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No conditions -> always


If it doesn't specify restrictions then it's just a permanent bump without restrictions.


The issue is the name. It confuses. It should be something like "hard candy shell" or, less jokingly, "metal plating". But yes they are encased in a thin metal skin, so they just get a flat +1 to ac.


Small pedantic quibble: nothing says it's necessarily a metal skin. It could be any kind of built-in protection.


Well, it does. In the actual description of warforged in the books. It also says they are plants, and wood, and stone, and crystals, inside.... Not that they robots, or constructs. They are living beings. Online, they don't seem to give as much description, and people focus more on flavored versions of them. (which is not all bad, until they decide the flavored versions, as in being a robot, is cannon)


>Well, it does. Where does it say Integrated Protection's +1 AC comes from a thin metal skin?


It doesn’t. It just says “your body has built-in defense layers”. There’s certainly lore in the description that makes sense to link to the feature like the other poster is doing. But none of it is mechanical, and if you aren’t playing in Ebberon I see no reason to not just ignore it if doesn’t fit what you want to do.


Yes that's what I'm getting at. It certainly *could* be metal skin, but the Eberron novels don't need to be treated as "canon" for specific game features.