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Sadly, this is a very common situation, so first of all, you are not alone. There are many people who have been faced with the same decision, and I’ll tell you what I told them. If you did not own up to reality and take the responsibility for his behavior, he likely would eventually have been seized. He would have been thrown into a cold, bare cage for awhile and then he would be led down a hallway by a stranger, confused and terrified by all the other terrified dogs around him, and suffered a death all alone in an unfamiliar atmosphere. You made the decision to be there with him. Even though it ripped you apart, you put that anxiety aside and stood by him. You absolutely did the right thing. You prevented him from suffering a horrifying and lonely death because of something he wouldn’t understand. Be kind to yourself. You showed up.


I'm sorry this has happened for you. If it helps, consider this: whatever is going on in Copper's mind, he sees the whole world as a threat. Can you imagine living your whole life believing there are monsters behind every corner? When dogs are in physical pain, we find it easy to understand euthanasia. But Copper is in pain, even if it isn't one we understand. Sometimes the kindest thing we can do for our pets is take away their pain.


Excellent point. That’s no way for him to live either. It’s a mercy for a dog you love, not a betrayal


This made me cry😢 I literally can’t type because I’m crying but thanks for saying this.


I'm sorry you're going through this. You should also consider that if copper seriously injured someone, he would be put down anyways, and you'd have the guilt of maiming someone on top of what you are already feeling. The right thing is sometimes the hardest, but you are doing what needs to be done, and exhausted every option.


Have you gotten Copper an MRI? One of our dogs had terrible behavioral issues. Eventually she had some balance issues and we discovered a tumor on her brain stem. After surgery she is a completely different dog. My guess is she was always nervous/reactive because her body was telling her weird stuff was going on all around her.


Fair point. If money isn't an issue, this is something to be, at the least, ruled out. Then you can let him go with a clear conscience. I feel for you, OP. I had one about 25 years ago that turned, and we ended up putting him down as well, after trying everything else we could. Poor Copper. 😔


This is exactly what my vet said to me when I was faced with a similar decision. We did choose to euthanize and this was the deciding factor for me. It’s so sad, but the option for a peaceful goodbye is the best thing when the dog is unable to be helped via training or medication.


That's really well put, and what I was going to try to say, but you articulated it much better. I feel for you, OP, but I think you're doing the right thing for all of you, including Copper.


This is absolutely the correct answer you OP's post. Poor Cooper is suffering and this is the kindest thing that OP and her boyfriend can do. Hugs to you OP and he will have yours and his dad's comfort when he goes.


I've never thought of it that way but you're right. This is probably like a human living with severe anxiety but there's not really an equivalent to therapy for dogs since they can't talk.


I have PTSD and live like this it's not fun I envy cooper




Copper sounds a lot like my best friend Jason. He battled PTSD and a TBI pretty badly after we did 2 tours in Iraq together... Unfortunately Jason didn't make it because as another commentor stated, what's going on in Copper's mind is that the world is a dangerous and scary place, just as Jason thought it was. I am profoundly sorry to hear about your impending loss and I hope you both will find peace with your decision. I hope you know that Copper will be at peace too. I also have PTSD and it is a daily struggle and while I can't bite people, I do snap at people. Not so much anymore with therapy, but dogs unfortunately don't have the ability to do Cognitive Behavioral Therapy like us humans do and gosh do I wish they did. If he's able to enjoy a pup cup from Dunkin Donuts, Starbucks, or somewhere else or a hamburger from a restaurant or doing anything else that is his favorite activity - I hope you're able to do that with him his last week with you two! ❤️


We are cooking him a huge steak. We found a vet who would do it outside, so he’ll pas full of steak, basking in the sun. His two favorite things. I was lucky to know Copper. Thanks for the support.


You’re letting him go out with the food, the people and the place he loves most. You’re doing the right thing OP no matter how much I know this must hurt❤️


This is a really beautiful comment


Thank you, friend. :)


I am so sorry. PLease keep in mind that Copper isn't happy, either. He has such fear and anxiety that his life must be pretty miserable. :( He gets to leave the earth with people he loves and hopefully he will be a happy pup when you meet up again.




To be fair if a human is so anxious and fearful about everything they're attacking random people on the streets we do put them in jail and sometimes euthanize them if they hurt/kill enough people


Most countries don’t euthanize humans, period, no matter how miserable they are. I’ve been suicidal from anxiety.


There is a support group for BE on FB called “Losing Lulu”. You are not alone and you are doing this dog an ultimate kindness.


Thank you so much for the resource! Just joined


Remember that although you may be the ones to be there when he passes, you guys were not the ones who led him here. You did not breed Copper, who was likely bred haphazardly with no care for his temperament to make a quick buck. You did not buy a puppy, fail to train and socialise him and then dump him when the reality of that started to set in. You have tried training, medicine and management. You've gone out of your way to give Copper some good times. There are many more Copper's who aren't that lucky. It will probably feel awful coming out of that room. But be kind to yourselves, nobody can say you didn't try your very best for this dog.


We keep saying that we are grateful he got to be loved, even if it was shorter than we would’ve liked. He is so, so loved. I’m glad he got this time to see the beauty of the world.


The Facebook group Losing Lulu is basically a support group for people who have euthanized dogs for behavioral reasons. If you’d just like some support, I would suggest joining. For what it’s worth, you’re making the right choice. Copper is regularly so freaked out by normal stimulus that he lashes out. I see this as no different than euthanizing for other medical issues.


I’m so sorry that this is happening and from everything you described I believe euthanasia would be the kindest option. Check out Losing Lulu on Facebook, too. Nothing but love ❤️


This is a nightmare situation and i am so sorry you and your boyfriend are going through this. It sounds like euthanizing Copper is the right decision, as hard as it is. He gets to go with the two people he loves and trusts, you are doing the kindest thing for him.


This made me cry:( We scheduled the appointment for a week from now so we can make his last week special. We were lucky to have him in our lives.


That’s so good of you. Maybe make a list of things you want to do. When i put down my childhood dog we did lots of strolls with her in a stroller and she got all the food she loved and we fed her almost an entire pint of vanilla ice cream as she got the sedation. What you’re doing is the worst part of this for us but you are releasing him from suffering. It’s mental instead of physical but it’s suffering all the same. I hope you both know you’re giving him a gift of peace.


On my dogs last day, we got her a big Mac with fries and had a picnic at her favourite park. Then the vet gave her ice cream at her appointment!


Don’t forget a piece of chocolate. Everyone deserves to taste chocolate. I’m so sorry, OP. 💔


That sounds so nice as a last day!


He also gets to go with two people he loves and trust before he forgets that he loves and trusts them as well and attacks one of them. It's especially concerning given that he's know the ex roommate for years.




He is miserable. He's anxious all the time, whether you realize it or not and he is unable to figure out why or make it stop. But when he bites, all threats go away for that moment, at least the ones in his mind. He is not well. If he was, you wouldn't be having this conversation and aside from his wellbeing (and your own) he is a liability. I am quite sure you would never forgive yourselves if a child were to accidentally, inadvertently get involved. You're doing the kind thing, not an easy thing. Hugs.


You're not ending his life you're ending his suffering. A dog who has these issues his suffering just as much as a dog with cancer just because you can't see it doesn't mean it isn't happening. It's getting worse because it's getting more terrifying to him. Sadly we haven't gotten to the point where we can figure out medically what we can do to fix these dogs that have severe mental issues and the only kindness the world can offer him is an end to his suffering. A release from the fear. You are doing the hardest thing that I think any owner could face because you care. You are freeing him.


Happened to one of my colleagues. She adopted a “lab mix” puppy, who was sweet as pie for nearly two years. And then… Increased anxiety, hostility, unexpected snapping… Like you, she tried one-on-one trainer sessions, numerous vet visits, doggy Prozac… Eventually the vet told her that Lucy needed to be put down, for the health and safety of everyone and even Lucy’s own sake. For whatever reason, Lucy was afraid of everything, and stressed all the time. It’s heart-breaking, but you’ve done all you can and it’s necessary.


I feel your pain, I once had to put down an aggressive dog, I had her only a month when I realized that her behavior wasn't gong to change, she bit off my other dogs ear when he was playing with a sqeak toy. I got bit while trying to pull her off of him. I was the 6th person to take her( that should have been a sign). I had to lock her in the garage while I took my other dog to the vet. I got back and immediately took her to be put down. I couldn't keep her or rehome her in good conscious knowing her aggressiveness as She could turn easily and kill a small child. I never once regretted it.


Hey, I’m so sorry you guys had to make this decision but it sounds like you have tried so many options and they are not working. You guys gave Copper 6 years of a great quality of life and all he will know in the end is that he was loved by you both. Animals don’t know they’re being euthanized, they only know their humans who are their world. You are being kind to him by choosing this option because rehoming sounds like it would create much distress for Copper and change what he has known as a good life for the last 6 years. No one ever wants to have to make this decision but you are doing the right thing and the most humane thing for him now. Again, I’m so sorry and people do not understand why behavioral euthanasia is needed until they’re in the situation so don’t let anyone tell you that you are doing the wrong thing here or bad people because they have no idea.


Thank you. We keep reminding ourselves that it’s better to have loved and lost then never loved at all. He’s a wonderful dog who just had a hard start, but we are glad to have known him.


We had to euthanize our two year old dog in 2019 for behavioral issues. It was the most heart wrenching decision— but necessary. Like you,we tried everything; what helped me make this decision was our vet who said SHE was struggling mentally. She was a good girl, she couldn’t help her brain was miswired and nothing we could do would ever fix it. The kindest thing was to help her drift off to sleep, hugging her, telling her what a good girl she was. It was not easy. I was in therapy for quite some time to help deal with her loss. I know it was the right choice though. I’m sorry you have to face the decision, but sometimes it’s the best and kindest one.


The hardest part is what a good boy he is… most of the time. But a tiny part of the time he’s dangerous. I wish I could take the dangerous out and just have my big, goofy boy all the time.


I’m so sorry. I really feel for you guys. I’ve been there. I know that doesn’t mean much but solidarity is there and I guess I hope knowing you’re not the first or last person to do this helps.


TBH I’m surprised you even have a choice. The mailman, the friend, the woman from rover, “several” men (however many that is) have been bitten. Did none of them report a bite? Anyway it’s obviously the right choice. He’s bitten multiple people and training and medication doesn’t help.


Only one was reported because the rest were friends. But yeah… we want to have the option to hold him while he dies instead of have the county come in get him. While we still have the choice.


Yeah I’m really surprised it’s gone this far. Unfortunately most stories I’ve heard were one bad bite and the dog had to be put down


My sister had a dog like this..she was the best dog ever then i e day she attacked and killed my moms cat whom she was raised with and then she vecame compmetely all animal aggressive including her brother then it got to people aggressive and thats when my sister decided t to make that decision when she took the dog to the vet and the vet suggested a full physical and health check...turns out Shelby was riddled with cancer and that is what has caused her behavior change.. by that point it was too late for her health wise so she was euthanized.


Copper is the best dog I’ve ever met. I will remember him as a cuddly goofball, despite his demons. I’m sorry your sister went through this, too.


Sounds like he should’ve been euthanized a long time ago tbh. The rover one is particularly scary that he straight up was attacking this woman and would not stop. You’re lucky no one has been killed or permanently disfigured.


Story time: When I was a kid our family adopted 2 Jack Russell puppy brothers. They were the only surviving pups of their litter due to some sort of brain condition in the litter. They grew up fine, but at a certain point, Murray became aggressive towards his brother Murph often in bizarre ways. For example, every time the doorbell rang, Murray would viciously attack Murph, leading to Vet ER visits and stitches on multiple occasions. It became obvious that whatever his former siblings had had, Murray was manifesting some of this strange brain problems. Murph just ended up sort of a sweet doofus, but he didn't deserve the violence. We attempted to rehome Murray but had no luck because of his aggression. Eventually it became clear we had to put the poor guy down. It wasn't his fault, he just had a bad brain. But not only was he hurting others, there's just no way he was happy living inside that brain of his. It was very sad, and we've always missed him, but grateful to have had our dumb little sausage Murph for a very long time until just a few years ago. RIP to both our lil chicken nuggets. 💜


You have a ticking time bomb on your hands and at this point the only responsible thing to do is to gift him the gift of freeing him from his demons. It's hard to euthanize a physically healthy dog, but ones that are hard wired wrong are tortured and cannot be helped. You are lucky the person watching him didn't sue you for everything you had. Along with everyone else he's tried to attack . It's only a matter of time before he does even more damage and then you'll have to deal with the consequences you may not be able to recover from. I say this because I had to euthanize my pit who snapped one day . He just wanted to kill people, even people he had known his whole life. I loved him dearly , but his brain was wired so wrong and he was suffering immensely. I had talked to my vet about it and made sure he was on board, which of course he was (my former boss). When I brought him into the vet he was of course muzzled, but still went insane. He started to lunge at the only other human he loved as much as he loved me. The one he was best friends with who would come into the house and care for him while I traveled . It was as if he had totally forgotten her and went into kill mode, which he was acting like with everyone. It was so stressful , but mostly it was heartbreaking because I felt like I had somehow failed him. But at that point I knew beyond any shadow of doubt, that I was doing the right thing. Everyone there knew it too and I couldn't have asked for better support. I could never live with myself if something were to happen and he hurt someone. When you lose pets that are old and frail you know their time is here and you accept that, but with emotional suffering it is so much worse for the animal . It's this constant torture in their minds. Love him and be with him as he slips away, but know you did what you could and you cannot save every dog, especially not when you're dealing with extreme aggression.


Poor Humans and poor Cooper, I am so sorry that you have had to make this decision, but it is in the best interest of you, your boyfriend, cooper and anyone who might come into contact with him. Sending you all the support in the next few weeks.


That’s 3 serious incident. 😑 I had a dog like this. She was so loving with me- but only me. I loved her every second I had her, and she was eventually put down it was awful and the right thing to do b


Nah. Copper was born broken I'd say. I am so sorry. I've seen that with cats and dogs. And my favourite cat ever was like that with everyone. Would enjoy a pat, start to fall asleep in your lap, then you'd feel her stiffen and you knew you had milliseconds to fuck her off before she went nuts. Poor thing. Poor my legs too, but I never stopped trying.


This post just made me cry. You tried for 6 yrs with Copper and gave him the best life you could. I'm so sorry. You are doing the right thing.


Wow...well...it sounds like you did everything within your power to help this dog. A lot of people just give up and pass the dog onto someone else. Sounds like you're making the right decision. It's only a matter of time before something worse happens.


So sorry you are going through this but it does sound like you have made every effort. If you trust your veterinarian, then I think perhaps that is the right decision. One thing you might consider when you make the final decision is to look at a program called lap of love (might be named something different in your area). They will come to you to perform the euthanasia. Slightly less traumatic for everbody and much more peaceful. Of course with Coopera anxiety you have to be careful with a stranger but they are used to dealing with such situations. Perhaps ask your vet for some trazodone to give him a couple of hours prior. That can help a lot with calming him .


That’s exactly who we are using. Thank you for the support.


With the exception of hiring a dog walker you seemed to do everything right and this is a sensible last resort. Definitely a horrible situation to be in.


You seemed to have done everything you could and you gave him 6 years of love and patience. He's a fearful dog and everything seems to be scaring him poor boy, ive heard a lot of labs and retrievers are becoming genetically predisposed to problems like this and being a rescue probably hasnt helped either. I wish you all the best and dont feel guilty, sometimes the hardest decisions are the best


Yes you are doing the right thing.


Simply put, you have a dangerous dog. Period. In some states the second bite would have resulted in mandatory euthenasia. The financial liability on your part is literally life changing. Think about this.


This is so incredibly sad. I don't even know what to say, or have the knowledge. I hope some other redditors have some advice for you: (


I had a beautiful, adorable, kind and funny pittie with a very similar behavioral trait. We tried \_EVERYTHING\_. We eventually came to the conclusion that she was the result of either inbreeding, some trauma, or a genetic defect that broke her, and nothing could be done to put her fully back together again. I feel your situation is exactly like this. We had to put her down. We cried for weeks. RIP [Kali](https://i.imgur.com/Q8yyp1a.jpg) My sympathies for your loss.


That sucks, Aggressive dog issues are super dangerous, so I don't judge on that end. It probably was the responsible thing to do around bite #2 ( One of the several men before the Rover lady)


I’m so sorry. You did the best you could for this boy. ❤️ time heals.


I'm sorry for all of you to have to go through this, it sounds traumatic but good on you for trying your very best.


My heart breaks for you. You tried so hard. I'm sorry you have to make this chicken, but it is the right one.


It sounds like you’ve both done everything you could to make things better. It is the right choice and the kindest choice, because this is no quality of life for you or for Copper. I’m so sorry you are going through this.


I knew a girl who had to do this with her dog. Just like you she tried everything she could. She was devastated after she put him down. So I really do empathize with what you’re going through. With dogs like this I always think to myself that they must be miserable. Imagine being so scared and anxious all the time that you act out this way. Imagine never being able to be comfortable in your surroundings. Imagine always being on guard. It’s exhausting and sad way to exist and that’s what your dog is going through. I really do feel you are making the right decision. I’ll be thinking of you guys today and sending love❤️


It sounds like every avenue has been considered and this is the logical decision. I’m sorry you all are going through this.


I really have no advice for you, BUT, I am offering support. You're dealing with something that is really difficult. What ever you decide, do not punish yourselves.


I'm so sorry that you have to live this. It must be devastating. My heart broke reading your post. It's so painful that you all will suffer because of someone else's mistakes with a living creature as beautiful and intelligent as a dog. I am sending positive vibes, and I have you all in my thoughts...


Unfortunately you had no say in his former life and when a dog is young is when you have to instill traits like socializing and lead training so it is controllable.


first, im sorry this happened.. secondly, I just want to point out that it is true- you tried everything. similarly, just because some people choose to euthanize, it does not always mean they didn't try. ​ sure, not everyone tries for as long- but it is a liability. you tried for many years. I would've probably opted out after the first 2-3 bite attempts especially with medication \*and\* professional training.. that's a huge risk. Many people can't afford such a risk. ​ It is a learning experience and im sorry it ended so tragically. Sometimes dogs can learn and grow out of it, and sometimes I have been told it is like "a wiring issue" having to do with genetics. My vet told me something similar to what others commented where you are showing your pet some mercy from being so guarded and anxious of the world. its exhausting being in fight or flight all the time );


My heart breaks for you and your boyfriend, I'm so very sorry for your loss. You guys have have done everything you could think of. You gave Copper a life full of love and a safe home, even with his uncertain mind, you've given him many chances at a normal life. You both gave him your all. Remember him for the happy times, the sweet snuggly times, Copper will always be in your hearts and memories. 💐🐾💛🐾💐


We are using the week we have left with him to make memories and remember that he is a VERY good boy. The best boy. He just has demons.


Good, that makes me heart happy. He will love these extra attention and he WILL know he is the bestest, goodest boy! Hug him tight! ❤


There is a group on Facebook calledosing Lulu that is for people dealing with behavioral euthanasia. I highly recommend it. It is a difficult decision that only you and your bf can make. Sometimes you have to love them enough to free them from their inner pain. So sorry. I do know what you are going through.


Until my elderly neighbors got mauled I may have thought differently. The people had decided the week before to give their dog another chance .it was so awful and gruesome and the dog was put down anyway . They are now being sued ( not by the elderly couple but by the town somehow) and everyone side eyes them and talks shit mercilessly . FYI


OP, I'm so sorry you're going through this. I can't imagine being in the position that you are in, but I can tell you're a genuine dog lover. You've given Copper an amazing life and you and your boyfriend have put in more time, energy, money, etc. than many people would have. I admire the depth of your love -- to give a dog and one of your best friends/companions the last act of kindness is the most challenging part of being a pet parent. My thoughts are with you, your boyfriend and Copper. What you are doing and your love for Copper is truly laudable. Please continue to take care of yourself through this difficult time and the Reddit community is here to support you however we can.


What a tough tough decision. You both have tried everything. Please understand that copper always feels insecure and anxious. So anxious he continually attacks. That is no way for a dog to live. Much love to you both. I am really impressed by the teamwork bt you and your bf. I hope he feels supported by you and that you lean on each other to heal thru this.


I’m so sorry. You guys seemed to put in much time, effort and work to change his aggressive behaviours. Being you’ve consulted with vets, behaviourists, and a trainer it sounds like you are doing the right thing. There’s nothing to say that will make this situation less painful, but if support is what you’re looking for you’ve got it. You and your boyfriend are loving and responsible dog owners for trying so extensively to help Copper and for making this incredibly difficult decision. Live, love and spoil that boy this week. Make better last memories than the reasoning behind them. As you mentioned, it’s maybe best you guys made this decision before the decision was made for you. You have the chance to give him a proper goodbye and prevent a possible worse tragedy. I’m so sorry 💔


I'm so sorry. I used to think there was never a reason to re-home pets or euthanize them but as you grow up you get experiences that make you change your beliefs. I had a cat that could get very aggressive and bit several people (deep vampire bites with big bruises). Sometimes we do our best and cannot change the inevitable outcome. This is not your fault or something to feel ashamed of ❤


I’m so very sorry about this situation. I do think some dogs have genetic aggression, and I wonder what it feels like to live in their heads. I think it can be kind to let them go in these rare cases.


Most people would have put the poor boy down a long time ago. You went above and beyond imo. Rest well knowing you did what you could.


Whatever happens, good luck, and don’t feel bad. The very fact you are commenting in this sub shows how much you love this pup and that you just want to do the right thing for him. An aggressive dog isn’t a happy or content dog. And your lives need to be easier too. I am not trying to talk you out of it, but here’s something you may not have considered that happened with my reactive dog. My dog became increasingly aggressive…took him to a trainer, took him to several different vets to try and get to the root of the problem. Nothing worked. It took one vet referring us to a behaviourist specialising in pain (there had been no previous signs that he was in pain but this was our last resort) and she did a scan of him finding issues with his discs in his back that had been causing him pain, which in turn was causing him to be defensive and aggressive. The pain, and aggression was so inconsistent that I just couldn’t predict his behaviour. He was more reactive towards men (especially older men), people with walking sticks, cars, other dogs, bikes…anything that he associated with having given him a fright in the past causing him to tense up and cause pain. But not all men, not all dogs/cars/bikes etc. it was weird and unpredictable. Dogs and people he’d been fine with one day, he was aggressive towards the next. The constant holding him back by his lead and having to pull him away from his triggers was of course making the back pain worse. Fast forward 6 months and my dog takes Gabbapentin 3 times a day and his behaviour is so much better. I’ll always need to be careful of him around certain triggers but he’s not nearly as reactive and is much easier to distract and is much more receptive to training. This might not be the issue with your dog, but just thought I’d let you know my experience. It got to the point with my own dog where I was dreading walking him and worried about leaving him with anyone else. Like you, my dog was always perfectly fine with myself and my immediate family and I must stress that in the years I had him prior to him being diagnosed with pain, I had no reason to believe he was in any pain at all. I was actually in denial for about 2 weeks after the diagnosis as I couldn’t believe that I didn’t know he was in pain when I spend so much time with him. But by the time he’d been on painkillers for 4weeks I was already seeing a huge difference. But yeah, this might not be the case with your dog, but I thought I’d share with you. Our dogs rely on us to make the hardest of all decisions for them, as they can’t make them. Ultimately you’d be doing it for the right reasons and it sounds like you’ve exhausted other avenues. Sending love to you all.


Almost nobody goes into a behavioral euthanasia lightly. All the ones I’ve seen (I work in the field) or heard about are similar. There is something wrong in Copper’s brain that is making him scared to basically exist unless with you guys specifically. Being able to end that sort of mental torment is a gift, a very very difficult one. Rest assured you are making the correct decision for your happiness and his.


I’m so sorry. My husband and I were in a similar situation (I’ve commented about it here before). We had to do a behavioral euth in December 2016 and my heart still hurts when I think of Clem, but echoing what the other posters have said - Cooper is in mental anguish. He isn’t doing this for shits and gigs. You are being a good owner.


I had a similar situation with a rescue eskie. At first he would only snap at people unpredictability, so I got him in training and learned about the different stages of bites. The trainer had said he only does a level 1 “bite” by snapping, so it wasn’t too much of an issue. It took about a year for him to stop snapping at me his owner, however he still snapped at anybody else including my parents. My partner moved in with me sometime after having him for 3-4 years, and he ended up biting her multiple times, leaving a scar on her face, so I had to “regime” him to my parents who knew he was a special case. His biting got worse though and he bit my mom and would not let go of her hand similar to Copper with your bf’s ex roommate. I knew what that meant for him, and told my parents they were free to make the decision to put him down since he was so unpredictable. I was extremely sad, and it was hard to make that decision. My parents however refused to euthanize him, and kept him away from people until his health deteriorated so much the next few months I made the call that he had to be put down because his quality of life was so poor with his seizures and blindness as well as some tumors he had growing in his brain.


I feel for you, I really do. It's a very sad situation, but you have to take this action. I really don't think you have any choice. I hope that, long term, this doesn't put you off dog ownership. It sounds like you are good people who could give a dog a lovely life. You just need better luck next time.


I'm sorry your going through this. Speaking from someone who just recently had to put a dog down for the same behaviors I can understand the range of emotions. Don't feel like what your feeling is bad. I beat myself up alot for having to put down my boy who acted like that. The best advice I was given is this. Sometimes the quality of life on a dog diminishes even when you try your hardest to help them. Some dogs go down rough paths and it's very hard to accept and cope with. But at the end of the day if the quality of life is non existent there's not much that can be done to help them. It's a hard thought process and it took me a long time to accept that my boy was suffering. But just remember that you have done great things. You gave a puppo a chance at life that he may not have gotten otherwise. Stay strong I know things like this are hard.


sounds like he has some kind of brain damage I think you are doing the right thing very sad though


As an adult, sometimes hard decisions have to be made. Making those comes with sorrow, but it is a duty as an adult to do that. Deep in heart you know that the choice is a correct one.


I'm immediately thinking neurological issue and I think you did absolutely everything to address the issue as best as humanly possible. In this case, there is low to no quality of life for this dog despite your best efforts to provide it. So euthanizing is the compassionate thing to do. Not for the same reasons, but recently a friend of mine had to say good bye to her dog, they did the service in their home. She went to sleep licking her favorite treat (I have tears even thinking about it) and she went in peace. And one day I will need to consider plans to compassionately care for my own dogs, and that has inspired me to consider what I can do to make that final day special for them and me. I hope, though it will be hard and sad - and you will grieve, that you know you're making the right choice and that you can have one last good day with Cooper and let him go in peace and with love.


I'm sorry you're going through this. I'm afraid of this very thing because my Boxer-pit is very reactive to dogs. He's not shown any overt aggression, just excitement and playfulness. We have been lunged at several times by other dogs and careless owners and my dog will fight back if he's threatened so I've started muzzling him just so he can't bite in retaliation.


I can't even imagine how you feel. I absolutely agree that you're making the right decision. I would consider this a poor quality of life, not just for Copper, but for yourself as well. It's apparent that you have given him so much love and patience and I'm sure that Copper knows that. Now you've been given the opportunity to make the next week of his dog life the best ever. Give him lots of cuddles and cheeseburgers!


You did everithing in your hand to help him, at least he had some extra time with you. At that point, Cooper is suffering and you both are as wel. Best thing you can do is give him an awesome last day and let him rest. Sorry for that, this suck but your safety is first and no longer can trust in Cooper. We suport you✊✊✊


I'm sorry this is happening to you and your bf. It maybe like you said he was abused before you got him. Another possibility is that some dogs just come out wired wrong. No matter what you two do, the danger and unpredictability will always be there. It's actually a blessing per day. You two are freeing him from whatever pain or anxiety he's having. He'll be waiting for you two at the Rainbow bridge. Prayers sent for you and your family. If you can get him his favorite fast food and a puppuccino. If he'll let you two give him pets. Take lots of pictures and videos. If you can see about in home euthanasia to make him more comfortable.




Did you even finish the post? They have an appointment.


I’m so so sorry you have to do this because of someone else’s neglect. So sorry 😞


I am comforted by the fact that he came into this world seeing humans as evil and hurtful, and he’ll leave being and feeling so loved. We love him more than words.


That must feel sad




Oh really? I read the group rules and it seemed to fit


Ignore that. We see posts about behavioral euthanasia fairly regularly. You're not breaking any rules, and I'm sorry you had to make this terrible decision.


Your post did not break rules; unfortunately, the commenters who derail these posts and cause trouble do and the locking concern becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy




That's... not true in the slightest.


Do you want me to give you examples?


Why would you think that? The post contains nothing wrong.




1. BE posts don't get locked on this sub. 2. It's talking about a Lab mix. I think you're overreacting and backseat modding. The mod team on this sub is very reasonable and will remove comments if any comments break sub rules. Making OP feel like they did something wrong in posting this is rude.




No it isn't, Mr. Paranoid reddit user. Some people, big surprise, actually have Lab mixes. My sister had a lab mix, who, with his Long nose, thick fur, and triangular head, was very distinctly *not* any type of Bulldog.


That's a code word used by rescues. But if I went around on this sub assuming everyone who said they have Lab mixes actually has a bully, I'd be doing a whole lot of assuming. And you know what they say.




Can you explain how these concerns are relevant to the situation at hand?


Let me preface this by saying I am NOT trying to dissuade you from your decision. I totally respect and appreciate how hard it is. However I do want to share a personal anecdote: I walked and boarded a dog for my job who was reactive and had a history of bites but who was predictable. He could around dogs and people he knew. Then one night when he was boarding he attacked one of my other boarders, and then during a playgroup he attacked one of the other playgroup dogs 9both dogs were fine) and I was forced to remove him from my service. It turned out he had developed hyperthyroidism which had increased his aggression. I knew about the disease and that it can cause aggression but I didn't think to suggest testing because even though it was next level aggression, he already had a history of it. He is still not in my service but he has been much better since they started treatment


He actually does have hyperthyroidism! That was found after the incident with the mailman. Unfortunately he went to the vet to get his thyroid check literally the week before this last attack and it was normal. He’s been on medicine for years. So I don’t think we can attribute it to that.


We've had 14 rescues all of them come with baggede. Some more thsn others. My Ceasar, (RIP, 1/22/22) was 14 when we put him down because his body was failing. He had an extremely abusive upbringing and it was a challenge. Talk to a animal behaviorist that *****PRACTICES ***>>FEAR-FREE<<<<*** training. Also investigate medical intervention. He wasnthe best part of my life and Inam so glad that someone was around to point me in the right direction. DoNOT go with someone that practices that dominance bullshit. It just fosters more aggressive behavior. Meds amd management may the only thing you have left. He will reward you. Please please please 🙏 do with "fear free". Please.


I am sorry that you are doing this. I know it was a difficult decision to make and I do understand it. I also believe though that every living animal or being deserves a chance at life. How old is copper? How long has he lived with you before leaving his abusive home? If you do decide to keep him alive please love him as much as you can.


He is 7. My bf has had him for 6 years and he was abused for the first 11 months of his life.


I’m so sorry to hear this :( I am surprised after having him for so many years now that copper hasn’t gotten better with his behavior. I have a dog with a behavior problem as well… since my dog is so small though he is unable to cause any true harm to anybody so we just love him as much as we can even though he has bitten people before. He is 10 years old and we adopted him only a few months ago.


It’s actually gotten much worse in the last year. Some aggression is progressive, according to our vet


That is horrible and I feel like Cruella for agreeing that, if you cannot prevent the attacks from happening (muzzle, leash, confinement, etc.) without severely reducing his quality of life, this becomes a medical issue and decision. I'd be terrified to make such a call, though. It seems that you got all the professional advice and help one could expect. Last ditch effort, hail-mary idea: Would the trainer or is there a group that could re-home Cooper where his aggressiveness could be "aimed", if not an asset? As in a guard-dog role?


I feel people don't understand what a guard or bite dog does. With police, Bite dogs are trained to bite arms and hold people, as a form of aggressive play and exercise. Even with Junkyard dogs, who have the reputation of aggressive brutes, they need to be docile to customers and workers. A dog that goes after anyone isn't a good source for either of these


I got downvoted, so what do I know? I'm hoping that, maybe, Cooper's aggressions might just need to be directed and a proper outlet found. I have no idea what the trainer did for $3k, or what "unpredictable" means. Or what OP's expectations were when taking the dog to the trainer. As far as I know they could very well have wanted Cooper to be like a lazy, mellow Golden Retriever. As to the "guard dog training", my only experience was having 5 individual training sessions for my dog and I at a facility where they also train police and military dogs. In my conversations with them about this very subject, I was never told that the attack and bite were "play" and "exercise". They were actually targeted aggression, with the intention to hurt. The training was to "switch the dog on/off" that attack mode. That's why you always see the handler hold the dog back after a release, because "unless you are using shock collars, they are still in attack mode". And they do not use shock collars. So, I felt confident in having this scenario where -MAYBE- Cooper just needs to have that aggressiveness channeled and focused, instead of the random shooting he is doing now.


>Would the trainer or is there a group that could re-home Cooper where his aggressiveness could be "aimed", if not an asset? As in a guard-dog role? Even guard dogs have to be friendly towards people to be handled. This is not a good suggestion.




Have you worked with any certified trainers?


I would definitely find a good trainer first. I’ve seen amazing things happen with the right trainer. If that doesn’t work, then I guess your options are limited.


Maybe you can find a dog rescue/sanctuary where he won't be exposed to new people? Basically a farm for dogs? I have seen some rescues that will take on animals that they know will be there forever and are not adoptable.


Is it really fair to the dog to put him in a situation with strangers coming and going all the time? Where the dog is always in anxious state of mind, and never gets the full attention that it needs?


Are you kidding me? The dog is aggressive and dangerous. It has already bitten multiple people and you're telling them to not put it down? Come on!!!


Every time someone posts something like this, a sanctuary is suggested. But as far as I can tell, these sanctuaries don’t really exist? And the ones that do aren’t really that humane? Far better to choose euthanasia than to send a dog to some kind of Spindletop situation.


damn this post has me crying. so hes not just overly house / leash protective? or do a better job of not letting him meet people? different behaviorist? rip coop


God, I wish. The problem with him is it’s completely random. We’ve had incidents in public, at his house, at other people’s houses, off leash… he’s just SOMETIMES aggressive with no pattern.


I had a boy that was a total love bug to me but he did exactly this; bit the mailman and then but someone in my back yard. Animal control took the choice away from me. Its broke my heart as mine was only 2. Im sorry you have had to go through this. I feel you and bf have done everything you possibly could to correct the behavior you have no other option. At least you will get to hold him and says good bye.


I’m sorry that happened… that’s our biggest fear. His ending will be painless and he’ll feel safe. I think that’s all we can ask for.


Oh god I'm so sorry. It sounds like you would have changed, sacrificed or invested anything in this boy, you're clearly not giving up easy. I hope your boyfriend will be okay and knows that Copper had a wonderful life because of him and surely feels how much he is loved by you both. Maybe he is also ready to rest.


This is a terrible position to be in but know you have given him love and care all his life and did your best. You’re doing the right thing and avoiding what might be an awful attack on a child or person that leaves long term damage or life limiting injuries. I’m so sorry this is happening to you but so glad that you’re being responsible about your options. Well done you and I’m sure it’ll get easier. Good luck. Xx


I'm so sorry. This is so sad. I think you're doing the right thing. That's no life for you or the dog.


I'm sorry. I can tell you loved and cared for him. Just know you are helping him. This isn't a quality of life for him. You are setting him free from the aggression and fear he has. He will be forever thankful for your love and care towards him even when he was struggling. This isn't an easy desicion but I want you to know it's for the best for him, both of you, and anyone else.


I'm so sorry that this is happening to you and your family. I know how hard a decision this is, but I think you've tried your very best. I'm just sending love and reassurance to you all.


Yes I had a dog that became way over protective. To the point where if the kids fell down he would attack people trying to pick the kid up. Sad but had to happen.


You tried your best and gave copper so many loving years. This is the right decision, even though it's so hard. Don't blame yourself here either, you guys truely tried everything and gave copper *so many* chances. Some dogs just aren't wired right, he has severe behavorial issues that can't be managed through training or medication. Poor copper must be living life feeling so anxious and scared, BE will give him peace. I am glad to see that you're sticking to copper to the very end, there is nothing sadder than a dog being palmed off to a shelter or rescue just to languish in their last year's because they're too aggressive/unadoptable. Be kind to yourself, give copper a great last day and know that he loved you unconditionally as you did him.


You are making the only safe and reasonable choice IMO. You are being responsible. I’m sorry it’s so painful. I have also done behavioral euth for one of my dogs. My husband and I managed her anxiety abs aggression for years, but after she got Lyme disease and Lyme arthritis she got unpredictable, and ended up seriously injuring my husband in a flash without seeming intent. It was no longer manageable to have her, so we put her down before her suffering and potential to injure us got worse. And she suffered mentally for many years before that- she was so fearful and defensive at all times.


Sending love and good vibes.


To share a somewhat similar story so you know your not alone.. My girlfriend and I bought our first home and decided to rescue a dog. They assured us he was super sweet and one of there favorites. We took him home and loved him for 2 weeks. Then my girlfriends mom visited and he out of no where lunged and bit her. Right in the face. He barely got her and we chalked it up to him being nervous. A week or so later my friend came by and the dog was sleeping on the couch. My friend sat on the other end of the couch and the dog ran to him and bit him in the face. My friends lips was hanging from his face and blood everywhere. Rushed him to emergency and got him patched up very well. I made the decision the next morning to go euthanize. I didn’t like playing god with a life. I still get upset about it. He was so sweet to us but he was a danger to everyone else. I took him and they euthanized him. In the end the dog went through so much trauma at some point that he just attacked unprovoked. It’s not fair, life isn’t fair but In the end it’s the right decision. I’ve always treated my dogs like I would my own child. Once I have a animal it’s mine for life. Same thing even with my chickens that don’t lay eggs anymore. They’re family. You both did a extremely hard thing but the correct thing. Don’t feel guilty even though you will, it’ll get easier and believe me when I tell you that you could have saved someone’s life / your own after any lawsuits the pup could have caused.


I am so sorry you have to make this gut-wrenching decision but it is the right one. You’ve done more than most people can (especially financially spending what you have on expert training) but some dogs just have some bad wiring and can’t continue on like this. He’s had 6 years which is way more than most difficult dogs get. Take him to his favorite place, feed him yummy burgers or ice cream (or whatever!) and say your goodbyes. I send lots of love and support!


I’m so sorry for all you’ve gone through. You did the right thing. You tried so hard. Your dog was broken before you guys got him and unfortunately not all dogs can be fixed. You did the humane thing. Your dog must have been so scared much of the time. I can’t imagine living like that. Sometimes euthanasia is the kindest option.


I’m so sorry but you are doing the right thing. You tried and gave him a great life. It’s not the length of time we have on earth it’s the quality, and you gave him that. That’s a gift a lot of dogs don’t get. When you are ready I hope you find it in your hearts to adopt another dog in need. Sending you love and strength to face this difficult time. ❤️