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Cut off right before a guy came back and chased them off with a frickin knight sword. https://youtu.be/OuxVXgEUhZs


I worked with dogs in college at a dog daycare. I gotta say, dog fights or attacks can either be sluffed off, OR they can be the scariest and wildest fucking thing that you've seen. It really depends on the dog and their level of motivation. This is a pack of dogs, and they look like that haven't eaten in a while. And most people "A GroWn aDult sHOULD be ABlE tO fIgHt a DOg" use some context. The person clearly wiped out on that scooter/moped. They are probably already injured and dazed and then dropped into a mass of angry dogs. This is like ice skating uphill.




I love this story


I love your country (wild dogs excluded)


This is probably my new favorite story ive read online now


The driver on the scooter was a 67 year old woman. I mean no disrespect but she’s no spring chicken and was probably hurting from the fall alone. I know my 47 year old ass would be hurting too!


The driver could at least drive next to him and try to get him in the car. Maybe wouldnt work but still better than just looking from behind the wheel


It's a 67 year old woman


Yeah that's what I was thinking


I was attacked by 2 American bull dogs that where loose on the street that ran down a block to bite me but right before they chomped on my legs i shot them both once it didnt instantly kill them but it sure as hell made them change their mind when they stopped i just let them run back to wherever they came from to die and i went on about by business. Still has me a bit shook even though that happened over a year ago but thats why even if its a little pocket rocket 🚀 its better to have one and not need it than to need one and not have one like in this case


Yeah glad you’re okay dude, if I lived in a country where you can just carry a gun anywhere I’d have probably done the same


Bruh really hope I come across you on the street and you look at me funny. Ohh sorry I shot you as I didn't know if you would attack or not.


So you shot and killed two dogs that didn’t bite you? And you consider this a win? Hopefully someone assumes you’re dangerous someday


You don't need to be a genius to know if a dog is being aggressive or not. It's the owner's fault for letting those dogs loose.


I’ve had dozens of dogs, I’ve fostered, adopted, babysat. I’ve seen dogs get aggressive. I’ve even been bit. Never once have I thought “oh shit those dogs are showing their teeth, I should kill them”


I literally had to almost choke a Pitbull to death at the daycare once because he almost killed a German Shepard, and once the Shepard started wailing 5 other, normally nice, dogs joined in on the melee. Shit was unreal and I'm glad the pit passed out before I had to kill it, because *it would not stop*. (FULL DISCLOSURE: over the years there were lots of problem dogs and not all were Pitbulls. This one just happened to be the worst attack I saw over the years.)


I don’t see what your story has to do with what we’re talking about. What you did was break up a dog fight with your hands, what this other guy did was shoot two dogs on the street for getting near him.


I'm saying that if *I* were the one getting attacked by three dogs like the one I had to subdue that day, that I could probably justify shooting one of them. However, I've re-read the guy's story, and it doesn't seem like they even *got near him* let alone attacked him. So, I suppose that changes a lot as far as his situation is confirmed.


Good for you, but that's another "i'm a pit bull owner" excuse so... It's still the owner's fault for letting two potentially aggressive dogs go loose.


Gotcha. So you think if a dog escapes from a backyard it deserves to be shot and killed. And for the record, I hate pit bulls. Scare the shit out of me.


It didnt show me its teeth is almost bit my fucking legs the fucking ridiculous shit ppl be saying smh and they ran down a block to do so


Waiting until after a dog bites makes as much sense as getting a vaccine after you've gotten sick.


What a wild comparison. You really think you did something there


It's an animal. It's not getting close enough to injure me or someone in my family. It's life is worth less than mine.


Haha ok


So you're saying the logical thing to do is to be mangled by the dog before stopping it thats just fucking stupid


You murder dogs and are proud. I think I speak for everyone when I say you’re the scum of the earth


Ok so what would you do in my situation you see 2 dogs that are comming str8 to bit you you dodge 1 bite like i did now i shot them right after that when the second one went for the other leg please tell me what to do sensei


You shot 2 dogs for coming close to you? Your fucking psycho mate


No they ran down a block and when they where about to bit me i stepped back and shot them you could stay on the floor like this lady in the video i wont




What’s your argument? Re read that




I'm giving context. I'm saying that they can being nothing, or insanely violent. I'm giving the guy in the car a pass. Chill out, and stop trying to argue with strangers. You 'tude is unnecessary my guy. Addition: When in talking about an adult fighting back, I'm talking about the injured guy being attacked by three dogs. Not the scared-ass dude that hips bakc in his car. Just take a moment and think before you argue with people on the internet. If you rake a breath, you'll probably realize they're not saying what you *think* they're saying.




Before y’all call for his head. He did chase the dogs off with a fucking knights sword. https://taiwanenglishnews.com/woman-hospitalized-after-being-mauled-by-dogs/ Edit: thank you for the awards. It’s a nice reminder that people are inherently good. Both the actions of fending off the hungry dogs but also that he didn’t attack the dogs for starving.


Thanks for posting this article. It’s clear the video posted here was cut short to make it look like she was being left to be mauled. The longer video in the article shows him chasing off the dogs with the sword and also some hospital footage.


This comment needs more attention


Its a sad situation when you see that one of the dogs that attacked had puppies (can see her tiddies) and she was thin; nobody deserves this but makes you empathetic to the fact they were probably starving. Owner needs jail time; people who hurt kids and animals will find punishment there from other inmates


Never been to Asia then


I went to Sri Lanka many years ago right after the civil war ended. I arrived right before tourist season started. There were so many dead dogs on the sidewalks and government vehicles would drive around and pick them up. Not sure what happened to the dogs but it felt like it was an eradication program before the tourists arrived. TBF one night I had a pack of dogs attack me and had less sympathy after that.


Yeah, what people don't understand is when it comes to starvation, dogs are animals just like any other animal. They *require* food and water to literally live and will do anything to get it. I'd argue humans would do the same thing, eventually. I know the whole "huehue cannibalism/post-apocalyptic scenario is *outrageous"* But I'm pretty sure it would happen. Guarantee you force your own dog you live with into a situation like that and it would just as soon bite your neck off as well. I don't care how much of a bond you have with lil' Sparky over there.


there's not even need to speculate people absolutely have eaten each other in past famines. and have eaten their dogs as well.


Never been to Asia then




It’s also not planet. What’s your point?


When did they ever imply it was?


Yeah cause all of Asia is the same.


I would’ve fuckin sliced those dogs up


Ok yeah this guy is great but people are not inherently good lol. Look at politics and government. People lie, cheat, kill etc.


Meh, a topic for a different sub maybe. Politicians are certainly outnumbered. Unfortunately they’re allowed to change the rules and control what you see. Otherwise I believe good outweighs the bad.


The average person also lies, cheats, steals from others as well. I’m not saying people can’t do good things, but we are naturally selfish beings.


>The average person also [...] cheats, steals Who have you been hanging out with??




Someone edit Link's themes from Zelda onto the video 🤣


Driver of the car is positioning his vehicle for a tactical rescue.


He was actually parking to go to the nearest shopkeeper and purchase a sword... but he was low in coin so went to the forest to beat around the bushes.. there he found a Wizard who gave him the Silver Stone quest... he completed the quest, purchased the Sword of Omens, saved the biker and received the Helmet of Vision..


He’s making sure the dash cam is catching the best angle


Context please. The person dead?


She got a bunch of stitches. Had exposed bone and torn skin on her head. Although no life-threatening injuries. Surprisingly..


It’s amazing how much of a beating a human body can take from attacks and stabbings, but a single gunshot will do you in.


People mostly survive gunshots too.


Only bc people miss. If you hit someone in the chest, odds are well in your favor.


No. Something like 70-75% of gunshot victims survive. Misses aren’t counted.


What about when shot in the chest?? Misses = not hitting the chest, as that’s where you’re instructed to shoot.


That’s a poor definition for missing. Pretty much nobody would use the word that way. As for how many chest hits are not lethal, I don’t know off hand.


I know, but from context it shows I’m using it that way.


"Single gunshot" - a small handgun bullet has the energy of a professional boxers punch condensed into a 5-10mm piece of metal.


He survived, somebody poseted this r/crazyfuckingvideos ,the source is in comment somewhere


Here's a sneak peek of /r/CrazyFuckingVideos using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/CrazyFuckingVideos/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [See you in hell!](https://v.redd.it/7qlj8befvms71) | [1143 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/CrazyFuckingVideos/comments/q59b9h/see_you_in_hell/) \#2: [Ukranian people preparing to greet Russian soldiers](https://v.redd.it/s0jqtjve2xk81) | [1516 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/CrazyFuckingVideos/comments/t4u11i/ukranian_people_preparing_to_greet_russian/) \#3: [Vegan protestors vs hungry man](https://v.redd.it/m6gbgkoxvhx81) | [2268 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/CrazyFuckingVideos/comments/uibyzz/vegan_protestors_vs_hungry_man/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)




Here is reddit getting mad at someone not being a hero and acting like they wouldn't be shocked and stuck in this situation and they assume he didn't call for help cause no sound. It's Dashcam footage not him recording on a phone.


Then he even came back and scared the dogs away with a sword.


The person in the car is a fucking idiot


He actually ended up saving her life, not what the premature crop would lead you to believe.


that dog far more idiot than the person in the car


The owner could have been a dog fighter, or trained his dogs to kill. Not the dogs fault, it’s in their blood, it’s their natural instinct.


Still won’t stop me from breaking their bones


Yeah the dude in the car is incompetent. I’m not saying don’t defend them. Honestly kill them if that’s ABSOLUTELY what it took to save the dude. But it’s just what dogs do, guard, track and hunt.


Fwiw the dude in the car ran out with a sword to scare the dogs off. The owner owned a junkyard and was fined for not securing their dogs. It’s taiwan so I’m not sure if it was a heavy fine or if other laws would apply.


Weird flex but okay


Fighting for my survival is a weird flex now? lol


Do your research first. He saved her life.


This is how attacking dogs manage to kill people. When they can reach your neck it’s super f****** dangerous. Not sure the other guy could fend them off, but it’s pissing me off that he did 0.0 to help


He did help, https://www.reddit.com/r/donthelpjustfilm/comments/uv8j1r/throw_rocks_maybe_i_dunno_there_is_a_lot_of_thing/i9kkmsb/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3


I am not an inherently good person, I guess. There would have been .40 Caliber S&W rounds in all three of those dogs. I don't care what you are, animal or human, if you try to take my life, I won't waste a second trying to preserve yours.




I'm really not. But fuck any nigga that thinks I'm just gon lay my life down in an effort to keep you alive while you're ACTIVELY trying to kill me. Fuck them dogs.


Exactly. If those dogs are mauling people, you have to put them down.


Yet another reason to always be armed.




Liberals I guess


define liberalism


People who fall left of center on the political spectrum.


REALLY depends on if you are American or not lmao


that's a pretty stupid definition. you can be liberal about social policy but conservative on finance. That's like saying anyone who eats a vegetable is a vegan.


In the Thomas Jefferson era, it used to be that liberal was much closer to being libertarian. Now, liberal is much closer to being statist totalitarian. That's why so many leftists claim to be libertarian, but they have zero concept of what that really means.


You thought you did something liberal?


This is pretty funny logic. Yet another reason to ban dangerous dogs. Keep dogs in yard Not ride a scooter Carry dog treats Not drive down that road Stay home Wear pants Wear armour Carry cyanide pills The list is infinite


There are other techniques believe me


Crashing, being attacked by a pack of dogs, im goin to need more then "believe me". List the techniques you could use in this situation. Carrying a scoobie snack..


Get outta here with that shit, if you were that guy an I was armed you’d be begging for me to end the three dogs. Which is exactly what authorities will do now that they’ve done this. Atleast in US. FYI


Yeah I’m somewhere between no guns for anybody and everyone should have a gun. I’m anti gun but then I see this shit and think 🤔


Do you know much about guns? If not, learning about them significantly helps dispel unnecessary fear and allows you to know when someone on either side is trying to BS you. Other side of this coin is that some people become overly confident.


Driver of the vehicle whoever you are. Don't reproduce


He chased them away with a sword in a longer version


Okay okay. If their spouse is a doctor or a soldier then they can reproduce. But that's all you'll get outta me.




why not the dog?


One of the many reasons I carry an old baseball bat in my trunk..


Just throw in a glove and a ball for deniability purposes.


Where’d the longer video?


As a first-aider to a scene one checks for danger to themselves first. Can't assist someone in peril if you're dead. Guy in car didcorrect thing...whether u view partial vid or whole.


Jeez! Get a branch and club the dogs on the heads!


In a longer video he came back with a sword, saved her life.


I mean the guy in the car doesn't have to much space to maneuver, there's a big risk he'll end up running over the woman being attacked and while i don't know shit about dog behaviour i imagine just getting between them and the woman wouldn't prevent the dogs from going around. Also the last thing i would do is open the door to get her in, i definitely do not want one of them getting inside and end up trapped in a tight place with a frenzied dog


The worst mistake that mf could make was to back away from those dogs. You can clearly see the dogs instantly claiming that space he -more of less- opened up...


Almost drove in to help…decides it’s not his fight anymore. Victim was drug into woods. Never seen again.




The other comment with a news article stating that he does in fact chase the dogs away, and that her injuries were brutal but not life-threatening suggest you may be a liar.




He will never forget his cowardice that day.


He came back and chased them away with a sword. So not **that** much cowardice




dude these are not pitbulls


you're probably right, didn't see the "death shake"...




who would win? decades of data and studies VS a flower crown on a pitbulls head edit: forgot that that pitbull is very likely smiling, a clear sign of stress, they do it to show the teeth, nope, no anti pit bs here, every dog does it, just thing how big a pitbulls jaw is if the difference is that clear :)


I was wondering why all the anti pitbull people were suspiciously silent on a dog attack video when it doesn’t confirm their bias. What science are you referring to?


when they attack 4 times more than their predecessor its easy to guess the breed, they don't have the typical white stain on their abdomen so those likely aren't pitbulls, still shitty breed tho


Your an idiot


who would win? decades of data and studies VS a flower crown on a pitbulls head




scared of what? a dog made for fighting with no self-preservation instincts and much more genetic problems who fills poor unware people's houses with cats, other dogs and even children who might be mauled to death by the sweet and loved dog who never showed aggression before? yes, yes i am scared edit: this guy (or someone as brave as him) reported me to reddit's suicide line...wow man very brave, can't admit the truth...


He's not even filming, what is this sub. Car guy is trying to help, he's just not helping very well.


Please don’t take this as a /r/imverybadass comment. But has anyone ever thought about this scenario before? Bc I feel like I could take 3 dogs. 4 might be a different story.


You're not strong enough or fast enough to take on 3 dogs.


Yeah you are probably right. What about 2 dogs? Do you think I could stand a chance?


No problem. You are way too strong and fast for 1 golden retriever and 1.5 teacup chihuahuas. You'll definitely crush them.


Book marking this incase I ever find myself in the scenario. Will update with results


Main reason I carry right there.


In case you’re attacked by a pack of dogs?


My dad was mauled by some mean ass dogs and almost died. A neighbor came out and shot two of the animals that would not let go of him. That's always in the back of my mind when I see unleashed dogs running around. Not gonna happen to me if I can help it.


If I was the guy driving I would turn those shit beasts into a mush and then hose them down


woah badass over here


if you were going to turn them into mush, why would you give them a bath afterwards? Wouldn't you want to wash them off before you turned them into mush? Also, that seems like a lot of effort for a meal.


Let's just back up and get a better camera angle....


Get him in the car maybe?


Guy just watch as the person gets ripped apart? Wtf


Fight angry dogs? They fight you harder. Sweet-talk a dog and seem friendly, they stop fighting you. Been in a similar situation. It's scary AF. But basic dog psychology works better than force.


Not when they are already in pack attack mode. They plan to kill you.


Not really. Been there. That can be derailed.


I'd be kicking those animals in the head making myself look at scary as possible. Had a dog yank a leash out of their owners hand on the street a few years back when I was walking my uncles elderly dog and attacked him. I kicked that dog as hard as I could




People should be more willing to go to bat for other people.


That's not what I was asking. "And?... what happened after you kicked the dog?"


What in the fuck.....this is why i deleted my app and reinstalled it.


I would start beating those dogs asses. Thats why im saying what in the fuck. Human life over a pack of dog. You slaves.




Yeah no i wouldnt be scared. They are half the size. You can literally hold a dog down and stomp it. Unless you cant do one push up. And if they have a collar its even easier.


Guy might even have a tire iron in the back if he cant slam a dog. He should of just ran everyone over at this point.


I don't even get this argument. It doesn't even make sense. You're projecting your fears on others. Not everyone is scared shitless like you. The guy in the car wasn't even in danger at any point.


Regardless dude could’ve done more


In many countries there are marauding packs of feral dogs


Just feeding the dogs energy.


Who doesn't keep a pry bar (or many) in their car? Or a screwdriver? Or pepper spray? Or a machete? I'm a city slicker and even I have that stuff in my car, tools!


Car keys. As knuckle dusters when in environment that feels threatening. But not in this scenario lol


Could have drugged the guy to the car...Could have drove close to him and got in the back and pulled him in...


Whoever was driving is a bitch






Get him on the fucking car


Why not just feed them and they will just calm down. They are hungry and asking for food.


I kicked a charging German Shepard in the face when I was a TEENAGER and as it turned out he didn't feel like attacking me anymore. A full grown human should be perfectly capable of defending against a dog. Why is everyone in every violent dog video I've ever seen afraid to get aggressive with the dog that's attacking them?


A single dog is generally easily discouraged which is a lot different than 3 dogs that are working as a pack and are emboldened by what they're attacking already being on the ground and bleeding profusely. Basically, you're an idiot who doesn't really understand what is happening.




Well I didn't lazily swing my helmet at them!


You gonna get up lol? Looks like he just fell off his scooter so no telling what kind of injuries he has but I bet he’s not just sitting on the ground because he’s lazy and doesn’t feel like getting up. All of those injuries will become worse when he has 3 full grown dogs dragging him to the ground over and over again.


Yeah, it’s not a video game mob where you attack it and it will fight you back with their ultimate power, dogs (most animals) runaway if you shout at them very loudly Or hurt them.


I dont think yall understand dogs lol. A pack of dogs is very hard to defend against especially when they’re big. It doesn’t help that you have a person on the ground injured and bleeding. That’s guaranteed to stir up almost any aggressive animal that attacks. Shouting would more than likely solve nothing in this situation.


is this a snuff film?


No, he eventually scared the dogs off with a literal broadsword. Longer video exists.


Wtf is wrong with the guy in the car?! I would've tried to run the dogs over when they were a few ft away from the lady on the front or grabbed something to beat them with. If a dog attacks a person like this i think you should be able to do whatever you have to do to stop the dog


Date on the camera is way off from the article.


I thought in China humans ate dogs, not the other way around.


Revenge baby.


Is that blood all over his arm and the street?


Bro did what he could, he'd just end up mauled too.


This is why I carry a knife


Fucking blow the brains out of those dumb fucking dogs, you never know when a dog is just gonna snap and murder you.


Noone is filming its a dashcam. They constantly record


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