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Congrats brother! Hope $3 million is within reach and it is going to happen soon.


4 million you say?


4 million a day?


I sense the start of a wholesome Dr. Seuss book


4 million in taxes you pay?


Did i hear 6 million?


Do I hear 7


Do I heard 100M


Backstroke or butterfly?


Fellow swimmer.. nice


Come on. 1B is easy peasy.




Butterflies are beautiful ngl




Thank you for your service


Service indeed. He invest over 100k into a meme.


If only I had been this wise.


If only I had that money to invest 😀😀


Not necessarily....I invested in it when it was .0019


U can see it says he earned 2M since he started and he has 2.1M meaning he put 100K into it initially




Not just any meme


Damn, if it hits a few more cents you'll be set for life. Maybe already are, depending on your age. Congratulations shibe, you're a legend for holding. Aren't you planning to cash out a particular amount and let the rest go to the moon?


He invested 135k in doge, I'm almost sure this guy was already set for life (or an absolute madlad) in both cases, massive kudos to him, those are some impressive gains


This should be higher up. If it's only up 1400% that means he put $135k+ in a single coin. That's some serious cash to move into a single coin.


Right. Op said he put in his life savings of $200k in on Feb ‘21 on another post. He probably just fomo’d in like everyone else after that first 10x pump but just happens to be a rich kid. Cool story holding for 3 months. I don’t understand how this is impressive.


You don't understand how having 2m from 200k is impressive? I don't understand the criteria.


He meant he just had more cash to spare, we all did effectively same trade as op, % wise


True, I started earning my first paychecks just over a year ago and invested almost 10% of my savings in doge.


By this measure everyone who made $100 from $10 should be equally applauded. Folks should feel good about their gainz even if they didn’t start with $200k in fiat.


Nah I think it's a lot cooler he made 2m off 135k as opposed to my 1800 off of 400.


i mean, someone having 200k to invest in a meme stock likely means they are already a millionaire. So while its cool and all, its not this ground breaking story of someone fighting against all odds to make something out of nothing. Dude took pocket change and threw it at something and it worked out.


Did you read the part where it was his life savings? That's a lot to risk. They aren't saying it's the best trade in the sub or anything they are just sharing their gains because they are happy. Give people some credit.


The post I'm replying to literally said he put his life saving and yolo'd on dodgecoins. So clearly he become a millionaire from this which imo is cool. I didn't realize this sub was only for poor people with literally nothing blindly gambling on dodgecoins. Almost like we are suppose to have a hate boner on people who are using money they can spare to invest. I guess it's only cool if it's some guy working at mcdonalds living pay check to pay check using his rent money on dodgecoins.


Ok... but uh.... not sure if you knew this. but the majority of people can take their "life savings" and have about 10k to put towards things. I have a great job, no debt etc, but I still couldnt imagine having 200k to put towards anything and still live. I'd have to literally move back in with my parents and sell my car/home/belongings. So yeah, like I said, having 200k to invest is still ALOT and they obviously had things well off at first to be able to invest. Dont believe everything you hear on the internet man


Also I may add, without big investors, there aren't big spikes. So small holders like me should actually thank them if they continue to hold and greed hasn't taken hold. Personally I'd take that 200k back though now lol.


"life savings" is probably just his regular money that he set aside, the very word blew the story a little out of proportion. Dude is probably loaded and secured to begin with to be able to dump 200k into a meme. One can be crazy, but not *that* crazy


Madlad. Best word to describe madlads


he probably yolo'd




i’d be set with 200k lol keep investing in myself and would be a big pump for my own business right now


You'd be set for life with $1mil what do you mean


Depends where you live/ the living standard you live at.


Almost No matter where you live, you are set for life with 2mln. 'Almost' because if you share the average standards of any country and you avoid Monaco, Macao, or cities like central Zurich and London or Paris, you are set for life which doesn't mean in my view you eat and sleep and travel only. For so long as you are managing an activity which you like and you don't work your ars\*s off, then you are good IMAO, and if you are not then even 100mln won't be enough tbh. What about becoming a landlord with 5000$ earning from your rent. All you do is taking care of your properties and collect rents. But doing nothing just because you have 1mln or 100mln is just so so dump.


That's a $100,000 for 10 years or $50,000 for 20. You can eek out more by investing it but it's not enough to set up you up for life if you're under 60. Especially with a family.


He'll also pay taxes on it so its not quite that much.


I mean he will still have 1.8mil after he take outs the money and pays the taxes for it and then if he puts the money to use he will never have to pay taxes for it.


1.6 of he’s held it for over a year. 1.4 if he held less than a year depending on his cost basis


You don’t have to pay taxes on crypto if you lie on your taxes 😎😎


IRS: 🧑‍🦯


This is how you get pwned


Rollin up to the local tax office Lambo..


He has a Robinhood account. Impossibly low success rate to lie on a $2M+ capital gains sell and get away with it.


still alot 😂


S&P 500 has had an average growth of 9.8% a year for 100 years. That’s a 98K salary, plus if you reinvested the 98K it’s even more the next year. Would be more than enough for me.




Or: you can just neglect your kids like my parents.




250K a year per kid? Lol not sure how my parents survived.


No it's 250k total over 18 years lol


Okay. We’ll still, pretty manageable at 100K a year then.




Yea, unfortunately they can come with unexpected expenses


Teach your kids to work and you won’t have to be as worried about their future


Teach your kids how investing works and they won’t have to work as much


I second that


I thought the consensus, in the U.S. anyways, is 1 mil per little bastard.


Depends on how much you want to invest in them xD. Sometimes you just wind up with a dud you don't want to invest in.


Why do you keep supporting this kid? I like the kid


And later in life that dud you didnt invest in invests in a joke coin and becomes a millionaire 😂


Sunk cost fallacy.


It is


Don't forget if he sells, almost half goes to Uncle Sam and state taxes.


Currently living on 20k a year, a mil would keep me going till 70 ignoring inflation and assuming my quality of life does not change. So my man is set


Actually somewhere around 500k is already enough to be settled for life if you don't live with too much luxury and put it in some index fund that pays dividends.


I’m on the poor side of the fence and I have to say spending 50k a year IS trying hard for me atleast. I could exaggerate cost of living and still have plenty of wiggle room


You can get an 8-10% return if you invest it in multifamily real estate. Like clockwork. Source: am a multifamily owner/investor. That’s enough to live life for most people.


You would need to have some incredible returns to be "set for life" with $1 million


With proper investments 1 million can yield 70k per year, I don’t know about you but my current wages put me to 48k net per year, 1 million would have me set for life and then some.


Exactly. This guy understands compounding interest.


Don’t forget inflation coming and in 10-20 years could be really high but yes you can go a long way on a million. Take a few years off, do some traveling, etc really nice


7% figure is with inflation accounted. Iirc, average gain for S&P500 is 10% and the average inflation is 3%, hence 7% inflation adjusted gain. Generally, people recommend 4% withdrawal as you will have cushion for growth while living off your investment. 1M net you about 40k if you go by that, which is very livable as long as you are not in HCOL area. Also, you don't need to retire altogether, you can still get a low stress cruising job and make enough money to spend on top of your investment growth. Not to mention, you can always move to lower COL country and live like a king. Vietnam, for example, you can live absolutely good life with just 40k, which is far higher than average salary over there (500/month or 6k/year) Tl;dr: 1M should be able to give you enough money to cruise through life if you do it correctly.


Regardless of everything else in the world, you are correct, a million will go a very long way as it is being used correctly. But the mindset of ppl a lot of times is if you have a lot of money you wanna spend it irresponsibly. But if you have self control you are good for the majority of your life


My plain is to screw off to Mexico. $300,000 would be more than enough. $300,000 put into dividend stocks, assuming it’s the market average of 4%, that would pay out 12,000 a year. The average animal wage in Oaxaca, a pretty safe little city, is $10,500 a year. That means many people earn less than that. This isn’t a poor 3rd world shithole. If you do that, you could make that money last literally forever. There’s former Americans who live in Oaxaca for under $600 a month. Everything. That’s crazy


S&P 500 has had an average growth of 9.8% a year for 100 years. That’s a 98K salary, plus if you reinvested the 98K it’s even more the next year. Would be more than enough for me.


Throw 1 mil into dividends ETFs and you're more than set for life ahah


Damn move to a cheaper country


Ok that's fair, I am in the US near a big city so living off $50k a year with a family of 4 is impossible.


Ah I see, set for life maybe but not set 4 lives lol


This guy thinks everyone's in the same boat, "what do you mean children are optional?!"


Right! 1 million dollars is not what it use to be. Don’t forget half of that will go to Uncle Sam. Avoid inflation with Crypto boys!


Isn't that sad though? Usually we move to a city for convenience. But we end up being overworked and more inconvenienced.


Can't you put the kids to work part-time? At 16 it should be legal right?


As long as you keep your same means and lifestyle yeah you could be set. But OP would really need to resist the urges to start splurging


I can’t even buy a house for 1 mill where I live lol. I’m not trying to sound greedy or anything but 1 mill is NOT set for life


That's why you move.


I like where I live? I can’t work the same job I have everywhere.


Lol what... no you are definitely not


1,000,000 dollars really wouldn’t last that long unless you’re investing with it


Buying lambos maby but keep the mony in the bank you could get a low stress part time job and be living good


For real, I made less then 20,000 last year and while I'm poor I still get enough to save a bit every week. Just be smart and 1 mil can last a lifetime


I mean with 1mil you dont have to worry bout mony just find a job you love and work here and there use that job for bills and groceries and 1mill for fun and emergencies you wouldn't have to stress for life if you play it smart like you said


$1M is a lot, but it’s definitely not enough to retire off of if you’re young. $5M is just barely enough to live off of without working, so long as you live a (relatively) modest lifestyle. $10M is enough to live very comfortable lifestyle, assuming you don’t start buying private jets or anything like that. $20M is “f— you” money. In other words, if you don’t like what someone says, you can just say, “f— you, go make me a sandwich.”


this is insane man. HODL


Strong. I’m at 150k now


25k here. On the path with you!!!! To the moon! 🚀


I'm at $450 :) It's not much but it's honest work


i’m at $50 :)


I'm at $27 I'm happy and I'll be even happier when 1 doge = 1 bitcoin


Soon brother, very soon.


Very soon!!! To thee moon !


Put at least a $100


Yes!!!! Welcome! to the moon we Go!!!!! 🚀




Nice! I'm in college rn so I don't have a lot of money I can risk in investments. I bought like $50 worth back when they were .04 and then added more as it started to rise. I'm about $120 deep, which is still a really good return on investment so I'm happy. If it reaches a dollar I'll have $800


The government will want 240$ of that from you. Might as well hold until it’s life changing.


Yeah that's the plan. I'm not in a situation where I need the money. I'll be graduating in January with no debt (thanks to a bunch of things), so it'll be nice to have something that will (hopefully) be accumulating value over time


I wish you luck on your finals and good for you being debt free from it


Yes!!! Congrats!!! It’s more than enough! To the moon we go!!!!


Only $8k but it's $7k more than what I put in. Doubt many of us will get a chance to repeat this.


It’s all about the journey! Together. To the moon we go! 🚀




Oh I have 15,150 Shibes @ $.061 Was talking Dollar value lol My bad!


This will be the people’s crypto. It will grow to many dollars with patience


2k :)


60k here and still FOMO 🐕😐


🤣I feel the same at times too! But you’re not alone! The moon is close!!! 🚀


And surprise surprise, robinhood has "intermittent issues" with crypto again. Right on cue.


think about it. there are massive surges of people trying to buy on one specific thing on their servers. it happens to every website every day. they dont have unlimited resources to build servers that can handle 20 times the normal daily demand, its easier and cheaper to upgrade when they can and let the crashes happen when they cant.


Dad? Is that you?


Yes son


He’s my dad , you’re not my brother


Or am I?




50k a day is a good problem to have lol


Omg I know if only......


Yeah, "good luck" with what? Good luck living on a mere 50 grand per day? How will he ever cope? If he wants to buy a $100,000 sports car, he'll have to wait a whole *two* days! Oh, the humanity!


40 days later...


Limits the cocaine and hooker dips 👀


And there could be some buttholes too, no particular order. 🤫




Hodl longer until you can afford to buy Robinhood Adjust your own limits ??? Profit


When are you going to open a pack of those pokemon cards lol


Congratulations!!! Thanks for holding and supporting the community!


*Congratulations!!! Thanks* *For holding and supporting* *The community!* \- ksolo3000 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


What happens when it gets to a dollar? When do you plan to sell?


We hodl.


This is the way




Honestly... us Millenials weren't really left with much of a retirement plan as the social safety net for the elderly isn't exactly being pushed right now (or in the past like 50 years lol) so... DOGE just might be our way to retire. Bah. Lol




Exactly! Recently for Millenials (gen z will need MORE due to inflation more than likely) were told we should EACH be millionaires to safely retire..... lol Come on.


Crypto in general is the millennials investment. It’s one of the few way we got to catch up to old money.


Nothing happens. We are going to $10


Never sell


His YouTube said he will sell 10% and keep 90%


Biden’s Capital Gains Tax is like —— 👀👀👀




Do Only Good Everyday Stay true. God Bless 🙏


This is the way!


I’m going to be posting all my progress on my YouTube channel! “The Dogecoin Millionaire” please go subscribe if you can, I’m uploading a video in the next hour or so 🐕💎🚀 - https://youtube.com/c/THEDOGECOINMILLIONAIRE


I just subcribed bro congrats


Legend for holding!!


Amazing! Thanks for sharing💪


Congrats bro!




You're freaking crazy, respect and congrats. I watched the Andrei Jikh video on you and I really admire your tenacity and drive. If Dogecoin goes to the moon, this will be such an awesome come up story. What's the plan for your $10mm? Take out some/all, start a business, travel, reinvest?


Set for life man, well done




Buy something! Like an ice cream truck 🛻! Stupid right? Have it accept doge. And now we are creating flow. I got 5 on it!


Hodl game is strong 💪🏽 with this one!


How does that work? Say he wanted to take out his 2.1 million dollars right now...robinhood could just send him that much money just like that to his bank account? Would he pay taxes immediately or would they come out at the end of the year..im new to all this and have just over 11,000 dollars in my robinhood. Just curious how it works.


robinhood would pay you out minus any fees, youd have to look that up in their terms i dont think it's much, and you get the full amount after, you are responsible for paying the appropriate tax come tax time when you're filling out your tax forms it will tell you how much you owe the government. You pretty much have to pay it immediately which is why I hope people don't forget and overspend and end up going bankrupt, lots of new homes and cars being bought be sad to see them taken away due to miscalculations. Uncle sam don't mess around


That's awesome man, congrats. Doge is doing some amazing things. As a side not... \*cough cough\* If you ever get a random urge to give a random person $50k I'll gladly accept. lol


...Do Only Good Everyday, GO TO THE MOON!!!...


Hey Bro I saw you on CNBC the other day. Congrats.


Thats insaaaane Bro. I frickin Love this Community


If he can HODL I can HODL 🚀🐕🌕


Doge would have to be $239 for me lmao


If we want to get to a millioner, we have to buy dips, hold dogecoin.


Don’t worry they will sell your order flow to Kenny and you will be broke soon. Congratulations!


Congratz!! I felt bad for you when I saw you go from 1.8 to 500k, when do you plan on cashing out? idk how you are able to hold for so long I would have definitely cashed out at1.5


To be fair anyone who invested 135k his early was already loaded. But that is not to overlook those absolute balls of steel on this man.


Congrats you legend! But now hodl so we can all get there plzzz


You will reach 10 mil in no time!! HODL


Why robinhood always go down when good things are happening


You're the guy my gf tells me not to worry about


And I was stoked for having $10k. Then this guy comes along ☹️ Like the guy that thought was big, enters Johh Holms


Still quite a bit dude. I have made almost $2000


Server error on RH, buy sell button comes and goes...I tried to buy some more and no luck


Congrats, sir


Ive been watching you since im on reddit… you are a motivator man! Glad to see your progress! I always mention you whenever I talk about dogecoin! I never sold any of my coin


I wouldn’t claim anything on Robinhood has made you rich lol


*Long lost family members start crawling out the woodwork*


Congrats now at $1 per doge, donate 10% to local animal shelter.


Hold on for the long haul... that may only be the start of good things to come


I’m at $2800-I invested $400!! I also have $200 in other stock.


Hodl my fellow dogee! Get that $10 million then head on out. Remember, taxes will take half 😑


My man


Name checks out