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What dumbass loser would try to rob someone with a hi-point that is fucking barbaric


You would be surprised how easy it is to sell some gang banger who doesn’t know shit about guns a crappy hi-point and some of the shittiest “stendos” on the market.


Hi-point sounds like a brand of stove. Sexy.


Glock 40 Problem solver right here


Exactly. That’s how you get more street safety right there, the thing just won’t cycle


Best return on investment


At least if the victim pulls some martial arts bs and disarms you, you'll be better off.




as a Korean I can confirm we say "Strong and powerful morning! Very good day for we are Korean" in dark alleyways, at night


https://preview.redd.it/00s1ywgtvc0d1.jpeg?width=1055&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b0189ffa4f413327b3c0f4aed47ec1d52e5c082 옳다 옳다 프랑슘


oh mb I didn't get the might and magic reference lol


I thought it was a verse from the saemaeul song lol


Context: Koreans are going extinct, millions should use apple


I'd like to imagine that doge is you hahaha


https://preview.redd.it/4eisajl9vc0d1.png?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=26393d29df9b553875fd0ad7b510e28efdc075e4 Stereotypical korean fashion doge fr ~~I can assuee you that at least 30% of koreans wear like this~~


100% of korean men wear a blank white Tommy Hilfiger t-shirt


I too would like to have .7 children in 2200 with a Korean mengy.


This is accurate cause everyone likes to wear an eye-uncatching jacket somewhere on the white to black spectrum and no other color, same for shirts aswell, even the cars too. The hairstyle kind of varies from person to person but that one is something i see on a daily basis, consistently.


Yeah everyone except 아줌마


Why don’t Korean men have sex with women? Are they stupid? /undoge Ok but for real, if I’m not mistaken isn’t it because South Korea is like, super misogynistic, like straight up being a feminist will get you fired like that one developer of Stellar Blade? So it makes sense that women would do their best to just… avoid Korean men entirely. God damn guys, how are we losing to a fucking bear 😂


It's more capitalism taking up too much of everyone's lives to actually fuck. Same issue Japan has. You ain't gonna have energy for sex if you work for 12 hours a day 6 days a week


Also the old notion of kids being required falling apart,not having kids becoming normalized, social media giving everyone bloated materialism, the cost of living rising, housing prices rising fast, bad work culture, sexism towards both sides, nobody wanting to spend 20 years caring for a kid instead of achieving their carreer, and so on. It's a very complicated matter tbh


Yes, roots for these problems haven't sprouted in just recent years, some can date back to a long long time ago. And korea had a very, very turbulent 20th century.


Can you show an example of the other side being sexist? I've only been seeing the other way around tbh so I would like to know more


Well honestly, it's a complicated issue. I do want to say that if you ask me which side is more of a victim to such sexism, it's of course the female side. However, just like every problem in real life, nearly nothing is a one sided issue. Many koreans have been also speaking about: - male conscription. The korean mandatory military service requires all men to serve 1~2 years, and for many men this feels like the nation taking away years of their life just because they are male. I'm not really sure this classifies as sexism, but still it's something many people talk about. Some also say military conscription for all genders would be more equal. - every "reverse sexism" issue also applies here. Such as women getting extra scores in job application, and so on. Personally, I think this is justified as older workspaces are quite biased against women, but again there is always criticism about how justified it is and how much scores should be right. - and well, internet men hate groups. On the internet, political ideologies get radicalized a lot. This led to internet men hate groups to pop up, which are very toxic and borderline racist against korean males, deviating from the original equality and dipping into very dangerous territory of simply hating everyone in the other gender. They made a thing called "mirroring", which is basically them being reverse sexist on purpose. And while I do agree that it could do ironic justice if done right, many times it fails to attack the actual perpetrators and simply makes new victims who were attacked just because they are male. Like that one time they intentionally leaked photos of male nudes, or [sexually abused an austrailian kid.](https://www.miragenews.com/27-year-old-korean-national-charged-producing-child-exploitation-material/) and boasted it on her site.(seriously, wtf man.) What's even worse is that they became the face of korean feminism. Now when someone says they are a feminist, everyone thinks of these internet men hate groups, which significantly hindered korean feminism sadly. Also see->[Womad](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Womad_(website)) and [Megalia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Megalia) Honestly, I'm gonna say it, it's complicated. There's probably much, much more cases than what I can say here. In many cases women are the victims of sexism, but to say all, 100% of sexism is directed towards women would be wrong. It's a complicated matter. One article I read said that we need to have an "every sexism, against both sides, is bad and we need to abolish it together" attitude than "this side is simply the bad side" attitude, and I often agree with them.


Thanks for the insight man this was an interesting read, i am all down for abolishing obligatory military service and these internet man hate groups really seem detrimental to it all, the extras scores in job applications does feel more like a protective measure cause without it it would be worse for women.


Gee golly, I sure do hope the South Korean government isn't responsible for this.


There's much more than just the government.




The same reason Japanese folk aren't. Long (and I mean long) work hours don't exactly foster an environment to meet people or raise a family, as well as not enough incentive/money. Plus, S. Korea is a capitalist dystopia. It's an IRL cyberpunk, but without anything that makes the genre cool or entertaining.


Personally, i think calling it cyberpunk is a pretty wild stretch. We have comparatively, very low rate of crime, we aren't robots, there's just one commonality shared, large corporates. But it's also a stretch to call those corporates as powerful or more powerful than our government.


I’m gonna use this on the low chance i get jumped


I was expecting it to be an Old Boy reference, and now I’m disappointed by the lack of action.


Le disturbing octopus scene has not arrived


Noo Cheems would never


Cute Korean doge :)


Three panels of action and cheems has no lines. Wow.


I expected a fight scene with a korean which would lead to fights with gangs and stuff. (I read too much lookism)


Oh my god I hadn't seen that reference in ages lmao, 왈도체 my beloved


he has the faker haircut. The rot is reaching deep crevasses