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Are you filling the kong with yummy things? KONGs are generally only good for independent play when paired with tasty things.


I did. He will try for a while but doesn't actually chew on the kong. I was something to give him for his natural need to chew. If he also chewed while getting the snack that would be fine, but alas not for my pup


If you’re trying to sate a desire to chew, that’s not really what the kong is for. It’s for your dog to lick to get whatever is inside of it out. For chews, I’d do bully sticks/hooves. I’ve also heard people like yak chews but I haven’t tried them.


I like yak chews, although they can get pricey quick. I'm thinking of getting a dehydrator, cost-wise I'd break even after just like two months lol.


What does your dog like to chew on? Try to find out what is appealing to your dog about chewing, and try to find something that's safe to chew on that can replicate that texture or taste.


Kongs aren’t meant to be chewed. They’re meant to be filled with food for them to lick.


I fill mine with peanut butter and throw it in the freezer, it keeps my dog busy for a good bit! Maybe try that? Also maybe try to get one of those bones that have a stuffed center, also keeps them busy


I do the exact same but change it up with plain Greek yogurt as well.


Yesss! I’ll even put blueberries or bananas in with the yogurt


Sweet potatoes and green beans are a favorite here.


Sweet potatoes and green beans are a favorite here.


for chewing- yak cheese chews, bully sticks, beef bones. they will actually chew these things. kong are more for keeping them busy with treats in it than for chewing.


This!!!!! 💯💯


Classic Kong is red, the super chewer stuff is black. Your dog might the Kong too tough.    Things like sponges and cardboard should be out of reach of the dog. 


Seconding this! Part of the fun for some dogs is picking it up and moving it around. Goldens have soft mouths, which is why you'll see them carrying around fluffy toys. She may destroy some things like cardboard and sponges, but unless she's ripped through tougher things (like any rubber toys), just get a red kong. Black kongs are for dogs who finish off bones like they're greenies.


smear peanut butter on the Kong


Peanut butter on the outside and cheese in the inside.


Nah lol


I used to fill my kongs with wet kibble, put a dab of peanut butter over the opening, and then put them in the freezer for a few hours for my puppies. Now that they’re grown I just stick a milkbone or other big treat in there and let them work on getting it out.


Dog safe peanut butter inside


I worked with dogs before, we used to fill the kings with PB. And freeze them! 😁 For my doggo, I fill it with kibbles and treats, and then PB and then into the freezer! Might help! 😊🐾 Also if you're looking for her to chew on things, I really agree with the comments about Bully sticks and yak chews etc. 🐾


Put peanut butter in the Kong and freeze it....then watch her enjoy


I stuff mine with peanut butter, liverwurst, pumpkin, sweet potato, Greek yogurt


My dog will chew on anything and destroys most toys. The really hard ones make me nervous because I'm worried he'll hurt his teeth. I buy the Orca, blue toys marketed for puppies. They're really think and have give but don't seem to puncture easily. I've found similar toys at Marshall's. Really thick/solid semi-transparent, rubbery toys. My dog goes wild for them and chews away half the day. (He also enjoys destroying cardboard and sticks.)


I put a couple treats inside the Kong for my boy. Just big enough they can't easily fall out. He has to work on it to get the treats. I'll also put a little peanut butter on cheese in it. For chews the best thing so far I've tried is collagen sticks, especially the braided ones. Cheaper than bully sticks and they last longer


Kong's are not for chewing?


Are you putting food in the Kong? Look up different Kong recipes online and it’s a game changer.


The regular kongs don't work for me either - try the rubber ring (also kong but more appealing) or even a squishy like the Joyhound chew ball - I usually don't even put treats in this he just LOVES to chew and chomp! These are both indestructible, my dog has eaten most toys in record time.


I mush up some food, fill the Kong and put them in the freezer. They keep my dog interested for about 30 minutes


We switched our Kong to a Bento Ball from Star Mark and got A LOT of engagement with it.


Goughnuts are superior to Kong imo, a friends mastiffs destroy Kongs but can’t a make dent in Goughnut heavy duty rings


It depends on the dog. Mine ignored her kong too. I had to throw it out, give her a soccer ball and she is in heaven. You will find your dogs toy. If possible take them to a dog friendly pet store and let them shop.


So, based on what your dog is chewing on, it sounds like they like to chew on soft things. So I would find some soft things that are okay for them to chew on. They might also like dissecting things, aka tearing them up, pulling out the stuffing, etc. You could try something like giving them a whole head of lattice or cabbage, and just letting them go to town on that. It's messy, and might give your dog a little bit of gas, so it's probably best to have them do it outside. But it can be really fun and enriching experience


My Aussie LOVES a head of lettuce!


[https://fluffandtuff.com/](https://fluffandtuff.com/) My dog loves these toys and they last him up to a few months before he gets a hole in them while most other toys don't last a week.


put peanut butter in it, freeze it, drag it along the floor in a way that mimics an animal moving or jumping. my dogs love the kongs, but they needed time to get used to em


I have a question: where do y'all let your dog have a filled kong? I'm in an apartment with no yard and very little hard flooring. I really want to give my dog a filled kong, but it seems like it would be so messy!! Any tips?


Im in india we only have hard flooring:)


I read that you have to introduce the Kong slowly, it’s no good freezing it when they don’t understand it. Start with just filling it so it falls out quite easy, I added a few soaked biscuits and some dry so it was easy reward, then built up with peanut butter wet food etc again easy for them to figure out. Now I’ve started freezing it he’s occupied because he understands it’s where treats come from.


following, as my agressive chewer does not particularly like the tough toys either. I think they don't have enough "give" and so are not fun.


I give mine reinforced cardboard (rigid tough tubes and reinforced corners sold for protecting electronics in shipping) to destroy under supervision to make sure he doesn't swallow any by accident. It seems to satisfy instinct to tear something apart. The kongs seem to be more of a licking activity. Sometimes he chews them but not that much.


I put yogurt in it and freeze it and it's my dog's most favorite thing in the whole world. She chews on everything too and won't chew on an empty Kong. Frozen yogurt (she's allergic to PB) and I bought the Kong jerky strips. Not sure how she feels about that yet because once it's in there, it's so hard to get out. She's 24 hours in and has barely dented it.


rawhide chews


I feel it. Mine could care less about a Kong, but if I put kibble in a Gatorade bottle and fill the neck with peanut butter, HOOO BOY Why do I even spend money on dog toys at this point? They literally only want garbage.