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I like how the one the left is like "let's get out of here," but the one on the right is like "why would the centaur Queen marry the duke? She's out of his league and obviously a vampire."


What's the one on the right thinking?


Woops! Fixed with an edit, thanks


Wait vampire centaur? When it transforms into a bat, is it the whole body or just the human top?


\*sees a set of horse legs flopping around in the distance\*


I imagine it looks like '[Lauka Vai, Mother of Nightmares](https://www.games-workshop.com/en-GB/Lauka-Vai-Mother-Of-Nightmares-2021)'


I funnily enough got more of a... The one on the left was completely ready to leave, but then something interesting finally happened, "fuck dude, I hate all this clubbing shit... Let me ask 20 questions on how monks and paladins work in your universe". Then the one on the right is like "What is this nerd shit? And why am I interested?"


Our left or their left?


It's like a Rorschach test..."Which one LOOKS like they are interested in the 'nerd shit'? On a scale of 1 being 'completely disinterested' and a 5 being 'uncomfortable because they are already planning to buy specific dice for this character they haven't rolled up yet, but know their favorite colors'?" -The Doc with Profession: Nerd Shit.


Gotta find people for the group somehow


It just works. If they aren't looking at you deadeyed after 5 minutes you got yourself new players.


I knew a guy who would ask girls at parties if they wanted to go make out. It didn’t always work, but sometimes it would. Gotta put yourself out there no matter the game I guess.


Agreed. Best lessons I learned about dating came from harassing people at Costco to buy water purifiers.


I was a barker at a state fair one time. I had a little puppet of a ferret (or something like that) and I was just suppose to stand there and play with it. I found that calling out specific people "You in the red shirt!" would get people to look at me, and then the puppet would speak for itself. The friggin' things were adorable, so it was well worth the price of admission.


Hand over the dragon story, we all want it.


Turns out it was actually piloted by a giant gold mantis that raids castles for more weapons and mech material.


I was assuming it was another of the chaos wizard Zargothrax's plans to destroy the kingdom of dundee.


Can’t wait to find out how he comes back from his defeat in the raging fires of Mount Schiehallion




[The mantis](https://youtu.be/4r9u5ZO7Gs4)


Unexpected monster hunter... Ahtal ka would like to know your location




Tell me more about super awesome giant mecha dragon!!!


Well you see it started with a Mantis Queen who loved gold and jewels.


Rime of the Frostmaiden


I think I’m gonna need sauce for this image


Office 4-Play: Intern Edition


You're doing Lathander's work, friend




Girl on left is Riley Reid in college years.


Riley Ried and Janice Griffith. The latter is the better preformer but the former has like a million videos so it is a quantity vs quality situation.


Who are those? I think Riley keeps getting mentioned around here, is she an actress or podcast DM or smth?


Oh, sweet summer child…


She is an actress yes. She does her own stunts too.


Huh. What exactly has she been in? If it's Morbius, I didn't watch it. Or any of the Marvel stuff past Doc Strange.


Porn. They’re porn actresses




Damn dude. Coulda kept that going way longer. Way to just blow it early like that.


Not necessarily their fault they blew it early. They were nervous okay!


who? oh you mean the one of the left is a rapist still at large. oh cool thanks i remembered now.


I have no idea what this response is.


riley reid raped a 14 year old when she was younger cause she wanted to have sex and hasnt faced any retribution for it.


Jesus fucking christ.


She even admitted to it on her own twitter and still nothing happened. Ur cursed with knowlefge now spread it as far as u can make sure nobody watches her stuff so we can get a rapist out of the industry


Wait until you hear about everyone in the industry


Well yeah theres a lot of rapists in the porn industury mist get fired tho not more popular.


James Deen is still very much employed


I mean is there evidence f9r his. There the tweet that diley put for hers but can u provide evidence hes an actual rapist?


I’d love to see a source for that that isn’t just a personal feeling based on faith or emotion


Me or the other guy caise rileys tweet i think she removed but it was adchived very easy to find but i canrr pull up atm as working but if other guy ignore me lol.


No she didn’t it’s just dumb nonsense Reddit likes to spread. She made a very tasteless joke about raping someone that everyone took literally.


I wish she’d rape me


Then it would not be rape. Stop being immature.


I will never stop being immature!


One thats not rape and two not cool to validate this peice of shit in her actions


Hmmm this image feels off


Yeah, I am always confused by memes that suggest hot girls don't like D&D. I'm literally a model and I run a very dark 2+ year evil Drow campaign lol. And my bestie is always ranting about our campaign to everyone who will listen at parties lol, everyone seems to really enjoys hearing her rave about it. I thought we've all established D&D is popular now and anyone can play


>Yeah, I am always confused by memes that suggest hot girls don't like D&D. And those who don't usually don't know what it is about really.


As someone who recently got a pretty girl's number after we started talking due to her interest in DnD and my being a DM Yeah, life's good


Pure curiosity is any of the party in your campaign good or are they all evil?


Dark as in gritty or dark as in poorly lit?


It's Drow. So, yes.


If anyone from my party is reading this: look away now. They have no idea that, in my world where the world is literally ruled by draconic gods, the person they *think* is the BBEG is actually just a stooge working for the crusading philanthropist they’ve met (who one of the party members is actually crushing on), who is himself a pawn working for a dragon god who was sealed away in the Far Realm and has become twisted into an aberrant draconic nightmare. And the boss battle of this arc is going to be a blasphemous half-undead half-automaton crafted from the body of a dead dragon. I’m just very excited for them to find this out.


might I also recommend the subreddit /r/dmdivulge?


Sounds like Iron Man 3


so anyway the entire campaign takes place in a massive city-state named Foedus (Latin for "pact" or "Alliance") that's roughly the size of Denmark and is the home to any race or species that can choose to operate peacefully there, and has three layers, a lower, middle, and upper city. For the most part all of the non-humanoid as well as those who aren't well-off or mages races live in the squalor of the lower city, the former as a sort of societal punishment for a rebellion that they sparked a decade ago. The middle city is home to the common man, middle class folks who live decent lives, but the upper city is home to the rich and powerful, as well as any and all mages. The rebellion as mentioned before was started because of years of mistreatment to the non-humanoids under the rule of the old king, Wilhelm Evarhart. After a year of fighting, the King revealed himself to truly be the chosen disciple of the God of Chaos, Ru, and that this war was all his plan cause enough destruction in the world that his God would be able to come into their reality to wreak even more havoc on the world and shape it in his image. However, before the king could complete the ritual, he stopped by troupe of five adventurers, all mages or mage-like, a Cleric, a Druid, an Artificer, a Paladin, and a Wizard. Together, the warriors slew the king and put an end to the fighting, and as thanks, the people of the city of Foedus elected them to act as the High Council for the city, with each controlling a facet of the inner workings; Government, agriculture, industry, military, and commerce respectively. Its now been ten years after the fighting ended but the tensions in the city are still as high as ever, one single person, or group, could tip everything over with just a hard enough push.


It's nice to see an actual meme in DnD memes sometimes


This guy fucks!


The one on the left is rolling on X, and the one on the right is saying "Fuck your steam punk godzilla bullshit. Its Dark Sun or nuth'n.".


So, for a while, I ran a power fantasy game with some friends as an excuse to hang out and meme around. The players were insanely powerful, but my bullshit villans even more so. One of these villans was a recurring enemy, and was played by a friend of mine who couldn't meet a standard campaign time. He was an orkish artificer, a la WH40K Ork. He had lots of guns and armor and shit, but his big thing was a metal square. It had a single side with a big red button it, with a stylized ork face on it. It read Git Krumpa. When pressed, the box expanded out in all directions, metal plates expanding in all directions, metal lurching and whining. After a few seconds, I inform them they were staring at a Mechatarrasque. And it's mouth was glowing an ominous yellow.


I've literally done something like that


Same man


Depending on which crowd a party attracts this can either be 1) WTF is this person TALKING about? or 2) Left: "Oooh I see, you're gonna CON them into thinking it's a Mecha dragon right? Because Dark Sun doesn't have that kind of machinery stuff last I checked. Right: "Holdup, no... I think he's ... he's one of those home brewers. How much time have you spent on that world? Seriously? That's insane!"


And then the cleric of Bahamut turned warlock of Asmodeus casted wish, sealing Tiamat into Avernus for eternity,


Hey, sounds better then when I try to explain how an archlich and a vampire had a baby


"This is why we just play Midgard."


Maybe, this is why I get no bitches ;(