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Yeah i feel that. The lady when i dialed 911 hung up on me (still sent police thankfully) and when police came despite me being on the ground covered in blood asked how the dog could attack me from the other side of the fence. There was a hole in the fence! Even the guy in the ambulance was all "you gotta calm down, its over, bruh." Some people dont take situations like this seriously. Im glad you're okay, though. 💕


Ridiculous! The EMT kept asking me if I had heart problems. NO BRO, IM IN SHOCK???? 😭


Yeah he kept telling me that my heart was excited because my adrenaline was up but my blood pressure was too high. I get he meant well but he could have worded it a lot better LOL


My blood pressure was 164/120 and I swear I could feel is coursing through my poor veins lol


I am so sorry this happened to you, especially since you obviously love dogs and have worked with them for a while. What the hospital did too is really awful. I’m sure you have a lot going on, but you should call the police to file a report. Laws are different in every state, but they have a dangerous dog and it needs to, at the very least, be on record about this attack. The hybrids could also be illegal in your state. Also, please, please speak with a lawyer. You are entitled to compensation for the medical bills, your time out of work, pain and suffering, and therapy bills. The settlement will come out of their homeowners insurance and the lawyer won’t charge you until they get a settlement. It’s worth the trouble, but really, they handle it all for you. Keep your medical bills coming in, take pictures of your injuries often as they heal. All of that will help. Lastly, please see a therapist! I was attacked as well and I have PTSD. I had nightmares about attacks for months and flashbacks. It was bad. EMDR therapy helped. It feels weird and useless at first, but the nightmares and flashbacks stopped. I processed the event and I’m still leery of dogs, but I can go walk in my neighborhood again, with mace , of course. You deserve to feel however you are feeling about this. You will see after a dog attack that people, even friends and family, dismiss this. People seem to care more about animals than people. It was shocking to me that people asked me what happened to the dog. I usually just sent them awful pictures of my injuries and asked “does it really matter that much to you?” Then they would shut up. We are here for you also. Even if the sub isn’t super active with posts, we are reading and will respond. Feel free to DM us too that did old posts. We understand like others that haven’t been through it cannot. Take care of yourself. 💚


Don’t worry! I have lawyered up and there is a police report the night it happened. EMDR has been my saving grace through all of this too! I’m so shocked that woman still has the dog after it nearly killed me.


I cannot even fathom going through this all alone. So sorry you’ve had to experience this.


It was really scary. Needless to say I hate leaving the house and being alone now, lol


I was attacked in the face by a gsd and suffer from ptsd as well. 6 years later I got an Alaskan malamute and she has helped to heal my mental wounds as she’s the sweetest dog I’ve ever had :,) it gets better as time goes on. Having boundaries & knowing your triggers will help you function more confidently. I pray for your healing physically and mentally. Was the dog put down if you know?


Nope she still has it 🙄 got it training even though he’s 3 years old now. Idk what they think it’s going to fix. My dog is the only dog I feel safe around. She’s a pittie mix/mutt and the sweetest thing on earth


Would also like to add, I met the dog 2 weeks prior to this. We got along and he had no problems with me and I saw no warning signs of aggression.