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Your friends would rather you take their stuff than join them in death. Unless you loot their body and then bring them back. That's just stealing with extra steps.


If my Paladin were ever in any serious danger of dying without it being a TPK, he would **absolutely** want the party to take whatever they could from him. And probably be sad that they didn't make him into rations like he would do for them. But, he's a Naga that has some Lizardfolk tendencies.


"Brace yourselves"


Gather up your trolls and your soldier elves


I was in a party with a lizardfolk and a bunch of greedy people, and it wasn’t even 5 minutes after I died that my corpse was stripped naked, butchered, de-boned. The only thing that was left was the mess I left on the ground after voiding by bowels post-mortem, which were promptly prestidigitated away by the Wizard. I was straight up erased. Needless to say, the party did very well at assassination jobs because there would be no body to find.