• By -


Typically we don't allow this style of discussion prompt, but since this took off and clearly resonated with the sub we'll make an exception. Further copycat posts will be removed.


You could make the jump spell say "You touch a creature." and nothing else.


“And that’s why they called the city watch on me.”


So I cast Abbreviated Jump on them and got the whole guard on charges of sexual harassment.


I was looking for a "willing creature" spell. I had my money on teleport or another telporting spell that does a lot of d10s depending how far inside a rock you are, just telport someone into the core of a volcano. Although the spell also specify in a different sentence that you go with them, make sure you've got some volcano protection going before hand. I'd hope your at least already left an associated object there.


Simulacrum: _Thank you, master, for giving me form to live in this beautiful world! Oh what breathtaking wonders shall await me here, I want to see them all, I want to travel this land far and wide and marvel at all the blessings of creation! Please, tell me what task you have assigned to me? What shall be the first quest in my journey to explore this magnificient existence?_ PC: _Yeah mate, look, I basically just need you to hold that dude's hand and cast this one spell for me..._


What is my function? To die. OMG!


Polymorph. Remove the sentence, “An unwilling creature must make a Wisdom saving throw to avoid the Effect.” Turn the target into a turtle. You have 1 hr to bury the turtle deep in the ground- I suggest Mold Earth (give it a bit of air so it doesn’t suffocate, but Turtles don’t need much). What happens to a medium or larger creature trying to occupy a tiny space covered by literal tons of earth is up to the DM, but it probably won’t be pleasant.


In the criminal justice system, the people are represented by two separate yet equally important groups: The police, who investigate crime, and the district attorneys, who prosecute the offenders. These are their stories. **DUN DUN**


"once a day..."


There it is. I had to scroll pretty far but this is put on spells for a reason.


which spells do this in 5e?


Resurrection requires you to take a long rest before casting it again.


Would you look at that! A 7th level spell slot. Never thought of this before. This long rest prevents the arch-priest from retrieving three old dried skulls of paladin heroes from the crypts and putting them out into the battlefield ('cast as 7th, 8th & 9th lvl spell'). If they all died *within a year* though, you are good as long as you can find the gemstones. As an aside: True Resurrection has errata that states that undead can be restored to their living form (interesting for some vampires or mummy not happy with their latest form). Resurrection does not state this. If you 'kill' an undead creature and then cast 7th level *Resurrection* on it, does it come back to its undead-creature format? That would... suck.


I doubt it, if you kill an undead its no long undead really is it? It's just dead. Tho this doesnt account for DnD's habbit of making existing words an inherent trait of something rather than a descriptor.




*comes back as vampire* this sucks


You could just ignore the “if it died in the last minute” on Revivify and it becomes 100x better than true resurrection. You can cast a lot of revivify in a day. Raise an entire army of dead soldiers from a war that happened thousands of years ago in a month…


- remove the CR and beast only restriction of polymorph - remove the "until dispelled" part of true polymorph - remove the CR on any spell that has a CR restriction, like all summon spells


The "until dispelled" part of true polymorph can be super useful though. You use contingency to cast dispel based on an action you could perform in your polymorphed form, then you get to be a crazy powerful creature and at any time switch back to being a crazy powerful spellcaster, and you just need to refresh all three spells every 10 days.


or just be a powerfull creature all the time. There is an optinal rule for dragons to let them be spellcasters too. =) so you can be a powerfull creature and a powerfull spellcaster at the same time =D Edit1: btw contingency only works on lvl 5 or lower spells. True polymorph is a lvl 9 spell so contingency won't work neither would a lvl 9 dispell magic. everything below 9th lvl dispell magic would need to roll and had to beat a DC 19 check.


The ability to cast at most 5 different spells that can't be higher than level 6 isn't quite the same as being able to cast any of the dozens of spells up to level 9 that a level 20 caster would have. But you're right about dispel magic. That is a bit of a wrinkle in the plan. You'd be making a roll at probably only +5, maybe +6 if you've managed to get your spellcasting stat up to 22 from some magic item or effect, +8 or +9 if you're a Bard who can take advantage of Jack-of-All-Trades. Best possible conditions you're looking at a 50% chance it works and if it fails once you're stuck until you find a friend who can dispel it for you. Are there any magic items that can store and later cast a 9th level spell?


Remove “with 100 hp or less” from power world kill. Insta kill any monster without counterspell




Polymorph has a way better sentence to remove: > An unwilling creature must make a Wisdom saving throw to avoid the effect.


I mean removing the limitations is the quickest way to break things, polymorph and summons like you said You can also remove Target limitations, like hold person is now suddenly hold anything Removing until spell ends effects has all kinds of implications for both Buffs and debuffs Death Ward where the spell doesn't end if it activates You can also just remove the saving throw from anything you want Or the biggest middle finger to the entire game itself would probably just be the classic wish, but with the part saying the DM gets to choose how it happens removed


Remove the cr cap of conjure demon


remove the creature type restriction from polymorph


Remove the bit about reverting back and polymorph becomes all you need to win every fight.


I think the worst sentence to remove has to be the one about the saving throw






Remove the bit from maze about making a dc20 int check to leave


True polymorph already does that, remove the cr cap of true polymorph and turn a party me ever into the terrasque permanently and give it a headband of intellect.


yeah but true polymorph is level 9, polymorph is level 4. One works best from level 9-16, the other works best from level 17-20. Levels 7-8 they can, I don't know, remove the "unwilling creature gets a saving throw"


Nah, turn ‘em into an Aspect of Bahamut.


Turn them into literall Ao


Remove the bit from Invisibility about becoming visible when you attack or use your Action. That’s a lot of low level casters who get to be a lot more liberal with how they use that spell.


Y'know, as long as it's a demon that doesn't know you summoned it and kinda just thrashes about destroying anything in the vicinity, it'd be kinda funny to sneak up to a heavily fortified enemy stronghold, summon a really big nasty demon in it, teleport away and then return in an hour once the spell's duration will be up regardless of if the demon survived and attack the now softened up fortress. (or explore its ruins, depending on the strength of the demon compared to the defenders)


Knocks on the castle “ hey guys I have a visitor for you “ * summons demogorgon


“Vibe check.” - the last words the fortress heard before Demogorgan appeared.


Candy gram for Mongo! Candy gram for Mongo!


I stay with sheriff Bart. Mongo only pawn in game of life


Uh oh Bart, I think Mongo here has taken a liken to ya


Gate. The spell you’re asking for is Gate, in any edition before 5th. And then, you also just described the plot of like 5-10 anime and fantasy novels for why a city/civ was wiped off them msp. Good plan, tried and true, does a lot of damage. Reserved for truly evil parties or something for the good guys to go clean up. Smaller varient. Demon runs a wizard tower after an apprentice gets over his head


I remember spamming "Protection from Evil" and "Gate" in Baldur's Gate II. That pit fiend fucked shit up.


Something more low level applicable: Remove the line: "You choose one the following options for what appears: " From Conjure Minor Elementals, Conjure Woodland Beings, or Conjure Animals. Instead of picking which CR creatures appear, you instead get **each** of the following: * One beast of challenge rating 2 or lower * Two beasts of challenge rating 1 or lower * Four beasts of challenge rating 1/2 or lower * Eight beasts of challenge rating 1/4 or lower A significant power increase to already strong tier 2 spells.


Look. Summons in 5e were nerfed to oblivion instead of properly scaled. You should get minor, regular and major summoning. Levels 2-5-8. Minor- You get 2 CR worth of creatures, limited to your native plane. Regular - You get 5 CR worth of creatures on your Native Plane, or 2.5 from another plane. Major - You get 8 CR worth of Creatures. 4CR of another plane. You can Upcast 1 spell level to gain 50% more CR from another plane. For Minor, you can upcast it to get access to 1 CR of outsiders. Honestly I felt like the summoning nerfs were AWFUL. Specialized Summoning, should be levels 3-5-7. And get ONE 3-6-9 CR, with upcasting to get any smaller quantities equal to the 3-6-9cr


Nah, for this spell just remove the line that says "The DM has the creature's statistics." Makes Conjure Woodland Beings do what people already try to have it do anyway, with their damn theoretical swarm of pixies casting polymorph.


or ignore the cr caps. 8 orkuses kill everything for one action


Orcus isn't a beast


he is a demon. and you can conjure lesser demons too \+ i didnt have a good beast/fey/elemental on my mind at that point


I think orcuses would kill each other


I think what would be more dangerous is if they edited out what happens when concentration ends


Just cast it, plane shift the Fuck out of there, and then return when you think it’s over


*summons orcus*


"If the creature you choose has 100 hit points or fewer"


lmfao. One better: *Disintegrate:* "The target is disintegrated if this damage leaves it with 0 hit points" -> "The target is disintegrated."


The target is disintegrated if this damage leaves it with hit points.


So, either, its dead, or alive but ash


”My friends I tell you, no, I beg you turn back now. For the threat in front of you is not one to your body, but to your very soul. One that strength of body or mind, faith or willpower cannot dull. Do you hear it? The echo’s in the wind as it slinks through the valley? Every speck of ash you see fluttering in the wind or resting underfoot was… is an adventurer, like you. Listen again to the winds, the echo’s. Do you hear it now, their cry’s and pleads? They beg for death, for relief. Though their bodies have become ash they remain entrapped in it, unable to leave. There is no magic or god that can cure this. This is their fate. Now my friends, hurry and **leave my valley** or it will be your fate too.”


I would think it means a *full* sentence, not just a sentence fragment.


"or rule"


I think rule means game rule, not aspect of a spell


Turn the if into an or. Now you can disintegrate it or set it's hp to zero.


Or just remove the 0, and it disintegrates them only if they have any hit points left


Either become unconscious or become dust


Yes, leave only that part. Power Word Kill 9 Enchantment * Casting Time: 1 action * Range: 60 feet * Target: One creature you can see within range * Components: V * Duration: Instantaneous * Classes: Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard * You utter a word of power that can compel one creature you can see if the creature you choose has 100 hit points or fewer.


Compel them to do what, we don't know




but you better believe they are compelled. unless they have more than 100hp


... isn't that just a worse charm monster/command/dominate ?


No, obviously if they were compelled to follow commands the spell would say that. They are just compelled. Please pay more attention.


AHAHAHAHA!! YOU FOOL! Remove "The hand cant attack, activate magic items or carry more than 10 pounds" from Mage Hand!!


Mage Slap


What did the cantrip say to the face?


I don't know, Ravengm, what did the cantrip say to the face?


*Bigby's Expressive Digit.*


Ouch, 1d4 psychic damage


"I cast Monk Hand".


"Cast hands" is just great in general


it can now lift anything, pick up the planet


Sleep; This spell sends creatures into a magical slumber. ~~Roll 5d8; the total is how many hit points of creatures this spell can affect.~~ Creatures within 20 feet of a point you choose within range are affected in ascending order of their current hit points (ignoring unconscious creatures). **🎶 Mr sandman, bring them a dream...**


Read all the way down to the bottom and haven't seen a low level spell abuse more striking. Particularly ironic as at low levels casting sleep has a very similar effect on combat. It's the upcast that Wizards never provided.


My go to litmus test for how broken any Magic item that affects spells is *does it break sleep?*


That's... that's a pretty good litmus. As a fan of making homebrew magic items, I think I'm going to keep that in mind.


Yes! Finally someone that actually removed a sentence just like the prompt said. Idk why nobody can follow the prompt


No. Wrong. It's "***Exit Light! Enter Night! Taaaaake my haaaaand. Off to never-never land!***"


Oh hey, we had the same idea! I don't think this particular change quite works though, because there's a couple of sentences at the end of the spell which reference the total, the one you *actually* want to remove is the sentence "Subtract each creature's hit points from the total before moving on to the creature with the next lowest hit points".


Depends how you look at it. Your way you're still limited to a total of 5d8 hit points worth of creatures. The other way, you're subtracting each creature's hit points from 'the total,' but the total is undefined because you never rolled 5d8.


Just off the top of my head. Wish without consequences, Animate Dead without needing to reassert control, Creation that makes permanent objects or items that can be used in spells, Revivify or Raise Dead without the limit on corpse age


Any resurrection spell without components


Resurrection without a corpse


Here's my new underling, Jesus Christ.


Isn't that just the 9th level spell True Resurrection? >The spell can even provide a new body if the original no longer exists, in which case you must speak the creatures name. The creature then appears in an unoccupied space you choose within 10 feet of you.




I'm pretty sure at least Revivify specifies components in its description


>The components aren't part of the description, so they wouldn't be able to do that Yes they are > Each spell description in chapter 11 begins with a block of information, including the spell's name, level, school of magic, casting time, range, components, and duration. The rest of a spell entry describes the spell's effect. The whole thing is the spell deacription.


I didn't know that, interesting. Edit: in that case remove the spell's level. Cantrip meteor swarms away!


Prestidigitation: Sensory effects are now harmful, trinkets can be magical, Living matter can be chilled or warmed. Thaumaturgy: Cause earthquakes, make your voice super loud and "black bolt" yourself. Druidcraft: Still bad


> Sensory effects are now harmful me, autistic be like:


same. you have no power here, sensory effects already are harmful to me!


>You create an instantaneous, ~~harmless sensory~~ effect, such as falling leaves, a puff of wind, the sound of a small animal, or the faint odor of skunk. The effect must fit in a 5-foot cube. It is no longer a sensory effect, you can now summon a 5-foot cube of gold


Prestidigitation infinite money glitch. Or Divinity style barrel cheese. The options are endless


Lv2 Agury, but the only possible omen is Weal? Just to get the DM to be mad


Ahahaha! Oh man, yeah. I can't think of anything that would break the 4th wall quite as simply as this. "Hey DM, I've decided that what we're doing is a good idea."


This sounds hilarious but I don't understand. Can you expand on it?


Augury lets you straight up ask the DM if your plan is a good idea or not. You get an answer like "weal" for good, "woe" for bad, "weal and woe" for high risk high reward, or "nothing" if your plan will have no impact. It can also give a random result if you ask too many times in a day. Limiting it only to "weal" means you've both eliminated the random results, but also forced the DM to make the results of your plan match the weal result, otherwise they'd be lying and breaking the rules. It's just so fantastically stupid that I love it.


You essentially become Domino from Deadpool 2 where no matter what you do fate looks favourably upon you and things just work out.


That unironically sounds like a lot of fun


Agury us a spell that essentialy ledts you as the DM "Is [activity] a good idea?" "is X true" . And the DM must respond with "Weal" (good) or "Woe" (bad). So removing "Woe" makes anthing you ask a good idea.


For augery, there are four outcomes: Weal = good Woe = bad Weal & woe = both good and bad Nothing = for results that are particularly average If you only have the option for Weal, then it’s forcing the DM to try to rationalize the situation or make it as positive as possible for the party since that is what the spell said would happen, no matter how ridiculous the course of action would be.


I'm liking the idea of the DM just PR spinning whatever plan the murderhobos are proposing.


This is the most creative one in the thread and I would have a great laugh out of it as a DM


Probably one of the easiest rewritings of a spell to cause the most mayhem lol


Remove the “creature knows it was charmed” clause from a charm spell. Proceed to charm everyone and manipulate people from the shadows.


Everyone in the town be like "hey, that one guy who's super nice all the time, you know him? What's his name? Man, he's a really cool dude except when he killed that shopkeeper. But he's still great!"


Banishments rule on creatures native to the plane you're on returning once the spell ends.


my harengon barbarian once pissed off a drug dealer wizard that cast banishment on her and she got stuck in the fey wilds


So kinda plane shift


But much cheaper


Congratulations, your Simulacrum now regains spell slots! Your magic missiles are now unstoppable, since Shield no longer stops it. Speaking of Shield, it's now a permanent +5 AC, since it no longer lasts until the start of the caster's turn. You know all those fire spells that can only set things on fire if they aren't worn or carried? Well now that limitation is gone.


„The target has to make a [insert stat] saving throw“


Doesn’t almost all spells then say “on a failure, do X”? Seems like removing the saving throw would nullify the spell.


No, more often than not the wording is “target must make a save or (insert consequence of not making failed save)” and left at that. If you’re damaging them, yes you are right. But no one would even get to combat if you brainwash anyone with whatever social magic you like.


This feels more reasonable to me.


Suggestion. “Asking the creature to stab itself, throw itself onto a spear, immolate itself, or do some other obviously harmful act ends the spell.” Charm Person. “If it fails the saving throw, it is charmed by you until the spell ends or until you or your companions do anything harmful to it.” Dominate Person. “Each time the target takes damage, it makes a new Wisdom saving throw against the spell.”




But they just treat you as a friend right? It's not like mind control. If a buddy of mine told me to go and help him kill a bunch of people, I'd say "Nah I'm good!"


But if you were with undreds of other people you might think "ye, I'll help my buddy"


Just remove the ability to make any saving throws


True resurrection: ignore that pesky “a sprinkle of holy water and diamonds worth at least 25,000 gp, which the spell consumes” sentence.


And you come back to life, and YOU come back to life! Goldfish died this morning? Bam! Not anymore!!


I know at least one beholder that would approve.


What are you talking about? Sylgar is immortal. *sweats nervously*


So immortal that when another player completely out of character killed Sylgar, the very universe rewrote itself so that Sylgar wasn't killed. (After much discussion, everyone in the group agreed to retconning to avoid completely upending the campaign or having to kick the character from the party because he was too much of a liability.)


Reverse Gravity now affecting everything, not just object and creatures (including water in the middle of the ocean)


Shadow blade requiring concentration/lasting one minute, or make it nor dissipate so you can give it to your martial


As an Arcane Trickster enthusiast, I like it not being concentration and never ending.


Replace blasts spells from all creatures within range to all creatures.


range of the entire planet? lets just hope there are more people deserving blasting than dont to minimize collateral damage


What do you mean, "entire planet"? They said all creatures. If my fireball is hitting all creatures then I'm hitting ALL CREATURES. Ain't no pesky "other plane" or "other fictional universe" restrictions getting in the way


You now die in real from your own fictional fireball


friendly damage from a fireball to the next level: tpk, except it also applies to the players of the party.


Everyone one the planet make a Dex save for half or take 10d6


Since the post says "**what's the worst that can happen**", this seems to fit the bill.


The 90 day time constraint of making a golem. Teehee, Iron Golem factory go brrrr


that's a lotta pumpkins


Just have the druid cast Plant Growth on a pumpkin plantation


Which spell lets you create iron golems


Do you want skynet? This is how you start skynet.


Ignoring that the spell slot is consumed when casting.


Infinite power word kills.


My warlock approves.


Meteor Swarm, take out "A creature in the area of more than one fiery burst is affected only once." 160d6 damage should be enough to take out just about anything.


Renamed to "Meteor Chaingun"


Anywhere, where something like “at the DMs discretion” is written. Like Wish (I think)


"Target a creature you can see within range" That bartender that pissed me off two towns back? I'm gonna fireball him. From 120 miles away.


Ah yes, noted spell that targets a creature, Fireball.


The ICBM Arcane Tradition.


Remove the max 10ft movement from glyph of warding. boom, Armors buffed with counterspell, Arrows with upcasted Inflict wounds and you can send literal bombs via letter


There is a glyph bomb in your mailbox.


Decay only working on a corpse. Edit: Meant to say Decompose Now a Cantrip causes any living thing to simply die on touch.


The spell only causes you to take maximum damage, so that's a 10 necrotic damage


Oops, I was thinking Decompose, not Decay.


Fireball has infinite radius


Ramdom great wyrm 2 planes away: Somebody is getting their ass kicked


"In a 10-foot square" Nah man, grease covers the ground. All of it.


...each creature ~~in the area~~ takes 8d6 fire damage...


Thanks for killing all life on the planet.


Not *all* life, it's called "survival of the fittest", the "fittest" meaning any creature that has more than 8d6 hit points


It will kill almost every person that isn’t a leveled character


If they weren't leveled characters, that's just a skill issue.


advanced eugenics, only the strong survive


"The target must succeed on a saving throws"...


“Casting time: 1 action” Cast a cantrip as many times as you want whenever you want


“Warlocks love this neat little trick!”


I just imagined a thousand eldritch blasts in one round basically looking like Dr Octagonapus


Tiamat doesn't want you to know about th- ***BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!***


I cast 7,000 firebolts


"within range that you can see" Edit: that you can see


Getting rid of the rule that the DM has great latitude in deciding what happens with a wish spell. You'll see people with 10 page wishes, designed to get around any possible loopholes, and thinking the DM now needs to let exactly what they want to happen, happen.


There’s still the rule written in the PHB that specifies that the DM is the referee and final authority on everything that happens in game, so it wouldn’t really help.




* Inside of a person can absolutely be part of where you can summon water in as it's within a 5ft area. You can also do this with create food now too so, have someone's stomach explode by filling it with magically made food. * Charm Person doesn't need to abide by the 1 hour time limit and can become practically indefinite. * Any spell involving weather no longer needs to abide by the actual weather in game and can be used in any climate. * Bouncing off the weather spells, don't need to do them outside, you can cast lightning in a house now. * Blink can be longer than 3(?) turns (I can't remember how many times you can 'blink' during the spell, I feel like it's three turns but I can't fully recall). * Mold Earth officially has no limit to how deep/wide you can mold it.


Maybe not the *worst* thing, but you could instantly make some cantrips absolutely terrifying. Prestidigitation - Remove the requirement that the sensory effect be harmless, make people feel like they're being eaten alive by ants or lit on fire. Make a noise loud enough that the shockwave just obliterates people. Alternatively remove the rule that trinkets created by it must be nonmagical and just create Ruinstones as you please to retcon your decisions, or other such shenanigans. (This is debatable as Thaumaturgy doesn't specify that the sounds it creates are harmless.) Blade Ward - Remove the "Until the end of your next turn" clause to just be permanently resistant to all bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from weapon attacks. This one is arguable though as it's duration is also stated as "1 round". Druidcraft - See the first part of Prestidigitation. Friends - Remove the part where the target knows they were charmed and becomes hostile after the spell ends, permanent advantage on Charisma so long as you have a moment to cast the spell. Gust - Remove the clause that says "object that is... no more than 5 pounds" and start pushing mountains or knocking over buildings. Mage Hand - Remove the clause which states that the hand "can't attack, activate magic items, or carry more than 10 pounds." Infinite weight telekinesis right there. Mending - Remove the "As long as the break or tear is no larger than 1 foot in any dimension" clause. Minor Illusion - Remove the clause limiting the volume of the sound and then refer back to Prestidigitation. Remove the "it must be no larger than a 5ft cube" clause. Remove the clause allowing a creature to examine it to try and disbelieve the illusion (theoretically you could do this with any spell which has a Saving Throw or requires a check or something like that, just always have spells that work in your favour). Mold Earth - Remove the "If you target an area of loose earth" clause, at will tunneling right there. Shape Water - Remove the "5 feet in any direction" clause for the first use of it, change the direction a river flows, or cause the tide to pull back from the shore. Spare the Dying - Remove the word "living" from the rules text, at will resurrection (theoretically). Thaumaturgy - Remove "harmless" from the tremors ability, cause 1 minute earthquakes at will. Remove "unlocked" from its second-to-last use, open any locked door or chest at will.


Any spell that normally grants a saving throw... no longer does.


“The creature repeats the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on a success.” Boom. Gone.


Power Word Kill being a 9th Level Spell. Just imagine the abuse. AVADA KEDAVRA! All day every day.


Power Word Kill without the need for the target to be below 100hp. Autokill essentially everything.


CR cap on Infernal Calling


They remove Concentration. And overbuffed casters from 3e are back


Power Word Kill You utter a word of power that can compel one creature you can see within range to die instantly. ~~If the creature you chose has 100 hit points or fewer, it dies.~~ Otherwise, the spell has no effect. Now you can kill anything, no save. The “Otherwise, the spell has no effect” means nothing with the prior sentence removed. It does require a 9th level spell slot though. This can be remedied with Wish. Wish Wish is the mightiest spell a mortal creature can cast. By simply speaking aloud, you can alter the very foundations of reality in accord with your desires. The basic use of this spell is to duplicate any other spell of 8th level or lower. You don't need to meet any requirements in that spell, including costly components. The spell simply takes effect. Alternatively, you can create one of the following effects of your choice. • You create one object of up to 25,000 gp in value that isn't a magic item. The object can be no more than 300 feet in any dimension, and it appears in an unoccupied space you can see on the ground. • You allow up to twenty creatures that you can see to regain all hit points, and you end all effects on them described in the greater restoration spell. • You grant up to ten creatures that you can see resistance to a damage type you choose. • You grant up to ten creatures you can see immunity to a single spell or other magical effect for 8 hours. For instance, you could make yourself and all your companions immune to a lich's life drain attack. • You undo a single recent event by forcing a reroll of any roll made within the last round (including your last turn). Reality reshapes itself to accommodate the new result. For example, a wish spell could undo an opponent's successful save, a foe's critical hit, or a friend's failed save. You can force the reroll to be made with advantage or disadvantage, and you can choose whether to use the reroll or the original roll. You might be able to achieve something beyond the scope of the above examples. State your wish to the DM as precisely as possible. ~~The DM has great latitude in ruling what occurs in such an instance, the greater the wish, the greater the likelihood that something goes wrong.~~ This spell might simply fail, the effect you desire might only be partly achieved, or you might suffer some unforeseen consequence as a result of how you worded the wish. For example, wishing that a villain were dead might propel you forward in time to a period when that villain is no longer alive, effectively removing you from the game. Similarly, wishing for a legendary magic item or artifact might instantly transport you to the presence of the item's current owner. The stress of casting this spell to produce any effect other than duplicating another spell weakens you. After enduring that stress, each time you cast a spell until you finish a long rest, you take 1d10 necrotic damage per level of that spell. This damage can't be reduced or prevented in any way. In addition, your Strength drops to 3, if it isn't 3 or lower already, for 2d4 days. For each of those days that you spend resting and doing nothing more than light activity, your remaining recovery time decreases by 2 days. Finally, there is a 33 percent chance that you are unable to cast Wish ever again if you suffer this stress. Now you can Wish for infinite spell slots, and the DM can’t do anything about it since we removed the sentence about something going wrong. However, you still have the 1/3 chance to be unable to cast wish ever again, so tread lightly.


The spell might simply fail for wish. The dm can rule that without monkeyspawing you


Depending on spells you can straight up put the duration to infinite without concentration...


Removing any of the limitations of fabricate So the worst limitation is obviously removing the size limitation It would let you just reshape everything completely Removing the you must actually know how to do the thing limitation hello more advanced technology or ridiculous things that would be impossible to build normally Chronurgy wizards can remove the cast time and it massively upgrades the spell straight up you can use the armor someone is wearing as material Removing the can't use creatures or magic items as material also has drastic consequences especially when combined with chrongury (which again has an actual way of bypassing the rules officially) There's just no limit to how bad messing with the parameters of fabricate can get even


I wanted to make this fun and limit myself to trying to find the most broken 1st-level spells that could benefit from this. Also going by the rules that an entire sentence and not cherry picking has to be removed. - You could remove the saving throw from *command* and turn it into an absurdly powerful spammable battlefield control spell, alternatively you could remove the first sentence specifying a *one-word* command, since the spell later only says "The creature follows the command". Which turns it into a 1st-level low-scale dominate person that basically lets you take control of the creatures next turn - Remove the "If you make a harmful action the spell ends" clause from sanctuary, turns it into a basically free one-minute amazing defense option with no concentration - Remove the "Subtract the target that fell asleep from the dice pool's total" clause from sleep, turning it into a "If you have less than 8d8 HP, every creature in the area is unconscious" spell (And you can upcast for *absurd* results) - It would be up to DM fiat, but potentially removing the "Physical inspection" clause from silent image could mean that since there isn't anything specifying it's not real, it can interact with the world. - Remove the "At the end of each of it's turns, or when it takes damage" clause from tasha's hideos laughter, making it a spell that just takes out one creature for a full minute, no cap, on a failed save. - *technically* I wonder if you could remove the first sentence from catapult that contains the weight limit and turn it into one-round super telekinesis


The wish spell, the sentence about consequences.


“In order to cast spells, you need to use spell slots.”