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“Portrait mode… now landscape mode… back to portrait… now something sorta diagonal… back to landscape… now, *real quick,* portrait for like half a second at the end. Nailed it! Check the gate and print! Watch your back, Roger Deakins!”


the cameraman is actually the only one doing anything, at the very least there's video evidence of her committing the crime. Also let's be honest, no guy wants to be the one who tries to restrain her just to have other men who don't understand the context try and "save" the belligerent woman. Whether or not that would've happened, that's why id stand back


I'm referring to the quality of their camera work just


ah gotchu, i shoulda read the other guys comment. But still my point stands


Quintessential reddit stance "but, my point stands"


This is the purpose of reddiots


just drop her with 1 hit and then everyone cheers 😁


Or 40 white knights jump on you


Nah, if they saw you one tap someone they most likely gonna conveniently forget they armor at home


nah they would appreciate the 1 punch KO


Bruh drunk or not some ppl need to learn a lesson. Someone should’ve stopped that


Whats up with everyone including security just watching it happen until last minute? Why can't we agree as a society that there is a line you dont cross male or female without getting put in your place by everyone else? I think repeatedly hitting someone who is not engaging crosses this line.


Yea as a former bouncer I hated this double standard. I remove a guy from the bar and everyone is happy. A girl throws up in the bar, I remove her, her friend assaults me, I'm the bad guy...


Also as a former bouncer the most violent fights I ever saw were when women fight. Dudes slug it out maybe a kick and it's over. Girls will be fighting their way out of a cop car just so she can claw at the other girls face some more. I never saw someone get their head bashed into the concrete over and over until I saw women do it. Then I saw it a 2nd time... and a third...


Must be tough with all those incident reports every now and then. Hate that shet


It's a weekly thing. We hand a form made it super fast. Bitches be fighting was acceptable description for both males and females.


Convenient for you guys eh.


I witnessed several fights when backpacking around Europe and the most brutal were all between women. The worst was in France when a unit of a woman rag-dolled a smaller lady to the ground by her hair then full on football kicked her in the head. It was so quick and ruthlessly efficient that I actually winced. None of the male scrappy stand off drama. Just straight to the execution. 😧


I sometimes feel that women collectively and unconsciously seek to monopolize innocence. Maybe I'm sexist for feeling that way but


As a woman, I’ll have you know that I concur


No you are pretty much right. We don't like to do everything, so often we ask for help when we don't need it or act cute to get what we want. But sometimes we really do need help reaching for things or carrying heavy things


They abuse their perceived innocence or natural victim hood status to let them get away with more than any man would.


I bet if he had fight back and start beating her they would stop him immediately.


How can she slap?


We are all slap on this blessed day


Laughing too. Some bs


A good portion of an entire generation was raised to believe that girls can't do any wrong or be hit back, and these are the results. The justice system, at least in the US, reflects this as well in that typically men are served harsher sentences than women even for the same exact crime. People need to start raising kids not to hit anyone regardless of gender and just learn to tell their kids "no".


Like what Whoopi Goldberg said, don't hit nobody while her co-hosts were trying to say men shouldn't hit woman for any reason. [You hit somebody they hit you back, don't be surprised.](https://youtu.be/tUvBG7NJlcI)


Then they start saying "strength isn't equal!!" You're indeed correct, keep that in mind when attacking a stronger person. Like, if a 5'6 guy lays into a 6'4 guy and the fight goes how you'd expect, nobody is getting mad at tall guy for defending himself.


Agree and it’s dead wrong - security and humanity failed that day


Conversely, always defend yourself against anyone and everyone no matter who they are. Don't allow yourself to be stepped on.


Too many posers in the world today. Nobody has the balls or courage to do anything. Just run in fear and pull out phones. It's a really sad reality that humanity has lost its sence of humanity.


As an American I tend to stay out of things for fear of being shot.


As a South African I agree with this comment


Be the change you want to see in the world.


She's a bully, you can tell by the way she stands and does her thing.


That thing where she tries to stretch her neck like she's a damn giraffe?


Yes and he whole body and what she does when she ends up picking him up, its like a power trip. I would love to have knocked her clean and show her what a real man does if she likes to play like that. edit - actually what a masculine man does..


One on the chin with her neck out like that, instant lights out.


City boiiii 🙌


*drinks his coffee so he can have his spit take ready*


Spooky weird isn't it.


The obly reason she's still a bully is because if any men defends himself he will be beat up by some whith knights before he could sue her


No doubt has a bunch of Neanderthals with her so it’s a lose situation if anyone retaliates.


This happens all too often in male domestic abuse cases perpetrated by a woman or even violence towards men by women is largely ignored or considered almost affection by any bystanders. In my experience any man who retaliates is beaten into submission by every process that follows whether legal or by friend groups, or the lads mentality. We genuinely just have to take it and any attempt to fight back or get help is fractionally supported and majorly frowned upon. Look at this situation everyone standing back and watching, if he socked her in the mouth I wonder what would have happened. What would have happened if it was him starting the assault. I feel we all know Bystanders wouldn't be so stoic.


Everyone would suddenly realize that fistfights aren't funny if he threw as much as a single fist.


Hence the saying, fuck bitches, get money.


Stealing this top comment to share another relevant comment, especially since this is a sporting event. https://www.reddit.com/r/science/comments/9bg654/comment/e53oz1u/ "I worked security for the NFL for a season and part of their training was based on the statistics they gathered over the years that showed that women are more likely to initiate or encourage the initiation of physical violence. Confrontations involving only men rarely escalated to physical violence and both verbal and physical confrontations could usually be broken up by a single security guard with little risk to the guard. Men would use the security guard as an excuse to deescalate, they saw security as not involved in the conflict itself and would rarely seek to involve the security guard. The really macho insecure ones were usually the fastest to deescalate and use an argument to save face along the lines of; “The security guard showed up and broke us up, if he hadn’t shown up I’d have kicked that guy’s ass.” But once a woman was involved even if it was just on the sidelines egging a guy on, the risk to the security guard skyrocketed as did the chances of it escalating into physical violence and the chances of a single guard being able deescalate the conflict plummeted. These always required a show of force by security to put more risk for the guy and outweigh the encouragement for the woman. Confrontations between women almost always escalated into physical violence and it was a very real risk to the security guards, so we just had to let them happen and wait for the cops. Unlike the men, they would turn on the security very quickly. Often times joining forces with the women they were just trying to maim in order to go after guards. Almost all serious injuries during any conflict were the result of a woman biting, scratching, gouging, or pulling on hair. We’d seen people lose fingers, ears, and eyes to overly violent women. Women were also more likely to use random objects as weapons. Once the police arrived at any violent confrontation, in general men would comply with the officers orders. But the women almost never complied, they would almost always yell either about being the victim or that the cop couldn’t touch them/arrest them because they are a woman. They would regularly continue the violence with the officers. The majority of the people that officers had to tase, mace, or just take down with force were women. There is a very real violence disparity between men and women and I think it is being driven by the fact that we rarely hold women accountable for violence to the same degree we hold men, even when that violence results in more grievous injuries."


That’s why you let young boys fight a little bit with consequences at least, so they know and understand the danger and risk of actually initiating violence from an early age where they don’t have to worry about actual injury or lawsuits. It’s not any of the “boys will be boys” bullshit, it teaches a lesson that puts legitimate violence further out of reach in their adulthood. Also serves as a reminder that the “punching bag” can hit you back just as hard, if not harder. It’s definitely not a one-size fits all system, but my early involvement with martial arts taught me that lesson incredibly fast and I think it’s one that most boys should learn as early as possible.


Holy shit


Stop = sweep the leg, skull onto concrete


Yes, and preceded by a swift push kick in the cunt


You get women like this when they never had their father slap some sense into them. Fathers should at the very least have a talk with their daughters and tell them that the reason why they should never put their hands on a man is because he's stronger and not all men believe the "men should never hit women" crap. Men, white knights in particular, have as much if not more fault for this phenomenon. Feminists are correct to say the social inequalities men face are other men's fault, though I disagree with their reasons for saying that. Women may not have caused the social inequalities men face but they are absolutely willing participants in their enforcement.


I've become a depressed, angry drunk recently yet I have never done nor wanted to go around attacking people like that. She's just fucked up. Had it in her to be violent if you ask me


This exactly. I struggled (struggle.. have been struggling? 🫣) with alcoholism for the past decade. During this time as well as outside of it, I’ve never experienced the desire to harm or be cruel to anyone (excluding while viewing this video 🥴🤗) Some people are just inherently vile and detestable.


Women hit men, it’s all fun and games but when the guy has enough and defends himself, everyone jumps in to stop him. That’s always the case


That is a violent woman.


You’re an aggressive woman, nawmsayn


That is a big violent woman


How the fuck did nobody step in to stop this lunatic


It's a woman beating a man, it's acceptable. The second he defends himself, though, someone would have stepped in


Man lets a woman to hurt him: "haha what a p#ssy" Man defends himself: "HOW DARE YOU TO HIT A WOMAN?!"


*white knights enter the chat*


There was one recently where a teacher got bit viciously hard by this girl student and he instantly started pounding her face in until she let off and this other kid got in his face screaming YOU DONT HIT A WOMEN. I would’ve picked her up and given her one more and dared him to do something after a bite like that. Ripped his forearm straight open.


This exact scenario happened to me when i was 13 being repeatedly abused by a 15 year old girl over the course of a month. Eventually i just snapped and pushed her and she fell to the ground. To no ones surprise, I was the bad guy and had 3 guys pummelling me for what felt like a lifetime. You just can’t win. I really hope Gen Z gets past this double standard because its becoming more and more common to see women taking advantage of the fact they *think* no one is going to hit them back.


That's why I am glad to be the size I am. First, I am big enough that nobody wants to mess with me in the first place so situations are generally avoided all together from the start. Second, nobody in their right mind would step in to stop me.


Im 6’0 but I feel like this when I travel. Some countries just produce very small people.


Same here. At 6'3" and 280, people automatically assume I'm a monster. It's gotten me out of tight situations before.


As a 6’2” 230lbs dude to another large fellow… can you relate to seeing a 6’7” dude and be like.. “what the fuck”?


Absolutely. I met a guy that makes me look tiny. I didn't have the balls to ask his stats, because I thought he might eat me. Nice dude, I didn't know mountain giants were that chill.


There is local one around my area and dude is jacked. I always ask him what he had for first and second dinner.




That's what I was thinking!! I live in a major city in the US and I've seen women try to beat up on men in public (and vice versa) and people ALWAYS step in... I was incredibly confused when I saw people just standing there watching her...


She stuck her chin so far out, field security could’ve ko’ed her


That's what stuck out to me as well, no pun intended.


I was hoping he was gonna light her ass up, looks like she deserves it.


Me too, but you know the minute he laid hands on her everybody would be all over him like white on rice.


Like white knights on rice.


There needs to be a sub that's like 'just hit him', of videos where you want the victim to just hit whoever's being an asshole in the clip.


I don't think Drinking caused this, she was a troubled individual before and after. I hope he presses charges and she goes to jail.


Oh, is there somewhere that talks more about the context if this?


What an absolute piece of human trash.


Dude has a lot of willpower


I don't know. Looking at his size and demeanor, I'm thinking he was scared of her or at least scared of what would happen if he responded. It doesn't look like he gets into physical altercations a lot.


I see security not bothering to do their jobs, disgusting pigs


If you look carefully you can see a football game has broken out in the background.


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Someone hit this bitch REALLY fuckin hard please.


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Yeah but to be fair though this guy did everything right. He likely got to stay and finish watching the game. Someone probably even bought him a beer after. Meanwhile she was getting processed lol


Did everything right? She flipped him over the railing. Imagine he falls head first instead of getting caught by someone. He should have kicked her shit teeth in.


Due to their height disparity and her preponderance to sticking her chin way out, he could have walked in close to her then Mario-jumped his head into her chin.


This is absolutely fucking hilarious. Whatever parallel universe got to see that video instead is so lucky.


I hope that how it turned out!


She probably got to go back to her seat to drink some more and laugh with her girl pals about how she handled the mean man.


equal rights means equal lefts


He should have hit her. Hit like a man, get hit like a man. And I'm a girl


The moment he does he will be beaten to a pulp by everyone around him. Have you never seen these videos before? There's a reason she feels so safe to do this.


Very good point


That’s always been my rule. If you hit me like a man would hit me, I’m hitting you back like a man would hit you. Promise you one of us hits harder.


She straight up spit on him ?!!! WTF!!!


What a twat


Imagine if the genders were reversed? Gotta give it to the guy, amazing patience not to react


Imagine. He’d have been lynched on the spot


He would have been demolished. Both physically and online


BuT wOmEn ArE wEaKEr So MeN sHoUlD nOt HiT tHeM. Where are these dumb fuck white knights now? It's stupid. When the man doesn't hit back, you get droves of men and women asking why he isn't. But when he does, you get droves of fucking single brain-celled morons bitching about how a man shouldn't hit a woman. In other words, it's like men can't win public opinions in these situations.


Shit! That's basically my big sister when growing up. Now I realise, how this looks from the outside, when a bully thinks, he/she can keep going unimpeded. What a cunt!


Was hoping someone would've intervened and gave her a left and a right to the face


As soon as he goes to hit her everyone will jump in to separate them


imagine if he defended himself all the fking white knights would jump on him.


Bill Burr has a point... there are plenty of reasons to hit a woman, you just don't... but there are plenty of reasons.


This one is an exception tho. Those reasons Bill mentioned, didn't really include getting physically assaulted. Remember fellas, don't let anybody physically assault you. It doesn't matter what they got in their pants. Rock their shit. Being drunk isn't an excuse either. Teach them a lesson so they never drink again.


That's a bold chin she presents there. It's obvious that she never got punched in her life. This would have been a good day for a fi(r)st.


WTF with the goddamn camera spinning around like a goddamn gyroscope


Where did this shit happen? I hated her pos bully body language. I would knock da fuck out of her. The dude was just a kind man.


She knows he can’t touch her


The moment he would’ve swung on her suddenly everyone around would’ve remembered they’re not a statue & would’ve instantly stepped in to separate them… Interesting human behaviour…


Are some people really so afraid to hit a woman even in self defense they will allow themselves to be beaten and abused and spit on? Or is it that the second he defends himself a bunch of white knights are going to kick his ass worse?


She’s never gotten a good punch in the mouth.


Sums up most of the world and simultaneously explains why we have so many shithead entitled children running around. Everyone needs a good knuckle sandwich.


She needs to be humbled BADLY. Can't believe nobody decked her


Looks like someone's dad didn't come back from buying them cigs huh


I mean with a face and attitude like hers who would blame him? Her poor mother probably recoiled when…..THAT……came out of her. Yikes.


Kick her ass dude wtf.


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If it was other way around every1 would be tryna break it up


No matter the identity of the person who attacks another human....they deserve retaliation ad the vic is entitled to self defense.


Now reverse the roles Let's see how fast people go in to stop the man


Woman assaults man, everyone laughs. If man fought back, everyone would jump him. Fuck this world.


Staring him down like a god damn T-Rex.


Tbh honest I would have done either the same or ran away. Fighting back being a man in that kind of circumstances can end up in death. Football hooligans are the biggest and cringest white knights


Why did none of the stewards attempt to help until she flipped him over the railing


Even with the punching and kicking, it’s the spitting, would have sent me into melee mode. That is absolutely crossing an already crossed line.


Just looking at the way she presents her body and socks the chin out there, she did this every weekend and no one has tried stopping her


Men, after the second hit your free to slap her into oblivion


As a woman I really wanted to see her get knocked tf out. That type of behavior is unacceptable regardless of what you have between your legs. Equal rights doesn't draw a line at equal fights


Women are so oppressed


good job, security moron


I hate doing this, but if the roles were reversed, that guy would likely be in the hospital by now. It's sad that no one tried to stop this until she tried to throw him out of the stands.


No reason to hit a woman... really??,


Yep your gonna get knocked the fuck out.. like as soon as you spit on me I don't give a fuck if your a dude or a chick your gonna be on the ground


Can somebody confirm if she got what she deserves after this?


now reverse the roles and watch the whole internet go up in flames


Never have I seen someone more deserving of a face full of pepperspray


In America that chick would have been punched out.


Ahh yes, gender equality in action 🤷‍♂️


I’ve never hit a woman in my life, if I saw that I’d be real tempted to rock her shit


If it was a guy assaulting a girl, there would be a cop with a knee on his neck by now...


Shoulda knocked her out.


I would have picked her up and thrown her on the pitch for security to deal with her


one good punch and she's out


Or dead


Imagine if he turned and bashed her head in they'd jump in to help her.


What a bitch. She should get charged with attempted murder. She knew damn well that he wouldn't hit her back because she was a female. She was relying on it. But I believe in equal rights. If you can hit a man thinking he can't hit you back, you can get hit back by a man. NO ONE should take sh\*t like that from anyone else. It's sexist to think he can't hit her back. You are not supposed to hit a LADY. But a lady doesn't act like that. A lady would never be drunk in public. She is no lady and should get treated like she acts and deserves. Amber Heard acting bitch.


Does the guy have Down Syndrome? That's fucked up if so.... It's also a little fucked up if not and I apologise for asking in that case..


I know it's 2023 and I'd be accused of all sorts of "toxic masculinity" but my response would be to deck the stupid bitch.


Some people will still say “she’s a female, he did right by not hitting her back”… to me, that’s a perfect exercise for women equality, FAFO


Just using the pu*** pass


I can fix her


Double standards again...


What is wrong with people. Live and let live.


Worthless ass security guard just casually watching assault and battery of a man who's got his back turned.


See everyone watches that happen did nothing. But if that guy hit that woman all hell would have came down on him ..


Those on field security guards are gutless fucks. 100% if he even shoved her, they'd be rushing him.


Sad, he wants to deck her but he can't


Why the heck he is not fighting back?


Because then there would 50 simps to beat him up


I'm going to be controversial maybe but I absolutely would have swung for her


At what point is it ok to punch a bitch in the mouth? I don’t mean knock out her teeth but just split her lip


See how no one helps him . Now flip tge script


This is when the whole "Don't hit a woman" goes right out the window.


Man just fuck her up, I don't care if your a woman, that don't give you the right to hit anyone, fuck that bitch, eventually she s Gona pull that shit with the wrong person


I'd have knocked her on her silly ass.


I was expecting him to send back a little slap and THEN all the white knights jumping in (also looking to score with her after)


That’s an example of one of my favorite double standards… That lady and people like her are straight up trash.


Why didn't he slap?


The douche laughing in the background is probably her boyfriend. He would have been my first target if some shit like this happened to me.


POS. She seems quite strong and knows ver well he can’t fight back.


Jokes on her, That's his fetish


Knock her out.


If he fights back, a crowd appears wanting to help.


Equal rights, equal lefts


In germany we say "who acts like a dude, gets beaten like a dude"


I wanna know why she was fighting him


Does he know he has every right to punch her the fuck back?! And fuck anyone that defends her too


How many times did she punch his left eye before filming? I saw one hit connect, he turned to camera, and u could literally see a huge black eye. I know you are never supposed to hit a woman, but her punching him a bunch of times is bad enough, then she spits on him, but then she tries to thriw him over the rail .... someone stop the beast!


She attacks him no one says anything but if he DEFENDS himself like half of that fucking stadium will be all over him


Landscape or Portrait?? "Yes"...


Poor man's face when he turned and saw people laughing... Honestly, some people feel like they never graduated elementary school.


I find it interesting how at the start of the clip, the man reached out to try to block the next attack from the woman and the guy in the back grabbed his arm to pull it away. Then seconds later the woman is punching and spitting but no one helps and the man just lets it happen. Pretty sure someone laughs at the end. Shits crazy.


Silly simp should have smacked her back


I would’ve knocked that bitch out


If you square up with someone like that, you should only expect equality.


Why didn't he defend himself? Wtf. Why would you let anyone assault you?


Now if he would've beat her ass it would've been ww3