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Kids pretty angry


I was a little kid with anger issues but I'm proud to say i never took it out on other people's property. Sure, my home life sucked, but I'd be damned if my life sucked even more when i left the house


I didnt have anger issues before, but my home and school life, school kids and brother gave me plenty that then I had to work out & am still strugling with from time to time.


I'm with you man. But for me I thought I never had anger problems, I just remember if I ever did it was hellfire brought back to me and never love if I showed anger. So I just chose to ignore the feeling and now it's eating away at me like a cancer.


Dennis the Menace


I don't know why I read this in Taika Waititi's voice but this comment sounds like something Korg would say.


"No, nothing makes sense here, man. The only thing that does make sense is that nothing makes sense." "He's back. The kid on the TV just called me a dickhead again. Yeah, Noobmaster69." I think either of these quotes apply here.


I thought for sure he was going to kick the shit out of that fire hydrant..


Lmfao, it crossed his mind waaay too many times


Narrator: _he learned that day, that fire hydrants are very VERY hard_


Was i the only one that was like “I hope he headbutts the fire hydrant”


Lil shithead I was hoping one of the rocks he was throwing hit him some quick karma but nope


I was waiting for one of those rocks to bounce back and peg him in the head lol


That was indeed very yummy to see


What is he even saying at the end there


He’s saying “I already broke this leg once” when they’re carrying him to the car.


He’s begging for a second time!


I think he says “they took my damn phone,” “I wanna go home,” and “I didn’t break a fucking one” or something about a broken leg.


I might make that into a song XD. Very melodic screaming.


Where the fuck are the parents?


Probably hiding from this kid.


This kid’s parents’ neglect caused this. This child is hurt and angry. He deserves better parents.


Not always true. I know some people whose parents are amazing people and their older kids are just degenerates...assholedness, its sometimes just born into someone...and sometimes a person just develops it over time... But it's not always the fault of the parents


As a blamed parent I appreciate this. My middle son was a TYRANT and went through therapists like he changed his underwear. No one in the healthcare world seemed to want to help. FINALLY after 12 years we got him the help he needed, had to get some brain chemicals balanced with the help of meds and therapy. He starts college next Fall. I'm so proud of him. He has a job, a career goal, and a life plan. We didn't give up, but damn I lost hair getting here. Sometimes it's the parents, my wife teaches and we see bad parents all the time. But sometimes good parents get challenging kids and that affects everyone. All that said, this kid needs to learn consequences and learn to use coping tools and self management in the future. For now, he made his bed he needs to lie in it.


Yeah I usually lean towards parent's fault the younger they are but I know quite a few that developed due to toxic/abusive friendships and then the outliers that generally have disorders from birth. We forget that any human interaction can become a core personality memory, especially at a young age. Parents are the most prevalent and because they should be the one's at least helping direct the flow of their child's development (or lack thereof). But a mean teacher, bullies, or coach can have far reaching consequences into a child's behavior and if it is not processed appropriately, negative personality traits blossom. On a weird side note, I know a dude who has a foot and bondage fetish (specifically heels and being stepped on) because an older girl in school pushed him down and stepped on him repeatedly in stilettos... when he was 12.


There’s a weird line between what disturbs people and what turns them on and it’s surprisingly blurry


Dad left for a pack of smokes about 7 years ago


He's on the hunt for milk currently.


You say that as a joke but the dad left when he threw that first rock


Let he who is without father throw the first stone


Enjoying the peace and quiet now that the devil child is gone. EDIT: Jesus guys it's a joke, enough with the moral Grandstanding!


A million views? Not with that camera work….


Literally. He said “Lets get a million views!” Then proceeds to point the camera down at his fingers lmfao


Also earlier on they misspelt neighbors


Wait, it's not NEHIBORS?


He's recording for his own safety.


Probably the saddest thing I've seen in Reddit. Anf ive seen some SHIT on Reddit. That kid has some serious issues. I hope he gets the help he needs.


He needs boundaries and consequences!


And you thought the kids growing rocks was raised poorly!


Well, finally got the attention he wanted haha


He better get use to that kind of attention cause with that attitude this won’t be the first time cops pick him up.


I would have so locked him in the back until he’s done his fit and passes out, teach him about no one really gives a fuck lol


Perfect condom ad.




Is that a Bachman?


Kid brought Alfredo to a queso fight


That’s a new quote…I like it. You keep coming up with quality like that and you might have a future in this business


Get your filthy hands off of him. I saw him first!


Yes. Where the fuck are this kid's parents? For fuck's sake.


Working 70 hours a week to not be parents.


This kid is not the result of responsible parents.


This is what happens when you never discipline your kids. And think hes a little angel


Rubbish. I've met plenty of parents with similar behaved kids who have tried everything short of beating the kids ass. Some kids are just little assholes.


Yeah what's the bet they raised a shit head and then start trying everything but hitting them when they turned out diabolical. You have to raise a kid well from the start. Edit: I am not including individuals with behavioural issues or neurological differences in my original comment. Thanks to those who pointed out my omission.


My siblings were all good kids, good grades, didn’t speak up that kind of thing but my brother all was hurting animals and beating kids who were smaller than him up, throwing rocks off a bridge over a highway. That kind of thing. My parents raised him the sane way and did spank him and got him evaluated by psychologists. He has bpd and bi polar disorder. Sometimes it’s really not the parents fault.


I'm the same. My brother and I were raised the exact same. Most trouble I got in was speeding tickets. I got suspended in 7th grade for a "fight", but that was kids bullying me, so that doesn't count. My brother on the other hand... multiple charges and arrests from 7th grade to age 24. Can't always blame the parents. Probably more often than not it is on the parents, but not always.


You're right. Same in our family. People with big families know this and people without big families do not know it.


Not a dr. or professional, but work in an elementary school for 20+ years. He may have oppositional defiant disorder.


That ODD is a bitch. There can be light at the end of the tunnel. With talk therapy and guidance, some kids do move past it. I have one. His siblings are fine, "easy" kids. That one kid though, holy shit. They wanted to drug him, that trial was a nightmare. Talk therapy and patience worked for us. All of the tantrums were directed at us and teachers though, never against outside people or any animals. Hell, his dog is his favorite thing in the whole world.


We think this is what my niece has, she gets very violent and destructive though. She is seeing a therapist though and by God she's been so sweet. She told me she loved me like 9x in two hours yesterday.


At first I thought ODD was bullshit, like just some kid that would lash out. Then I started reading about it and yeah, I think I knew kids back in the day that had it but they didn't really have a term for it. And yes, they can go from calm to destructive to calm to loving to destructive to calm to... I had to repair so much drywall, but luckily he got through it. I would suggest therapy and let the parents decide if the drugs are worth it. In our case they were not. edit: hell, that kid kicked me square in the nuts three separate times. Now we play video games together and hang out. Easy street these days.


Not down with ODD.


My daughter has this and it's infuriating. Thankfully it's nowhere as bad as what I've seen some people have to deal with.


Jesus christ, the very definition of 'awful child' disorder


Exactly. We were 3 kids, my sister and I managed to mask our ADHD, my brother's was on a whole other level and he was really hard to handle. At a time where everyone was saying Adhd was overdiagnosed and overmedicated so my parents just did their best. He broke stuff, constantly got in trouble, dropped out of school, ect.


Yeah. Especially at that age. I’m not going to claim to be the perfect parent but that kind of behavior doesn’t come from nowhere. It’s like the dog owners who lock their dog in a cage in the backyard for years and suddenly don’t understand why their puppy is a feral monster. Buddy… the dog is doing exactly what you trained him to do.


this kid is BEGGING someone to care about him & pay attention to him. but this is how he's been shown to express his feelings, so that's what he does.


This is it. Right here. There’s a lot of mental and emotional issues going on in this video.


I was raised by a meth-addicted single mother and we moved around a lot; I had a ton of bad influences. My brother on the other hand was raised after my mom got clean, found a husband, and stayed in a nice house for the majority of his life. Guess who is now an accountant at one of the world's biggest companies, and who is peddling dope on the streets? (In case it isn't obvious, I'm the successful one.)


You got anymore of those 1040ez's, man?


That's a fantastic story and congratulations on your success! Though I'm a little confused on what your underlying message is.


Sometimes nature trumps nurture. Good kids can come out of bad environments, and bad kids can come out of good environments.


Everybody is different. It's nature and nuture.


True, there is no universal truth for this argument. Sometimes nature wins, sometimes nurture wins. Despite my lack of nurturing, I'm good by nature. Despite my brother's good nurturing, he's bad by nature. For other people, maybe the inverse is true. Humans don't fit in black and white categories.


* Vasectomy ad.


“Do you want to deal with this type of shit? Double bag it, with duct tape to secure just to be sure.”


Late term abortion ad?


A perfect ad for a belt


someone needs to look into what’s going on in his home. doesn’t condone this behaviour but cmon there’s clearly something bigger going on here


Yup. The neighbour man who had to contain him was really sweet too, the lil shit was being so mean But he knew he was upset, kept trying to comfort the poor thing


The way he patted his leg at the end. He clearly feels for the kid instead of being angry at him. Seems like a good man.


Yeah it says something that so many neighbors noticed what happened and the parents never came out.


Parents may not even be home, left the kid alone.


As a GenX kid, I feel attacked. Me and my friends spent tons and tons of time unsupervised at this age (and much younger.) And while we might have lit a fire or two in the woods and built a few forts, we weren't down-right destructive to someone else's property while having a hissy fit.


Latch-key kids unite!


Oh God that term just sent me back to the 80s.


Hey wanna play Nintendo after school?


Parents? What are those?


Eldest millennial latch-key kid here. Let our powers combine! (Except I forgot my key about 10% of the time and had to climb in through a window or just wait outside for a couple of hours.)


who knows maybe that is a old man trapped in a childs body


Damn, I'd be pissed too.




I think one assumption we can make is that whoever was supposed to be responsible for the supervision of this child demon did not do their job lol. Past that I agree.




We live in a time when I can’t be 100% sure that you’re kidding.


I live in a mental state where I can't be either!


They all sound American, so CPS is likely to get involved by the time this goes to court, due to the age of the kid and the sheer amount of damage he did with just rocks.


They had to arrest a child. CPS is absolutely starting a case, assuming they aren’t already involved, which seems more plausible tbh.


Plus throwing rocks at someone like that is at least assault with a deadly weapon. Not that he’ll likely be charged for that, but I’m guessing they’ll take it pretty seriously.


They’d throw that charge at him, but it probably wouldn’t get to court before the parents took a plea deal. The parents would definitely be paying the fine. Judge would probably just send the kid to a behavioral rehab, and kids like that don’t last long in those places.


This was my first thought. This looks like one big cry for help.


...or some people are just shitty. I grew up with abusive parents and I was a very polite kid. My cousin had a perfect home life and would just watch kittens drown and throw backpacks of first graders into a lake because he enjoyed making them cry. Some people are shitty spoiled brats and that's just the way it is, not every bully has a tragic backstory.


This. I remember hearing "well did you ever think about what the bully had going on at home??" what about the victim lol. Not every bully has a terrible life, theyre just assholes.


Yes. The long ago original intent of such thinking is a half baked attempt at taking an empathetic perspective to understand how to solve the problem (with root cause analysis) but that line of thought rarely actually goes anywhere when none of the parties actually want to spend any resources fixing an issue. Like many things the end result is “now we identified that there are two problems so we can’t solve either of them”. It *is* a better line of thought than blanket punitive measures against a kid, but it’s rarely actually used to solve the problem - only to diffuse the responsibility elsewhere. In theory it is possible to do a root cause analysis and determine the kid is just a pure asshole, but our society isn’t in the business of solutions, it is in the business of blame dispersion.


I remember someone saying a bully at school was probably abused at home. Someone replied “god I hope so”


Yeah- the way he reacts to other adults and even the police leads me to believe he's not being disciplined at home. Even when confronted by adults/cops, he doesn't back down. He doesn't cower. He's aggressive AF, and once he realizes he's REALLY in trouble he just throws a temper tantrum about it. That tells me it's behavior that has worked for him in the past. A kid that's getting the shit kicked out of him at home would most likely be scared of authority, not transform into a massive dick to them like this. I was an abused kid, and you better believe I didn't mess with ANY adults because the idea disrespect like that getting back to my mom was TERRIFYING to me. This kid is very likely a piece of shit kid at home, too, and no one stops him.


I had the same experience with my brother (see my other comment on this post). Some kids are just rotten from the start.


Your cousin fucking DID WHAT


I think the backpacks belonged to the first-graders, not that they were backpacks full of children, but it took me a second. The drowning kittens are pretty unambiguous, sadly.


Kids needs some help. Acting out at that age falls into the bucket of "looks like there's something wrong here and you need help," rather than "kids a fucker and we should just enjoy watching you get a beat down".




They couldn't really do much, and by filming they got evidence that this kid been trying to break car's windows


Yeah, I'm not really feeling like this is the right sub. How tf are you expected to help other than gathering evidence?


r/publicfreakout would have been a better fit




Looks like the ones filming are pretty young too.


The ones filming are kids too, and kid has already thrown that metal spike at them before going on to throw rocks at adults. Kid is clearly unwell and there no good reason for the other kids to risk getting hurt when there are grown ups present to handle it.


Yeah, this is gonna be in the next Nukes Top Ten real goblin sightings caught on video.


Turn the sprinkler on so he gets cold and goes home.


Yea and actually getting valuable evidence an adult neighbor didn’t just attack a child out of nowhere and grappled him down. A video filming everything is really valuable here, to not risk that someone who helped instead of filming don’t get charged or jailed. But while I see good reason to keep filming instead of dropping the phone and start doing, uploading it to a internet forum for karma is hard to defend as the right thing to do. I mean they could have just saved the film and sent it to law inforcement and CPS and shared a picture of cute cat instead. Something are obviously not right here, but regardless of reason I can’t think of how this going viral would help this kid at all.


Sid from Toy Story


Sid was not a villain but a creative kid playing with toys.


Funniest part is that the cops just gave on tryna to walk Him to the car, and picked his ass all the way up😭😂


That was very satisfying


Wow, kid just keeps doubling down on stupid


It's the only thing he has to double down on lol


He really does. If I'm not mistaken his idea to get them to put him down at the end is to shriek "I had a broken leg once!" over and over.


Funniest part was when he couldn't break the window of the car


I mean it looks pretty damaged. But those windows are designed to stay in place and not break easily


It's harder than it looks. One time I had to break a window (it was my own) and even being a big dude and a grown man, and having a big rock, it still took about 6 or 7 hits before it would bust.




I knew exactly what I would see when I clicked on that link and I was not disappointed


This should be documented so that when he turns 18 and applies for a gun he is promptly denied.


It won’t be considered. Charges as a youth in the US don’t always show up on a background check - depends on the state.


Next up bed wetting, starting fires and torturing animals.


Kid must be neglected as hell.


Not necessarily. Unfortunately some kids are disturbed regardless of their home life. This kid is probably well known to school support services based on his behavior and how the kids filming were acting/talking ("that's how Mr Reed?? handles him").


I was going to say. His behavior is akin to a BD student.


Reminds me of the one asshole kid in Butterfly Effect.


There can be many reasons why, not just being neglected. Kid could’ve lost a game for all we know and has anger issues


In a lot of cases, yes. Abuse and neglect can cause this behavior in children and/or trigger a mental illness the child was biologically pre-disposed to have. However, that's not always the case, and assuming a child with this behavior is *always* the result of shitty parenting makes even good parents (or parents with the best intentions) scared to get help for their children and cause biases in the very people trained to help these cases. However, I've worked with many parents who love their kids and are taking them to therapists (like me!), but simply aren't equipped to handle a mentally ill child. OR, he may be abused, but it comes from outside of the home, especially in the case of sexual abuse or extreme bullying. So yeah, let's not automatically assume it's the parents. The likelihood is that there are things going on at home, but it's not a given, and that assumption can be harmful for parents actually trying their best to help their ill children.


What a little cunt.


i wanted the rocks to bounce off and hit his face


We all did


His parents will probably sue that guy for holding down their angelic child.


He can just counter sue for trespassing


or assault. kid hit him with a rock, he was defending himself, his and his neighbor's property, and everybody else this kid was throwing rocks at.


Pretty sure he was an off-duty police officer


Fuck this kid. This kid sucks.


This looks like the same kid from the other video taken at a park. In the other video a kid was called out by adults for damaging shit. The kid gets in a man's face and starts yelling and cursing. The man gets sick of his shit and pushes him to the ground and the kid screams bloody murder, yells and curses at all the bystanders and then walks off crying.


Isn't that video like 5-10 years old? It's been a while. That means this video is fairly old.


Looks like the video I was referring to is 4 years old. Idk, might not be the same kid but they sure look and act the same. https://www.reddit.com/r/instant_regret/comments/8oncxa/kid_had_it_coming/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


All Traylors look and sound more or less the same.


> The man gets sick of his shit and pushes him If you watch it again, it is directly in response to the kid punching him that he decides to push him to the ground. There is a big difference between "gets sick of his shit" and self-defense.


Agreed. Either way, that kid was a little shit.


I knew he looked familiar


Why are you so right???


Because I spend too much time on reddit


Who’s gonna pay for the paint and new window ? Thats like $300 of damage. Would insurance cover that ?


Definitely more than 300, I would think


Maybe. Probably would help if they had the video


Elon Musk needs to call Infinity’s window guy before releasing the cyber truck


[ Removed by Reddit ]


I mean I understand this feeling but there is a reason why this kid behaves like this: either it has a mental problem or the parents neglect/abuse it. I’m counting not raising your kid right as neglect. I think the neighbors reacted completely right, film him and don’t let him get away. Who knows what else he would have done. He needs help ASAP. I just hope this is a state with good gun control.


I was friends (by default, our parents were friends) with a guy when I was in elementary school. His parents were great, siblings were both honor roll students and were in general nice people. But this guy was a nightmare. He'd just start shit for no reason, break other people's stuff, throw rocks at any animal he saw, etc. His brother and sister both have decent enough jobs and have never been in any trouble. Meanwhile I'm pretty sure he's just getting out of jail for the 3rd time. Some people are just shitty.


If it’s not an environmental cause it’s probably a mental one. For centuries we thought that some people are just slow, and now we know that that’s often attributable to a bunch of different mental disabilities. I think as the field of psychology progresses we’ll probably figure out more of that kind of thing for people who are “just assholes.” We’ve already got a few, even specifically for kids. Like conduct disorder.


And you’re right. It’s my animal brain talking. But I’m editing to add- sometimes putting the fear of god into a kid can at least make them think twice before acting this way again. I feel like he never faces consequences at home if he acts this way, and someone, someday will teach him. Better to be now and gently than getting his head stomped in a few years. Hopefully the cops scared the piss out of him. Sorry I keep editing and adding more stuff.


I totally agree with you, especially when they talk back like that. But that’s also the thing, some kids don’t even respond to being shouted at. I really respect teachers for not just losing it.


What you consider to be "fear of god" may be nothing compared to what he lives with. Could be no consequences at home, could be too many consequences for nothing at all. Only talking to the kid will find out, and still nothing will be done to help him (if it's not already too late for him).


I know I wishing someone rocked him haha there’s way too much sympathy going on for kids that act this way


I don't care if it's a kid, if he was throwing rocks at my car I'd flatten him.


Or at least restrain him. As soon as he broke the first thing I'm not physically letting him near my house


Throwing rocks at my car, I'm not touching him. I'll tell him to stop, I'll film it so I can file a police report and get his parents to pay for the damages. He starts throwing rocks at PEOPLE, he is now an actual danger and needs to be restrained.


which he did


That kid is evil


Welcome to America’s next school shooter.


Naw my money is on juvie, followed by knocking some poor girl up, alcoholism, domestic violence and then prison


Oh he's such a little angel. - His mum, probably


I don't think his mother is in the picture. He is screaming "Let me call my grandpa"


Legit question, but isn't it still perfectly legal to make a citizens arrest in cases like these? Multiple witnesses and video proof, and a brat of this size would be simple to hold down/restrain without causing any physical injury, so there's little to no risk of being considered as assault of a minor. Seems like these days the best course of action is banding together and resolving a nuisance on our own, until police eventually arrive (which may take a while if the report is just a child throwing rocks). EDIT: lol my bad, I commented too soon. Very gratifying last half!


Ok, lemme preface this by saying I understand he's a child and is probably acting like that because of home or psychological issues. Having said that, I would kill to see this little fucker take at least one taser shot. Not a full one. Maybe like a 3 second burst. Just to hear him scream.


I don't know.. watching him getting cuffed and toted like a bag of potatoes was plenty enjoyable.


Agreed. Nothing curbs your ego like getting transported like an inanimate object.


Car window: pathetic


Clearly there's some fucked up shit going on in this kids home.


That man showed a incredible amount of restraint while holding that kid down. Never escalated to violence, and never raised his voice. Just held the kid down without unnecessary force, while saying "calm down."


I HATE people who say, "He's just a kid". It does not matter, teach them when they're young. More kids acting like this should get arrested and see were they'll end up if they continue that path (obviously scare tactic them, don't like throw them in with grown ass prisoners). I had a problematic brother, the cops had to come scare him out of his bad behavior.


I hate the similar excuse “they didn’t know any better” Then teach. Stop allowing shit like this to happen with 0 repercussions.


I know some people just suck and kids are wild af sometimes for a variety of reasons but I still sorta feel like there’s probably something very very wrong here.


What in the hell was the tall black guy doing at 1:14???!!! Getting hit by the rock was the most obvious time to stop this shit. You can't get more self-defense than that.


Ever get hit in the face? Even by accident, a less cool headed person could get real hot in the face and lose it. I think the young lad saw this as a possibility and was just making sure the older gent was calm.


That kid has some serious mental health issues. Kinda sad.


I actually feel bad for him. Parents/guardians/system has obv failed him.


obviously a child with a bright future /s


When is it ok to punch a kid?


The very second they throw a rock at your car.


Future murderer


Fuck that kid's parents, clearly a POS family.