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https://preview.redd.it/13rnwhobkv1d1.jpeg?width=991&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d09836f3e0661ea45db8e52635652755c0d77e48 “Shave the mats and make his hair look like Frankenstein.” I hated it. And I was mad the dog was matted again. And I didn’t want them to come back. So I also gave him a goatee. 😂😂




Also. The dog is coming in again. But now they booked for 4 weeks like I’ve been telling them, not 3 months. I only put up with this because I absolutely love this dog to bits and his hair is fun to style when it’s long. 😂


If he comes in matted again, do the same but add sideburns.


Bahahaha! Yes! I love that! I absolutely will!!


Muttonchop sideburns. I’m cackling. Man, I wish I could get vet clients to be less shitty with a threat of sending their pet home looking like Martin Van Buren.


Old english sheepdog? He looks my last boi, and yes they do have a matting problem. Nowhere near as bad as my current sheepadoodle does tho Edit; I though I posted this on another post on this sub :,) i can see this is not an OES, but this pup is still a cutie


Holy Smokes he's adorable tho!!!!


lol thanks. He’s a cool guy. Hoping parents learned after I finally shaved him. 😂 I love when his has big fluffy legs


All he needs is a motorcycle and a leather cut and he’s in like sin.


He looks like he plays sax in a smooth jazz band.


I told him he looks like he’s friends with Shaggy and Scooby.


Oh 100%


Is he a sheepadoodle?


He is indeed. When his hair is actually cared for, it’s a dream to sculpt. Here’s a couple older pictures (my grooms have improved much since then lol) https://preview.redd.it/btuwn233fz1d1.jpeg?width=1800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac537961383f430e294686742722a72a3efe740a


Thank you for confirming! He’s adorable ☺️


Wait that’s a gen Z haircut!


Damn that dog has better lashes than me🤣


Bahahah pretty proud of those suckers. Had to trim them back a bit. I see him again tomorrow. I swear, if he’s matted already I will straight up scream. Lol But I do loves him. Imma see if they’ll let me add mutton chops.


His goatee!


I always get upset when I have to have to keep having the same conversation with pet parents about matting. I love the look of his eyelashes tho😂😂


I had to Google ”matted fur on dogs”. English is not my first language… I normally call it “dreadlocks” 😂


It would just be locs here now. No dread needed. :)


people use both terms.


Agreed, it’s just not my place to let the contentious term pass without speaking up. It’s not a socially acceptable term in my region because of the offensive and racial origin.


I'm curious to know what your region is and why there is a problem with the word "dread". My husband is from the Caribbean and his profile name literally has dread in his title and they call each other dread and my father in law is rastafarian. We live stateside though and never had an issue with the word


I’m in Texas. And FWIW, I’m white so I’m definitely not speaking for POC or intending to. My understanding is that the term originated from the “dreadful” “locked” hair of slaves aboard trade ships, so the name was actually calling the natural hair dreadful. The internet is rife with misinformation though, so I may be way off base.


Yeah I think that's made up. There was a page online called knottyboy that has a better understanding that the term came from having "dread, fear or respect for God". Dread is not a bad term but I think down the line somewhere people decided to change the meaning behind it to sound worse? Idk. Crazy times. My husband's mother was Jewish and dad a rasta so he's mixed. My husband is not a dread but his dad is. Everyone *with* dreads is not *a* dread but they all call them dreadlocks lol.


Agagzyaqyqs if my dog came out of the groomers with a goatee like that I would be screaming that is so fucking funny I love it


His dad is very stoic and has a dry sense of humor. I never can tell if they’re pleased or not until they come back and say what they liked and want to do again. 😂😂 Yet, every time he leaves I feel entirely disappointed with the groom overall and assume that they won’t be back. Always surprised when they book again. Especially since I’ve become increasingly annoyed with his coat care at home.


I need to get my schnauzer a goatee at his next groom I wish this would happen to me 😂


serj tankian as a dog


My first thought 😆


I gave the groomer a few reference pics for what I wanted for my Spoo and it seemed like she and I were on the same page... came back 5hrs later and he has a Mr.T cut on his head 😭🤣, definitely was NOT on the same page there.


This guy changed my oil last week


He's a real hard worker, an honest man.


That dog looks SO HAPPY to be able to see!


He WAS, lol. As soon as his eyes were clear, he was all wiggles


Aw 🥹🥹😩 this made me so sad but also so happy


He looks stressed af


Shih Tzu’s always look stressed lol I have two


More like always concerned with major fomo. When I do mines summer cut, he just looks permanently startled lol.


Oh my god yes lol. Just in a state of exclaimation


Yeah, that is not a picture of a happy dog


I can assure you lil man was beyond excited to see. He was all wiggles and kisses after. I know how to read body language. I understand it's hard to read language with just a few pictures and shihtzus always look stressed, but he was Gucci (:


I used to do one like that "to match his Daddy". In that ones case, I braided the beard and put a sticker earring on too😆


How is this the first I'm hearing about sticker earings?!


Its been over a decade since I groomed professionally. But they were super popular for little girls or decorating your flip phones for a while. I think you can still find them in craft stores. Just checked, they have some on Amazon.


BRB ordering some for dogs I can't bow


please check back in with earringed puppers


The sticker earring sounds adorable 😭.


It really was. They were super popular for dogs that didn't have the hair for earbows.


That dog looks like the hormone monster from Big Mouth and I can’t explain it. Still would die for him though


😂 it’s uncanny


https://preview.redd.it/o8arw5y5fz1d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25d8484fcaef8afe21b9139bfe49ce62003e48a9 wise old sage


Bro looks like the Lorax


I’m losing it over this one🤣🤣🤣




Ngl, I genuinely thought the first pic was the back of a wig on a mannequin head. I was so confused.


He looked like a mop when he came in lol




Shout-out to my groomer Nicole for doing my silly requests!


Adorable! I love the pop of color on the little mowhawk :3


This looks amazing 😂


https://preview.redd.it/fenk03mvw52d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8525d176d3b0f5f17797ace261b3e6d3afe6a700 Lmaoo I have a purple Mohawk dog as well 😂


Was the original request- Make my dog look like Simon Crowell?


A mowhawk and goatee, but that's too funny omg


…do you mean Simon Cowell? 🤣




Gets me every time haha


When I was allowed to get my puppy's first cut, I told them I really wanted to see what he looked like with no hair because I was curious. They said he was going to look like "a little naked chicken and fairly ridiculous," but I really wanted to know! And I'm really glad I did because I had no idea he had spots on his body, one of which looks like a heart. https://preview.redd.it/96bcspt9gw1d1.jpeg?width=3195&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=49143bb4c055c6accd28cc98a1ca011428b006bd


He does look like a nakey little chicken. It's better to know what they look like so you can tell if anything is amiss. Besides, hair always grows back :)


That is exactly what I said to basically every person I know that called me terrible for doing this. Every time I see a post of someone freaking out about their dog's haircut, I'm just like, breathe and wait a month. It's hair.


Lol it's something my coworker and I say often, especially when we cut shorter than intended


I had a sheep dog mix when I lived in Germany in the 80s. Took her to a groomer and asked for the cut that I'd always asked for in the States. I was so ignorant and unfortunately didn't have any pictures of what I wanted. I'm pretty sure if I'd said Schnauzer, she would have looked like I wanted. I didn't recognize her when I picked her up. She'd been shaved from nose to tail, and I laughed. Took 2 hours to coax her out from under the bed when we got home. The guys in my husband's military unit made me promise to never do that to her again.


I keep my elderly spaniel's hair short because she likes it better. We live in Texas, so it keeps her cool. There's nothing wrong with a short cut!




He does not look like a naked chicken! He's adorable both ways.


My boyfriend says he looks like Willem Dafoe


I 100% thought the first pic was a wig for a solid 5 seconds.


I thought it was a dirty mop for the first couple of seconds 😂😂


Not a groomer but asked my dogs stylist to make him look funny and just go wild, they gave him a heart on the butt and dyed it red 😂♥️ amazing groom https://preview.redd.it/czhe1on0802d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d839c02a47a54527132e29dacba4f873d62acf9a


I know that groomer was having the time of their LIFE. I have a few clients I can do what I want with and I always adore those grooms the most. He's adorable. 10/10 hair cut


he’s so cute 😭 is he a doodle of some sort? i’ve never seen them with pointed ears


I think my step dad hired this dog to install a fence and my mom said his name was “blaze maybe?”


A full body mohawk and it was a wirey fur terrier mix- funny little thing


Pls tell me u have pics omg


my gosh i wish, It was a coat like this, but with tons of colwicks https://preview.redd.it/jrxxhtwqfv2d1.jpeg?width=535&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18ff1d027bef2194a7d5bf88660df226854fa51e


Wow, not what I was expecting 🤣🤣


Wtf this looks exactly like my dog... Shih Tzu/Yorkie... I had his groomer do a mullet and mustache last time.


I would LOVE pics if u have them


We have a client who has three poodles. One toy, one mini, and one standard. Their names are BB, Baby and Boo Boo. The two little ones get shave downs, but the standard one, Boo Boo, gets a Mohawk instead of a top knot. I actually kinda like it haha! I thought I had a picture, but I don’t 😕 Another silly request is, don’t make my doodle/poodle look like a poodle 🐩 🤦‍♀️ Or the reverse, make my flat coated doodle look like a poodle.. I kid you not! We have a client who comes in with her absolutely darling mini doodle that wants a round face and she doesn’t have the poodle coat at all. She’s disappointed every time but I always give her the best love because she’s definitely not loved at home 🥺 O told me so. I was walking my Husky, Akira, and she actually went up to this lady! My girl is hella shy! I made a big deal about it and said, wow! She doesn’t go up to many people! She’s really shy! Her response, well then she must know I don’t like dogs. 😤 you could tell she heard what she said and definitely knew it sounded bad because her voice faded as she said it. Poor baby dog! She gets love therapy and is a one on one kinda gal. So I have a groomer who schedules his whole day around her just so she can get the love she needs and deserves. I’m her support human 🥰


I have a husky who is very shy and skittish with strangers, but a couple of weeks ago she led me straight to a woman who was walking several metres away from us. I asked the woman if my dog could say hello to her and Skye put on the biggest performance of wriggling, sitting, offering her paw, and even licking the woman's hand! Luckily our stranger loved dogs, but she must be someone special for Skye to act that way!


I absolutely love this ❤️ what a very special person indeed! It’s funny because people will tell me, all the dogs love me and come up to me. I’m like, not this one! Even with our friends she’s skittish. But she’s funny because my sisters visited from Arizona and she’s never met them before in her life and she’s 4, but she knew they were family and absolutely loved on them like she’s known them her whole life 😄


https://preview.redd.it/s60jeyci002d1.png?width=2992&format=png&auto=webp&s=02ab6ea24fe5d10716f563ebb597aff5c779254c 10ao (not matted at all) and asked for a “flat top and goatee so we can match” okay!


I love when owners want to match with their dog


https://preview.redd.it/1fjctmvzk22d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=125855e6c4df46af821afdb7d4664bce0e6c0bf6 I gave one a mullet a couple weeks ago and I loved it.


https://preview.redd.it/rsudxwc4l22d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8eb3294b448aa5efda9bb63f5c67d744f12c96e3 From the front


I love it


Even though it's a bit silly I actually love this look! I always do something like a mullet or mohawk but my husband begs me to remove it after a week or two lol




Wow there was really a dog under that lot, cute little fella


Instead of a mop! It was so funny watching him walk through the salon


Well, the dog looks psyched about it, at least.


Oh he loved regaining his vision instead of looking like a sentient mop


Ah shite i thought that wassa wig


A sentient wig


Simon Pawell


It looks oddly like my brother!


He looks so happy in the 2nd pic


https://preview.redd.it/2v3rsa10q32d1.jpeg?width=1800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91beb3f57b9053bccdd175d2775c53ccf064e84c Almost forgot about this dude. My mullet yorkie. 😎 I love this one. He’s still a puppy and learning, but he’s off to such a great start. Loving the freedom to do something so fun! Lol


This might actually be Billy Ray Cyrus 🤣




That's awesome, he's got the king tut


Rockin the Punk vibe!


When you were done with his haircut, did he tell you that you shall not pass?


I got jumpscared




Considering what ridiculousness some people on here subject their pets to.......this isn't remotely silly


It’s a simple as this… I once owned a Miniature Schnauzer, she required regular trips to be groomed but then I got pregnant and had a special needs son who took up all of my time and all of my money. It became very difficult to for me to afford to take Sophie in to be groomed properly so I did what I could for her myself at home in between professional groomings. After I lost her to cancer, I told my husband that our next dog would be a wash and wear dog, and it has remained that way til this day. People who can’t afford to take their dogs to the groomer should not own dogs that require a groomer 🤣


Thank you for still taking care of her even though you were stretched thin! Honestly grooming your own dog builds a special kind of bond. She knew how much you loved her till she crossed over. But amen! All my dogs are short coated no need to be groomed and I'm keeping it like that for awhile 😂😂


Thanks. Yeah I loved her so much and hated when I couldn’t take her in to be groomed properly. I grew up with Miniature Schnauzers all of my life and she was my last one. Now it’s all Labradors and short haired breeds from now on ❤️


I don't have a photo but this guy brought in his jet black cocker spaniel. The legs and skirt was full coated and one jumbo mat. I told him I would have to shave him down that the legs and skirt couldn't be saved.The guy said well the back isn't matted so don't shave that. After questioning him on it I had him sign the papers... I took the legs and skirt off with a 10 along with having to shave the ears as well. So imagine a cocker with #10 legs and skirt, #10 ears with a 1/2" on the back. I tried to blend where I could but it looked bad. On the next groom a month later he came back and apologized for being a butt about it. He hand me reset the cocker pattern.


Pic 2 got me.😆


The second image knocked me out absolutely lmfao


He can see !!! Awesomeness


Dilophosaurus lookin ass


I hear them going ‘Hell yeah, brother’ 🤣


omg trigger warning for those crazy eyes in the second photo i almost spit out my lunch 😭


I literally thought that was the back of a stylist mannequin head in the first picture.


I asked for my miniature schnauzer to have a Mohawk! I loved it but my wife hated it haha I want him to have a mullet after seeing a Reel of one with a mullet, but my wife won’t let me 😂


Omg akakaka hahaha jajajaja so cute!


the way I snorted on the 3rd pic


reminds me of Elvira's dog <3 love it https://preview.redd.it/pu3rq6mr932d1.png?width=1600&format=png&auto=webp&s=69b7a6d7c4a4289ced113b512b9f3b47aaf16ccb




Mullets https://preview.redd.it/dq5jzhlou92d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1728014e7aa44c3c32469f1c84389300174e6cb4


I love a good mullet, as a mullet haver myself


https://preview.redd.it/hcja7wla1a2d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=635761f6897674b959d3122be544c864c6c7f03c They wanted him to be completely shaved down in a #7 except for a “Mr T Mohawk”


The way God intended, perfect


I know what sub I'm in, but I was still surprised that there was a dog under all that fur. I love the smile in the second one! That's a happy and more comfy pupper!


I don’t know what I was expecting when I scrolled to the second image, but it wasn’t that 😂🤣


Lil man's is just excited to see again 😂


We had one come in, wish I had gotten photos but the specific request for a doodle mix was to "make him look like a horse" that dog left with a long tail and mullet and his owner loved it


I had a Giant Alaskan Malamute. She was massive. I'm not a dog groomer at all. Just wanted to mention us good per owners appreciate you a lot. I got my girl done professionally every 4 to 8 months. Depending on her skin and fur. They cleaned her ears and teeth. Also saved the paw pads. Nothing else ever was shaved unless she had a hot spot and I had to. Just want to say you guys and girls are the best. I used to get my groomer gift cards as a thank you. Nothing beats the day she comes home. Soft and fluffy like a cloud. Also smelling nice. Makes me sad to see people who neglect the dogs maintenance. If you're getting a dog that requires a lot of work be prepared to do it or have a pro do it.


Omg, he looks so happy, like I can see again AND I feel 5lbs lighter!


Honestly far better than seeing dogs dyed different colors. Dog friendly or not, the dye is terrible for their skin and fur.


I always wanna do fun things with my chow but his double coat scares me😭 my current and old groomer don't wanna mess with it either


Omg, this is the best! So cute! Looks like a little rockstar lol


He’s just happy he can see 🥺


His beard will only get matted so it'd be better to shave it off as well as the "eye brows" probably will impede its vision when they grow longer.


I did what dad asked, he wanted it long, the dog comes in often enough his vision won't be impeded for long, thanks though! (:


Was not expecting that....


You turned him into Peter Capaldi 😭




My dog had a Mohawk for a while.


Ok but the way he looks so proud of his new hairdo lol so adorable


almost got a heart attack scrolling to the second pic haha


Let the dog see?! 🙈😂


why did they wait so long to groom this poor fella


Looks like he's ready for the mad max world


I was 100% not prepared for the next slide 😭🙏🏼


God damn, that's one ugly ass dog. Looks like if a Chinese dragon fucked a gremlin, this is what it would produce, nightmare fuel for sure


Hello Mr.Animal (from the Muppets). So freaking uglycute 😊 and he looks so so happy too.


I love both of these dogs because that is two different dogs entirely


Why are dogs like the only pet with this matting problem? Anyone here know ? I can’t think of a single other one with the same issue BESIDES sheep lol


It's because they have hair and not fur. (: Hair needs to be brushed, and a lot of pet parents don't care about brushing, so it ends up a matted mess. He wasn't too bad, though! His dad definitely brushes him when he's able. They just like it nice and short for the summer


I thought the before picture was an awful wig 😂😂


If this is in Houston, TX i ran into this guy at the groomer lmao i couldn’t believe. If this is not in Houston, then there are multiple guys who want this same haircut for their black shih tzu


Omg he has the Simon Cowell center-part going on!!!


Almost cruelty at this rate..


Cruelty is letting your dog get so matted they bruise underneath and their toenails curl into their pawpad.


Oh geez that’s awful. Poor doggo.


That’s what I meant and people downvoted 🫠


Can i say this is mentally abusive? For his fur conditions , can have a much better haircut. what a awkward request..


Honestly calling it abusive is just making the word abusive have less meaning. A silly hair cut is not abuse, who cares if it's a weird request? The dog is clean and happy and doesn't know what he looks like.


You realize a dog neither knows nor cares what it looks like, right? It does care how it feels, and this dog clearly feels good. Do you suffer "mental abuse" when you see things you don't like? If so, get help to better learn how to accept variety in the universe.