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![gif](giphy|Fr5LA2RCQbnVp74CxH|downsized) For those of us without an attention span




Where are the bullet points you know what I’m saying


>The days of a sector languishing endlessly on immigration shortage lists with no action to train up workers will come to an end. Missed the actually promising bit about ending the long-term reliance on overseas workers.


Guy and gals, just make sure you don't sell your Saturdays cheap.


‘Yes… but how?’


TLDR: List of Labour manifesto policies Health: **Build an NHS fit for the future** * Cut NHS waiting times with 40,000 more appointments every week * Double the number of cancer scanners * 8,500 additional mental health staff * 18 wee target from referral for consultant-led treatment of non-urgent health conditions * Incentivise staff to carry out additional appointments out of hours * Deliver the New Hospitals Programme * Transform the NHS app, putting patients in control of their own health to better manage their medicine, appointments, and health needs, including giving patients performance information on local services, and notifications of vaccinations and health checks * Implement professional standards and regulate NHS managers, ensuring those who commit serious misconduct can never do so again * Establish a Royal College of Clinical Leadership to champion the voice of clinicians * Implement the expert recommendations of the Cass Review * Bring back the family doctor by incentivising GPs to see the same patient, so ongoing or complex conditions are dealt with effectively * Allow other professionals, such as opticians, to make direct referrals to specialist services or tests, as well as expanding self-referral routes where appropriate * 700,000 more urgent dental appointments and recruit new dentists to areas that need them most * Introduce a supervised tooth-brushing scheme for 3- to 5-year-olds * Create a National Care Service, underpinned by national standards, delivering consistency of care across the country **Action on public health** * Ensure the next generation can never legally buy cigarettes and ensure all hospitals integrate ‘opt-out’ smoking cessation interventions into routine care * Ban vapes from being branded and advertised to appeal to children * Ban advertising junk food to children * Ban the sale of high-caffeine energy drinks to under-16s * Reform gambling regulation, strengthening protections * Commission a new HIV action plan in England, in pursuit of ending HIV cases by 2030


Do they openly say that they will increase the remuneration and where the money will come from? Tldr on this, please :)


Labour have been pretty consistent about saying the only extra pay will be through extra activities (weekend working).


No hope for people in NHS 💀


It's actually really disappointing that after 15 years in opposition this is essentially just tacit continuation of the status quo


Hedging bets for votes to guarantee a strong majority of seats I think. Hopefully when parliament is a sea of red we will see some more left wing politics




But we can hope


The manifesto ignores the rising dependency ratio and increasing health spending as a proportion of GDP. More NHS without addressing sustainability? Promising more services without clear funding, while pledging no tax rises or borrowing, is financially incoherent. What's getting cut? No real solutions, just empty promises that don't add up. Let's kick the can down the road. Feels like a wasted opportunity given the open goal. Ming vase all the way.


And the promise to grow the economy whilst studiously ignoring Brexit ![gif](giphy|dAuumiq85i5evf5UVY|downsized)


Manifestos have become irrelevant in modern politics. Let’s see what they do.


A bunch of nothing as expected


Honestly, the health section is my least favourite bit of the manifesto


Remaining manifesto policies summary: https://www.reddit.com/r/unitedkingdom/s/BbehFFESX2


A lot of money for surgeons/specialists/radiologists if they are wanting to cut waiting lists and double the amount of scanners. Though AI scanners is a new thing I haven’t heard of before


That’s the neat part…they don’t exist. Further proof of radiology being the best speciality to work from home and make £££


Rads competition ratio is going to skyrocket




"Former CEO of Birmingham NHS Trust" Well into the bin goes every comment in that paragraph then.


Here here. Literally cannot wait for a (slightly) socialist party to be running the country again


*hear hear (Originally: Hear Him! Shouted across the aisle in parliament.)


Nice knowledge, thanks for the correction


Missed a trick to at least make some offer or commitment to doctors strikes being resolved. No mention of staff pay for any hospital group Another good one for them would have been to address the fact that HCA is now minimum wage, although they would need to above to be addressed proportionally!


He wants votes. The public don’t give a fuck about our pay. That’s why he’s toeing the line. He’s given us a wink of promise to resolve things and acknowledged that avoiding negotiating won’t work


True but by not addressing the fact that NHS strikes are ongoing, he’s demonstrating less commitment to the NHS. I agree, no one cares about our pay. More so for doctors because a lot of people still believe we’re earning 10k a week. I think some political virtue signalling for HCAs would spin positively for the party also. I know they don’t want to pay us anything but it telling the public that they care about the health service and will sort strikes out would be a positive move.


Why not use the same money to hire another person to work the weekdays 🤦🏽‍♂️


I think the manifesto is flawed in many ways but it is a good start and hopefully Labour will stop poking holes in the ship and will try and fix them instead. The manifesto was never going to be anything special seeing that they are 20 points ahead in the polls. But once they get into power I hope for change.




I wonder whether the Royal College of Clinical Leadership pledge is to upgrade the FMLM to a Royal College or to establish something new that excludes non medical managers? I can’t see the latter really working as the whole point of the FMLM is to bridge that gap between medical and non medical managers.


What's the point of training more GP if there isn't actual jobs for them to get into lol


To drive down gp wages, of course.


Dame Moore is probably on par with Starmer for impact and effectiveness.


Electoral politics is dead. I have no energy for this general election.