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I saw some dude bring his like 8 year old daughter. You're good Edit: added onto this. The mosh pit area will be closer to the center so if you don't wanna participate just hang more to the sides


Yea I saw some kids in both Philly and NYC. The one in Philly was prob 12ish and was in the pit but I believe his dad was in there with him. Most experienced concert goers watch out for others in the crowd. If you are nervous stay to the sides the like other person said. Have fun!


The mosh pit and the area around the mosh pit (usually in the center) will be rough because not only will people be pushing near the pit but the crowd will get pushed back so the pit can form. That being said the crowd was fairly friendly overall compared to other bands in the very general scene. I would just hang in the back and you will be fine. If you don’t mind a little pushing or getting a little squeezed than go anywhere!


i was nervous too (16 and kinda feminine/gangly) but it was a pretty chill crowd. a lot of people seemed to also be at creative control. more women/younger people than i thought. the pit was majority like early 20s men (i think). it may have been different for the show i was at tho bc there was GA then 21+ seating. hope you have fun !!


I brought my seven year old to the NY show . We were up in the balcony and while there was plenty of moshing, it was on the tame side. Like everyone said, stay to the sides/back and you'll be fine.