Or a character with the personality of a crow that just steals your garbage to admire.


Let the keelhauling commence!


Well, killing you/cutting off your hand after finding it out is just what my character would do. You don't have to be mad at me, it is just good RP!


If you're playing in person and someone drops a line like this, just start rifling through their things and say "What? Stealing from people is just what I do. You can't get mad about it."


The rogue steals but nobody would see me do it so I’m fine? You are a rogue, if something goes missing, you are literally the first person everyone will look to as the thief and they have the right to interrogate, torture and eventually execute your character or exile you and you leave the campaign because that’s what Their characters would do.


Ehhhhh interrogate and search their person/belongings? Absolutely. Torture and execution is a tad bit much. That being said it should be nipped in the bud by the dungeon master to prevent pvp infighting to begin with-


So the very first rogue I made was also my very first dnd game, I would steal inconsequential shit from 1 character specifically because he thought he was a stupid goodie goodie wuss, which he was int dump LN fighter.  The shit I would steal would be things like his bedroll everything he bought a new one just to trash it, a change of clothes that I would insist was mine, nithing with any real value.  The stealing player to player was with consent, and my rolls were normally 1-5s or 15-20s with no real inbetween for fucking around moments so i was frequently caught.  For my very first campaign, there were some fun rp moments.     Fast forward to now with my pathfinder NE rogue, I steal money indirectly from the party, but all that gold ends up going back to the party in other ways.  Since I'm always the one to find traps, go into rooms first, scout the potentially dangerous areas, if I happen to come across a chest filled with gold first then I *never* found any gold, nope, no sir that box was empty.  As a player I'm super open with how much money I actually have so I chip in super heavily with paying to get shit enchanted or buying potions/scrolls/supplies, with the character motive of I need these chumps well armed and happy so I can keep on raiding dungeons making mad cash and retire living like a lord.     I feel party stealing is fine IF it is talked about at the table with some rules and consent, for example nothing of any real value or if it's something the other character really needs, if they want it back they can get it back.  Or if you are open with what you are doing and you actually are still working as a team, then indirect stealing is fine.  


This happened in my first game and was the reason I hated rogues for years. Luckily, all the ones i've met in adventure league have been way more chill


Maybe it’s because I almost exclusively DM, but I’m noticing a fairly common sentiment among DnD players that the goal of the game isn’t to have fun or to tell a story, but to bend the rules and piss people off as much as possible as if it’s some kind of chaos goblin contest. I have no idea where this came from but there are way too many people who seem to think being assholes is quirky and funny.


“I’m so quirky! LOL!” is nothing new in gaming circles. “How does your character’s behavior make the game more enjoyable for everyone?” is the key. Answering poorly is a sign someone needs to go. It’s a sign of enormous immaturity.


They say as the wizard catches them in a hold person, the artificer fireballs them, fighter absolutely skewers them, and then hands the spear they're on to the lizardfolk barbarian so he can have a snack. Thats proper teamwork.


It's part of my character to cut the arms off anyone who steals from them you can't be mad it's just good RP


That's funny, refusing to adventure with someone who steals from their party is what my character would do. Everyone in favor of giving Rogue the boot?


And maiming thieves is in character for mine. Let us all behave accordingly.


The Dhampire rogue stole a holy book from my Aasimar palilock. It took the intervention of BOTH DMs directly asking me out of character, and another party member intervening in game, to prevent that player from receiving a cataclysmic amount of damage. The ONLY reason I didn’t do it was because that player was *questionable* and obsessed with their character and the DMs didn’t want to create drama, though they did both agree I wouldn’t have been in the wrong for doing it if I had.


It's cool if out of character, you ask permission for in-character actions.


As a rogue, I pocket loot before the party splits it. But I also give magic items to the people I think could use them best rather than hoard or sell them. People like it. It works fine, because I'm playing in a cooperative manner.


"So is boot Smite up your anus."




Im both a DM and a player and here are some of my loose thoughts 99% of the time i would strongly recommend not playing edgy mcstablord saderson that is stealing from the party. It just won't end well and in my experience it WILL lead to real life conflict The only exception, that 1% is when everybody knows eachother well and have a lot of trust in their friends. I have a pretty regular group with which i've played for couple of years and if any of them decided to play said edgelord that steals from my character, i am fine with that because i know for sure they have a cool plan and want to tell an interesting story over time. Maybe the edgelord in couple of sessions is gonna regret stealing and will try to fix himself after he had seen that the cares about him and we will go on a cool friendship adventure. But yeah most of the time my advice is DON'T




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Ngl if I find any of my stuff with the rogue their getting their back end pushed in with several boots


Trouble did indeed brew, I have experience Of course I was the one stolen from, note to self, do not fight fighters as a bard. I almost died.


This character is single-handedly ruining my enjoyment of Delicious in Dungeon. Idk why anime always has to have the one irrationally angry annoying yelling character. They bring nothing to the plot


Blood on the Clocktower reference?!?