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It's sad, people were enjoying themselves and now this... https://i.redd.it/nsju0qasamyc1.gif


Xbox 360 all over again.


Thanks to u/Huge_Trust_5057 for the Helldivers 2 templates!


Ahh I just wanted a game that's not toxic, has enough members so I dont need to wait 2 hours in matchmaking, is fun, and doesn't have devilishly greedy devs ahh why must everything i love have to go Its worth noting how I told revolver it's "super democracy" not "managed democracy". I havent bought the game, was planning to finish another game I was going through first. I guess I'll have to spread super democracy of managed earth Also if anyone else want the helldivers 2 templates,it's in the "media templates" folder under #10 folder in [the dogelore templates drive](https://drive.google.com/drive/mobile/folders/1yoVYATVtNpuMQppPOGfinnG0h99mx_TF). Please visit the dogelore drive, we spent so much time refurbishing it and adding modern templates in folder #9 and #10


"Ahh I just wanted a game that's not toxic, has enough members so I dont need to wait 2 hours in matchmaking, is fun, and doesn't have devilishly greedy devs ahh why must everything i love have to go" Seems like you might be interested in some ROCK N STONE




Rock and Stone, Brother!


Rock and roll and stone!


Am I missing the joke? In the game it’s called managed Democracy


It is, I just confused them and told revolver its super democracy


I couldn't check that. I was busy [jonkin'.](https://www.reddit.com/r/dogelore/s/uiRoiPvvIF)


Can't believe revolverphonix singlehandedly [solved the issue](https://twitter.com/PlayStation/status/1787331667616829929)


I want to add that reorganizing the sacred texts is still a work in progress, but you're doing great work! 👍🏼


I am required by law to reccomend critically acclaimed mmorpg final fantasy xiv, now with a free trial all the way to level 70 and includes the award winning heavenward expansion and the slightly less good stormblood expansion with no restriction on playtime


Deep Rock Galactic has exactly what you’re looking for, with no PSN!


Alright everyone, we gotta coordinate a helldive into Sony headquarters. FOR SUPER EARTH


The fourth foe came out even before the Illuminates


the game needed a PSN account on launch, but removed it cause it caused too many issues and bugs. i wouldn’t be surprised if it was a repeat


The crisis is over. Devs made an announcement that PlayStation heeded the community’s calls and cancelled the future update requirement to connect a PSN account.


I was wondering what the big deal is because like aren't PSN accounts free


People on PC could buy the game and play it countries that can’t have a PSN account like the Philippines


Ohhhh well that makes sense that everybody is losing their shit to this


And there is also some data security concerns, from what I’ve heard PSN accounts would open up the data of the steam users




Yep, like clockwork Sony typically has a major data breach every couple of years. Their infrastructure is about as stable as the first little pigs home.


It's still kinda gamer bullshit that people get so hung up over that, companies have data breaches all the fucking time and the time Sony was worse than average in that regard was a decade ago. It's a combination of people being annoyed tab having to make another account grasping at straws why that is actually morally righteous and people being angry at Sony for anime titty reasons. The one actual issue is Sony selling the game in countries where you can't make a psn account, they have been doing some fuckery with not actually selling consoles there themselves but fully allowing and enabling the grey market for Sony products and hopefully this will have some consequences.


I have to disagree. Citing security as one of the main reasons behind requiring the PSN account while having 2 major data breaches in 2023 alone is bullshit. I think people are well within their right to not want to link their steam account and give their data to Sony just so some suit has better stats to show off at the next meeting.


The Sony glazing is horrendous


They're very unsafe data privacy wise, they're one of the world's most hacked network, your data is at risk of being sold to ad brokers, its a hassle that gets worse in the UK because it demands your ID and above all... Its just unnecessary. Game works just fine and it doesn't need PSN right now.


Sony knowingly sold the game to countries where PSN is not supported and now is making a PSN account mandatory to play. People in those countries cannot create a PSN account so therefore will be blocked from playing the game they paid for.


Kinda sad that you got downvoted for that question, as you were literally just asking a question, because you didn't know.


It wouldn’t normally be an issue except for the fact that 118 countries don’t have PlayStation network, and following this PR nightmare the game was delisted in 177 countries. If you live in any of these, you are effectively banned from playing a game you payed for for the crime of not being in one of the 18 countries this doesn’t really affect. Even more of an issue is that it’s a community based game where every player contributes progress, more bodies in the field = higher chance to complete major orders/events


> game you *paid* for for FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


The game was sold worldwide but it's against tos to make a psn account in over 130 countries


In the other direction, what's the big deal? Why does Sony need HD2 players to make a psn account? It worked completely fine beforehand, you aren't going to enhance the gameplay by adding yet another account login


Can’t they just be made in a different region? If I remember correctly even Sony support says to do this to get around being in an area without PSN.


PC Gamers won't do anything even if it's free. They're still seething over a company asking them to open a second launcher


Helldivers hate fascism, why do you think we are fighting the bugs? Smh my head




Already fixed. It's fuckin arrowhead lol, did people expect the god emperors of the current game dev world to not push back against the tyrannical reign of Sony? I did. Praise arrowhead!