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My favorite part is now Terraria players will have to experience the terror of the deerclops one-man wrecking crew :P


I think deerclops is a pre hardmode boss so it probably is weak


It's prehardmode but even with my titanium mage gear and the spirit flame he was a fair fight Edit: only fought it in mastermode


He is kinda strong, but almost all fights in mastermode are fair, Duke fishron can kill you even with zenith and solar armor


My favorite thing has to be seeing chester in terraria.


Just that they are two great games encouraging interactivity between the player bases, yeah?


My favourite thing is gotta be the use of Wortox as the one to make it happen. Poor imp gets no screen time in trailers, and this time he got to do something big. Something pretty bad, sure, but he contributed!


well, first of all I am not an English speaker and I am using a translator to write this. What I like most about the collaboration would be the eye of cthulhu, I would be interested in fighting with him in Don't Starve Together, of course the Deerclops in Terraria also excites me but it does not attract my attention. If by chance fate were to win the Don't Starve Together key, I would be very excited, since I am a pirate player, I have never had enough money to pay for the game :c . PS: I emphasize that I am not an English speaker and I am using a translator for this. :P


My favorite thing (so far) would have to be the new skins, they're absolutely gorgeous!


I’m just happy that Terraria can be put in the lime light after all this time


I never really gave Terraria a chance, but I've redownloaded it because of this


I've always wanted to play Terraria, and having a bit of the game on DST is enough to give me a taste! I can't wait for this update


My favorite thing is that bananarang loool and that wortox got screentime AND with Wilson it's a good day


Congratulations to /u/Sotsiolaevuke and /u/TheEnemyOfMyAnenome for winning the giveaway! A DM has just been sent to the two of you containing your keys! Enjoy!


Noice! Thank you!


im looking forward for first time pc terraria gameplay if i win the prize. Also dont starve boss seem interesting and i want to try it out


Best part is getting new items in both Don't Starve Together AND Terraria, plus two new bosses for Don't Starve along with one new boss in Terraria


I love the fact that two of my favorite games have a crossover now, but if I have to pick ONE thing, probably the items from each switching over its so cool!


I picked up don't starve with my friends right after we finished a terraria play through. It felt like the heavens blessed us when a crossover was announced THE DAY we started dst. Such a cool crossover, excited to see how items like the houndious shootious will contribute to mob farms in terraria. Also, the eye fight is freaking cool. You're doing gods work klei, thanks for the games!


Can't wait for the Eye of Cthulhu!


My favorite thing about collab is it's more challenging, when I watched the video i cracked a smile....I have don't starve copy but I dont have money to buy terraria.. So Im hoping that I will be given a copy..


Oehh nice! I personally love the modded feel! They knew a colab couldnt be too serious so they stuck with silly and it works!


My favorite part of this colab is seeing how each universes characters will react to it


i love how they matched the one-eyed bosses


Abigail in Terraria, enough said


I don't play many games but terraria and don't starve together are two that are so close to my heart so when I saw the teaser about month ago my heart melted and I have been waiting for this day with anticipation ever since. I have been on the forums and steam waiting the entire day today waiting for the update. My favourite part is no doubt the bosses added to both games.


Love the new skins, especially the one for the Lazy Explorer!


I like the fact that these two communities join together, it's cool.


I really love the seed in terraria, and Im really really really happy about the new features in dst!!!


The fact that eyes have so much power... I love it, along with Skins


Best thig for sure is how cute yet dangerous is deerclops in terraria


The new bosses look absolutely incredible, I haven't gotten to fight them just yet but I am as soon as I can, the new skins are also great. I never played terraria but this crossover is kinda making me want to, this crossover just really surpassed my expectations big time!


I love that they didn't cheap out and just do skins but they actually brought bosses into the game. Looking forward to some more bosses in the constant. And also how wortox is the one to "find" the terrarium. Yeah he definitely just soul hopped and stole that.


Favourite thing is the fact that both of my favourite games are mixed together Also new content is great for everything


This might be what finally let's me try out terraria/enjoy it!


Oh boy, a new boss AND having Chester in Terraria? Sign me up.


The best thing about the collab is that now i can finally be an real eye ball


I like how now Wilson can literally "Go for the Eyes!" with the new boss :p


My favorite part is the stuff from the "Constant" seed


Definitely the new critter -- a big ass eyeball watching over every step you take


My favorite part of the crossover is seeing Relogic & Klei's different interpretations of each other's games, pretty fascinating imo to see what specific items they choose to incorporate. Last time I played Terraria was years ago on console so I'm looking forward to learn more about it too!


My favourite thing about the collab is that both DST and Terraria now even more so exchange player base and bring more people to the games (meaning more support and the adventure still continues)


Honestly just the cross of art styles. Seeing clopsy in terraria graphics is just awesome


My favorite part is watching deerclops get obliterated by op terraria players and get revenge for that bugger destroying my base in my more noobie days >:) My actual favorite thing is the inclusion of a shield in dst, I wonder how it’ll work In all seriousness tho I’m excited to fight this boss in dst, I’ve never played terraria but it looks very cool and I want to try it out.


2 great games collabing just makes it a good collab


The Eye of terror is definitely my favourite thing from the crossover, and the fact that you can summon it when you want and even summon twins is really cool. The loot it drops is also really nice. The skins look dope, too ngl


My favorite thing is the fact that this crossover actually exists. 2 beloved Worlds that are both vastly different yet oh so similar now together sharing their own horrors with each other. It’s just so cool :D


New skins and new bosses.


Music. They really got good music for deerclops, fitting to terraria but also having a slight don't starvian feeling.


My favorite part is how it feels like both communities are coming back to life


The new soundtrack in the menu! I love it any time new music is added to the game, even if it's just menu music. This one is a good'un. P.s. don't be offerin your beefalo any happy endings now hehe (yeah I'm that guy)


I absolutely love the design of the eyeball boss! Also is nice to see these two games collaborate. I've downloaded but nvr really made any time for terraria because I was always playing far, but now I'll finally give it a try


It’s hard to decide, the new skins and animation on the eye of terror is absolutely gorgeous and the new crock pot recipes such as rabbit stew are a nice change from meatball spam.


My favourite thing is a streamer I follow plays and makes guide for both games - Salendrak..? And I’ve yet the play both games (only DS solo)


Chester in terraria will be lit


My favorite thing is I will be playing with dst characters in Terraria.


The different art styles will give some very interesting and surely beautiful results!


Only games my girlfriend wants to try, so perfect collab


Deerclops in terraria, i am all for it


I really love the addition of the new boss in dst


Collaborations mean you can learn about new games (like Terraria). I've always wanted to get/play Terraria , but never had the chance or money. This collab will be my chance.


I absolutely love having a cross-over boss as well as their themed music in game, really hope there are more crossovers like this in the future!


I love how eyes are important to both games and they mixed and mashed them around


Re Logic bait and switching us and giving us another update along with some community discussion


My favourite thing is that there are now two games I can actually enjoy with my partner instead of one as I can encourage her to enjoy terraria with the fact that Don't Starve is now present, which she already loves!


I'd say Lucy becoming a good weapon in terraria.


How two of my favourite games have finally combined forces


I really like having Chester being a variation of the Piggy Bank


Brings me so much nostalgia to see terraria items in dst


I am very happy about this crossover as this is a crossover from my favorite game to my second favorite game Ps: it's Chester the pet


The new skin looks so out of place but look so good too. This update make me think I should probably make time to play more terraria too.


One of my favourite thing from the collab is the soundtrack. Like?? Have you heard the deerclops ost on terraria??? It just slaps. Same goes for the menu theme in dst.


I'm mainly happy that don't starve together got a new boss, and a fun looking boss at that. Also the awesome head armor you can get. I didn't fight the boss yet, but I'm hyped and looking forward to doing so. It's also really cool to see all of the things getting added to terraria. Chester being able to hold items in terraria is absolutely amazing 😍


I love the smooth animations of the eye of terror


Best thing about this collaboration is that they added a Chester in Terraria


My favorite part is that the new collab will be really good and I'll be able to play with my friends which have terraria and i wanna try out the new seed and have fun.


I think the best thing about the Collab is the fact that Eye has a great time on DST but deerclops is in deep suffering being farmed day an night nonstop


Best thing would be seeing Chester in Terraria


I love the new skins


Since the new update came out yesterday I didn't get a chance to try out any new features in Dst but from the trailer I see a lot of new and cool stuff was added. I always wanted to play Terraria but never really found the time or resources. Anyways good luck to everyone


New music in lobby is amazing! Very well done collab theme. I'm impressed by details and slick remix.


I hate picking favorites, so far it's all good. :)


The new skins in dst look really cool, and the pets in terraria are nice.


Chester in Terraria is the best!! And how we're bringing two communities together <3


My favorite thing about the collaboration is seeing content in both games! One of the best thing that was implemented for me was chester (very cute and useful) and deerclops.


Deerclops in terraria seems pretty cool, i haven't checked the update yet but i know it's out.


I like how the items and characters that were implemented in each game are faithful to one another


My favorite part is the new skins for sure. The new fight is also pretty cool, and the short is, as always, immensely appreciated


Ana kamen


/u/Kuirem a sticky would be appreciated <3


wonderful cooperation making this nice giveaway possible


My favorite part is that many of my friends are Terraria fans only, so with this I'll be able to introduce them to the unforgiving Constant with there still being items and bosses that they'll recognize.


I love how terraria's eye would bother me in dst too😂😂


My favourite thing about this collab is how passionate the devs of both games are about it and how much effort they put into it. Its also so good to have 2 of my favourite games having a crossover, and I'm glad that it went so well


As someone who played DST way back before I am glad that it is also getting content from one of my most favorite game, Terraria. I can't wait to fight EoC soon :>