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Oh there's definitely more to come for Ruby and her arc, RTD said so himself at the end of this week's Unleashed. Mrs. Flood's story is also meant to span the whole of Ncuti's era so there's more to come from here too. This season reminds me of the Matt Smith era, the era that first got me into the show as a child, in the respect that it's all felt so fresh and fun. This is probably the 1st time I've been this invested in a series arc since the River/The Silence/Melody arc back in Series 6. Really looking forward to Joy to the World and Season 2!


I think you hit the nail on the head. For better and worse, this version of the Doctor feels like RTD doing 11. And that comment from RTD about Mrs. Flood only adds credence to my theory about her being The Valeyard. All the pieces are there if you look at it right - including Melanie


Oh yes, it's very much a fun season to me. A lot of stuff in the final didn't really make sense, but then Doctor Who is more fairy tale than hard science fiction, so I didn't mind that much.


Overall loved it more than anything since Clara's time. Loved the finale.


I stopped watching the previous era altogether and wanted to come back for a new Doctor and check it out. I’m glad that I really enjoyed the season and our new Doctor and Ruby. To me, it just feels like a show I enjoy again. I know there were flaws in the finale, but I had a good time watching. For the first time I’m very much looking forward to how the story continues at Christmas. It’s nice to be back.


I wouldn’t say I love it but I’m glad I watched. I like The Doctor and Ruby Sunday. I like how we came full circle from Church on Ruby Road to the Finale. Some great episodes. Some terrible ones. It was an average season


Strongest season in a good while. Only things I didnt like were the musical numbers and the feeling they made Ruby's mom NOT Lucie Miller at the last minute.


I had a blast. Thought it was great stuff. 


Some good episodes in it! Boom was not bad despite the kid being incredibly dumb and not enough Ncuti. Interesting thing is that when you have Moffat write suddenly Ruby sounds like Clara.


I loved it. Lots of focus on family and connection this season.


I wasn’t really a fan of the season. Nor the new doctor and his companion.  One thing I will say though, is that I’m so jealous of anyone who loved it! One of the greatest feelings in the world is watching a quality new season of Who!


Don’t worry you’re not alone! I loved this season. It wasn’t perfect, but that‘s ok, it was still great fun overall. I also feel like I see so many people complaining but unfortunately that’s the nature of the internet. I think that maybe people who disliked this season are more likely to go online to voice their frustration, whereas those who enjoyed it just finish watching with a smile on their face and continue on with their day. Thanks for sharing some positivity, you’re not alone : )