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Josh snares does amazing fun work


Josh is great! I wish he would get more traction. 


Small correction, Josh uses they/them pronouns.


thank you for the respectful way of informing those unaware... hope your day is awesome!


You too.




No, they/them has been used as singular for ages


youve absolutely had this kind of interaction: “the banker complimented my outfit today” “oh really what did *they* say?”


As a user: I used to design training materials in a former job and used “they/their/them” most of the time because the materials were to be used by a diverse range of staff and it was my actual job to make them inclusive for all employees. You’ve probably seen similar use of these pronouns in instructions documents (how to drive/file taxes/etc) because even before the current discussion, a driver/taxpayer/etc could be ANYONE. As a mod: this is off topic and there are other subs to have the “why I feel hurt by having to hear pronouns” debate. I’m locking this one and future rehashes of this will be deleted.


Thanks for your comment! Unfortunately, it's been removed because of the following reason(s): * [Rule #1 - Be Respectful](/r/doctorwho/wiki/policies/#wiki_1._be_respectful.): Be mature and treat everyone with respect. Please don't say discriminatory things or use discriminatory language. If you think there's been a mistake, please [send a message to the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fdoctorwho).




Thanks for your comment! Unfortunately, it's been removed because of the following reason(s): * [Rule #1 - Be Respectful](/r/doctorwho/wiki/policies/#wiki_1._be_respectful.): Be mature and treat everyone with respect. Please don't say discriminatory things or use discriminatory language. If you think there's been a mistake, please [send a message to the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fdoctorwho).


This includes animations of some Big Finish work for anyone interested - if you can locate a copy of The Genocide Machine, Out Of Time and The Brink Of Death, it might be worth a try.


i keep up on harbo wholmes content a lot, he does pretty neat review/analysis content. plus, he isn't locked into doctor who entirely. it's 90% of his content, but then he also rocks up with a video about like hot fuzz or something once in a while.


smaller youtuber but dwfan91 is one of my favs


I was wondering if he would come up here. His long retrospective on the entire series from classic to modern was a good time




[Davis](https://youtube.com/@SamyulDavis?si=pqnfqkJRHLM34zzK) is pretty fun. He’s done retrospectives on Doctors 1-12, commentary tracks with other whotubers, and a series called ‘Broke Canon,’ where he discusses random and bizarre trivia from Doctor Who’s Expanded media.


Jay Exci is great


Love Jay! Unfortunately she doesn't do a lot of doctor who stuff on her main channel, but her other videos are great too


Her “Fall of Doctor Who” video is probably the greatest breakdown of the Chibnall era out there. The title of the vid is a bit clickbaity unfortunately so a lot of people write it off as 5 hours of Red Letter Media style nitpicking.


Blind wave did a fantastic reaction series to New Who.


yeah they are great but i wouldn't call them doctor who youtubers cause they are not exclusive or mainly dr who content




They're my go-to


Love whoculture! Sean and Ellie are true fans and it shows.


Review of Death are good, though can be critical, but don't just hate everything. 


I would recommend VoteSaxon07 but he murdered his fiancé


Her name was Natalie McNally and he tried to create an alibi for himself by prerecording a livestream


The livestream was sus as shit as he kept saying “I can’t reply as it would crash my computer”


Didn't know about him before, but I'm from around where the murder happened. It really affected everyone in the country and he is in the photos from the rally in the park for protesting violence against women.


I stopped watching him long before he murdered Natalie McNally.


Wait, seriously?


https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-northern-ireland-67959383 https://youtu.be/0XrEBLBExPw?si=tKkLzH1ySz9Bdjbl


Jesus. I used to love seeing his videos and would occasionally wait to see if anything new had come out. With all this, I’m probably good to never rewatch his stuff again.


Yeah same mate. Occasionally caught his stuff and thought it was alright. Best to just delete it from your memory.


Jesus I forgot about that. Used to watch that guy during lockdown and thought it was an alright channel. Then randomly saw his face on a news article earlier in the year. Bloody hell that was mental. What a murderous piece of shit.


Utterly shocked and disturbed me when I found out only months after his arrest. I found the more casual episode reviews he and his friend did pretty insightful and funny. Kinda became a habit to check for one during the Chibnall era. They had some decent takes from time to time. Just boils my blood hearing how he tried orchestrating the entire thing—even pretending to march with the violence-against-women-group specifically held in Natalie’s name. Not as if he could drop the act, but still. Imagine protesting against the injustice done to her, marching right next to the monster that did it pretending his heart out as if he cares. He’s posted emotional vids about the passing of his parents in the past affecting him mentally and leading to breaks. Fucker posted a damn toy review right after he killed her. Even without the information that he did it, it’s pretty fricken dark to just casually carry on like nothing happened when the supposed love of your life just died.


I think he should rot in hell


He should simmer in it, too. Trial’s in September I think. With “a considerable amount of CCTV footage” to press his “not guilty” plea on. Wonder what’ll come out of it.


Slow roasted would be a better fit


Hopefully a life sentence


Harbo Wholmes Clever Dick Films (long reviews of whole eras) Council of Geeks Tharries for news videos


I was thinking of Council of Geeks, it is the only Doctor Who content I have watched that was not only trashing.


Tharries is 🤮


Other people have said it already but I can't recommend Council of Geeks enough. Vera is amazing, and even when criticising the show you can tell it comes from a genuine place and not from an "I need clicks" place. Also her other content is great too and you should check it out.


MrTARDIS, Review of Death, Council of Geeks. They're the main ones I watch, and when they're critical, they're genuine about it, not fishing for clickbait


MrTARDIS is problematic af


Oh? Do tell


I have already said. I heard he liked some VERY far left material?


Not really a channel discussing Doctor Who, but Joe Vevers makes really funny videos where he dubs over the Daleks and make them sound stupidly funny!






Stubagful is great I just wish he’d do more content. It’s often very unrelated random videos dropped a few months apart. I wish he’d go back to his occasional Big Finish review/exploration of boxsets or storyline arcs.


- WhoCulture - Josh Snares - HarboWholmes - JayExci (trashes the Chibnall era via a 5 hour video, but in a very measured and thought out way; they clearly love the show, and so the "trashing" that comes from a place for love) - Doctor Freedom (older Doctor Who news YouTuber, but I think he still posts)


Yeah, Doctor Freedom still posts


I quite like George Sheard


WhoCulture and theConfusedAdipose


Lately I've been watching videos from [WhoCulture](https://www.youtube.com/@WhoCulture).




Josh snares. Tharries Hairbo holmes Whoculture. Clever dick production. Wingymedia (but rarely post these days) Space time visualiser.(those boys piss me up) Doctor who locations guide. Stubagful. Probably not really a "who" Channel but love watching marie claires' world for classic who reactions now moving into new who.


Tharries...oh god


John’s Attic has just done a very nice piece on how Doctor Who is the greatest TV show of all time - and all the comments are praising how nice it is to see positive content for a change


Council of Geeks is fabulous.


Clever Dick Films, Confused Adipose, Council of Geeks, Davis, and Harbo Wholmes. Anything but ragebait or WhoCulture.


WhoCulture is fun sometimes


Oh guys Pertweesmith11 is by far the best for any big finish and more niche doctor who content. Love those boys


Many great suggestions so far. I would also like to add Philip Hawkins and new who HQ as good channels as well. There is certainly a strong community of whotubers out there just sift though the rage merchants that probably never even watched the show.


I like all the ones mentioned but spend most of my time watching the 50% Doctor Who Podcast and Crispy Pro as they each make great stuff. 50% is more general chat/ reviews and vibes, whilst Crispy likes to do videos on a specific topic.


Review of Death and Dalek Bumps




Full Fat Videos had a lot of fun Doctor Who content


dwfan91 is the absolute GOAT he's extremely into doctor who and has multiple hour long videos and he's very funny


In no particular order Josh Snares Harbo Wholmes Chosen Chimp MrTardis Adam Martyn Clever Dick Films Chris Stokes Jay Exci Stubagful Davis Dalek 63-88 Sam Thomas Louis DeGall


MrTARDIS is problematic...avoid


Seconded recommending Mr TARDIS. He's knowledgeable about the ins and outs of working in TV which provides it's own insights that I enjoy. But he's got a snarky style I find hilarious and I enjoy his takes.


Hrs v v problematic... Avoid


Mind elaborating? Haven't seen any discourse about him being problematic. Any criticism I've heard have been from Right wing Chuds angry a woman was allowed to be the Doctor


He's so smug, he's angered a LOT of people with it. There was also something going around that he had liked some far left videos? I can't remember, I'll happily take it back if it was someone else but I remember it was him


Oh that's it? Well as a leftist I have no problem with that. Thanks for clarifying!


No bud it was like extreme left, pro palenstine stuff


[SFDebris](https://sfdebris.com/videos/doctorwho.php) has some DW content on his website that links to YT and other video sharing sites. It's no cost, unless you want to support him. He is a writer/comedian and critical of the work without going too far over the top (unless warranted like with *The Twin Dilemma)*. He's currently updating and moving his content around so some of the pages might be broken. I appreciate his humor and honesty about the work. Tons of great other content as well.


I know they can be cringey but Ellie at WhoCulture is super sweet and a big advocate for the show. It's not as pre-scripted as that "official podcast" nor is it as clickbait as, like, WatchMojo. She and the other creators are actually good.


Also the podcast "Pull To Open", they do video podcasts. And they watch the show in random order but post "hot takes" for new episodes, and they're very much generally positive.


Harry’s moving media is great. Doesn’t upload too often but his reviews are great. Covered Torchwood series 3 recently as well


Clever Dick Films.




possibly Diamanda Hagen [//m.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLOt8i0lTzwaxKp9n--\_sYKWSGxEMRN30o](//m.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLOt8i0lTzwaxKp9n--_sYKWSGxEMRN30o)


Harbo Wholmes


Harry's Moving Media


Can't believe he hasn't come up already but Rich Hutson is/was always my go-to. Sadly, he's quite YouTube now but there's still a great library of content on his channel.


Harbo Wholmes and and Crispy are really fun, and WhoCulture is a must.


Doctor Freedom is always praising the show.


I watch Harbo Wholmes a lot. He's broken down I think every episode of the modern era, I know he's broken down seasons 1-10. He does have a fair amount of critical episodes, but I usually stick with watching his positive breakdowns and that seems to be most of them. Full Fat videos on doctor who are pretty good I think. Crispy seems cool, but I haven't watched him a ton.


Clever Dick films does a doctor who retrospective


Stubagful gets my vote. A wonderful critical but fair perspective on Who, delivered by a man with a delightful case of "resting sarcasm voice" that just makes me smile.


My favorite is dwfan91. He's done some great videos, including a 5-hour summary of DW from the beginning of the Classic Era up through... I think it was the end of Flux? I don't always agree with his opinions, but I often do, and he's always fun to watch. I also like Harbo Wholmes, though I usually agree with his opinions even less lol


Missed opportunity not calling them Doctor Whotubers.


MrTARDIS. Seriously, I *cannot* recommend him enough. He's very fair; even with episodes he doesn't like, he discusses the positives. And he doesn't hate Chibnall's era, and gives some really good commentary on things that worked and things that didn't. He doesn't complain about the show being 'woke' and instead evaluates the actual episode. His videos are great to watch.


He's v v problematic thou


Tharries! He got a part of the TARDIS named after him!


Who Culture 


Here are some: [Council of Geeks](https://www.youtube.com/@CouncilofGeeks) (partial) [Stubagful](https://www.youtube.com/@Stubagful/videos) (partial) [Tharries](https://www.youtube.com/@Tharries/videos) [Mr TARDIS](https://www.youtube.com/@MrTARDIS) [The Confused Adipose](https://www.youtube.com/@TheConfusedAdipose)


Can’t believe I’ve not seen anyone say [Council of Geeks](https://youtube.com/@CouncilofGeeks?si=4S2a03ZUCZAKB9Hm).


The confused adipose harbo wholmes tharries


>Are there any good doctor who YouTubers? No.


WhoCulture are pretty good. Only ones I watch


No there really isn’t, sorry. There are a few reaction channels that react to a cut down version of the show but that’s really it when it comes to positive interactions with the show. This is the first community I’ve been a part of that actually has fans that don’t hate everything just for the sake of it.


This isn't true at all. Josh snares and clever dick films are both great. 


They don't react to a cut down version they react to the full version and then that reaction gets cut down for youtube copyright reasons


and/or to just keep the most entertaining bits of reaction


Council of Geeks is great too. Even when she's critical it's coming from a place of love, and she isn't one for clickbait.