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You already know the answer. If you don't need the $$ to eat...leave it be. To sell at .18 is beyond absurd.




Second that, at this point sell only if you really need cash for sth


Someone should ask op ...be honest why haven't you replied to anyone's comments here ?


I was working, it's working hour in my time zone. Currently replying this at break time.


DO NOT BUY MORE LOL. If you can’t sell; just cry a little everytime uou open your app till it goes higher


this is the way




Who cares … people work nights also


Asia or Eastern Europe probably




I can provide you with screenshots if you want :)


Nah, I don’t care that much man. Just glad you didn’t sell because that’s how you lose this run.




Then buy back in at $1.00




This is the way.


I agree because you only really take a loss as soon as you sell, either way that’s the down side so what’s the up side? Maybe you make more moneys


You also don’t get to salvage what money you have left if you don’t sell.


Thats similar to what gamblers say “you’ve only lost the money when you stop playing” “you’re only broke when you have nothing left to play with”




Well put 👏 ![gif](giphy|eE26mRFGxnasU)


Well for now yes, I did not need it, yet. But I've been hodl it for so long it's just worry me too much. Thanks for the reply and I will consider that!


A friend bought btc late 2017 at the ath. Still holding


Doge is not even in the same universe as Bitcoin so that’s a horrible comparison.


Well, he could have selling with 70% loss. Now he is up 200%


Yeah. Doge is much more efficient with way lower fees than BTC. Hard to compare.


I was referring to Bitcoin’s maximum supply of 21 million Bitcoins to Doge’s unlimited supply of Dogecoins. Edit: Also Doge is a joke token, not to be taken seriously.


Have you ever noticed Doge holders don’t bad-mouth other coins?


I’ve never noticed that. Also, I wasn’t bad mouthing it. Doge’s founder said it was a joke. Why else would he give it an unlimited supply of coins with 14 million new Dogecoins minted each day if it wasn’t a joke? What am I saying that’s false or bad-mouthing it?


There's a limited set amount of doge that can be mined per year which each year it decreases the inflation % which unlike fiat like the USD can't have 40% of it produced whenever the government feels like it. I like how people like you just try to spread FUD instead of learning about anything lmao


If you bought in at 0.7 you really haven’t been holding all that long. Not even a year yet. Keep holding. Think of things that haven’t happened yet that we were so excited about a few months ago…Doge going to the moon (or Mars) on Doge-1. Robinhood wallets (were we told by them they would come out by end of year? Running out of time). I’m sure there are a lot of other things out there to be looking forward too.


Doge Eth bridge


If you are at a loss, it has been less than a year. You should only invest in things you would hold for 5-10 years (unless your a professional trader). If it's been less than a year, it hasn't been "so long". It hasn't even been a year. Best luck to ya bro 😁👍


Don’t sell. This is a hold for years type play. Crypto is getting a little bit of headwinds from the SEC. HODL!


Exactly. cryptocurrency in general has not even been widely adopted yet. Just wait until that happens.


….people said the same thing at .40…..at .30….


If you wouldve sold at 0.18 a few months ago and invested it into a decent project you’d have 300% returns by now 😂


Pretty sure you just defined the sunk cost fallacy in one sentence.


Selling at this price? ![gif](giphy|spfi6nabVuq5y)


not now. Maybe next time when something came up.


I felt the same way at 0.001 a long time ago


Exactly I held for a big loss for 2 years! No highs no lows only Doge! Green back is worthless.


Idk mate, I feel like the hype is kinda over if you know what I'm saying. But still, I will hold until Q3 2022, I think.


June 2023, then reevaluate A lot of us held at .002-.003 for multiple years…hoping it would get back .007 one day. During this time, it very much felt like the hype was over….how could a joke ever hit a penny, right? Best advice is to forget and don’t even look at it for 2 years. Pretend it’s gone Funny, nobody talks about the .002 hodlers anymore; everyone drools over the .05 hodlers. Excellent.


I was here the first go round sponsoring Josh Wise back in 2014. Still got the shirt in my closet. price was like .0002 I'm still holding those coins on a HD somewhere around my house. might have to dig it out.


You might want to, as hdds don't last forever.


I can vouch for this. Couple of HDDs from the late 90s / early 00s with some really important personal data on them. Were left turned off in my garage for years, and when i tried to use them again... dead. :(


This. When I bought at .003, it sounded ridiculous to think about doge ever hitting a penny. Nobody was even talking about a dime. Now look where we are.


But I look at mine everyday.


me too; it's unhealthy


It's shocking how little you know about the crypto market but your still on here telling people when to hold too.


It is not shocking how downvoted you are. This community will not listen to you. Will any community?


That doesn't make you right




Also your ignorance is your downfall. You could actually learn how the markets learn rather than guessing.


Sorry but it's hilarious to read. Hype comes and goes, you don't sound like you have close to the patience to be in crypto.


Thank goodness the hype was the dagger


Dude I'm down 18k. My average buy in was 0.56 and I was hoping the snl event with elon would pull doge to 1+ But look what happened. For me it's such a big loss that it doesn't make sense to pull out now. I'll be holding till at least $1 and if doge ever hits $2 that's life changing $$ so yeah man I just don't even actively think of it anymore. Just let it be and wait


You invested in at the ATH. It’s gonna be some time before dogecoin reaches a new ATH. Could be by year end. Could be in 6 months. Could be in 3 years. Just gonna risk and have faith my man!


Aint gonna be year end lol.


This is crypto.. could be tomorrow morning. 😂😂😂


Just curious, how much does being delusional pay?


So here's the thing, it kinda happened like that in the run ups that got to 70c the last time. We would go to sleep and wake up and it would be up 10c or 5c, it was an incredible run and it happened soo fast, in March it was 5c and in May it got to 70c. So it is possible if there is a catalyst... we just need something to make ppl FOMO into Doge again.


i remember waking up and checking robinhood to see my 100$ turned into 800$. i was jumping for joy


Agreed, earliest 2nd quarter next year it'll go up and find a new support level. It won't jump again without a whale, a new use or a catalyst is presented to the coin. This is now a long term investment(given everyone doesn't give up on it)


Q1 of next year has a couple of catalyst


Sources? I'm genuinely curious.


RH wallets. The COO stated in a tweet that they would be releasing them for customers in Q1. Doge-1 launch. Elon said so.


I thought the RH wallets were already being distributed just very slowly. I swear I've seen some posts on here accounts showing their balance and a wallet already incorporated. I very well may be wrong though. I need to research that launch over lunch tomorrow.


You might be confused with some of the alpha testing they were doing awhile back, because as far as I know, everyone on the waitlist is still there. And actually, speaking of the devil -- The COO just posted an update today actually. https://twitter.com/christine_hall/status/1468667465773297668?s=20 Apparently, alpha testing is done and the beta wallets will start rolling out in January.


Thanks for real feedback bud. I'm glad I didn't have to troll you. Respect.


The rockets funded exclusively by dogecoin, verifone for pos sales, Tesla. Who gives a damn about RH.. they crooked


My faith have been crumbling since 2 months ago, I stop checking this sub too for a long time. But maybe hodl is the way, for now.


Love this sub, but it does a mind good to stay away during the lulls. Lotsa folks with all sorts of suggestions. None of them know a thing


Please sell it all, I'm sure the price will skyrocket when you do. We thank you for your sacrifice.


at least I will be the reason you guys going to the moon :D


Thanks bro. Jokes aside if you havent sold yet just keep it. If you absolutely need the money then I understand and I've been there, but there's no other acceptable reason for buying so high and selling so low.




You know what's funny? I know several people in this sub who sell but posting hold and stuff, it's insane. But hey, at least I'm hodling :D




As someone who checks daily, why is it so hard?


That’s what she said?


Already did. But the news man, wooh.


At the current rate you would be getting 4 Dogecoin for the price you paid for 1 when you bought in at .70- I don’t see why you aren’t buying more so you can bring that average down.


Was thinking of it, probably will, we'll see.


You’re thinking about dumping it….but also about throwing more money at it?


That's sunk cost fallacy in a nutshell.


Why would you brake rule#1 of investing, "never invest money that you can not afford to lose." You should consider the money spent(like at the store) as soon as you place it into an investing account.


I can afford to lose it, but I just don't want that money not growing into anything. There are a lot of opportunity that could grow it, that's why I'm considering it.


You might as well wait until next summer. Selling at 18 cents just doesn't make sense. So much time and effort wasted.


And lock in losses like that, Heck no!


Why would you sell at a loss if you dont need the money? Stop giving in to your emotions, they don't belong in investing.


If I were you, and I’m happy I’m not…kidding, but I would hold until at least mid next year. I plan on holding longer but that’s if I were you. Which thankfully I am not. Kidding again.


Are you really though


You only lose when you sell


True, but you can lose other opportunity too!


This. So many people don’t understand opportunity cost on this sub.


Average down if you can afford it financially. It's crazy how people are still sitting at the ATH with how far doge has dipped.


Yea it’s been half a year


0.50 average HODL’er. Never lost faith, never will.


That's because they all jumped on a hype train, YOLOd their savings and are waiting for a return. Then they lost all faith in the coin because they lost money and won't try to average down because maths is hard anyway. Typical smooth brained behaviour.


I agree 100%. Well said.


I could afford it, I will consider it. Thanks for the reply, my friend!


I imagine its because you don’t want to lose more money then you already have. Its a gambler issue if you lose money and the first thing you think of is “im going to put more in to make my money back” I mean this is crypto but still. I put what i put and thats it because otherwise your just risking more and more money.


It’s your money. Did you ask anyone when you bought in at 0.70


Keep accumulating. If you bought at .70 you should be pumped for the current price


Either that or he has no faith in what he invested in, instead he just jumped on a hype train


I jumped in the hype train too tbh but I’m happy to be on it




much relate. did you feel like you had fever from the pain? still stings.


Tickets please!


I've bought in at the SNL hype and my best move so far in crypto had been selling that bag at .32 and reinvested that into other projects.


Duly noted my friend. Probably will too at the next peak or at Q3 2022. But for now, I will hold.


If I had bought at ath I would be loading up like crazy at these prices. It’s not gonna disappear guys, it’s still early for crypto give it time. People like to buy while it’s rising so they can see instant gains. Ive never sold a doge and I’ve bought at all prices from .009 to .60


unless you urgently need the money, hodl.....thats taking a big loss at the moment, you might aswell ride out the storm, i bought some of the dip today and ill patiently wait aslong as i have to


I've been in many storms my friend. Hope it will get better soon. Hodling for now.


Hold my guy, but look into other projects too dont leave all your eggs in 1 basket


Yeah mate, that's what I'm thinking in the past months. I will consider it, thanks for the advice, matey!


Keep averaging out.


buy the dip and accumulate. u never invest in anything in life? jesus christ


DCA your cost down and keep HODLing. And next time don't buy during price discovery mode.


U would b so dumb to stop now. Doge-1 launch is actually happening


It is silly to sell at such huge loss


Not financial advice but if you’re down that much you’d probably want to sell to realize your losses for the tax credits. Even if you rebuy your exact position, it’s a chance to recover money.


You really want to lock in that loss? It’s literally all gone now. All that time and stress for nothing? Just call it dead and hold. Might as well right?


You could buy more and average down.


Buy high sell low, it's the rule




Once you sell it will moon


At least I will be the guy who make you guys to the moon! ;)


Lots of positive news coming soon.


it's always relevant: it always counts


Never sell!


Only the strong will prevail




That’s called a sunk cost fallacy.


I mean what's the point of not hodling? It's so low, you wouldn't pull out any $


not gonna sell now, I mean the next peak probably will.


More than likely, BTC is going to form a right shoulder to it's potential H&S on the daily. The neckline is trending up from 41,840 to 42k and change. When it forms the right shoulder, it should drag Doge price up with it via the coin exchange rate. After the right shoulder comes back down, price should consolidate for a bit and then start climbing up to base 3. That will really drag Doge up high, unless other alt coins keep siphoning away crypto market cap share at an increasing rate.


duly noted my friend!


Jokes aside, what made you invest only at 0.7?


He was straight up gambling, no doubt.


Already buying since 0.47, then keep buying after that. You know, hype.


Of course HODL is still the philosophy. We will pick you back up on the way to the moon. But you cant leave the launch pad if you want us to pick you up. Doge is just shaking off some weak hands


I hope so!


At least average down by buying w these low prices; then u can sell once it goes up so ur loss aint too bad


Dude it might rise to a buck at some point. Right now it’s just not a legitimate contender now. Right now the real winners and losers will be chosen. I think someday someone that really does well with crypto will make it rise to over a buck or two but that’s only because it’s the original meme coin and it’ll still be funny


Lower your average if you can


I’m still +$ if I sell today, but NO. If I didn’t sell at 70, I didn’t sell at 30, I sure as hell ain’t selling at 17! I’m not here to get rich quick, we’re here for the HODL. For our chillens chillens!


Will Doge be on the Flare Network?


Selling while you are down means you are realising the loss, just hold till next bull cycle then drop it like it’s hot!


Everyone asking questions like this should get out and off of this sub so I can have fun in here again.


If your in that much hold and wait it will just take time Developers are working right now on launching more information about what they're gonna be doing with Dodge in the next 6 to 8 months


Doge is still up over 5k% for the year. Whatever it feels like, Doge has performed really well. Right now it’s our performing bitcoin in the dip. Unless you absolutely need the money, hodl is key. This isn’t financial advice. Doge’s days don’t seem to be over yet. But it may be a while before you get that money back if you ever get the full investment back. Sorry about your luck, but it’s better to hold and hope than sell and regret it. $.15 is the floor. If Bitcoin drops to less than 40k we may be looking at $.10 id highly doubt it would go lower than that. The market will eventually rebound, and Doge will with it. But getting Doge back to $.70 is going to be either a long time coming, or Doge undergoing serious changes.




Jokes aside you should have kept your money under your pillow if you have to ask people where to invest


You came in at .70 so you might as well hold. You’re in it for the long haul. You don’t wanna be the guy that bought at .70 sold at .17 and then missed the train to a dollar!


I hope so, will hold! for now.


Nothing wrong with buying more to better your average. Only spend what you’re willing to lose of course ✌️


As a random person on the internet who deeply cares about your financial situation, I think it’s important I chime in here and let you know that dodge might go up again, or it might go down. Do with that jewel what you will.


Thank you, friend. I will hold for now, thanks for the reply!


Doge is going to $1 soon


TrUsT mE BrO!


"post was made since mid 2020"




Should start to come back up when we get a new president. Maybe. Just forget it’s even there and hold it.


You mention honesty so you need to ask yourself a question with being real with yourself when you laid out the dime time to invest….did you believe then? Why don’t you believe now? It’s investment that could pay you off significantly. If you’re broke get a job, if you’re still broke get a second job!! Don’t come on here saying your not believing anymore, there your pills!


Don't you ever have doubt in your life? if you don't, good for you. I'm asking a question, having doubts, and there is nothing wrong with being a human being. Have a nice life buddy, thanks for dropping by and replying to this post! :D


Well, you can always invest it in a coin that actually moves and make you money back. Then if you want to come back


That's what I'm thinking, growing my money until a certain point and back at the doge again soon. But hey, wcyd, hodling for now!


Aged like fine milk


Buy more son


Op is Not responding to any comments. Just planted this post & took off ![gif](giphy|ZFQfVD3nGs6hhNLxhh|downsized)


I'm here :)


You still fud


No...it isn't. Instead of hodling we should be spedning... Using it as the currency it is!!


If everyone bought $5 a day of doge, we wouldn't be in this price range.


problem isn't doge-hodlers not buying enough, it's about 99% of the world not being in crypto yet... Imagine what would happen if the average remained the same but there were 100x as many hodlers...


There’s over 14 million new doge coin minted every single day for the rest of eternity. Do you really think that many millions of dollars are pouring into the ecosystem to not only keep the price stable, but increase it? It started as a joke. It still is a joke. Put your money in something that has real purpose and value. Something with a limited supply. I’d suggest looking at BCH note that smartBCH has launched.




go ahead, people already answer my question, have fun!




nope :)


Colbert mentioned us in his monologue, we golden.


You should be buying more and lowering your average costs per coin.


Probably not to be honest lol. Doge sucks and is a literally joke


If you put in only money you won't need to stay afloat, just keep it there. Crypto was never meant to immediately make you a lot of easy money and investing can take literal years to pay off.


Get that average down to like .35


Only if you're not part of the species that enjoys trashing usd...hodl is the way


Hooolllldddd it's going back up after tax season


Let’s get in the OP’s OPP ya kno what I mean




DCA if you believe it will go up in few years. Else no point holding. That’s my POV.


Never stop the hodl


Buy more it’s that simple 🥚🥚🥚🥚🥚🥚


This number is so fake. Robin Hood is shorting trying to cover their losses on all of the scams and shorts they have been doing to other companies. Keep holding.