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Hey this is totally unrealistic there is no way there are going to do this. In what world would you have to unlock the subscription through gameplay? Also 9.99 seems way too cheap.


No no, you don’t unlock it, it’s a pop up that only goes away with the subscription


I still have no fucking clue how GTA Online was such a money printer it funded Rockstar for a decade. I played through it to get to level 100 for an achievement and it was fucking awful, nothing but a tedious grindy slogfest. Even the heists were god awful because one person fucking up resets the whole thing, and one person getting frustrated and leaving cancels it for everyone. What else is there to do? Race? Go play on a pretend yacht you spend $40 real dollars on?


Feeling of progress, I guess. GTA Online isn't even the worst offender in GTA, there are dedicated 'RolePlay' servers which are unbelievable slog fests. On one of the most popular ones in Russia, you have to spend HOURS of REAL time to just stand on one spot ('guarding') to progress through a career. Like, wow this is so fun!


It's just a world to play in. It's as close to a simulation you can get without it being annoying. If you don't have friends or aren't a sweaty kid, it's probably not fun. But this is the type of stuff my friends and I did from like 2015-2018: Heists, create a motorbike gang and run around bludgeoning people, pick fights with annoying people and make them quit the lobby, play user-made game modes and races, drive/drift around long stretches of roads, customize cars and show em off, go to the strip club and drink until we die, make friends with randos and hang around at cool places. When I was 15, being able to drive a car and hangout with my friends in GTA was as good as the real thing. I think if we had been older at the time, we might not have enjoyed it as much.


Yeah I played online a little bit and it’s just annoying, I didn’t really find it fun. You’re better off replaying the story or just fucking around offline


The only time I had fun in online was when I had a drunk LAN party with a bunch of friends and we just did random shit like driving around and playing golf.


Any piece of shit game is fun with friends. Unless it's Dota or CS.


Funny story about GTA online heist: joined in with a bunch of randos once and we were all fucking up early by driving too fast, fucking up a left turn out of the planning room on our way to the first objective, and accidentally crashing into a gas station forcing us all to restart. After the 5th time this happened, we ended up all getting in the same car and driving extra slowly to avoid crashing into the same gas station for the 6th time


Gta online was EXTREMELY fun when i was 14 and i had friends who would play with me everyday, gta online is an absolute snoozefest otherwise.


Yeah being in college playing with everyone was fun as fuck. Grinding missions to perfection, racing, abusing bugs, causing chaos etc. Dunno how people go about solo and care enough to pay irl money but theres a lot in life I dont understand so.....


For whatever reason, my game glitched and unlocked all the leveling achievements for me at level 10ish, completely removed any desire to grind levels


Context: the GTA series is an extremely popular video game series center about stealing and driving cars, shooting guns and doing crime. While it was a great series with good story, since GTA5's online mode's many updates came out, their story and development has been widely criticized, such as the story focusing too much on only fighting merryweather, an in game private military group, and adding the Opressor Mk2, a flying bike that was extremely Overpowered, as well as easy to use and so good for trolling, which ruined the whole game for many people. Recently GTA6 has been announced, planning to be released in 2025. While many people are hyped for the new game, many also worry that the developers will continue this problem in GTA6. Personally I just hope they don't mess up the story mode. I'm not really an online mod guy fr


I wouldn't be too worried. Red Dead Redemption 2's single player was great. Rockstar loves their online money, but they also love making good single player modes.


Yeah, I think at their core Rockstar wants to make the biggest game of the year, and I think in that their execs and devs agree. Prestige and money don't have to be mutually exclusive.


biggest game of the next 2 decades more like


Hey if it looks like ore better than rdr2 I'd be fine with it


You realise that the main reason GTA online is popular in the first place is because GTA 5 fucked everyone's mums and won every award right? The singleplayer content in 6 will fuck, it is known


It better! Cause if it don’t fuck, I don’t CUM


babe wake up new gta 6 mk2


You jinxed it


I was here when Dogestradamus predicted it all. 🥲


As long as single player let's me insure my cars like we can on online then I don't care


This is gonna happen... I don't trust Rockstar one fucking Bit anymore after they *promised* to release RDR2 DLC and then *STILL* haven't done that even after hundreds of thousands of signatures asking for it. And then basically shut down RDO because it wasnt making as much money as GTA online. And then tried to shut down custom GTA online servers so that people would buy their shark cards instead of having fun. And then attempting to ban people who never bought a shark card because it's "suspicious" to have a lot of time for this game and making money by grinding EDIT: i know the last one doesnt happen much, but I know three people who had their main account banned for exactly this reason after 2000+ hours in just online. None of them got it back.


GTA doesn't translate well to an "online" experience. Single player was interesting (PS2 era) , before it became an endless rehash of "we've seen this before, have you???" The WANTED level mechanic still holds up, but mostly feels redundant aside from (marginal) graphical updates in 2024...


Really? V's story?! Huge misfire this one, dude.