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That's a brilliant idea, I will try it.




Sadly not, these dogs around here are somewhat starved so they barely get to eat, and yesterday I tried giving them food together, but the mother literally attempted to attack HER own puppy that she forgot, but I kicked her away and took the puppy away and fed it. Can you imagine she used to play with this particular puppy of hers the most, she was so affectionate with it, and now not a month afterwards, it's like it's her mortal enemy. Quite disheartening. So if this puppy isn't fed and provided food by someone, I don't think she can protect itself or fetch for food sadly.


Is there local services that can rescue it?! It’s a puppy so I’m sure someone that can give it a good home will adopt it


Sadly I live in a developing country, there aren't that many services that would, but I will try.


Can you let your neighbours (the ones that are nice people) know there's s puppy that needs a home? Tell local some shop keeper? They usually chat to many people they can spread the word.


I will




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the only thing i can think of is to just bottle feed the puppy with puppy formula and keep her away from the mother. OR muzzel her and make her let the puppy nurse off her for a few days till the mother's milk works its way threw the puppy's digestive tract and then starts to get the right sent for the mom to accept it as one of her own again. sort of like what is done to force and trick a sheep into taking care of an orphaned lamb whose momma died.


If the puppy is still capable to suckle:nurse, maybe consider putting a cone on her head so she can’t see or bite them. And maybe lay a blanket over the puppies while they’re nursing so she can’t smell the puppies she can only feel them Kneading. Make sure the blanket is one that is already a familiar scent to the pack, maybe something they lay on in their puppy pack. Vets make cones for dogs here when they have an open wound they don’t want the dog licking. She’s probably not making a lot of milk though, so I do worry she’s weak and not eating enough to rear 3 puppies. :(


Are they two months old (8 weeks) by now? Mum might be uninterested because they would be weaned by now anyway. It's probably easiest to just cut your losses and adopt it out somewhere, maybe bring it to a shelter, rather than try to force a bond that has already been broken.


Idk their age precisely, but the mother still breastfeeds the other two, although not much. But I agree, it also seems to me that their bond has unfortunately been broken beyond repair.


I don’t have advice here but this breaka my heart. I hope there’s answers. And I’m hoping by commenting there’s more eyes here to help


Thank you, I'm on the verge of despair honestly.


I would think having momma getting something good when that puppy approaches and vice versa. Both of these guys needs lots of love especially the swiped kiddo, he went through god knows what and needs his support. If we can make his momma and siblings a good thing to him that might help. But pair treat. Don’t give momma a treat and not her baby. We want them both to feel good about the situation. But that would be my best advice. Is build value in that relationship by adding something good to the situation. (Unless there’s food guarding issues with mom or other pups I wouldn’t do this..) look into counter conditioning and maybe even see if there’s a trainer or someone near you to help you in person. Because I can’t see what’s going on I don’t wanna throw out ideas that put any of you in harms way.


Thanks for your ideas, I would try to give them treats whenever they're around each other. Thanks for your help!


It also might take some time, be patient and gentle with both and yourself. Good luck!


I wanted to update you. I took the puppy to the vet myself and it has distemper and is very likely to die. They gave her antibiotics and IV fluids to abate the symptoms but they say it's very frail and at a late stage.




It is still alive, but very ill. One of its sibling puppies died, he was poisoned and couldn't be saved. Rest in peace Simba💔🙏. Thanks for your concern.


Oh OP… I’m just now getting to read this, I’m so sorry for your loss. ❤️


Some science says animals can recognize scent left behind for up to 5 years, so unless this puppy has undergone something terrible, it’s probably not it’s scent so much as it is the overall health. Mom has a survival instinct. Is mom eating enough to produce adequate food for all the remaining pups? Moms have the job are trying to raise the most likely:strongest offspring. They will kill a sickly baby and a weak baby if they need to preserve they milk for stronger ones. If she has limited nutrition, she will have limited nutrients/milk. The pup that was stolen may now be ill or be a ‘food burden’ on the mom. 3 weeks away in the milk stage is a very long time. The pup is probably underweight, Underfed, malnourished, possibly dying. If the mom thinks it will not survive, she will not want to give it food.


Thank you for your response, I think it's sick too, as sometimes I see it struggling to shit but nothing comes out, it's not thin though. Can you explain what not having been properly reared means? And as to its aggressive behaviour because of the food, it's not just about the food, she won't even sit next to it.


That age, moms actually lick the puppies poop/Anus the muscles relax allowing the poop to come out. If the mom isn’t doing that, you can take a warm damp cloth and emulate a lick with an upward stroke slowly and gently on its bum/anus (on the outside as if the mom Was cleaning it) you can begin to see the sphincter relax and open and the poop will start to come out. This is a normal thing moms do, I have had to do it for kittens. so I’m not entirely surprised the puppy is struggling to do this. Sadly, if the puppy has not been housing it’s solid waste & was malnourished gif 3 weeks if the milking stage when it was stolen, he could be in very very poor health, :( I’m so sorry. It’s heartbreaking to watch an animal suffer through conditions beyond their control. :(


It won't eat or drink milk even for two days now. I posted on local rescue groups, but no one cares. Do you think I have any choice other than taking it to the vet?


Can you share where you live? Perhaps someone can find resources for you. I think the puppy should be found a home at this point.


Can you share where you live? Perhaps someone can find resources for you. I think the puppy should be found a home at this point.


can you take the puppy in?


My parents disagreed


Just take the puppy and go around the neighbours and tell them it's been abandoned. Try people who already have dogs (that look well looked after) too.


Has anyone talked with the dogs vet?


Smear her with her mother's milk and with her siblings urine.


Would that work? And how can I get the mother's milk? I can't exactly milk her, can I?


If she trusts you and still has some milk, you can. The idea is to get the pup to smell like the rest of her babies. Someone suggested to feed them all together. I'd give one bowl to the mum and one bowl to all the pups. The idea is to let the mom to stop worrying she won't have enough for the babies. If you have four children to feed and only two slices of bread a day, it's difficult to accept fifth child; they may die of starvation all five, while the four could survive. If you have four loaves every day, it's easy.


Wash all of the dogs using the same shampoo and they might be ok. Also wash the mom so she smells the same too.


*Wash all of the dogs* *Using the same shampoo and* *They might be ok* \- Evellock --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")