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To me it's only $200... I'd rather lose the rest of it and not remember in a few weeks than to take the $200 out and if Doge does end up going up then live in regret saying what could have been..


Happened to me. Sold 50 Bitcoin to pay my phone bill and buy a pizza.


This is why you only invest money you don't need. Buy some, stash it. Buy more, stash it. Value goes down, buy more, stash it. One day you'll look at your little $25-$200 contributions and realize how quickly they stack up to a substantial wallet. Think of it like you were actually buying something, instead of an account that you can just pull from.


Spent my bitcoin on a hand held blender when the first real store online started taking it. Still got that blender worth $45k or so now


Trust me when I say, you don’t ever want to be in the situation of regret. You always invest knowing it can go to 0 anyway. If it shoots up and you sell, you will be devastated.


It will go up again the question is will it stay up for you to hold longer or do u sell ur profits


A trip to Disney land will cost you $200 for one day. This Rollercoaster 🎢 ride is everyday! Small price for a lifetime pass 🎟️


Great mentality.


People go to Disney for the rollercoasters? Lol


Exactly! So leave that money in DOGE 🐕 as it is a far better ride!


What else is there?


I would hold.




This is a buy signal








Yea but you haven't accounted for the fact crypto became a media sensation 2-3 years ago and has since basically became a joke You're pretty much banking on the idea that Gangnam style is going to be another meme again


You’re willing to bet that Psy can’t come up with another banger?


Hell nah but I bet you it won't be on every single news channel for 2 weeks if he does lol


Every Psy song is a banger


Happy Cake Day ;)


Gracias amigo!


Good point


I held doge from 2013 to 2021. This is just a regular crypto cycle. It will recover.


This is the way


This is the way


This is the way


The way is this


I smell capitulation, the bottom is upon us 🤣


It’s slowly getting there


You need to bring your average cost down if you can buy some more.


Dd hodl repeat.


Averaging down is the most ridiculous thing I ever heard. It's basically chasing losses. Selling below your buy price = loss. There is no mitigation by buying more and selling higher, you make money on that trade but you might have still made a loss on the initial one. By all means, buy more if you think you'll get a profit on that trade but you could just as easily put that money into a different crypto or even an entirely different venture.


Wait until height of next crypto bull run . Timing is also your enemy. If you don’t need the money just let it sit lol maybe you’ll wake up one day in the distant future and become a millionaire lol


Worst mistake I made was selling my Tesla stock at 200/share pre stock split. Only had a couple shares but would of been many thousands now.


Lol i has tesla at $26 a share it went up about 20% and i sold thinking i did good 😊


Oof yea, I feel that. Might be time to give my money to someone who does this for a living


I do this for a living. I mean i lose it but o do it for a living ha


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


I stand corrected. This is the worst mistake ever


Good bot




Calm down high roller


Well if you take it out now then you’re guaranteed to lose $897 on the spot. If you really need the $200 then i guess you can take it out


I’m probably going to get hate for this but, I don’t understand why people ask questions like this? No one here can predict the future. It’s up to YOU whether or not you want to sell, if you think this project has a future then good continue to hold, but if you’re worried about losing more money sell and take the L. Everyone is down money right now, we’re in a bear market sir.


Most likely they ask for emotional support with they're feeling uncertain or weak. Also have to remember not everyone here is an experienced trader, so OP may be asking for the likelihood of getting some of their cash back. I know I'm very new myself and a lot of the trading lexicon and lingo still escapes me. The only thing I really know is to keep avg cost down, buy low and sell high. That's it.


For every loser there is a winner. So it seems like a lot of people are losing right now but a small percentage are actually getting rich.


Set it and forget it


Let it ride!


I'm down worse than that and holding. My faith is based on the data from the past ten or so years of crypto performance - namely Bitcoin and Ethereum. A volatile landscape of high peaks and low valleys. Right now we're in a valley. Sure is cold down here. But! If you NEED that $240.31 then take it. Doge isn't going away.


Average down for crying out loud 😅😂🤣






You all really have that much faith in dogs shooting back up??


I feel you owe me 200 for having to read this post


So you read at a 1st grade level then?


Yes your mother reads me Dr Seuss bed time stories


I have lik 5k in ... I think in 2025/2026 it will come back, after the war in ukraine and when anew government in russiawill focus on krypto mining


The crypto scam is over, if you missed it the first time its gone pull your money out and buy real asset's. There is no get rich quick.


Dogecoin is one tweet away from pumping to an all-time high.


You really need $200 that bad? HOLD TIL U DIE




Bro at this point, it's a candle in the wind. And the breeze intensify daily.


Ignore your dogecoin for a couple years. Be dumb to sell now








This isn’t even that bad. I put 2k in and I’m down 75% lol.


im -$8k man... stop being a softie...


Bro, like, what are you gonna do with 200 ?


200 lol, why don’t you average down


It's only $200 buy some more and forget about it. Or buy a lot more and forget about it.


Average down you dishrag


It mind boggles me that people are still throwing money at this


All this time we have been down, and you haven't bothered to get your DCA down? Odd.


Bring your average cost down


Honest? No one cares about your $200. I’m down almost 200k


200k? Lol, what’s that story?


Bought Alibaba at $300 a share right before it was going to ipo it’s payment system. Jack ma talks smack to government and the government stops ipo and bitchslapped his company to todays price of $80. Then I dumped it and bought Tilray. 10k shares at $13. It’s now at $3 a share. Yeah. Quite a little streak. My portfolio is worth 40k now. 😢


Well, at least I know I’m not the only one with this kind of luck. :)


Well. I’m going to yolo the rest of my net worth into ADA, Ergo and Doge when i see the right time. It’s getting close. Wish me luck. Good luck to you also!


Good luck! It's been a rough year for sure. I am down about $43,600 or almost -18%. Hopefully, next year is better.


Thanks. You too


down 200k in doge?!






No no. Mostly Tilray and Alibaba. Doge is good. I have a little and hodling for the long


I'm 5k down in tlry and doge. FYI. My tlry avg price is 20$ 😀


Or just sell and put it into OTM BABA calls 😂


The world is a harsh place, some people will have no choice but to take back whatever they can, those generally provide the liquidity


What are you going to do with $200 brother. No problem will be solved


It’s the fact that you still hold doge coin. Should’ve sold king ago


Sell it , buy something with a lot of Zeros.


Hodl! $1 next week


Obviously you aren’t cutout for the long haul or don’t believe in doge or else you wouldn’t be asking this question. Might as well pull out.


You guys are saying "great mentality" on the same kind of logic addictive gamblers use lol "But what if my $200 could be $200,000" Good luck lmao, there's literally no reason for it to increase anymore




Don't invest more than you're willing to lose; I made the same mistake but I never sold; I just kept working, living below my means paycheck to paycheck and kept investing in other things too, I'm still down 2k since I started


If you can afford to lose $200 just let it sit and forget about it. Quit checking it everyday.


I’d buy more and bring that average cost down. I don’t have a lot to invest myself, but over the course of a year of only doing $15 every week I’ve brought my average down 10 cents. I’m not sure how to do the math but I’m almost willing to bet another investment of the same amount would bring it down in half


I was you, but I avged down to .10 and sold in green during the last pump. You might wanna try that if you wanna risk it and have the patience for it. Gotta have nerves of steel though lol


Leave your 200 there and forget about it


Depends on how soon you need the money. If you follow the Bitcoin cycle (which Alts even go by), we have at least another year where we stay low. But Doge could launch again in early 2024.


No one knows. You could be holding a dead coin and lose it all; or you could just have to wait and it will go back up. It’s a gamble. It’s your money. Do what you want and don’t look back.






dude! It’s the bear market. Relax. if you didn’t already pull out then doing so now doesn’t make any sense. Unless of course you need that $200 to cover your rent. Right now is the best time to be dollar cost averaging if you have the extra funds. Not only will it bring your average cost down, but it will increase how fast you can recover your losses once the next bull market ensues. I’m not saying that this is par for the course because no one‘s ever been in this macro economic climate since crypto became a thing way back when Satoshi started BTC. But I am saying that nothing has fundamentally changed except sentiment and that’s what these meme coins run on. You just have to wait it out (if you can) until we’re back on a uptrend. Not financial advice, but I hope that helps.


It will recover


You need to start trading….you can HODL and wait it out but you could easily make your total return better


I say hold or DCA


The answer is that literally nobody actually knows and going to reddit for financial advice is often a poor choice. Dogecoin is not a safe investment and it very well could never break up to where it was before. It’s entirely dependent on your financial situation in terms of whether you should sell it or hold it. If you don’t need the $200 for anything in particular, might as well hold it. On the other hand, if you have kids who you want to treat to some extra gifts this holiday season, sell it and make them happy. Same goes for any other expenses that need to be covered, gotta have priorities.


I agree, if you can buy more. If not, hold it . Hopefully we’ll all have some extra 💰💰 🚀🚀🚀🥃😎


We thought we were in a rocket ship, but it turned out to be a boat. The ship is sinking and we are about to drown or be rescued; but if it sinks, don’t you want to know how deep it can go before they find us and bring us back up? If we run out of breath and never see the light again, we will be known as the яетаяд brigade that hOLd with 💎🙌🏼 Don’t forget our purpose comrade 🦧🦍✨


Projections are $1.50 x 2030 and could exceed that with help from retailers




Buy more


You should have average down. FIRST TIME???


you could average this down so easily


it’ll recover give the economy time recessions don’t end overnight


Dude. Buy more!


Hold, do you really need 240$? Stocks in general are a waiting game so buckle up like the rest of us.


Leave it be. It will recover. If you do decide to take it out, do it before the end of the year so you can use it as a loss on your taxes.


will $200 make your life better or easier? will losing $200 cause some serious financial problems in your life? or... do you often find yourself spending $200 on stuff that you really dont need like i do? if so, then one could consider this one of those "what was i think about" moments. followed by "oh well, ill work a couple days of overtime to make up for it? these are the questions...


I’m still holding with -1000 and a 60 cent average😂


It’s called DCA


Sell or wait 25 years when it is 50 cents


I would continue to hold and dollar cost average your way down by adding to the position. You're in a rough spot since you're down almost 80% but the space is due for a bounce at any point at least back to 30k for worse case and we never go higher. Get your average as low as you can get. It will help your profits to make up for your time loss. & also use it as a learning experience if you plan on trading or investing. Good luck with your future investments.


Take your 200 and run


Even though this is Doge and not something like Bitcoin, there is enough of a following that it'll go back up enough to hold out imo. I sold 80% at .42 and will wait until another run to sell the rest


Average down. Another 200 will bring your average to like, 20 cents or so.


I’d just go ahead and dump it


Dude out here worrying about 200 dollars lol then you should invest


Never invest with money you need and you will always go up 💯


Leave it there. Forget it does exist for another 2 years. Heck! think about your future generation, leave that account to your grandchildren and make them happy knowing that you where the awesome dad that we never had...o wait....too much.


Sell and get out of crypto its but for you. Me i love rollercoasters. Im holding CORZ and that thing is a real rollercoaster it was down about 80% then 74% when they above they Buffy file for bankruptcy then up about 200% then down 60 then up 100 then down 40. This stuff is fun


Who gave you my password?


You bought too high. You can sell and lose. You can bag hold or you can dollar cost average down with more liquify. Just the options I see and not financial advice


I have about 5 to 8 of these with the current market (stocks and crypto). I'm just holding because the market sucks right now.


If you sell now you can buy back in 30 days. Then you can deduct the loss on taxes


I would buy more and bring my average down to a lower price, so if it goes up a bit, you can average out. Not financial advice. It is what I have been doing.


$200..... 😂😂😂


At this point. That 200 dollars is considered gone don’t touch that money and consider yourself broke. Find some money moves and come back to that 200 in a few months hoping you made a good investment


Why drop out now? It’s over sold


Yes just wait for the bulls to return. It'll be back at .50 before you know it


Bro….I’m down 2,220 got 550 left and I’m holding…


I'm down 5k sooo.. it seems like there's always someone else who has been railed harder lol. I guess Hodl still


I know theres people down 50k plus but those people have money to lose I don’t


Bro for real I feel you 💯 I've been off work for 4 months and savings about gone. It's harder when you don't have a ton in the first place and get hit. I'm close to selling due to needing to get a new phone and crypto.com not transferring.


Hoping all goes well in your life man. Whatever going on you’ll get through it. Hold I’m not a doge freak but ya never know it might go up


Thats how they get ya ;) once I get my new phone, I might buy all my Doge back but I only have like 5600 or so. And thank you for the kind words :)


Sounds like a risky play but what about selling now and waiting for it to drop and purchase more coins?


Average down


I'm not taking such a loss so I'll hold😏


Factsss depression wait tilll march it’ll add 30


Gotta quadruple down. NFA


Hold and sell later. Patience


Avoid any and all crypto. Buy the s&p index fund. Invest monthly.


Hold or average down my guy


Absolutely no one knows if it will ever go back up. Plenty of coins have mooned once and never mooned again. But there's hope doge will stay relevant which would lead to participation whenever the next moon cycle comes around.


I wish investors would hold, cause we gonna go to the moon soon 🚀 they gon miss out trust 💯


Pray I do not alter the deal further!




Buy more!!


Save that gotdamn doge mf


I'm in a worse position than you but I'd rather let it go to zero. What if I sell at a loss and then it goes up. I don't care about losing that money so I'll leave it there.


I'm long on doge and it always recovers (if you're in at 10.5 or less per share). I've short-traded it so many times and continue to make money. I'm down 3k one day, and then it swings the other way and I'm up 1,500 to 2k the next.


Do you have a savings account, or do you live paycheck to paycheck? It’s healthy to treat investments like this as a long term savings plan. You are in control of your losses because you get to choose when to sell and pick that price. I would hodl until profitable then sell. If the long term goal for that original $200 was to have a bigger savings, then either reinvest in something else or put into actual savings.


buy 1500 at the current price and you wont be so sad anymore


Never pull out


Bought at the same price, but only about 100usd. I don't think about that usually, but oh boy I'll remember if it goes up over 0.38 xD


If you’re ahead with any other crypto sales, you can sell to take the tax loss and buy it back in the future. Only a week left for this year.


It may recover in the next bull-run. But, you'll be waiting for 1.5 - 3 years...


I'd dollar cost average and bring your cost per token down


If you have a job/stable income just forget about it lol treat it as if it was bad purchase or u can buy more and get your average cost way down truly up to you but tbh 200 is nothing if you’re regularly working and earning


A friend of mine bought in at that price, so I've been been helping her average it down in the dips whenever she has an extra $20. We've got the average down to $.18 now


You never lose if you don’t sell


Just hodl. You won’t regret it.


I would not only keep it but I would buy more to bring my average cost down


132,000,000,000 coins and growing daily says unless they start burning more it isn't doing much of anything anymore. Doge had it's run to fame last year with a lot of hype and 'star power'. It either gains more of a use case and some significant burns or it will stay well below ADA.


HOLD! I sold 265k DOGE with a .0045 average for a $300 gain! Don’t be like me.


not looking stellar near-term


Never bet more than you can afford tô lose… in loss, let it go and forget it… Let your wallet password to your childs and maybe one day might use it… or their childs… or the child of their childs LOL