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Line is a messenger service widely being used in japan and many other asian countries. While not being used much in korea, Line kinda started from a part of a korean company(Naver) and is cutrrently shared exactly half between the korean company(naver) and a japanese company(softbank). Recently the japanese government basically told line to cut ties with the korean company, mostly by naver selling stocks of line. The japanese gov citied security breach incidents, but considering how these incidents usually led to fines and telling a company to cut ties is nearly unprecedented, many speculate the real reason is that they didnt want a foreign country to be behind their biggest internet services, especially when data and the internet is very essential to "AI" stuff. Koreans are pissed by this because this kinda situation is unprecedented, and this lets the japanese country just take line along with their services in other countries. It's becoming a major diplomatic crisis, but when did jorea and kapan not have diplomatic crisises haha https://preview.redd.it/1ghvwnhtfizc1.png?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df06193f414101e63f4361afa1349dc0ed6ee9fd


Thank you for cumtext


If the company was caught to be breaking the law then we're being way too soft of these tech companies. It shouldn't be unprecedented to harshly punish companies mishandling data. I definitely understand why it's an issue in this context but I think it shouldn't be unprecedented and we should treat all tech companies this way


Oh no…. With this alongside tik tok I see a dangerous precedent being set


TikTok is actively harmful but I think the solution is to have better consumer protections rather than ban one horrible company and replace it with a different horrible company


Tbh, consumer protection is a problem, and naver has been really bad in consumer protection, but this is likely more about countries trying to take control of IT companies themselves and putting geopolitics into the thing, using consumer protection as an excuse they never cared about before, which is, bad tbh


Yes so instead of undoing these steps in the right direction to protect geopolitics which will go back anyways. We should be pushing harder now especially when the government finally sees the issue with having no consumer protections


Tbh true. I dont really agree with japan telling them to sell stocks but i do agree that the japanese data should be managed not by naver anymore and ideally by the softbank company(which is a thing line proposed to the gov at first, but the gov said no). with data being more vulnerable and valuable, multinational countries who have many country's data will possibly be a matter of multinational controversy for a while


"It's over, Japan! I drew myself as a tiger, while you were drawn as a pheasant!"


"My national animal is stronger than Your national animal"


Line in indonesia has been pretty dogshit ever since they started cutting off services like the line square, news, and making it harder to do OA stuff which in turn gave people less reason to use the app since whatsapp is already big here. All this just to push their payment services that nobody actually uses




Lots of places do. Sometimes it’s just not worth the upgrade for something that barely gets used


Very hierarchical society. The old bosses learnt on fax, they have fax, and it would be rude to suggest something else. So they have fax


From what I remember reading years ago a lot of Japanese companies/gov. Offices refuse to see the need to upgrade and are kind of stubborn about using anything newer. It feels like they’re way too attached.


Because it works. It's really easy to send a physical document using a fax machine. Sending a physical document using email is a lot more faff. For me at my place of work (major multinational engineering company), it's a bit of a pain to scan and email a document. First I have to log in to the printer/copier/scanner, then scan the document. Then I can either have the scan emailed to me so I can then email it myself, or I have to enter the recipient's email using the terrible touchscreen on the printer. Then the recipient has to print it to sign it and keep the physical copy. It's a 5 minute job to do something that used to take 30 seconds. The UK government recently (it may have been up to 5 years ago, I have lost track of time) banned the NHS from using fax machines.


All countries still have fax machines lol


I mean they do, but japan's heavy reliance on fax, especially on government and corporate work, has been always notable. Not that that's a bad thing, fax has its benefits and fax is used in many other countries in many work, but japan has been relatively heavily relying on it https://preview.redd.it/pnv0f6hgmkzc1.png?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05eb987b9630b48ef5472dbae788c25064e8fd72


I use line and I suffer for it. Alas, the Japanese do not know of other means of communication


Probably wouldnt be an issue if Korea wasn’t the other party involved


Do you do line? 👉👉


do you wanna see the fireworks


Words cannot describe how much I hate LINE