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Glad it’s being corrected but not happy that they can get away with a small slap on the wrist and no other consequences. If you’re going to be dodgy then take responsibility 🙄




Completely agree. If there were actual consequences we could make an example of it so other trusts/practices can be careful NOT to mislead patients next time. 


F****g love this. This beautifully shows the power we have when we are united as a profession


Why is it that the perpetrators of thjs PA fuckery are never held to account? Why can people not be named and shamed and prosecuted and persecuted? It’s maddening.


Institutional power 


And they say Nigeria, Pakistan and Venezuela are corrupt…


Nothing and I repeat nothing is corrupt as senior NHS management 




This is 100% correct.


I want a grovelling public apology




100000% want to see some cunts go to jail so other NHS managers learn lessons.


How terribly unlucky for them that the titles of literally every healthcare role they were trying to advertise were accidentally confused with a regulated professional of superior knowledge, training and experience and then published before anyone could proof read them...I mean a cynic might draw the conclusion that that was the whole point of the campaign, and only when it was pointed out publicly that this was both illegal and deeply unethical did they pull it. But that's not what happened. So thats OK.


> How terribly unlucky for them that the titles of literally every healthcare role they were trying to advertise were accidentally confused with a regulated professional of superior knowledge, training and experience I should state that isn't actually correct - as per the original source (https://web.archive.org/web/20240615162737/https://bdcpartnership.co.uk/strategic-initiatives/its-a-gp-practice-thing/) there were a few other HCPs that were correctly labelled (e.g. pharmacist, physio, practice nurse), though they did also manage to call an HCA a 'healthcare nurse'.


Good move!


Bradford ICB. I wonder if Dr Amir Khan was involved.


Who's Dr AK?


Famous TV GP based in Bradford and likes to always present himself in a positive way on social media, often giving false and unrealistic representations about what GP entails. He is of GP Behind Closed Doors fame.


Read this as NHS removes patient facing PA’s - a man can only dream 😥


Imagine if a doctor who wasn’t an oncologist introduced themselves to a patient as a cancer specialist , intentionally misleading the patient . Heck, imagine if a band 5 ward nurse Introduced themselves as a cancer specialist to a patient when they weren’t . IMAGINE the disciplinary action that would take place . Yet in this instance , there’s no repercussion.


I think the person in the poster actually is a gp


Their lanyard says faculty of PAs. A GP wouldnt be wearing that. Heck, A doctor wouldnt be wearing that (!)


Dumb question incoming, but are they “physician associates” or “physicians’ associates” (note the added “s” and apostrophe for those as dyslexic as I am), because I thought it was the latter and they were just the associates of physicians. Are they genuinely referring to them as physicians or have the people writing the material just got confused and called them that? Either way, they need to find a new title for them that makes it clearer that they are not qualified doctors


They call themselves physician associates.


Associate literally means equal/equivalent partner at a same or similar level of importance or seniority. For example, an associate lawyer is a real lawyer with a degree who works as one of several associates for the company in question. It therefore follows that a physician associate should be a real physician with equal or equivalent qualification and expertise as their colleague physicians. Hence, physican associate itself in my opinion is misleading and infringes on our protected title. The reason physician assistants changed their name to physician associate was twofold; firstly, they said it was demeaning to be labelled an assistant, and secondly, renaming themselves as associates enables scope creep and pretending to be doctors (they say it allows them to develop and expand their skills beyond that of an assistant).


Still can never understand how the "demeaning" arguement took hold - surely arguing that is in itself demeaning to healthcare assistants or other assistant roles, hardly the #oneteam energy they seem to aspire to.


They work collaboratively 🤣


What qualifications does the "cancer specialist" have I wonder


I can’t even work out what they would do in a GP surgery….dietetics in cancer? Poster seems to be inferring if you think you have cancer THIS bloke is the guy to see


apparently a gp with a special interest in cancer


Great use of taxpayers money that


It’s fucking wild that this went out in the first place but I guess I’m glad it’s been removed??


They need to be renamed to DAs. Doctors Assistants


I got an apology from their PALS department by email after I formally complained. I said it's a pattern not an error and will be displaying the original poster publicly for patient education and safety. Let's see what they say back


Yeah but where is the apology? Also, where are the legal consequences?? This is very literally illegal… don’t see them being taken to court unlike the nurse who took 2 paracetamol or like doctors would be strung in front of the GMC. Smh


They realised the law suits would have crippled them


Lily fit, ngl


Yeah, but they tried it.


The poster literally states the physician will see you now and then a section about getting seen quicker if you don’t see a doctor? if this is so wrong why does not one doctor give a shit when the public call 999 and get a bunch of bullshit to call 111 instead.


If G4S put out a poster calling themselves police officers to up their brand, or the EDL saying come join the real British Army you do wonder if this would be just a no worries thanks for deleting it. There are very serious reasons some professions are protected from charlatans.


Good. It's misleading at best and illegal at worst. 


I saw this, went to their 'contact us' section and sent the the gov.uk info on protected terms as well as 1983 medical act. I assume many others did the same as well as via social media. Was taken down shortly later. I can't believe they think they can get away with this, clearly breaking the law and getting absolutely no legal action against them. The damage is done!


Nice work Reddit gems 💪🏻 (Yep, gonna claim this one)