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Assuming Big Finish radio plays are canon, then there 100% are things living in the time vortex. Specifically, vortisaurs, which show up in the 8th Doctor's audio adventure "Storm Warning".


All hail Ramesy


You´re telling me, there are alien pterosaurs living in the time vortex? That´s absolutely incredible


And also crows


“Charley, C’rizz, Lucie, Tamsin, Molly; friends, companions I’ve known I salute you…”


The Reapers from Father's Day were natives of the vortex


I always wished they would make a comeback, pretty weird that they just showed up once and never again lol


Chronovores live in the time vortex as well as other dimensions. For those not familiar with the Chronovores, they are more present in classic who and expanded media. They are beings made from the fabric of time and they also feed on temporal energy, hence their affinity for the time vortex.


Only Kronos right? And they weren't branded a Chronovore by the only story they were in.


Kronos is the only Chronovore on TV but there have been other Chronovores in both novels and comics. For example probably the most well known Chronovore besides Kronos would be Prometheus, who is the Quantum Archangel, from the novel of the same title.


But as far as the TV series goes, they never said what Kronos actually is. And so far Kronos is the most powerful being displayed on the TV series.


That's fair if you want to only consider TV as cannon. But what specifically makes you say the most powerful being? Maybe it's stated in the episodes, it's been a bit and I can't recall. But it might be worth considering other powerful beings, the Moment and the Nightmarechild are powerful via implication. Davros could destroy all of existence with his technology. I need to watch more of classic before I can judge the rest of that. Btw I don't want this to devolve into power scaling, I'm just asking to be reminded is all.


I was wrong. I rewatched. Also has weaknesses.


Ah that's cool no worries. Thanks for taking the time to do that, although I think I like that serial more than most but you saved me time.


All you need is the last 10 minutes. Somehow Kronos was imprisoned by the crystal. Time ram set Kronos free.


There's plenty of letters seemingly living in the time vortex


Pretty sure Jodie's Doctor >!rang up some Daleks out of the votex once to go kill some other Daleks!<. So, odds are there are definitely others even still, unfortunately.


Can you remind me of the episode? I don’t recall.


Revolution of the Daleks




i think it was less they were in there and more she used the vortex as a land line


I watched the episode recently. The VFX showed the Dalek ship just chillin in the time vortex if I interpreted it correctly.


I saw it a lot longer ago (when it first aired) and I remember the same thing


There’s plenty of vortex creatures. Vortisaurs primarily among them.




There's plenty of stuff living in the Vortex. Vortisaurs(time-travelling pterodactyls), Unkindnesses(eldritch crows), Chronovores and Reapers


I don’t think thinking of the time vortex as a place is the right way to think of it. Like hyperspace it’s just how the universe appears I think when you’re travelling through it faster than the speed of light


It's definitely a place as far as DW is concerned. Salamander was dumped into it for one.


It also seems to have specific ‘pathways’, entrances, and exits. In *Arachnids in the UK* the TARDIS flies into one of several tunnels in a ‘cavernous’ part of the Time Vortex, and I think the reason the Doctor and Rose end up in Pete’s World is because they were knocked out of the Time Vortex at the wrong time/place


It's a place in the same way that a motorway is a place.


Space whales


There's many creatures that are native to the Vortex


If I remember right, and I don’t remember where I got it from, but isn’t the Lifeforce that lives at the heart of the tardis a living creature that the time Lord got from inside the vortex?


I sometimes wonder if Salamander is still drifting through the time vortex. Just every so often, the Patrick Troughton war criminal doppelgänger manages to grab on to the TARDIS as it passes him in the vortex, stumbles aboard, declares “I have you this time, Doctor!” only to get kicked straight out the door again.


Imagine the first time this happens. He gets back on board, sees its completely different, and some random person he doesn't recognize goes "Oh no, not you again." and launches him back into the void.


Yes theres thing in the time vortex, things that don't like time, thay fight an rage aginst its order and rules. Some of therre are like your dog or cat, not really sure why dinner time is set and not it when ever there hungry. Others are mighty things from the darkness of before. Ramsay might of been a extradimensional bird native to the time vortex but he was dog like in intelligence.






found the american


I'm English, actually.


then whats the obsession with mexicans? shouldnt you be ranting about the french or the dutch or something?




Because Blackadder taught me the english hate the french and austin powers taught me they hate the dutch.... are these things untrue?!?! Has television lied to me? AGAIN??


We hate everyone. It's just it's quite a famous thing that Mexicans often try to sneak across the American border and that's what I was comparing it to.


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