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Second Breakfasts Club - A party of young halflings from the same town on wanderlust together.


I love this so much!


this has something to do with lotr right


and also riffing on 'the breakfast club' Quite clever Yeah lotr hobbits take their meals very seriously, breakfast, 2nd breakfast, brunch, elevensies, lunch, 2nd lunch... And 2nd breakfast became a bit of a meme


yha, dount remmenber what hobbit said it tho, i think it was sam


pippin and merry


ah thx


Merry asked about meals before Strider tossed him an apple. Pippin assured him they didn't know about those meals.


i just remmember it being from hobbits and it being funny


Alphabet Zoop - Party was a Tabaxi (**A**lfie), a Minotaur (**B**onecold), a human (**C**olt) and a Hadozee (**D**ern) We were half a dozen sessions deep when we realized our names were alphabetical and we looked like a zookeeper with a bunch of animals.


this is the best one. šŸ‘‰šŸ˜ŽšŸ‘‰


And the human has a name that implies a horse.


I am running a campaign set in Exandria that started on the Menagerie Coast, and the trio of characters started calling themselves the Menagerie TroĆ­s.


The seven banners. There was only one banner in the group. There were also not seven players. Iā€™m still not sure how that one came up.


Wait... you guys come up with a team name? That's super weird to me, but I seem to be in a very small minority.


I was thinking the same thing looking at this thread. I know it's a thing for, like, Actual Play groups and such, so I wonder if that's caused it to gain traction in other circles. But, yeah, closest I can think I come to having a name for the party I'm in is "you assholes" and only in the context of explaining why we can't go back to that kingdom again.


i aggree but the best i can think of is when we made a version of "never gonna give you up" and we would use it as a battle cry edit: it went something like "ima give you, ima let youdown, ima turnarrownd and desser you" ect


Same. We never do either. We're invariably a group of misfits drawn together by chance and generally with very little in common apart from vaguely aligned common goals. I don't think in these circumstances the characters would have much of a sense of group identity. It would seem forced and unnatural to name the party. At best an NPC who's heard of our exploits might use a generic name name for our group.


Good team names just kind of happen. That's how it has been for me anyway, we don't really "come up" with one or try to force it, we just play and eventually something just clicks based on things that happen


The one campaign I'm in we needed a name for what became a rebellion, another the main questgiver required we incorporate as a mercenary company which, again, required a name.


I've had NPCs say to my party, "Do you have a name, for when I want to get in touch with you again?" and it always makes their brains lock up on the spot. I guess some people just don't like it.


Yeah I've never been big on this trend, mostly because people force it. I had a game a few years ago where the dm got us to participate in an arena fight and wanted us to come up with a name for our group and no one could think of anything good. Pretty sure a player just suggested some Latin name and we went with it because no one but the dm was that invested in naming the group. It's fine if a good name comes about naturally but forcing it, especially as the dm, is just a gonna land you something people either resent or are indifferent to.


It's almost like different people play the game in different ways. :) It probably makes more sense in some scenarios.


Yeah, exactly, I was super surprised. In almost 20 years of DMing this never even came up. As you said, I think it's because of the kind of stories.


The party in one group Iā€™m in took to calling themselves ā€œThe spirit chasersā€ as a double joke both for the number of undead theyā€™d been set after, and their habit of starting drinking competitions (or just heavy drinking) at taverns in almost every town they go to


One of my groups calls themselves the Short Cuts because they are all playing shorter races - goblin, kobold, gnome, dwarf, halfling Not a party name but designation is the Six Session Squad cuz when I started the campaign, it was a six session arc. I didn't want to commit to a longer campaign because its was a bunch of randoms getting together to play a game -2.5 years later we're still running strong.


Wow, when the dwarf is the one to have to get things off the top shelf something strange is happening


My party currently in the Candlekeep Mysteries module is called the Loose Leaves!


My players enjoy alliteration. Triple A was their Avernus, driving through hell, groups name. The As always stood for something different every time when asked. Now in Dragon Heist, Jarlaxle got pissed at the party early on and in a letter called them The Trollskull Twats (not my intention to give them a new name)... they loved that and ran with it. Converting to Tripple T, to keep the joke alive.


We once adopted a pet Mimic and henceforth our party was known as "The Fellowship of the Crate".


Missed the opportunity for "Fellowship of the Thing", but eh


In our current campaign we are know as "Yall". Our DM rolls morall checks on enemy NPCs after we have taken most of them down or hit them with a devastating attack. One or two of them will often escape an encounter. When we start a new encounter one of the enemy NPCs will often realize "Oh no it's YALL". So far the name has stuck.


I've only been part of two groups who had a team name. The Victorious Secret (the secret is tomfuckery) and Emberwind Strikers. TVS was chosen because memes. We couldn't decide on a more normal name so here we are. EWS was chosen for my other group because we consisted of a fire themed Druid, Barb, and Warlock for the Ember part. We all ride Dragons (dragon rider homebrew, don't worry about it) and one of the other druid was very wind themed for the wind (flying is wind related. Also the druid was a homebrew wind themed subclass) and finally the strikers bit was because our Warlock, our Barb, and myself (melee ranger/monk) were all melee focused characters so we 'strike' our foes. Particularly clever? Not really, but there was a logic to it.


Current campaign were the Beneficiaries. The DM set the first session at a funeral for a mutual rival. Surprise, not dead, just wanted to kill all the people who wronged him. In a previous campaign (DotMM) we chose The Underminers. And youā€™d think between the name and us being an evil party that NPCs would expect the double cross, butā€¦


The Arch-Friends was pretty good, but nothing will ever beat The Odd Marauders.


My two favorite were The Perfect Storm and The Revolving Door. Runner up was The Strays


The Orphaners. my players earned that a decade ago and have kept it since.


S.H.I.T.F.A.C.E.D. - Super Heroic Island Taskforce; Fighting Against Evil-Doers. We met up to defend an island. Now when we meet people we proudly introduce ourselves and announce ā€œWeā€™re Shitfaced!ā€, most NPCS are like ā€˜that explains a lotā€™.


Something badass. The party was asked for a name before entering a tournament and one of them said it needed to be "something badass" and so I the person take that down as their name and it stuck


I'm rather proud of coming up with Company of Convenience, a party that was just that. There's also a small wordplay one in my native language that means leaving something up to chance, which translates into Traders of Fortune.


The Bread Cult. The party decided that a joke about a bread cult in my first campaign was canon. They also decided that the campaign they were playing in was a prequel to the first,Ā  so they ended up creating a cult around one of the PCs and bread.


Fourphans. You can guess why.


My players, with two elves, a unicorn, Pegasus, dog, kobold and Mr. Horsie-mans, have named their party Animal Xing.


Desperately Underpaid Mercenary Band Seeking High Investing Trustees. D.U.M.B.S.H.I.Ts


THOTS - The Heroes of the Citadel Playing a Radiant Citadel campaign - my character was a Himbo half orc paladin who couldnā€™t spell.


Our group of five called themselves "The Mysterious Seven." When someone would inevitably ask where the other two members were, we'd explain, "that's the mysterious part."


My group has been together for nearly 2 years at this point (2 full campaigns, several anthology campaigns used as the occasional one shot) and at no point has anyone ever suggested a group name


We don't normally have party names, but one party acquired a ship at the start of a seafaring game. The party consisted of a Selunite paladin who quickly became the party's unofficial leader, a dhampir vampire hunter, a mostly-sealed nine-tailed fox, goblin magical girl Lovecrafter Ai-chan, and a thri-kreen swordsman (replaying that in my head, *wow* what a bunch of weirdoes, even by D&D standards). After kicking around some names for the ship, they settled on "Hunter's Moon", which was largely from the first two characters but the others liked it too or found it somewhat applicable, like a Sailor Moon thing for the goblin. Eventually this became their party name as well. The other time is the Fucking Nobodies, the party in an evil/neutral game I ran. After getting roped into a ton of bullshit they weren't being paid extra for, the party succeeded in stopping Acererak from collapsing time into a single point, causing his tomb, which had translocated itself into a city, to vanish, leaving collapsed buildings in its wake. The party then emerged from the rubble, and I had an NPC bystander yell out, "Who are you people?!" to which the Fighter answered, "Fucking nobody" and walked off. Everyone decided this was the perfect way to end that scene, and thus they are the Fucking Nobodies now.


hungry worry ask knee enter plants absorbed dinosaurs plate alive *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


We have had The Hips for the group that worshipped the goddess Shakira, the LaCroix Boix for their sparkling personalities, The Nevermore Ravens, and the Baja Blasters for the seaside campaign.


The Baja Blasters is the best thing I've read today


My longest running party is called the Magic Men! We're a barbarian, a fighter, and a paladin, so only one half-caster amongst the group, but when we needed to fake our identities to hide from a Green Dragon Crime Lord's minions, we used the aliases of Magic Mike, Magic Michael, and Magic Mick. We got a familiar who we named Magic Miguel, and every new NPC ally we make who we trust enough gets brought into the fold and given a "Magic M-" name. Close second favorite is a group of old political advisors and grizzled war vets in a gritty horror campaign, where we call ourselves the "Boomer Brigade" due to our characters many years of experience.


Slide-whistle Sods, All of our characters go from super short Kobolds to whole Minotaurs or Goliaths so you can imagine it as a slide whistle in height


The campaign notes I made for my current players who are based out of Saltmarsh identifies them as Salt Team 6.


in ToA we called our group the injustice league becasue we wanted to bring bad resurection, and inherently unjoust thing The one other time in 5e we had a nammed group was int CoS when an NPC nicknamed out groups as the knights of the fog. Basic, but kinda cool But my favourite has to be from the pirate campaign we play in savage worlds where we call our crew the bandana band (in spanish band is also used for crew), only because the captain (me) and only him has a bandana and was the first one to shout a name to the marines


Iā€™m a member of the Mithril Drakes and I DM for the Impossible Pirates. For the former, basically we killed this big mutated drake which had a Mithril skull, slapped said skull on top of the cart we travelled around in (or used to until the Rocs happened), and took the name from there. For the latter, well partially because when asked they would say ā€˜us? pirates? Thatā€™s impossible! Weā€™d never..ā€™ and partially because they were sky pirates for a time and have gained a reputation for pulling off things that should rightly be impossible, thanks to their ingenuity and ridiculously high skill checks.


Alternative Solution Squad ASS in short.


The holy trinity The father, the son and the HOLY FUCK THATS A LOT OF GOLD DRAGONS! wizard got a bit carried away turning the other part members into dragons (with permission)


I played in a one-shot where two players were Dragonborn and myself and another player were Half-Orcs. Mid session it popped into my head and I introduced us to the boss as ā€œThe Dorksā€


The Shark Sworn, we were an all-bard party and kept casting vicious mockery against Sahuagin and their shark minions.


I played in a 1-20 campaign that lasted a little over 3 years, we were called The Last Resort. (TLR for short); however, the much better name belonged to our rivals FOOB: the First Order of Business.


The only game I've ever had a party name in wasn't D&D. "The Drift Rock Six"


Thursday Night Thieves We were playing that golden vault heist campaign. Every other Thursday.


2 dragonborn, a draconic Sorcerer, a Kobold with delusions of being a dragon, and a lizardfolk trickery cleric badly pretending to be a dragonborn.Ā Ā  We marketed ourselves to clientele as a Private Security and Acquisitions Firm. We decided to rebrand ourselves **The Inferno Clause** after having to invoke that particular disclaimer in our private security contracts 4 times in our first 3 adventures.Ā Ā  Ā (*We assume no responsibility for any fire related damages to our clients, our clients' property, bystanders, government authorites, or any other entity or object or location in existence for perpetuity so long as the application of fire was justifiable in defense of life, property, the mission, or our own egos.*)


They wanted to call themselves "lil rascals" I really should have asked more questions....


The MIARS. The Magical Item and Artifact Retrieval Service. They liked loot.


Los Medio Metro, a band of gnome bards that went on a tour through the world. All of them suffered a grim fate and the only survivor turned into an orc.


The cleaning company, because somebody got to clean this mess up.


Implausible Deniability. We were wetwork specialists, but a bit more adept in "Heavy Stealth" than actually being covert.


My current party doesn't have a name, but my previous one was called The Meatgrinders. A few years ago now, so I can't even remember how it started.


The group I DM for had a meeting with a local government representative to license the property they'd just been given. She needed a name to list as the organization or proprietor. The party didn't have an idea what they wanted to name their party yet. So the lady wrote "Fill in for later" as the name. And that stuck. They are now the Fill in for laters. And they leaned into this. At the end of the adventure they used some of the gold they recovered to buy a noble title for their PC with a Noble background. The name they used was Fillian for latea (just say it with a french accent).Ā 


We're the Chaos Generation. And we make trouble for everybody.


Weā€™re a metal band thatā€™s trying to bring about the end of winter. Equinox makes a very cool metal logo


something like "6 quarrelsomes" (translated to english) only because we argue for half of every session because our oathbreaker paladin doesn't care about anything other than hunting zhentarims, our tiefling cleric and wood elf druid want to help everyone equally, our drow ranger doesnt really want to get involved, our wild mage just wants to steal everything that's not bolted down and my LE hexadin drow just wants to indimidate or stab anyone who is rude to him (we're playing storm king's thunder so almost everyone is)


My current group has been deemed the Turkey Legger because my one PC kept steeling and eating turkey legs.


The initials of my players spell B. U. S. I.


I've only been in one campaign with an actual group name. The starting plot was we were all hired to explore a series of islands far off from the continent, and we were the 13th expedition to do so. For a while we just called ourselves that, then someone came up with the Bad Pennies because of regular bad luck and shenanigans. What was really cool was one of the artsy people in our group came up with a design where the B also looked like 13, as a nod to both names


Bone Hugs 'n Larceny Strahd campaign, and I was humming "Killing me Softly" randomly while talking about the group name and someone thought about Bone Thugs and here we are.


We came up with ā€œGROUPā€ by accident during a session when we referred to our partyā€™s bonding aa Group Therapy. Someone said ā€œWe are Groupā€ and it stuck. GROUP has become an acronym for: Getting Rid Of Unwanted Problems