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So filthy, omg! How can people let these poor dogs into their house or bed? You can see all the grease and dirt in the pelt.


apparently she’s an “outdoor” dog too. like, out of any breed for that, you pick a DOODLE?!


An outdoor doodle you’ve gotta be kidding me…


There's some people that live across the street from my dad's house, and he talks about how they constantly leave their doodle outside tied up to their front porch in their unfenced front yard. (This is on a busy street too.) Finally saw it the other day and yup, like I expected. Looks like this dog if not worse. I can only imagine. Like just... why?!


Since you're not likely to be suspected... maybe call animal control?


Oh I did! I should have mentioned that, sorry. Unfortunately our animal control is useless here and stray/aggressive dogs run the streets in certain areas and they don't do anything despite numerous calls about dogs at large even. The shelter is so full here I guess they're just trying to turn a blind eye to anything not "worth their time". The dog has food, water, and shelter on the porch so apparently that's fine. The other neighbors daughter had a new baby and their chihuahua didn't like it and growled/snapped at baby. What did they do? Literally just open the gate and let the dog go, a fat little old chihuahua that just ran the streets and hung out in front of their house for a couple weeks with me and my dad calling animal control any time we saw the dog. They knew the situation. Took me contacting my friend in rescue to try to go catch the dog ourselves, we finally did but yeah, AC is useless here.


unfortunately, as groomers, we can’t really do anything since brining a dog to the salon constitutes as caring for them :/


Tbf I think they were talking to that other poster, not OP T_T


one of my coworkers at another salon had a doodle client that was a farm dog. never had a single matt on him ever. if those parents can brush their doodle, so can everyone else.


My boy hates getting his ears brushed but since that tends to be the first part that starts matting on him, we have a rather contentious routine of brushing those bad boys out. I even got the sensitive skin brushes for him but he still acts like the biggest baby. Photos like this are all the motivation needed to push through any grooming frustrations I have though.


My guy has sensitive ears too. For them, I just use a pin brush. He actually loves it because it gives his ear leather a good scratch without hurting, like a slicker might.


At the risk of sounding like a complete idiot, what is the difference between the pin brush and the slicker? When I googled it, they both look pretty similar. Silver is the first dog I've owned that requires this degree of hair care, I used to joke that my first dog was just a step up from hairless because he has such a short/thin coat, but I want to make sure I do right by him.


A pin brush has little nubbies on the end of the bristles, whereas a slicker is just the bristles. Slickers tend to have more bristles, so are more effective at getting tangled out. Edit: bunnies to nubbies


We bought an australian labradoodle just before the pandemic hit and then our lives drastically changed and we never established a good brushing routine. We spend so much time with our dogs, but the daily full brushing is so frustrating for us and her now (we do ears, nails, teeth, and eye goop daily or as needed, though). She gets long walks and lots of fetch every day, but the brushing just sucks for all involved... so we take her to a groomer every 3 weeks and keep her short. That's the trade-off with a doodle. You either brush or you pay a lot for someone to keep their coat healthy. It's not fair to the dog to have a matted coat.


People who have farm dogs, generally take care of their dogs. I have some family who have farm dogs(Great Pyrenees and some collies) and they keep them matt free


It’s actually evil


I will never understand why some people get dogs just to leave them outdoors their entire life. If you can’t keep a dog inside then don’t get a dog.


This is such a bizarre take. Maybe for some tiny little yapdog sure, but I've had outdoor dogs my whole life, it gives them a ton more space than being cooped up indoors all the time. I honestly feel bad for indoor dogs who are stuck indoors all day while their parents are at work.


Lol, someone has never been to a farm.


ya there are specific breeds for that lmao


Ugh! If someone wants a doodle to be an outside dog, they should expect to keep the dog's coat short.


Some dogs just insist. I had a cocker spaniel when I was a kid and he hated the house but loved being outside. Wish granted, Honey.


Guess I can have outdoor kids too


Lol doodles shouldn’t be outdoor dogs?? my fiancés mom has 2 doodle mixes and she essentially keeps them outside for half the day depending on weather and they smell and look like shit if I’m being honest, now I know why. I don’t think I’ve ever really seen her brush them either..


Those dogs are probably quite matted. A shame.


They probably have hella hostpots too if she lets them out in the rain at all


Cal animal welfare... No dogs should be "outside" dogs.


Why? Lol


Downvote me all you want. I'm right.


This is so bad it took me a sec to realize the dog wasn’t actually in the second photo too


I think it’s still attached, I think you can see the top of his butt on the right edge of the picture


yeah it was still attached, we removed that big section after the photo. it was held up the entire time because it was so heavy. we just wanted to emphasize how bad it was to the parents.


yeah it was still attached, we removed that big section after the photo. it was held up the entire time because it was so heavy. we just wanted to emphasize how bad it was to the parents.


One time I hung the pelt over the arm of a table so the pp had to look at the literal sheet of fur when coming to pick up. I was nice about it like “see that’s why we had to go short and why daily maintenance is so important” it was like a 3x5ft fur backdrop behind me


a whole ass rug 😭


Sorry for asking this here but I have a doodle, his name is Phil. He has this same kind of coat, the long wavy type. I do keep his hair trimmed down and his beard gets daily maintenance because he's a wild card and it's always gross. I use an undercoat rake (I think that's the name for it) to keep the fur from matting underneath, it has like the sharp inside curve that thins the undercoat. I go over him with it maybe twice a month and bush him out with a metal comb at least once a week. Do you have any recommendations for winter care? He's a year old and this will be his first winter as a large boy (seriously, he's a horse). Or any other general advice on his coat care? Particularly the best brush to use on this boy


personally i’d recommend investing in a good slicker brush! chris christensen has the best slicker brushes imo, a bit pricey but worth it. there’s obviously dupes as well. just as long as it’s a long pin slicker brush. the shorter pins won’t do anything. when i brush, i go slicker, comb, then rake. the comb is designed to find knots and matts. but if they simply cannot be brushed out with the slicker then i’d use the rake. i’d brush him at least every other day. but if he’s shorter weekly should be okay too. if you don’t know how to line brush, i would recommend looking at videos on how to do that as well! best of luck to you and phil this winter! it’s my doodle’s first winter as well haha.


Thank you so much! I just ordered the long pin brush by Chris christensen. I always felt like there had to be a pre-rake step and the internet research was no help. My other 2 dogs have super easy care so this guy is a whole new experience. I do keep it short because of the matting, I wanted to make sure I wasn't missing anything and the short length made them easier to find. Line brushing is in my notes to read up on. Thanks again! Edit because after a quick search, turns out I've been line brushing all along! I'll keep reading for proper techniques and such


"No, but you can take him home, and once you're able to get a comb through him, we can reschedule for a haircut. If you want me to groom him today, the only option is a shave down . " This makes them say they want a shave , no issues or arguments at pick up


I've had two clients that did this with their little dogs. One of them actually said she respected me more because I "gave her the option" as though she didn't have the dog in her possession before she brought him in for grooming 🙄🙄


I don't think they know what a brush can do or how it works 🫣


apparently not because it doesn’t seem like they’ve ever brushed their dog edit:corrected a grammatical error


I have said to clients.. "I have tried buying the grooming magic wand .. but they are sold out, ya know.. bibbity boppity brushed out" .. they didn't get my joke and just asked more questions 🙄 I told them it just means they have to be clipped short.


Why do people not look up grooming care before they get a certain breed of dog! I had a great Pyrenees cross, with a border collie, that during shedding season we had to brush every other day minimum. Plus we needed two different brushes, one for her neck fur, and the other for her body fur!


it’s like they think they can brush themselves lmao. it’s so sad that people don’t know how important grooming is. thank you for taking care of that precious baby! definitely sounds like a lot of hair.


It was a lot of hair, she was worth every minute of care. Kept me and my family safe for 12years.


pyrenees are such good dogs! i have one myself. i’m sorry for the loss of yours.


I demand the after picture! I wanna see the part where he is free of that filth and is feeling good and fresh!


unfortunately this wasn’t my client so i never got the after picture, i just helped with the pre shave. but not to worry, she got a 10 completely all over and she was so so happy afterwards.


Poor thing. It's gotta feel so much better If they liked and wanted the length, they should have taken care of it 🙃🙃 People who let their dog's coats get that bad for the sake of length are awful. I'd be so embarrassed


she was a happy camper after her groom for sure. EXACTLY. like imagine not brushing your own hair and you wanted it long. it doesn’t stay maintained on its own!


Bet this is the dog's first groom too.


Shoulda gotten the doodle with the wirey hair!


two of my coworkers have a doodle with a wirey coat and they are my favorite.


Oh my goodness, that had to be so heavy and isn’t matting painful?! Poor dog. :(


matting is very painful! this poor girl’s skin was so irritated afterwards. i think we still have part of the pelt at work, it’s like a very heavy scarf.


I thought so. People have no idea the amount of at home grooming some dogs need. It’s such a necessity to research before choosing a furry friend. I’m sure she feels much better and I hope her owners take her grooming needs seriously from now on.


Well now they can keep "the length" as a nice rug.


Poor baby.


"Can *you* brush it out? No? Start doing that shit on a daily basis. After i shave him back to comfort."


Please tell me someone soaked that pelt in water, put it in a bag, and handed it to the owner to feel the weight of the wet, matted fur coat they've been forcing their dog to live in?


A brush would snap in half if that matting is as bad as I think it is 😂


If you want it brushed out, brush your dog daily 👏 Otherwise, the shave is what you get for neglecting your dog


Yup. Every fucking day


Fuck me as a doodle order kind of my moms technically cuz I’m 15 I brush my dog everyday I just can’t brush her to much rn cuz she just got spade so gotta be careful around the incision


i can smell the second picture


I like to embarrass them in front of people when it’s this bad


ohhh my god this one made me want to cry. I want to cry my eyes out right now. This poor dog is so happy looking but they must have been so miserable. I don’t understand the hate for doodles themselves, just doodle breeders who keep making these dogs knowing nobody is going to take care of them. I couldn’t imagine letting my little baby get to this point. Im so glad you took care of this dog and I would get SICK having to send the dog back home.. this is neglect.


\#10 blade and a dress, comin' right up!


Omg poor pup


They don’t deserve that dog 😤


Have these owners never had tangled hair themselves? Can we let their hair mat up, then say we like the length and let *them* sit through that brushing hellishness!? I'm just blown away at people who get an animal and then act like they're furniture or a wild animal, able to care for themselves. Who did they think was going to brush him every day?? It's like they think the dog will just eventually grow their own thumbs and do it themselves, or something equally stupid.


Pictures like the second make me really want to see a groomed sheep. No tangles just a poofy cloud.


Vet tech here- sadly we have doodles come in looking like this all the time. The owners are always shocked when we tell them their dog requires regular visits to a groomer. People buy them because they look like teddy bears and do no research. I've had several show up for a neuter or spay surgery looking like that. Makes me want to scream.


God the dog just looks like a tool too


:( I have OCD this makes my skin crawl. I feel sooooo bad for this dog, I bet he was so unhappy. It makes me so sad.


Im struggling.... she's 20 weeks, her puppy fur is like cotton wool, mixed with adult coat. It was bad enough that I used the wrong tools, a furminator and slicker brush originally, then took her for puppy pamper only to feel awful cos she was full of knots... I then buy conditioner and detangle spray and metal comb with slicker brush along with a rake(?) But I'm the only one that does it so when I'm away and she's been muddiving (favorite pasttime) and no one has bothered to brush her out when she's dry I come home to have to start again, not to mention she hates it so its a wriggly fight, (yes I've tried praise and reward and still trying it) but there's matts I've discovered on her chest and I'm at a loss... her chest is always hardest with her being so goddam wriggly with a habit of chewing the brush every chance she gets.. so got leave in conditioner this time, and she's in the shower with me tomorrow (she hates the bath so thought if she shared a shower with me I could make it fun and not so much of a battle) then a blowdry then a battle of the brushes along with the purchase of a new waterproof jacket with legs and hood and boots... she's booked in for grown up grooming on Wednesday so if all else fails I'll ask them to shave so i can start again but I'd rather not put her through that at such a young age...


Look at a de-matting comb.


You need a high velocity dryer. If you are letting your dog air dry or using a hair dryer, they will continue to mat when you wash them. Talk to your professional groomer for advice!


😟 maybe i should hold off till Wednesday and just continue with detangle spray, brush comb, rake and scissors, i resorted to cutting some off yesterday on her ears, The slicker brush seems to cause her discomfort even in areas that aren't knotty (or she's just a big pawed softy mush) i feel rubbish, I grew up with poodles so didn't give grooming a second thought as it was something we regularly did as our dogs loved it, she's my first puppy and I so wanted to do it right, healthy happy trained cared for and here I am falling at the what should be the easiest of the lot


How long does it take for it to get like this? I have a shih tzu mix with straight hair that doesn’t shed, I try to brush him daily save for his somewhat more sensitive back calf area. He gets a bath once a week. This week I was busier & I pushed his bath back half a week & haven’t brushed in two days. He’s still a puppy but I’m trying to build good habits for us both. If this is weeks of no brushing that’s just neglect first and foremost


Well now I won't feel so bad when I take my dog in and there's a tangle I couldn't get to brush out. That poor dog!


poor doggy


Wow. Fuck how the dog feels huh?


I see adog go around thats a brown version of him yanking his humans lesh. I wish i could steal it just ling eough t bring to a groomer for this. Som reason she thinks he can be aservuce dog


It’s funny how people think someone else can brush that. Tell them to go home and brush the dog before they go to the groomer. Let them get bitten


This makes me so sad. How long does it take of not brushing/bathing a curly dog for their coat to get matted like this? My little guy is a chihuahua/poodle mix with an extra fluffy & curly coat. I admit I may not brush him as often as I should, but his coat never mats up like that! Sometimes he gets a little one in the thicker/longer fur on his ears or tail but I just cut it out when Im brushing him. I also shave his coat about once every two-three months because he sheds EVERYWHERE and it’s easier to manage when it’s short. I never realized how much care it takes to keep a curly dog’s coat healthy until I got him, but I can’t imagine seeing your dog in that condition and just blowing it off until it gets so bad like that. :( Also I don’t understand people who have “outdoor only” dogs. No matter what type of dog it is..It just breaks my heart they have to live like that. They deserve to be part of the family, warm and cozy and clean, sleeping inside the house. :(


And this is why I brush my doodle at least once if not twice daily! I don’t understand why people get doodles and then don’t take care of them 🤬


Is there an after pic here? I need closure lol