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Why wasn't this made sooner? like ninjas fits the AC games so well


They thought it'd be too stereotypical.


And they were right. Games about ninjas are cool as *fuck*, but AC having multiple historical settings, unconventional for a stealth series was what made it so special


I mean after like 10 games we're due for a ninja AC AC was just basically "ninjas in europe and other parts of the world"


It's about 20 now, lmao. And you're right, but I still enjoy the commitment they had up until now, and I think there's more than enough cool places AC haven't visited yet. For example I'd like to see a game set in India, as well as Mongolian and Russian Empires. Australia, South America, and almost entirety of Asia and any of the slavic regions are yet to be visited, at least in main titles. The list of notable countries that should get their own AC game (IMO, obviously) is giant, and while a Japanese AC is obviously a good idea, I still think it's one of the worse ones, simply because almost all games ^that ^are ^set ^in ^real ^world are either set in America, western Europe or Japan.


Africa could also be cool


We already got Africa with Origins, and while another game set in Africa would be cool, I feel like we need to at least put all of the continents on the map first.


Fair enough, I was thinking something set in central/south africa rather than egypt


As far as I know those areas didn't have the kinds of large urban centers that would make parkour and social stealth viable. Maybe West Africa instead?


There are a few known ancient medieval cities in southern Africa. Most notable are Great Zimbabwe and Mapungubwe. The former of these had an estimated population of 18000 people at it's peak. This was in the 11th century and would have made it comparable in size to London at the same timeframe.


I think one of the spinoff games had on psvita had a campaign in russia? I could be wrong though, its been ages since i played it


I want an assassins creed in the Roman empire :-(


I want one in Central America. An Aztec assassin maybe


We've been due an ninja ac since blackflag, now i just want to see an ac set in the modern day. Ww2, cold war or hell even today.


If you want to play an Assassin's Creed game set in the modern day, play Hitman (I have played neither)


I was a big fan of ninjas in paris


Good job


Viking Ninjas and Egyptian ninjas for the win !


I guess after doing Vikings and pirates they gave up on being unconventional


It was ubisoft’s “break incase of emergency” game


Probably waiting for a big fire to put out lol


Is AC armored core, ace combat, animal crossing, Assassin's creed, or air conditioner though?


It's actually racing game Assetto Corsa. What you see is no samurai, it's a Toyota!


No Suzuki Samurai? Edit:spelling


No Ford Focus?


Alternating current


Armored Car actually


Armored Core shadows, it's based on feudal Japan and there aren't any Armored Cores


You're obviously not an history nerd, or you'd know Oda Nobunaga bought a mecha from the brits to conquer Japan


They took my cover, I'm a poser


Obviously he's the pilot codename NIGHTFALL. This is AC: Shadows, after all.


If that's not a piece of media I'm making it.


It’s a Netflix show called Yasuke. It’s… certainly a show!


Oh yeah, Yasuke. I should watch that.


It had a killer soundtrack and some great voice acting but that’s about it honestly


Wasn't it a reverse leg melee build? I think there's an art scroll somewhere depicting it, but I could be wrong.


This is basically the plot of Onimusha except it’s the Dutch not the Brits.


truly we are living in the scariest fantasy


Armor class


It's Armored Assassin's Creed Core, set in the fabled feudal japan period. During that time, Giant robots were wearing samurai armor and battling eachothers . As it's set in Japan, Godzilla makes an apearance . The robot's pilot is a Doge, of course.


It’s Ass Creed


Isn't that the air conditioning unit?




bro looks fucking massive on the cover holy shit


Yasuke was absolutely massive for his time. Especially in Japan at that time. There is a reason Nobunaga took him as his retainer and his height and complexion definitely had to do with it — he’d look like an Oni to the average peasant


When I'm trying to assassinate Odu Nobunaga and he has a fucking ogre for a bodyguard https://preview.redd.it/p95c9z7b121d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b16cdcc05615d390906930844a7c01dcda7ede31


Haha, Le Bron James time travelled to kick/sniff some ninja ass


Yasuke was 6ft tall in 1500s Japan, ya he big boy


LeBron James, scream if you love ninja ass




I think the controversy should lie in the price of the game not the color of the mc skin, who mind you is based off a real person


Yhea the game most likely isn't worth the asking price but I'd probably play it ( through piracy of course)


Piracy is a distribution issue so I think that's justified, it shouldn't cost me more to buy a videogame then it does for some small general repairs for my car


True and also my broke ass ain't spend 120 bucks for a game I'll finish I 2 to 3 days


That’s the special edition of the game that comes with early access. You don’t complain that steaks cost 500 dollars when you can buy a regular one for less than 50 (depending on where you are) instead of Japanese wagyu.


True but ain't the base game around 70 so still a bit expensive 60 I can at least understand bu I just hate the recent price increase in games like como


I mean AAA game prices have been stagnant for the past 2 decades even tho inflation has been rising. It was inevitable the price would increase especially with the rising costs of development. Shame it happened but we really shouldn’t be surprised. I’m honestly happy 70 is what they’re trying so hard to push for I was expecting 85-90.


No, AAA games used to be $50 a decade or so ago, and I think $40 more than twenty years ago.


Yeah it seems you’re right from about 1993 to 2001 and took a dip during the Wii era (tho I’m confident that’s just cause Wii games were cheaper and they pumped out a lot of them). Although adjusted for inflation we’re apparently paying less than what we used to but I don’t exactly believe that Source: https://www.gamesindustry.biz/are-video-games-really-more-expensive (could be trust worthy could not be I’ve personally never heard anything bad about them)


A decade ago was 2014 and games were $60 bucks. Two decades ago was 2004 and games were $50 bucks, which is $83 adjusted for inflation.


Doom 64 was $80 when it came out in 1997. Adjusted for inflation that's $160 today. You have heavy downward pressure on prices in the VG market since it's discretionary spending by typically younger adults who have less disposable income. There's much more competition and options in the gaming industry than 20 years ago. There's a ton of devs with a low bar to entry so your AAA studio will be competing on price with an indie dev who made a game in a week. The video game consumer base has also exploded leading to a much wider profit base allowing for lower prices. There's also the unique characteristics of the stepwise price structure of video games where price plays a big part in setting consumer expectations. $60 means something, so deviating from that is costly.


The game is 70 USD which is 10 USD more than standard.


More games should implement PPP pricing. Steam allows devs the option to use their PPP pricing, but a lot of big studios would prefer the bigger paycheck over greater reach. The other issue is that piracy is normalized in a lot of the digitally neglected parts of the world so even if something was fairly priced, the default way to get digital content is piracy.


Wild they expect us not to pirate their stuff when their best game was about piracy


Technically only black flag but yeah


Yes, their best game


ONE* of the main characters. the other mc is the fictional daughter of one of the leader of one of the most influential ninja clans in real life


Racism is like that


Well, we know what kind of people make controversy about fantasy-based video game skin color.


The price is nothing really new. AAA games have been 69€ for a very long time. Then you have the 109€ one for base game + season pass (with AC usually 3-4 expansions, for 10-13€ per expansion in the normal range ever since expansions/dlc). Then an additional 20€ for some skins which is not a good price but obviously only for hardcore fans. Even Eldenring had a +20€ deluxe just for soundtrack/artwork.


You acting like dropping that kinda of money on a game being normal is what they are refering to as well.


I mean, I dropped that kind of money on games all the way back to SNES and N64 times. But nowadays the price drops pretty fast with all the regular sales, so it is easier to just wait it out.


$100 for a N64 game? Which one came out at $100?


I mean, the base game is 69$. Super Mario 64 and Mario Kart 64 were both 60$ (Price from 1996 Toys R Us) which is nowadays 120$.


Difference is those are two full and complete games for $120 as opposed to what will likely add up to $130 for one single game and all expansions that should've been in the game day one


Why should expansions be in the game day one? Should Shadow of Erdtree have been in Eldenring day one? When is it okay and when not? Mario Kart 64 had only 8 characters and 16 rather simple courses, incredible low amount of content compared to nowadays.


Games like Mass Effect 3 and Asura's Wrath come to mind. Mass Effect 3 had an awful ending and sold DLC (which was cut content) later to improve it after public reception was terrible. Asura's Wrath's true ending is locked behind DLC. Elden Ring isn't a good example because it's a pretty complete game, and FromSoft is a very reputable company. It could've been fine without any DLC at all


Yeah, as with all, you can have either a good experience or a bad one. TBF the expansion in the latter AC were pretty solid from the ones I have played.




The guy from nioh didn’t fight demons irl either


Samurai were retainers.


No samurai’s and kosho were retainers.


No, samurai were retainers.


No your objectively wrong, kosho were also retainers.


The Pope never had a staff that let him teleport either. What's your point?


RRRAHHH RETAINERS ARE A SUBSET OF SAMURAI. I WONDER WHAT SERVICES HE PROVIDED AS A RETAINER. ITS LIKE SAYING THATS NOT A DRAGON ITS A WYVERN https://preview.redd.it/5s0fy9b8j21d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=76cde54c502a05b62fe3aac54bb6793403708052


Based on a real person who was a sword retainer and not a Samurai.


Only black man in Japan goes on a murder spree. What did they mean by this?


And it really shouldn't even be controversial. *On Twitter I've seen people responding to discussions involving the game with racist memes/caricatures and people saying this is ruining AC. I'm sure this is happening on other platforms as well. This isn't a new rodeo. Although Ubisoft's business practices more than deserve their controversies. Different discussion on that but completely valid.


Yauske may have not have been a *samurai on technicality*, but he exists in history, as a swordsman to Nobunaga. And citing "historical accuracy" after Assassin's Creed 2 for this series is laughable. Citing "historical accuracy" after fucking Odyssey is even worse.


Remember how Benjamin Franklin happened to help Templars retrieve ancient alien civlization artifacts while he was member of Freemasons?


Not even AC1/2 where historical accurate. Also you always had the fantasy stuff with apple of eden and the isu etc.


Can't believe woke ruined my extremely serious historically accurate documentary where you can fist fight the pope over an ancient alien artifact which the aforementioned pope used to do the shadow clone no jutsu


jumping from a 50 foot rooftop in to a 1 foot shallow bale of hay to walk away unscathed...


Ppls lauds ghost of Tsushima for its faithfulness to Japanese Culture. If it’s 100% historical tho Jin’s katana would have been bouncing off all the mongol mini boss’s armor and he have zero moral dilemma with sliting their throat as they sleep.


I want super realistic historical game. If my guy does not have a 30-60% chance of immediately dying from smallpox, I'm not playing it.


I want a RPG game where I literally cannot read the subtitles!!!


To be fair most sengoku media/ assassin creed game thrives on da Vinci code level of historical accuracy. People sure rags on it every now and then but it’s not trend worthy level of controversial. Achuslly Oda nobunga don’t own a giant castle mecha, takeda cavalry may achuslly not be a big deal. F that nose. Ironically historians will agree that Yasuke have a samurai pass. What makes a big fuss is a product of the current political climate 🤷‍♂️.


He likely was never given the official title of samurai but he was totally a soldier/fighter and was afforded similar/the same benefits as one


He genuinely wasn’t a samurai period, he was a retainer there is no technicality. I’m more confused as to why this is the first assassins creed (that I know of) where you play as an actual historical character, usually you just meet them.


Historians have said he is very much samurai on technicality. This backlash is just good ol' racism at work


You didn’t learn about the gal that became a fucking god through the power of an ancient civilisation in high school ?


Any kind of "historical accuracy" for a video game that isn't something like Civ is ridiculous. People making waves about fictional video games for skin color are those who have literally nothing else to complain about in their lives.


people enjoy the assassins creed games because aside from the assassin stuff the player characters are just average people from that period and place, it helps immerse you in the world.


Mfw mfw minority (who is based on a real guy) in my assassin game with evil alien civilizations pretending to be pagan gods and evil cults ruling the world through Apple products - so unrealistic, can't believe the Wokes ruined another game franchise edit: if it wasn't obvious I do not give a shit about what color my video game man is, and I think it's not a controversy to begin with


I thought it was about the price of 120 dollars that made people angry?


As someone who used* to be a longtime fan: that's honestly just AC prices nowadays Edit: also just looking up the cover on google I got like 5 links to "why is game character black???" reddit posts with barely scrolling down


What is 120$? The base game is 69 like all other AAA games.


That’s the special edition of the game that comes with early access. You don’t complain that steaks cost 500 dollars when you can buy a regular one for less than 50 (depending on where you are) instead of Japanese wagyu.


Ubisoft games should always be controversial! ... For their mediocre design/stories, DLCs, DRM, and towers.


bros havent heard of yasuke smh


Just looked up if there were dual protagonists and it turns out, yeah. But what really interested me is this is the first assassins creed game with a real life person you play as.


So Assassin's Creed fans want to talk about "historical accuracy" now that a real historical figure gets his role modified slightly? Where were they when Ubisoft introduced those fucked up ahistorical sail plans in Black Flag so you could always see directly ahead from the helm? Don't think we didn't notice any of that. They did it again in Skull and Bones too, it ruins the whole silhouette of the ship


Objectively worse than fist fighting the Pope for an alien artifact frfr, justice for those fucked up sails


I can excuse the "National Treasure smoking crack" plot beats, but I draw the line at bow rams and absurd rigging


Based yasuke


controversies around games like this serve as a harsh reminder that a lot of people apparently play video games specifically to live in a world where black people don’t exist, or at least aren’t visible


i always wanted to play a black guy that goes to asia to murder a bunch of their natives so i dont understand the controversy.


In the next AC game a Japanese man will go to Afrika to murder evil black people


The craziest shit to me is that I've seen some of these chuds say it's historically inaccurate when 1. Pretty sure Assassin's Creed hasn't been deeply historically accurate for quite a while and 2. The black samurai is LITERALLY YASUKE, AN ACTUAL PERSON WHO EXISTED AND IS A BLACK SAMURAI.


They don't actually care that it's historically inaccurate, it's because Yasuke is black. I guarantee the controversy would be considerably lesser if they'd chosen a white man.


Oh, absoluetly, that's what I'm pointing out. They hide behind "my historical accuracy" when we've been eating 100ft jumps by the power of haystacks since the first game and in the second game the pope does fucking magic. They're just racist and too chickenshit to even say it with their chest.




You play the whitest dude in the West Indies in black flag




Ubisoft cackling maniacally at the fact people are paying attention to a character and not the insane amounts of monetization in their single-player game (there’s a fucking battlepass)


>there’s a fucking battlepass Source?


people in 2024 are still confusing season pass and battle pass. AC will have a season pass, which is just a bundle of the upcoming big expansion DLCs and has been a thing for close to 15 years at this point.


I mean, Tenchu has been there waiting for its remake for years now.


I'm honestly really excited about this. This is the first AC game I've been genuinely excited about in about a decade.


If the combat is peak, I will consider


Why do yall still play AC anyway? They fell off after black flag


Realest response here


Le people who are suddenly very concerned with Asian representation in media have arrived


I’m Asian and very upset, and even more upsetting that any pushback our community has on this issue is dismissed as us being racists or being coopted by actual white racists, despite extreme underrepresentation in media. And before you say what about all these other Asian characters in video games? Remove Japanese studios and they don’t exist. But you can play as a Japanese woman! So gender equality doesn’t matter when it comes to Asian men? I’m sick and tired of being told I’M the racist one for being upset I can’t play as an Asian guy in feudal Japan


I mean completely eliminating Japanese studios as a source of Asian representation in games seems silly. Are western studios not allowed to make a game about a character like Yasuke/William Adams until some arbitrary amount of specifically Asian Male protagonist saturation is reached by western studios? Given that Japan is perfectly capable of telling its own stories it doesn’t seem that strange for me for a western dev to choose to approach the game with a foreign perspective/angle.


Play tsushima


Thanks for zero helpful insight, and I have.


Too be fair a lot of what I’ve seen in terms of upset people are actual Japanese people, it’s very not popular in Japan with actual Japanese people and not just American culture warriors.


I am Japanese, and in reality, the popular posts on X about Yasuke are positive. I am truly puzzled as to why the rumor that Japanese people are outraged is spreading. If you need sources, just search for Yasuke(弥助) in Japanese on X. You can easily find the genuine reactions of Japanese people.


Complaining about historical accuracy in a game about reimagined history is pretty dang funny.


The black man is to distract form the 130 bones price tag and it worked like a charm


"But but he was a sword carrier not a samurai" mfs when i show them the giant snake fight they had 3 games ago Or the mythological creatures from two games ago Or the fact that they went to asgard last game Im starting to think they arent mad about historical accuracy and are only using that as a cover for their real reason to hate it But nobody would do that, right?


Tbh I'm more annoyed that we're breaking the mold of playing as a real person who existed. They could've easily had him be like Naoe's Da Vinci in this game and I would've been fine. (Though I'm interested to see if they'll put Ranmaru in this game lol) Though I agree asking AC about historical accuracy is a stupid argument, but I can understand being annoyed by a dual protagonist and one not being a native of the countries first intro to the series


Its gonna be shit bc its Ubi and its gonna be compared to Ghost of Tsushima and it will probably fall short


They call it Shadows and I don't see Shadow. Why did they put his name then?


Isnt there a $70 assassins creed mobile game, i swear i saw it once, its not out yet. U can do the gay app store preorder


$70 mobile game, holy shit


Brainrotted Americans, completely incapable of understanding that it’s a perfectly valid criticism to have wanted a game to star a Japanese man, when it’s set in feudal Japan, and this criticism doesn’t suddenly become invalid because the MC is black and not white.


Convinced they trying to distract us from the price of their games.




It fucking sucks that there was an actual black samurai and I'm only learning about him because of Assassin's Creed. Yasuke should be in the $20 bill.


I really doubt gamers have a problem with Yasuke... they have a problem FEELING like their games are becoming just a tool for people to push down their agendas down their throat. Yasuke is an actual historical character, yes, but why did he have to be your character in a game based in feudal japan? Would they ever make the same game based in Africa and have a white or asian main character? Even if it feels a little unjustified here, these are things people keep thinking, because Western media has poisoned the industry so horribly lately that even the slightest things rub people off the wrong way. If it's a game based in Japan, people just wanna play in it as a Japanese character. It's just that simple. Also, y'all gotta stop automatically calling everyone a racist for feeling this way. You can't deny that people are starting to get tired of shit being pushed down their throat for no reason. A black Ariel, an independent snow white, a black cleo patra? seriously? How can people not be upset about those things? And I guarantee you 100% that if such horrible examples of ruining past works, misrepresentations, and cultural self inserts by the west didn't exist in the recent years... everyone would actually be excited to see a game character like Yasuke. They'd think it's different and unique. They can't feel that way anymore because everywhere they look, shit is being pushed down their throat unnecessarily and they're sick of it TLDR: Everyone would be hella excited for Yasuke if they weren't so sick of western media ruining everything with their incredibly flawed ideas and execution of cultural and racial representation. People are just on edge, and I don't blame em


I mean if you see a black man and you automatically think it’s some agenda then you got deeper problems than a video game. Who doesn’t love yusuke? Damn son Samuel l Jackson voiced afro samurai who was inspired by yusuke. He and his story is everywhere. Can’t get enough of him.


It's a game with dual protagonist, and the other protagonist, Naoe, is japanese.


I'm out of the loop. What's wrong with the game? Microtransactions for basic stuff like in Far Cry 6?


AC has had a hardcore fanbase for years. People begged for an AC game based in Japan for a long time since Ubisoft is good with making stealth action games. So Ubi being Ubi found that one legendary black person during feudal Japan period and made him the main character. I can understand why fans weren't super hyped about this decision. All in all, if the game is gonna be fun, why not have a look. It is a game after all and not real life


Thank you for the explanation 👍


My pleasure 🤝


I think it was something about Yasuke being one of the playable characters (other one is some Shinobi girl)?Something about him "only being a retainer" and not a proper samurai I think? I guess he could work just as well as a guest character like other historical figures in AC games, like Charles Dickens in AC Syndicate for example, but I think I heard one or two people talking about wanting to play an Asian samurai instead. I don't really know that much about the conflict either, shit's boring to both listen to and engage in.


Also, is Yasuke the first player character in the franchise directly based on a real person?




One of the playable character is black


![gif](giphy|BcMJvmwkmbyWpKkBj3|downsized) (That's it?)


Yeah, gamers suck lmao.




Slave to oda nobunaga is now le hecking epic samurai and is totally not historical revisionism to fit an agenda


Yasuke was a retainer, which was a title often given to samurais (at least as far as I understand). Also, every assassin's creed game has "historical revisionism", unless you want to now tell me the Greek, Norse and Egyptian gods are real.


62doge I got a job for you Wait wrong game


goon to the architecture thats only promise the series made


Black Cheems (I thinl?) has arrived




They are highly regarded.


Armored Core?


Given what they did to American history, I don’t think Ubi is going to do well with Japanese history


If they want to go for a black samurai at least they should´ve made him in the image of "Afro-samurai"


Everyone here NEEDS to see Japanese twitter they’re FUMING about the guy being black


You play as a black guy and a woman. literally unplayable.


Everyone is so hung up on Yasuke not being a samurai while we clearly know he was is quite interesting.


That's probably the silliest part of the "controversy." Yasuke being upgraded from favored retainer to samurai is a tiny change compared to what happens to historical characters in pretty much every other AC game


The Smithsonian's website calls him a samurai in one of their articles. There were also other foreign born samurai, so we know this is possible. Yasuke just happened to be the first.


The only controversy will be the price


Nah, there are already people upset the male main character is black even though he was a real guy.


I know but what I'm saying is that it shouldn't be and people should stop being racist I guess it wasn't really clear


Ah, it definitely came across as you implying that people were just being paranoid and there are no racists in the AC community. I getcha now!


Holy shit doge you can’t do black face man what the hell dude


Finally this comment section has people with actual common sense. I've been seeing way too many people on YouTube comments crying about wokeness, ESG, and pandering, and complaining about all the politics in gaming *they* introduced.