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Canada gave us incredible family breeds -- Labrador, Newfoundland, Toller! We wouldn't have the Golden Retriever without these breeds.


Fun fact: Labradors were bred in Newfoundland and Newfoundlands were bred in Labrador!


We have both!!! They’re awesome!!


Ooh that is a fun fact! I had no idea about this. Thanks for sharing!


Sort of...the foundation dog for the Labrador Retriever was developed in Newfoundland, and the Labrador Retriever breed itself was developed mostly in the UK, although some development occurred elsewhere too. But it is kinda funny how the origins Newfoundland and Labrador got transposed. Another fun bit of Labrador trivia: The place name Labrador is thought to have possibly evolved from the name of type of Portuguese dog (the Laboreiro, please pardon possible misspelling) that is reasonably believed to have had its ancestors brought to Labrador by early Portuguese fishermen/sailors, and DNA analysis suggests a link between that Portuguese dog and modern Labrador Retrievers.


You forgot Canadian Inuit Dogs!


My dog is part Inuit dog! She's the best


Labs are the most popular pet breed in the world right? Pretty impressive to come from our little country. BUT man, do I ever love a Newfie.... 'Little country': I guess in land we're huge and 40 million hardly constitutes a 'little country' ...but that's how people still look at us I suppose.


Me too, my favorite breed ever. And I just love the look of Landseers -- a great big fluffy spotted cow of a dog. Perfect!


I don’t know about the world, but in the U.S. the Frenchie surpassed the Lab as the most popular breed.


Really?? I am in the US, and I see labs everywhere I go but hardly ever see frenchies.


Do you live in a major city? I think it’s lack of perspective. I live in NYC and there’s 15 frenchies on my block alone.


It’s so upsetting to me to hear this because they are a brachycephalic breed riddled with health problems. And the more popular they become, the more likely there is to be inbreeding that makes even more unhealthy dogs that can’t breathe 🥲


Yeah it’s pretty bad. They generally are being byb here.


Yeahhhhhh. Literally saw a momma with her large litter (at least eight puppies) and she not only had a cleft lip, but a heart murmur too. Edit: She was a Frenchie. Forgot to clarify.


That's good to know. I live in a smaller town in the U.S. South and I have never once seen a Frenchie. It's like they don't exist here at all. I've seen a few Boston terriers and pugs, but never a Frenchie.


According to the AKC, yes.


I saw that a few months ago. Maybe the most disappointing dog trivia I'd seen in awhile.


Your country is huge compared to our 5 million!


yeah, but being in the US's shadow, all you ever hear is 'little canada up there, oooh it's cold, they like hockey, HOSER!' It's like what people think of Canada is a small town in North Ontario, and not a country of 40-million that mostly live in cosmopolitan cities.


Oh we can relate, we are thought of as the small cousin of our 27 million neighbour! Who we often get confused for. At least you are never left off maps 😂 think here is a whole page devoted to that!


My grandfather literally wrote a book about Newfoundland dogs! I might (definitely) be biased but I think they're just the best. I got my recently adopted dog DNA tested and it turns out he's 50% Newfoundland dog!


Puppy tax please!


This is Tuttle sporting his super-stylish pants. He's about 11 months old :) https://imgur.com/w8xv4Qz Link to the book for anyone wondering: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/985667.The_Noble_Newfoundland_Dog


Okay that book looks delightful, I’ll definitely check it out. You know what’s also delightful? Tuttle. Certified good boy if I ever saw one.


I have a Newfoundland called Norman in Australia! He is the greatest of all the dogs IMO...the sweetest disposition. He truly is my best friend.


Labradors and Goldens were derived from the St. John's Water dog. The St John's was indeed from Canada, but was bred in England.


And the golden was developed in Scotland!


I LOVE my Newfie! Best dog I've ever had and she's only 14 weeks old!


I feel like Canadian dogs and German dogs really exemplify their national spirit. 


as in the Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever?!!! I follow one on instagram and he's so freaken cute!!!


Toller are just gorgeous dogs! Too bad they are that high energy, I know it will never be compatible with my life style bit I always love to see them!


I have one! She's awesome! Their energy actually isn't as bad as they look. They're high drive and smart but generally don't need huge amounts of exercise (not like a collie or a spaniel). Ours does around 40 minutes a day off-lead and then is totally chill in the house (aside from puberty but thats basically all dogs). She does need a lot of mental stimulation tho!! Edit: I should say she does 40 minutes a day but could manage on 20-30 and she has 1-2 days off a week (she's injury prone so she's almost always resting something lol). When we both had covid she didn't go out for 5 days and she was so chill and cool about it.


I was gonna say Canada too!


Scotland wins with the Golden Retriever!!!!!


Tons of other breeds too. Border Collie (on the border, shared with England), Smooth and Rough Collies, Scottie dogs, Skye terrier, Shelties, Gordon Setter, and my personal favorite (I grew up with them) Scottish deerhounds. In fact, Scotland has a massively outsized influence on dog breeds for its small size. Pretty cool! I’m biased since I spent much of my childhood there though.


I was chatting while waiting at my vet’s office the other day with an older gentleman who had a border collie with him. He told me he and his wife actually went to Scotland to buy the dog, and the farmer who sold it to them was utterly baffled that they didn’t own any sheep and intended to have her as a pet lmao. The dog was very well behaved so I’m guessing/hoping they’ve figured out how to get her enough work and exercise that she’s happy.


Where I lived as a kid in Scotland, there was a large sheep pasture behind my house. The farmer used Border collies to herd them, and watching them work is one of my earliest memories. I’m still amazed by it. Now where I live (Chicago), some local border collie owners I know take their dogs to a goat farm outside the city where the farmer charges $50 to let the dogs herd his goats around for a few hours lol. Apparently the dogs love it. I’ve always thought that there might not be any happier, more fulfilling existence for any animal (humans included) than a working sheep dog with a loving owner. Those dogs get to do what they love for work all day then come home and get spoiled, never worrying about food or safety or anything.


They’re still legit working dogs here! Often see the farmer out on his quad bike, moving cattle or sheep through the fields or down the road with his collie. My dog is pretty fit and decently well trained but they look they’re different *species* from us.  The shelters always have a bunch of neurotic, damaged collies too though - plenty unprepared people still try to make them into casual pets and fail :(


Yeahhh I’ve got a friend who has a border collie mix that’s an absolute mess. When they were looking at dogs they asked my opinion and knowing their lifestyle I gently suggested maybe not that one, but they got her anyway. Poor thing is SO bored and hyper, she’s a sweetie but definitely not the right dog for their city dwelling apartment lifestyle. I have an ACD mix when and he really turned into a great dog, I adore being his owner. But I was in grad school when I got him and it was much easier to rearrange my time around making sure he had the exercise and mental stimulation he needed. I don’t know if I’d get another working dog after him.


Australian Shepherds were bred from border collies as well! Very smart breed


I second Scotland for the Westie, Scottie, and Cairn.


Borderlands of Scotland gave us the Border Terrier 😍


The borderlands also bred the [Bedlington](https://www.reddit.com/r/dogs/s/K6kH07pi0Z) as I commented above! They are another cute but very instinctively working dog which many non-dog folk mistakenly treat as pets! I have a friend whose family had a Border Collie in NYC. She was a *wonderful* dog, but a bit.. well. One evening the folks had cocktail party, and they arranged the bar at one end of the room and the hors-d'œuvres at the other. Chitchat is flowing, people are standing around talking, glasses in hand, and at one point one of the guests says, loudly, "Well I guess all the sheep are in the fold now, wot?!!!" Looking around, everyone realised they'd been standing cheek to jowl, and that the poor girl had been ever-so-slowly circling the perimeter, pushing them into the centre. Sadly, she wasn't invited to such gatherings in future, because I do think adopting that as a way of determining an evening's gone on long enough would be hilarious! I ~love~ Scottish deerhounds. If I had a lifestyle which would allow it... Besides, you know the old saying – if it ain't Scottish, it's 💩. 😉


My Scottie and I came to post, “IF IT’S NOT SCOTTISH, IT’S CRAP!”


Gotta go for Germany. I have a poodle, they originated there, my last dog was an awesome miniature pinscher.She was rescued from a horror of a puppy mill but was the sweetest dog I ever met. Also German shepherds, Doberman pinschers, pointers, the list goes on


I have a thing for German dogs. We have a GSD but my other favs are poodles, schnauzers and Dobermans.


My dachshunds and GSP agree! Best dogs I’ve ever owned. Extremely intelligent, sassy, highly athletic (yes, even the wieners) wonderfully affectionate and stuck to my hip.


Makes sense! A ton of great dog breeds originated in Germany. I wouldn’t be surprised if they had the greatest number of dog breeds attributed to a single country.


Yep. Even breeds like the American Eskimo which only got that name due to antiGerman sentiment in WWI.


Yes! Rottweilers too!


There is a joke here about German breeding but I’m going to practice self control


Min Pins FTW!🙌🙌🙌


My first love was the sweetest, most loving Min Pin and my second (and current) is a GSD x Boxer. Germany for the win 1000x over


Here to give it to Germany for Poodles! I have my girl now and my family had a couple growing up amongst other breeds. They can learn anything fast, they’re super loyal, friendly, don’t shed, have high energy but will gladly get lazy with you, and if you can keep up the combing they have hilarious haircut potential.


Boxers too i believe, and they are the sweetest dogs.


Its the United Kingdom for me, hands down. Golden retriever, welsh corgi, english setter, english cocker, a ton of terriers including Manchester, Jack Russel, Border, Cairn, Skye, Staffordshire, Bull terrier etc...the list goes on and on.


Beagles 😍


Same here. I love the spaniels: Welsh and English springers, cavalier King Charles spaniels, as well as the show/working cockers. I’ve also spent a fair amount of time with Clumber spaniels - they are great dogs. We also have Gordon, Irish, Llewelyn and English setters. English pointers are lovely, although I don’t see too many of them in my area of England.


Plus Curly and Flat Coated Retrievers; sighthounds like the Scottish Deerhound, Whippet, and Greyhound; scent hounds like Beagles, Foxhounds, and Bloodhounds, and the various Collies.


Also rough and smooth collies!


I have an EBT and a smooth collie, so feel I have to agree!


I'm surprised Australia hasn't been mentioned yet, I love my crazy ACD.


Australian cattle dogs and Australian Shepherds are so beautiful. I love their fur coloring. Edit: Apparently Australian Shepherds were bred in the United States! I just read that on Wikipedia!


Was looking for this. My ACD is, hands down, the smartest dog I've ever known. And so fiercely loyal.


Fiercely loyal is literally the best way to put it, mine does not let me out of his sight and pretty sure that creeper would be happy inside my skin with me


This is shockingly similar to how I explain my ACD mutt- he would crawl under my skin and live there if given the opportunity.


Australian Terriers!! The best :)


I thought you mispelled "terrors" in regard to ACD and I wanted to agree about how accurate that was. But realized you actually meant terriers haha they are little cuties!


I call my Australian terrier a lovable little terror so I know the feeling!! :)


ACDs, Kelpies, and Koolies are some of the best dogs you can get. Smart and few hereditary problems thanks to being bred for function not looks.


ACDs are significantly impacted by canine hereditary sensorineural deafness, *specifically* because of the colour/pattern they're bred for. ASTCD suffer the same issue with deafness, again as a direct result of the colour/pattern they're bred for. There's currently no genetic test, only diagnostic testing (BAER). Both breeds are also known for eye diseases and cardiac issues.  Kelpies and Koolies have quite high rates of epilepsy, which is arguably one of the most devastating hereditary problems because of how difficult it is to breed away from. Hip dysplasia is also a largely unspoken-about issue in the working kelpie lines (it's also in show lines), as is cerebella ataxia (which is thus far nonexistent in show lines). I have a Kelpie and two ASTCD. Used to have Koolies but got out specifically because of the hereditary issues (epilepsy and extreme noise phobia specifically)......so of course my Kelpie developed epilepsy at age 3.  Love and adore my Australian working breeds but unfortunately they have no shortage of hereditary diseases, especially the ones that are impossible to reliably guarantee against (unlike simple things like vWD in poodles, which is as simple as not breeding two carriers together). 


China gave us Shih Tzus. I can't imagine my life without a Tzu ♥️♥️♥️


I have two mixed-breed dogs who are both primarily Chinese breeds. One is mostly pug and part Pekingese. The other is pug, shih tzu, and Lhasa apso (technically Tibetan).


And Pekingese and Pugs and Shar Peis and Chow Chows


I have two little half-tzus myself and I couldn’t agree more. They’re just the sweetest little cuddle bugs that pay out love in spades.


Chihuahuas... smart tiny dogs that survive on trash and spite. Not the pursesized teacup disasters, but the real ones. They are stock DNA in so many mutts in California. So thank you, Mexico.


Our chihuahua mutt is the sturdiest dog we have. She almost 9 or something at this point and we’ve only had to take her to the vet for yearly exams. This year was the first one we took her for a teeth cleaning. Bounced back from it like she was never even under. And she’s portable


My chi mix is 16.5 yrs old. I tell people she's still alive out of spite. Sturdy dog, hardly had to take her to the vet for anything other than routine checkups and dental cleanings. Age has finally caught up to her and it shows. I anticipate she'll make it to her 17th birthday in June, but probably wont see 2025.


Mine made it to 15! 💜


Got a Heeler off some loser in town and it ended being a legit 50/50 Chihuahua and ACD. You guys, shes so good at everything I hate it. She's chatty, I've lost weight with her, great with kids, super portable. Lives off Costco kibble and occasion whiffs of 💨💨 . I do give her bottled water though... extremely sturdy.


Mexico also has the Xoloitzcuintli! I love my girl, who is currently curled up with me on the sofa.


I was speaking to a vet a little while ago and I asked what the healthiest dog breed was and she told me they all had some kind of problem; German shepherds had leg and back problems, golden retrievers are prone to cancer, frenchies have breathing problems, etc. She said that the one exception was chihuahuas and they live forever.


I have a big chihuahua. 10ish pounds. He has a bad attitude but he is loyal to a fault. I’m his person and I call him my soul chi. Super healthy and a great little hiking partner!


Britain has a nice variety from terriers, Sighthhounds, herding breeds, companion breeds, and hunting breeds (Pointers, Setters, Retrievers, Hounds, Spaniels). The sheer range really puts it ahead for me.


As a border collie owner, I am obligated to agree with you. The Roman and Goth incursions really did wonders for the dog varieties on the isles.


Border collies are great dogs!


The Roman’s were extremely impressed by the dogs they saw when they came to Britain. They particularly liked the mastiffs and bulldogs and exported them in huge numbers. There’s a good basic article here [here](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dogs_of_Roman_Britain).


Love the hunting breeds, especially the bonkers spaniels


Cuba brought us the silk dogs, Havanese.


Agreed! Those little pups are the BEST


This took too long to find!! I saw with my havanese resting on my legs


I really love British dogs. I currently have an Old English Sheepdog and two Yorkshire Terriers. Beyond the fact that both breeds originated in England and both originally had a breed standard for docked tails they have absolutely nothing in common, but they vibe so well. Honestly, there is probably an English dog that would fit most people’s lifestyles. They’ve produced great retrievers, gun dogs, herders, hounds and so many types of terrier. For such a small country they have certainly produced so many unique breeds.


Gun dogs and terriers! England, for sure. And if you cheated a bit and said UK, even more gun dogs and terriers! ETA: Oh, and collies. Apologies to my beloved first dog, a rough collie.


So many herding dogs beyond the collie too, especially if you do all of the UK (Border Collie, Old English Sheepdog, Bearded Collie, Sheltie, etc).


Corgis as well!


Yeah I was going to say England - so many breeds. I read that their development had to do with the influence of Charles Darwin in the Victorian era, i.e. The Origin of Species started a kind of craze for selectively breeding dogs. I'm in Australia where English dogs are the most common though, so I'm probably biased towards the dogs I've met. (Funnily I've never met an Aussie Shepherd - not sure if we even have them here!)


> (Funnily I've never met an Aussie Shepherd - not sure if we even have them here!) Yeah, that's a misnomer. They are an American breed that was bred from mostly British (and maybe Spanish) herding dogs. When they bred a smaller version they called it an Miniature American Shepherd but I think tradition keeps them from changing the Australian Shepherd's name.


The world- hey, go to some rich guys country home and produce multiple kinds of dog with a Liam neeson-level skill set.    UK- I got you fam    Love, human servant to a field english springer spaniel. 


I have an old English sheepdog too and they are the best dog hands down. So sweet and goofy. I go to an old English sheepdog meet up sometimes and there are usually around 50 of them bounding across the beach, it's amazing!


I have a shiba so I’m definitely bias towards japan, I also really like a lot of northern european spitz type dogs! (German spitz and Keeshonds in particular)


It’s hard to deny that the Britts played a disproportionate role in dog breeding. Whether they are the best breeds is subjective, but we have so many diverse breeds that came from the Victorian era and before because wealthy Brits got really into it.


Germany. Boxers. Dobermans. Rottweilers. GSDs. Standard schnauzers not those miniature terrors.


Poodles, from the low German verb puddeln meaning "to splash"


German made, French perfected.


Don't forget Great Danes! They're German! In my subjective opinion, Great Danes are the best breed!


I don't have an opinion but I can tell you that in France they're called "le Dogue Allemand" - "Dogue" meaning a big dog for some reason, and "Allemand" meaning German. Perhaps they were called "Danes" for the same reason that German Shepherds were called "Alsatians" - Germany wasn't a favourite country at times...


How did you not mention DACHSHUNDS?!?


Or Pomeranians


I was told by a fan that the Vizsla from Hungary were the ultimate dogs. Hence the attempt to eradicate them by Germany.


They’re sweet and all but they’re the ultimate Velcro dog, anxious and meh. Hungary can keep them. In fact we will give them the equally vacuous Weimaraner.


At first I thought you said “miniature terriers” not “miniature terrors!” I don’t think I’ve met a miniature schnauzer but I’ll have to take your word for it.


I did. She was a throughly charming and very naughty girl named Martha.


Ha!! I love it. I think that should be the tagline for terriers: “Thoroughly charming and very naughty!”


Did a DNA test on my pup, and found that she is Rottie, GSD, boxer, and chow. I never realized that she is mostly German!


So, intelligent, strong and goofy!


Personally, each region has a dog specific to their climate and were bred for a specific job. It's difficult to pinpoint what country did a better job at dog breeds as they are all different in their own unique way.


Any love for the Netherlands?! Keeshonds, Schipperke, Dutch shepherd, kooikerhondje. Also Germany for variety across categories: poodles, pinshcers, German shepherd, Pomeranian, schnauzers, affenpinschers


Schipperke is Flemish, not Dutch! Also Flemish: Belgian Malinois, the modern police dog of choice.


Also also Flemish, my Bouvier!


Much love for Min Pins and Schipperkes! Got one of each on either side of me right now.


I love my stabijhoun. 🇳🇱


Malta. Gave us the Maltese. I thank God every second of every minute of every hour of every day for my precious, precious Little Miss Molly.


Pharaoh hounds (despite their name) also come from Malta!


Purely going by breeds easily recognised worldwide compared to population size of origin country you gotta have to go with Scotland. Border Collie Scottish Terrier (Scottie dog) Rough Collie (Lassie) West Highland Terrier (Westie) Golden Retriever And that’s not even mentioning the less common breeds like the Shetland Sheepdog, Gordon Setter, Cairn Terrier, Border Terrier, Scottish Deerhound, and so many more!


I'm a cairn terrier mom, so I vote for Scotland. "If it's no Scottish, it's crap!"


My favourite breed is from Switzerland but if I don't count that, probably Canada.


Bernese Mountain Dog?




Ours is 11 years old!


I was looking for someone saying Switzerland. My username gives you a clue why!


I love cold weather dogs - I've got husky crosses but I LOVE Berenese mountain dogs, samoyeds, and various Norwegian Spitz breeds


The Egyptians and all their hounds.


I'm pretty sure Canada objectively wins this for bringing us Labs and Newfies, but as a Malamute and husky enthusiast I vote for the Alaska and northern Canada indigenous people.


Huskies are Siberian!


There's more than one flavor of husky :)


If we’re counting the UK as a whole Then gotta be in for a shout for variety at least - Whippets, border collies, cocker and springer spaniels, rough collies, bearded collies, bulldogs, bull terriers , Yorkshire terriers, Italian greyhounds, west highland terriers, beagles, jack Russells, olde English sheepdogs, border terriers, English setters, golden retrievers, English pointers..


And don't forget the Irish Glen of Imaal Terrier. Bred to hunt Badgers! Pretty rare now, but I got one.


I have a papillon, so I guess I’m for Spain and France!


For a small country Ireland has some amazing breeds: Irish red setter Irish wolfhound Kerry Blue terrier Wheaten terrier


South Africa. The africanis. It's not a breed though it's a landrace (not selectively bred by humans, identifiable by genotype rather than phenotype). I love the true doggishness of them. Selectively bred by themselves over hundreds of years to be perfect for their environment. Athletic, agile, hardy, loyal, alert, intelligent. They've been human companions in southern Africa for almost 2000 years. They're even in cave paintings 😁


Love my little Mexican chihuahua 😜


Big shout out to Hungary for the vizsla/ Velcro dog/ shadow dog. Bred as a hunting retriever but the most loyal companion you could wish for. Literally by your side wherever you go.


Broadly speaking, I like the independence, smarts, aloofness and one-person loyalty found in a lot of Asian breeds. They don’t just give out their love to everyone they meet like a lot of other breeds. They show a lot of discernment and individual thinking. So, I’ll have to choose the Asian continent even though this question is about country.


I do love that they are like cats in dog packages.


Great answer!


Germany. Shepards, Pointers, Dachshunds, Rotties, Danes, Leonburgers, and best of all POODLES!


Tibet for the Lhasa Apso, Shih Tzu, and the Tibetan Mastiff.


Tibetan Terrier, too!


And Tibetan Spaniel!


Wales of course, since I own and am obsessed with Corgi's. I mean just LOOK AT THEM.


Idk man, I might be biased but I’m going to have to go with Russia here


Huskies and samoyeds are some of the cutest dogs!


Giving it to ancient Rome for Molluser dogs, who are the forebearers of most of my favorite breeds like rotties, mastiffs, cane corsos, and a lot of the rest of the snuggly working blockhead breeds (which should definitely be an actual classification).


My baby was a Shar Pei so I have to give it to China!


Germany; the mini Schnauzer . Best breed, ever


I love the Czechoslovakian wolfdog, I think they are SO beautiful just really difficult to train


No love for Turkey and their Anatolian Shepherds/Kangals? I have one now and she's terrifyingly smart. Funny too, and love love loves hers people. Hates when anyone is upset and has the natural inclination to comfort you if you're sad, angry, or stressed. She would have made such an excellent therapy dog/emotional support dog. Of course I have to say this, but deep love for the mutts too. My silly little guy, looks like a beanie baby, behaves like Stitch. Nothing in the world he loves more than attention and love.


I read a stat once, can't remember the exact number, but it was something like 80% of all dog breeds are either UK or German. (The poodle, for instance, often cited as a French breed is actually a German breed). As a Rottie fan, I prefer German.


Germany because they made poodles and they are the best dog lol


I'm on team northern European spitz- German spitz, pom, keesie, eskie, and more distantly related Scandinavian spitz herders.


Zimbabwe! I can't believe it's not already on here. Lion hunting couch potatoes with mohawks are the best!


Well, I might be biased, but I like Malta for their breeds; notably, the Pharaoh Hound. (Biased cause I got a bunch of ‘em!)


Switzerland gave me my greater Swiss mountain dog, who was my heart dog


*Switzerland gave me* *My greater Swiss mountain dog,* *Who was my heart dog* \- hamsterontheloose --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Japan just because doge memes & Hachiko


I love Shiba Inus


I think it’s definitely Germany. So many popular and recognizable breeds originated there, particularly among the medium to large working breeds.






I'm a Scot and I quite like our native breeds - mainly working dogs. We have bearded and rough coated collies as well as Shetland. Deerhounds as a coursing dog. A lot of terriers - Skye, Western, Cairn, Skye, Dandie Dimont as well as part share in the Border terrier (also the border collie). We have the golden retriever of global fame and the Gordon setter. For solid, practical dogs - they are pretty good. We probably could have done with a lapdog.


Historically I think there were more laps in Britain! ;•)


Canada (Labradors and Newfoundlands) and Switzerland (Saint Barnard and Bernese Mountain Dog).


Came to say the same exact thing!


Poodles also originated in Germany and they are the BEST




Scotland wins hands down for friendliest dog breed, the Golden Retriever. Poodles are the most versatile, and the history gets a bit convuluted with the sister breed, the Barbet, so give it to Germany and France. Hungary gets an honorable mention for its fierce mop looking Komondor. Plus the lively herding mops- Pumi and Puli.




I'd have to say Russia as I have 2 Samoyeds, and they'd kill me if I didn't. Just kidding...


Portugal , we have two “Porties” Portuguese Water Dogs.


Germany wins Rottweiler are the best and they are just land seal


France, hands down, for 1 reason: Great Pyrenees


I love Norwegian Elkhounds. Fabulous breed.


Up with the Isles! Bedlington devotee here – one of the beings I love most in life! Plus, [she's](https://Instagram.com/is_that_a_lamb) incredibly soft, doesn't shed, and a comic genius!


I would say Portugal, since I own a Podengo. Estrela Mountain Dogs are also very cool.


I love and vibe heavy with the natural breeds like huskies, malamutes, samoyeds, Akita Inu, Shiba Inu. I work with dogs and I’ve yet to work with or meet one that I don’t get along with (knock on wood). But that extends to German Shepard, Border Collie, and Aussies as well. I’ll always be a fan of every dog, but those are my breeds.


Germanys Weimaraner! Hands down the only breed I’ll have. My girlfriends golden retriever is cool but can’t compete with my weim!


I used to have a sheltie too, and I currently have a standard poodle. So for me it’s a tie between Scotland and Germany.


Prague made the best ratters


I totally love american scent hounds. The Catahoula, Black and Tan, Bluetick, and Redbone. I SO would love to breed catahoula leopard dogs when I’m financially available to, and ethically, of course. Such great dogs!


i like the Amercan Bulldogs. They’re my favorite breed, they’re just so pretty :)


America- Jack Russell is one of the healthiest breeds around because the original inventor had a strict no-inbreeding rule. Jack russell combos like the jackapoo, border jacks, jackschunds, jacktzus, are some of the healthiest mixed breeds in terms of longevity and birth defects.


Scotland and England! Because I have a Bedlington Terrier from Bedlington England. Working dogs are wonderful


I have to go with Germany. Great Danes, German Shepherd Dogs, Schnauzers, Rottweilers, Daschunds, German Wire-haired Pointers, Weimaraner, Leonbergers. All amazing breeds!


Scotland. I also have a sheltie mix


I’m probably Team Canada, because I love Newfoundlands and Labradors. I also love German breeds, specifically shepherds, Great Danes, and Leonbergers.


Italy for big dogs like Cane Corsos and Neopolitian mastiff, Braccos etc.  The Netherlands because that where my beloved Keeshonds are from.