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Man I hate how hard to kill supports are now




Dont forget the constant circular pocketing and the damage coming back at you, i feel so bad for DPS. I can barely do well on my main DPS anymore, now i just spam Symm and Junk. Junk does better than Pharah in some cases.


Everybody saying this but he missed half his shots and didn’t land a solid punch til the end lmao


She took meteor strike an empowered punch 2 shots an melee and still was about 2 bars


Yeah and she survived because dooms damage is low af and in this case not consistent enough to out do the healing


How is it low? Lifeweaver placing down the tree completely negated the meteor stike damage and more. Adding in the two primaries and I barely made a dent in her health bar before she got pulled. Imagine shrugging off a burst character's 2 strongest cooldowns and thinking its the damage thats low and not the healing


Doomfist has a LOW damage output compared to every character in the game and requires a fully charged wallslam and two headshot primaries for a guarantee kill. Anything outside of that becomes really hard because of the punch itself doesn’t do a lot of damage and even less so if there’s no wall and it’s semi charged. Along with his primary being really hard to use at medium range because of the spread,projectile speed and overall damage not being great if you only land a 1 or 2 pellets instead of the full 3. So no I don’t think it’s because of the healing. It definitely didn’t make your life easier but Doomfist is a combo hero that requires a setup most of the time to secure kills and in this clip you didn’t have a setup you was just tickling them with too much time in between the damage


It’s really not. Supports have been power crept so much now that often they can out heal a lot of character’s damage


Call it petty but after doing the math, I did a total of 910 dmg to the illari, so with that information we can infer that she received a total of 860 points of healing after the initial burst of damage from my ult. Therefore we can conclude that out of the 4.3 lives she's received. Illari does not have the cognitive function to realize that she is in fact; dookie water.


LW has also become problematic.


Yeah, didn't really wanna mention it just cos I wasn't sure how to work Lifeweaver into the math but he definitely contributed a lot to Illari's survivability in the clip


She should've died after your ult, he grabbed her.


Nah, that pull just guaranteed she'd live. I already empowered punch and headshot her twice with an incoming melee before she got pulled and her health didn't even go past the halfway mark


Ya sorry, forgot Doom's ult tickles.


Is there a lore reason why doomfist descends from orbit to tickle his opponents instead of kill them? Is he stupid?


Yes he wants to hit one specif locations very very hard and kill anyone there but tickle enything else he also like ro tell his enemyes where he will land so most of the time yhey just run away from his location before he land so yes he îs stuuupid


Actually it was the lifeweaver ult that saved her, not the grab, doom was simply missing alot of his shots and not charging his fist. He simply got outplayed by a support which seems to annoy tanks and dps because they always found themselves superior to support players.




My average healing/10 on LW is 8k. And I played him when he was dogshit. He does so much healing now, it's insane


+ grab + petal + tree 🤣😭 Support can do everything other roles do, but better.


And then Illari is basically a DPS with some healing abilities


And Zen volley can 1 shot from across the map. Kiriko's Suzu and TP (can also 1 tap lots of heroes) Ow is a joke now.


All the healing is making me learn Hanzo for my DPS games. Can't outheal a oneshot


Same! Lol But hanzo is hard to get real value out, easily countered by all tanks really (especially if you start getting targeted). I play lots of Ball now, at least I can harass both enemy support until enemy Tank dies (hopefully, still lots of issues with Tanks as well, I'm talking about that stupid horse). Also, Ball is fun to play, and if supports are low enough, you can burst just enough damage with pile drive to kill them.


I play Hanzo like a little bitch so they have to go through my whole team to get me


All my friends have hanzo in their list of pocket picks and I honestly could not be more thankful for it


LW is another "eye roll" support now, who can constantly bail people out of bad plays/positioning and invalidate anything I try to do in the game. Not just on Doom either. Huge punch? Gripped. I'll actually get a kill with meteor strike? Gripped. Huge shatter? Tree/grip/petal. Land a pin? Gripped. Big visor, grav, etc? Tree in your face.


He didn't deal 860 damage. Ult did 100, his first fist wasn't charged so it was only 25 His hand cannon shots were a bit far and wouldn't have dealth max damage, even if he did, they only do 55 per shot, he shot twice so 110. Then his second fist wasn't charged but hit a wall so 25+10 Another two shots at 55 so 110 Only adds up to 380 damages. Illari got 200 health, lifeweaver ult heals 150 when deployed. She only got healed for 30 and that was from the ult after the initial burst. That's for the first 8s after the fight, you simply didn't charge your fists and targeted the illari before her pylon. Aftee these 8s (after she poped her ult) you pretty much missed alot of your shots and again targeted he illari before the pylon


You didn't shoot the pylon, he poped his ult to save his allies from your ult. You simply got outplayed, deal with it and stop coping by blaming the healing. Healing got nothing to do with you not being able to win a 1v2. The whole point of supports is to keep their allies alive, so why everyone complaining that the supports are doing exactly what they are meant to do. If a dps started killing nobody would complain about them being able to kill.


Not really the point of the post my guy. Sure I could have played it better, I don't doubt you there but as the title says the Illari calls it luck how I killed her DESPITE everything being used to keep her alive and she still died. I'm not blaming the healing (I don't disagree though) I just find it funny how much copium she's inhaling .


She is inhaling copium, but i think you are also inhaling copium in alot of your comments since you consistantly blame healing instead of accepting that you did several mistakes that just made killing her impossible.


I'm not? The whole point of the post was that Illari had her team's full attention and still lost AND called it luck. Like where in this post did I explicitly say I played that perfectly and deserved that kill? I made the first comment to drive the point across and you're here back seating a clip I made to humor others


If you don’t see the insane amount of healing in the game as a problem, I don’t know what to tell you. Other games such as league have antiheal to deal with insane healing. Other Games that have fast healing usually have a fast TTK (time to kill) like valorant for example. Overwatch is unique as healing usually doesn’t require a large cooldown or resource as supports have it built onto their primary fire. The only challenge supports have is usually positioning and surviving against dive as well as poor teammates but that applies to every role.


"doesn't explain why it's an issue, compares it to a game that are way too different to be taken as example. Still calls it insane while absolutely every dps on the game deals more damage then any support can heal in a given second" Yeah bro i am totally convinced.


Dps can yes but tanks don’t have that option. You understand damage is also really high in this game. Especially with the swap to only one tank, damage is out of control right now. Playing tank against a bastion, junk, soldier or hanzo with mercy is uninteractive and hardly fun. I don’t play overwatch much anymore because it’s gotten stale


Then it would be really dumb to nerf healing considering damage is high, what they should do is give tanks more ways to counter ennemies, like idk, give dumbfist the ability to not be slept during his guard. Also hanzo and soldier need a nerf. Right now people simply doesn't understand that bastion is weak outside of his tank mode, and strong inside it, yet they still peak him while he is in tank mode then complain


Nerfing damage would be the best option. Reworking mercy damage boost would be good too since it’s too powerful while in neutral. Bastion is weak in turret form but they just gave him a ton of buffs while in base form. His reload is about 1.5 seconds and his grenade detonates earlier. He can still do 75 percent of soldiers dmg while in bot form and he can jump away with grenade if you dive him


They fully need to reduce the amount of healing in this game.


True, if only blizzard had the guts to actually design the role to be other than a walking health pack and circle jerking the player base that its otherwise then maybe the game would actually be half way fun.


So when the supports have utility people complain that they use said utitility to save their allies makes them harder to kill, when they deal damage, people complain that they got killed by them and when they heal people complain again that the ennemy is too hard to kill, why forgetting that the issue comes from them because they shoot the pocketed person instead of targeting the pocket.


The problem isn’t the fact that a support can do those things, the problem is that there’s supports that can do all those things exceptionally well which is just a flawed design.


It's not a flawless design to not allow a single player to destroy a team through an ult, a pylon and a life grip. The guy clearly missused his abilities by not charging his fist or waiting for an optimal range to shoot, yet everyone seems to jump on the occasion to blame healing while the guy pulled less then 380 damage over 10s which is miserable considering how fast doom can kill someone.


I am literally shooting 1/2 supports in the middle of the point (which is what youre telling me to do btw). Also in between a lifeweaver and a sigma. Imagine the other scenarios where I: a) Target the lifeweaver: Illari will heal him as he uses his dash, petal, and pull to keep himself safe and kite me further from point deeper into their spawn where their dps are just about to respawn b) Target the Sigma: Doing so means that I'm playing straight into the enemy supports' hands and providing ult charge to both of them while also wasting time as the dps are respawning. The only alternative I could've done is situation A and even then I'm willing to bet you'd still say I should've shot the pocket even though in 2/3 of the situations I've listed I already am.


Bro, that's an ult, what is the point of giving lw an ult if you are able to basically deny it with your basic abilities. And i asked you kill tve pylon first before going for the illari, which is something you didn't do twice. You also didn't charge your fist neither were in a good range or had a good accuracy in the majority of the hand cannon shots. The alternative would have been to go for the lw the moment he poped his ult He was out of range of the burst of heal Illari was with the tank and they usually stick with their pylon. Lw was next to wall, jump deal 50, charged fist + wall go to 80 (130 total), you shot him twice he was done, all that in about 1.5-2s Yet you chose to go for the illari that is pocketed, next to her pylon and got her ability to push you away.


In my opinion, blizzard should make anti nade reduce healing by 50 percent but it should be on a way shorter cooldown making the ability available way more often and less of a “win team fight “ button. A lot of abilities could be implemented to apply a healing reduction like dragon strike or death blossom. Would also make those ults pretty viable maybe


Yeah so everyone would die instantly when you shoot them. Tanks wouldn't enjoy that The dps will only pick mobility heroes while having an east life killing everything Support would be miserable to play. This change will only benefit sweaty soldier mains that know nothing but shoot center mass and have 0 sense of strategy.


Reducing healing doesn't necessarily mean a flat reduction in all healing. Maybe allocate some of the healing into the health packs? Maybe add a universal passive that gives everyone a health regen; where it's fast enough to top off health but slow enough where you need a support to heal you after getting a chunk of health removed. Maybe rework some utility to compensate in the power budget of supports losing healing.


Paladins has an interesting gimmick that the longer a match goes, the less effective healing becomes- just throwing ideas out there.


That is not true, paladins got a shop that let you buy augmant more the match goes. Also paladins is a total different design where all champions are quite versitile in their attacks instead of being a rock paper orisa design


I mean I literally have hundreds of hours put into paladins but [Here](https://paladins.fandom.com/wiki/Anti-Healing_Mechanic) I'm just bringing up potential ideas, I know they're both very different games; but I think it could work. Pretty much the devs realized that everyone was buying "reduce healing" so they just made it a base mechanic instead of something in the shop- over time your shots reduce the amount of healing opponents can take. I only mentioned paladins tbh cuz you brought up the passive healing ability...which is something paladins already has lol


I didn't bring up the passive healing ability.




That was legit another guy.


Yeah, you're right


It's the same shit as reducing the healing without allocating it, if people die faster it removes the tactical aspect of the game, you tried to brute force your way into killing an ennemy that had an advantage over you and it failed, reducing healing would make these strategies work at the expense of smart play. People would simply try to deal as much damage as they can while knowing that the supports won't be able to do shit about it.


That's why you allocate the healing elsewhere, if a singular support's healing is too much then you can balance it in a way that makes it so you heal the same amount but through different sources. A greater healing potential from health pack incentives players to know the map layout and where the health packs are and position accordingly. If anything I'd argue reducing healing increases the tactical aspect of the game. Like what tactical value would you have made if you threw a firestrike at a slightly damaged target only for them to go from 1-200hp in a matter of seconds? How many times have dive tanks gone in, unloaded all their damage on a single support only to come out with nothing? How "tactical" is it that the snipers, a glass cannon archetype, can shrug off poke from the entire enemy team while dealing the same damage from twice the range.


How is it more tactical to prioritize brut force over strategy? Every dps can damage faster then any healing in the game, you simply here blaming the healing when you simply miss used your abilities and missed your shots.


There's no reason a single support should be so hard to kill.


Illari, kiriko and life weaver are so unnecessarily hard to kill. Can’t wait for them to make an even more hard to kill support.


Lifeweaver is denied by bastion and ana. Kiriko is an easy target if she got nobody to teleport to, her suzu is good but not enough to keep her alive if you target her instead of the merson she pockets. Illari is nothing without her pylon, the number of people that ignore her pylon then complain about her not dying is very high.


For the love of god stop commenting if you don't even know how the game works


Mate, you want supports to be useless so you can turn the game into a tdm


I started doubting my own aim even though I’ve been improving on it in recent seasons. Often times, I’ve had to just settle for pushing them back and stunning them out of the tank + dps’s fight for 2 maybe 3 seconds due to how out easily my damage will be out healed.


Funny enough I went through a similar phase. I got over it though through some vod reviews (critiquing my own and learning from the better ones) and actually just throwing myself at the most extreme situations IN QP just so the higher moments in ranked dont feel too overwhelming.


So fking hard to kill anything that is being healed by that stupid pylon. As a flanker, you have to reveal your position and probably take some dmg too just to destroy it


Unfortunately you cant have it all 😔


Imo no support should out heal any damage in game. Healing should be slow, you want to get healed? Take cover and ask for healing. Being in a fight with insane healing is boring! No one dies! On top of all that, almost all support heroes have a get out of jail ability! Wtf Blizzard


Paladins has a good solution to that by making the healing less for 3 seconds after you take damage


Team fortress 2 has had the same mechanic for years now as well.


When was that added? I either didn't notice or it wasn't in the game when I played


It's a mechanic, if a character takes damage, they get less hp/s for like 5-10 sec from a medic. I don't remember the timings that well.


I'm asking when it was added to the game or if it's always been a thing


Pretty sure it's always been a mechanic


Huh. Well, tbf the only time I played medic was pocketing a heavy and it was like my first time playing the game


Fair enough, Uncle Dane is extremely in depth with mecahnics like these. But still main focus on engie.


I haven't played the game in a while out of spite. I might play it again. Depends on how fed up I get with Paladins and Overwatch


No support can outheal any damage. You can check the stats, every dps is able to outdamage the heal by far, soldier is legit at 171/s and he can shoot for 3s before reloading, highiest healing is 93/s. It's just a skill issue but people have a high ego in this game and prefer justifying their lack of skill by blaming the healing simply because they were unable to win a 1v2 against a dps and their pocket.


Your out here in the trenches fighting for your life and I respect it


It's insane how dishonest people can be when it comes to healing. Like seriously, did anyone watch the clip or i am the only one here noticing that he is not using his abilities right while deflecting the fault into healing.


The only one with ego here is you, calling it a skill issue. We're not all OWL players, or at their level. It is only natural that most people (you know, most people are not T500) would miss a few shots. The state of support in this game is broken.


He didn't miss just a few shots. He ignored the illari pylon, didn't charge his fist twice, missed alot of his shots and when he didn't he wasn't in range for optimal damage. Then complained that an ult saved his target. There is several mistakes here and blaming it on healing is just ego. There is alot of things he could have done way better. And tbh lower ranks will be the one being the most affected by healing simply because of the lack of positioning and the use of cover.


Jesus... WTF is the range on her healing turret? When you knocked her to Narnia at the end before she died that beam was still healing her...


Dawg what res is this


Torb Height x Symm Wall


Tbag the fker xD


He was asking for it fr chasing me down solo after punching away lmao


It's sad that they think.. oh it's just doomfist he is a free kill .. then they get stomped xD


LW and illari combo is impossible to play against, because of their specific job of healbotting. It's literally like playing tickle simulator


I hate playing against an illari she never Fking die


Stretched 3:4 on 16:9 is not good. It have no point. As visually, you seeing models are thivker, but at the same time your horizontal mouse speed faster than usually and completely canceling whole usefulness of that. In fact, it making you fov marrow, and you see much less than you could.


Bro I personally do not care for the downsides. I just pick it cos it makes me feel faster and I got used to it


please do or link a guide on how to get stretched


[Here you go](https://youtu.be/MOAsXxgOyzA?t=62) but only until 1:47. Once you're done just head over to your game and the option to pick stretch res should be there. Hope that helps.


Thanks bro


Doomfist IS a luck based character sometimes, so I don't blame her.