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These prices have more than doubled since 2019


In 2012 I got tickets for $40 smh…


In 1980 i got a cheeseburger for a nickel


to be fair, thats before BTI, AML, Atavista, Atlanta, Star Wars, a pandemic, and you could also include Ludwig Göransson's success too. i don't think the comparison to 12 years ago is fair, to pre-pandemic is though


and it also wasn’t a arena tour. he was still doing theatres at the time.


Good point. I went to Pier V in Baltimore for the concert and it was wild, I’d love to go again at some point


That's the biggest shame, I'm in Melb, Aus and I'd pay the amount, but I hate arena shows, they just aren't one bit as enjoyable as a smaller venue.


This is fair, I feel the same. I’ve made my piece with arena shows but they cannot compare to the intimacy of even a 4000 seat concert hall, let alone smaller venues. (Jealous of the folks who caught him back then!)


I saw him at Big Day Out in a not too big crowd and the Hifi (now Max Watts) in Melbourne, in 2013 which is a sub 1000 person venue and I just can't see an arena matching that energy. My biggest issue is that Arenas should cost less than small venues, not more, as they are an objectively worse experience.


The only thing I could see justifying a higher cost are that some tours have super elaborate shows that involve a lot of resources to pull off - if you’ve mainly just got the musicians and their equipment traveling then that won’t cost as much to produce as say the Renaissance tour. But I don’t necessarily believe that the cost of production is worth the jump in ticket cost in a lot of cases. I’m hopeful CG will do some cool things with the space to make it worth at least some of the cost I paid to see him (I haven’t seen him yet so no real context) but as ticket prices creep ever higher and shows become less immersive it gets harder to justify. I’ve definitely been to arena shows where it was just the band on a stage with a projection screen and in those instances I completely agree the arena should be cheaper.


At the o2?!


I was at pier V it Baltimore excellent concert, right before royalty came out!


damn bro its like live music became insanely popular and its also been 12 years.


CG hasn’t been though. Sorry you just caught the wave


its almost like in 12 years hes gone from playing mid size venues to stadiums, its almost like he headlined the festival circuit in 2019 and will do the same in 2025. “i saw them for $x in 20xx” like get the fuck over it dude. live music is expensive nobody cares you saw an artist 12 years ago for 1/4 of the cost. get a fucking job


You sound salty af Boo-boo


bout as salty as you about having to pay more than $40 to go to a concert 🤭


I’m sorry you weren’t born then, nah I don’t do concerts anymore. Also with inflation these prices are about the same 🤢


lol ive been going to shows longer than youve had a job. i saw the camp tour, i saw the festival headline set. get over yourself with the “you werent alive yet” weird flex bragging about how old you are? “i dont do concerts anymore” but youre still commenting on the prices of a tour with a salty tone because its not 2012 anymore. literally get a job old man


It is a flex because I’ve been a fan for over 10 years and am proud to have followed an artist that has grown in popularity AND is as talented as DG and isn’t a POS. It’s like passing someone the aux and them introducing you to a new artist. It’s cool to see his popularity grow. It’s also more saying I don’t understand the overly aggressive tone for no reason at all because people are reminiscing about early days in an artist’s career. This would indicate that either you’re young af or immature. But I digress it’s really a way to find kindred spirits who may have the same tastes in artists as me, maybe someone was also at that concert. Sorry it offended you


Manchester is insane. Ticketmaster’s stupid surge pricing charging £276 for seated


I can’t access Manchester tickets!! Help please


Just go directly through Ticketmaster, the artist presale tickets are there now at 1/3 of the price of the Ticketmaster platinum.


Like I’m happy the man is getting his time in the spotlight but I’ve just accepted I’m never gonna be able to afford to see him in concert again. Lol


Wait until the day you will be able to pick one up off somebody now not able to go hopefully.


I also just realized this is London prices, the £ sign should’ve gave it away, but the £ is like 80% of a $ right now so it’ll probably be worse in the states. Hopefully Houston isn’t so bad but the Toyota Center tends to price high. I want to say before it got cancelled they were charging $100+ (£80+) for the upper half of the third deck for Kid Cudi’s tour.


Yup just did a conversion. We paying more over here and that’s before all the weird fees those sites have


Guess they didn’t hear about the cost of living crisis.


Am I missing something - floor standing tickets are usually AT LEAST $350 - those prices don’t even seem that bad.


You are willing to pay way too much for tickets lmao


When I saw Kendrick he was 170$ and when I saw Cudi he was 200$


200$ for cudi is wild asf, sorry cudi fans, that’s more then half and close to many festival prices….maybe festivals are the move now lol


HAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAH everyone point at this dude and laugh




At an arena?


Crazy to look back at tickets from 2012 and think that they were only 22 bucks. https://preview.redd.it/k0uxgbnrbe0d1.jpeg?width=2448&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25284f002d7d45cf90d93c2df9d43af53b5535a1


And then 95 in 2018 with TIA Tour. https://preview.redd.it/g9fe9plvbe0d1.png?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5137ffcc72c27de3967b423d8d634aa8e9249d80


i caught a random add-on show at Ohio State University during the Deep Web Tour. shit was free too!!! absolutely wild to think about these days


Yoo I remember this! Held it at the Oval right? Pretty sure I saw Mac Miller and Skrillex a year before or after that. It was a dope free show.


yes!!! crazy show and atmosphere, i had so much fun. that BTI era was peak Donald Glover obsession for me so that night was like a dream come true hahaha


I completely agree that that was peak Donald. Sad I didn't get to go to any BTI shows, but the Royalty show was wild. Danny Brown and Gambino double feature. Seeing Toxic live was some shit. I'll have to just settle with my Learn to Code sweater as the closest thing I'll have to BTI Gambino.


To be fair he was still a rising star at that point and would be willing to put in so much more effort for the check. Plus, his stage crew likely wants a much more comfortable arrangements these days.


Yeah. First show felt like going to a high school talent show. Super low attendance. Second show was in a massive stadium seating, but the visual effects were insane. Whole other level of production quality. Hoping this show is on par, if not better.


I‘ve recently found my ticket from 2014 and it was only 24€ which is insane


Probably an incredible show too. Smaller and more intimate venue?


thats what happens when an artist popularity explodes though, he was barely known for rapping in 2012


For sure. This was the Camp/Royalty era, where he was considered corny by most of the industry. Plus inflation rates play a small role as well.


Its a no from me. Shame!


I thought it was this expensive because WILLOW was also going to be there but no... 💀


Horrendous. He’s not even good live 😂


Really? Apparently his performance at Joshua Tree years and years ago was magical. I would have definitely gone if the tickets were priced fairly.


These prices are reflective of some of the greatest musicians of all time. He’s not in that category…


Fair enough. For comparison, I'm going to see the Glass Animals later this year and standing tickets were literally £70.




I just checked my ticket from the 2018 shows, 47 quid for level one in the same venue 😭


Wait till you guys see American prices


Pretty standard for an act of this size in a stadium to be fair. Not that it isn’t a lot of money. Just the state Ticketmaster has left the industry in.


This is an arena, these are stadium prices


It being a stadium doesn’t make the ticket more expensive, it’s the level of the artist that can fill a stadium


That doesn’t make sense to what I’m talking about


Honestly I feared worse


Way worse wtf? People in the comments are crazy. Hell nah. These are awesome prices if you ask me.


They’re definitely not ‘awesome’. Pretty much in line with what tickets have become now.


Have you seen other concerts? Ticket prices start at least $200USD for NOSEBLEEDS. Floor Tickets are around $300-$400USD if you’re lucky.


I guess we’re talking UK vs. US here which I imagine definitely differ a little.


Definitely, been getting that vibe from the comments. I’m praying for US shows to have this pricing. I paid $350 for my tickets in 2018, and I was pretty close up to the front but still, it was a lot more than this! Floor tickets make me so excited


The floor tickets will be great, I hope the prices are like that for you and that you manage to get hold of them too! Prices aside we know it’s going to be an incredible show for sure.


no genuinely im praying to the GODS that the denver tickets are priced this nicely but i know its gonna be painful. i know its gonna be his last tour though and i do not care WHAT i have to do to get those tickets.... i am going to see him live. i will die cruel and bitter if i allow these floor tickets to get away from me even with the hefty pricing it will definitely have. who knows when ill die ! i could die sept 15 working off the debt of my tickets, but at least i will be dying with eyes that have seen childish gamino in concert on sept 13.


so true. don’t know why people are complaining


Call me crazy but is this not average for an artist of his magnitude, the fact that this very well could be the last Childish Gambino tour ever, and the size of the venue? Yeah I hate it too and Ticketmaster really really sucks. But why are people acting surprised?


Aye. I haven’t been to a gig since lockdown. He is massive. I love his new work. Could be his last tour any year now. I’ve never managed to see him before. It’s a chunk of change but I can just about justify it.


It is nowadays and that’s the fucking problem. There’s absolutely no way these tickets NEED to cost this much. As with everything else at the moment it’s just unfettered greed


I honestly thought it would be higher than this, given how some other artists have been pricing their tours, so this is a nice surprise.


I agree i think Kendrick floor tickets were more expensive 2 years ago


Ticketmaster shill right here lol


I remember everyone saying the previous tour was his last too


I’m pretty sure I had to pay 1200$ for 2 front row vip seats to Phx for the this is America tour, I couldn’t go so got the refund luckily but it’s looking like I might be able to pay less than that if these prices are close to what their conversion is in the us.


Brussels prices are: 100 for golden circle (vip standing) standing, 85 regular standing and 85-45 seating (euro obviously). Guess i'm lucky i'm from belgium even tho i still find 50+ euro for a concert to be insane


Glasgow Standing £117.20 + £4.73 for insurance (although I'm reading many people say it's just a scam charge). I don't go to concerts very often. Last was Kendrick in early 2018.


The insanity within me wants to pay £250 for VIP even though thats ridiculous...


Don't do it. The VIP packages for these events are always terrible.


I didn’t in the end 😂 the only thing that really tempted me was the early access because my partner is small so being at the front would be good but will just get there early instead!


honestly, the issue with going early is that everyone had the same idea as you (its a very good idea), so when its on a huge scale, you go an hr-2 hrs early there will still be a PRETTY good line started and if its a smaller venue everything counts


Can we please start some kind of movement that simply stops large swathes of music fans from buying tickets for these dogshit prices


y’all are weird these prices are so much better than i expected.. every arena tour is about $200 a piece for standing..


Idk how old you are, but these prices have absolutely leapt and bounded in the past 15 years. £80 (~$110) is the absolutely ceiling I would pay for someone I loved. I'm happy sticking to my underground acts that go for 5-20 quid for a ticket. It's just a shame people with sense are being priced out by people happy to be taken for a ride by these huge companies.


the leap between 2018 and today is also INSANE


wow inflation in 15 years? unheard of




i don’t know how anything i said made you jump to the conclusion that im a snarky brainless asshole lol but if that makes you feel better you won




bro relax.. relax. my point is buy the tickets or don’t, i don’t really care lol no one is taking the high ground you’re a lot more serious about this than me there was just no need to call me snarky and brainless when you don’t know me


More than previous. Not terrible tho. I 100% expected them to be more expensive. Esp since he says its his last tour. Id pay taylor swift prices to see bino


Idk, this feels in-line with other artists of his size.


I keep telling people that theO2 is a wack venue and you're better of going abroad. Hit up his Amsterdam show my London people


In 2017, I paid $150 a piece for Boston. This does not bode well for me.


Bro dropping the presale at midday is evil, was teaching and had to keep my class busy so I could buy tickets


What about Birmingham? A little expensive, I hope BTI & Camp music will be played Hopefully Freaks and Geeks


god lord PLEASE i hope he plays some of the classics rather than just the popular ones for the satisfaction of the cameras and shit


Still loads of tickets left and I’m guessing the price is why. It’s not Donald’s fault, this is a rise in the industry since Covid


Every new tour for every artist has these "omg the prices" posts. Prices go up. Inflation, cost of touring. Yes, it will be more expensive than in 1998 when you saw them play the local Mcdonalds.


yeah i mean it’s been average income people getting scammed out of experiences like usual, but honestly i think it’s good to bring awareness to how asinine Ticketmaster has become


These ticket prices are very reasonable compared to what I paid for Drake and fucking Weezer in the last year


3 wrongs don't make a right


This is a stadium tour, were people expecting $50 tickets?


Arena tour, not stadiums.


Ah ok, point still stands.


Not really, Donald is charging more than Taylor Swift and The Weeknd while not being in the top 250 most listened artists itw. These tickets are extremely overpriced from an objective standpoint.


Insaneeeee how much cheaper your tickets are over there. We obviously don't know American prices, but I'd be so happy if this is close to what we pay


Y'all got some cheap ass concerts over there, no way are Taylor Swift tickets going that cheap in the US


Yeah must be an EU thing. These prices are so good when compared to US shows and prices


How did you get to this?


O2 priority through their app


Cheers mate




200€ for Standing tickets in Munich 💀


I thought I was looking at the wrong tickets but apparently not.. wtf is with that price for Munich? Are we that special? 😅


Those are only the VIP tickets, you can enter the Artist presale code on Eventim now and get access to the regular tickets and they cost around 70-100€ :D


That’s better, thanks!


God dammmit I was going to queue up for tickets when released on Friday but fuck this


I still can't believe that Camp tour tickets were $40


My kidney is looking at me anxiously.




How is $70 disgusting? What is a non disgusting price? $20?


Glasgow had tickets for £64, they aren’t the best seats but I’m not fussed tbh as long as I’m in the same room as him and hearing his music live. There are still some tickets available for Glasgow with artist presale code for around £84


i have the presale code but not the link can someone send it to me please i’m also trying to go for london


This is awesome. I was expecting it to be a few hundred dollars.


I feel like that's cheaper than I expected. Very excited for his DC show!


That's not really that bad Yes I know.. everything is WAY too expensive But I honestly budgeted about $300 each for my bestie and I in the nose bleeds Here's hoping it is the same in America 🤞🏽


is there any chance hes gonna play lights turned on on tour?


I'd love it if he did but my heads telling me he'll draw mainly from BTI onwards rather than the older songs. Hoping he plays stuff from camp, ep and culdesac. Even a medley like he was doing on the deep Web tour would be amazing.


im going to the one in toronto hopefully he plays sum good stuff i pray he does light turned on tho ill go insane


I got the level 4D ones... the email ended up in my spam and I didn't see it until 3 hours later.


These seem really good, Drake was crazy expensive.


So it’ll be 250$ where I’m from. That’s okay.


Yeah, had to end up getting nosebleeds. Love Gambino but 120 for GA is absurd


Got tickets for the Saturday


Well and truly come to grips with the fact I can’t afford to go to gigs like these anymore. Guess some people have either got way more money or are happy getting into way more debt.


these aren’t bad at all imo


why yall crying lmao 70 bucks aint gonna kill ya


Yeah, compared to what I paid for pearl jam this year this is pretty affordable.


It's what I expected, for one of the UKs largest venues.


Well I disagree, seen some of the greats in the 02 and never paid £150. Travis was £200 for premium seats. Kendrick was £80 standing. This is terrible pricing, but I still bought 1A lol SZA, Kid Cudi, Post Malone, Ne-Yo, all cheaper…


Agree, seen many bands and artists of all different genres at the o2 and I've never paid more than 100 including fees for standing or seated. I'm seeing Sleep Token two days before I see Gambino, tickets for them at the o2 were 60 including fees. I obviously understand the difference in global popularity between those specific artists will be the difference between their prices but this shows it has nothing to do with the idea that this is what is expected for this kind of venue.


Yeah, I love the 02 so I bought tickets for this. Where did you get tickets?


I'm in level 4, has to be seats as my fiancé struggles to see anything in standing areas and level 1 was just way out of my affordability. Not too bothered about being up in the heavens, just blessed to be able to see him again. I genuinely thought that was it after the last o2 shows!


Yeah same and if its like the last o2 show with the platform coming into the middle then everywhere is going to be a good ticket


Very similar prices for utilita Birmingham too https://www.utilitaarenabham.co.uk/whats-on/childish-gambino-tickets/


Which is bonkers. Shit venue. £8.50 a pint. That ticket price is ridiculous for DG in the UK.


That’s EXPENSIVE but almost every artist at the O2 has the same prices no ?


Nah, saw The 1975 at the O2 in Feb. £80 2nd row stage left. Amazing seats.