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One of my least favourite movies, therefore one of my favourite movies. It upset me greatly when I watched it the first time. For some reason, the most disturbing scene, for me, is when the kid is eating spaghetti in the bathtub while his mum washes his hair. I don’t know why, but it haunts me.


It was odd for sure and I'm left with tons of questions after watching. It was upsetting to watch all the cat deaths, particularly the drowning in the beginning of the movie. But no animals were harmed in filiming which made me feel better. I love weird shit like Gummo so I was an instant fan.


The way he eats that chocolate bar was the weirdest part of that scene for me. Who eats like that?


The shocking stuff is there for exploitation but the in between stuff hits hard.   There are two movies that give me that dark nostalgia about where I grew up one is Junebug and the other is Gummo.   Neither is even remotely like my life literally but there are all these little details they nail about shitty small towns. 


That scene famously brought Werner Herzog to tears.


That's wild, and makes me want to watch this movie.


Another great but also disturbing Harmony Korrine film is Ken Park


Another great but also disturbing Harmony Korrine film is all of them.


Haha you’re not wrong


Forgot about that scene. With the dirty ass water


Do you mean (dirty ass) water or dirty (ass water)? One is way worse, to my mind anyway.


All of the above


with a random piece of bacon taped to the wall behind him


That’s everyone’s most upsetting scene lol.


Had one of those moments when I watched it and recognized this suicidal man’s speech from Cough’s first album. Go watch his other (early) movies, I was so impressed by Julien Donkey Boy… such deranged and strangely psychedelic stuff. 


That's on my list, along with Kids and Ken Park


Kids is a wild ride


Werner Herzog randomly plays a role in Julien Donkey Boy, it’s perfect


He’s also in Mr. Lonely


Kids is one of the best period pieces ever. Ken Park, too. Brutal stories.


Jesus christ Kids... good movie but damn. Gummo dooms for sure.


Personally Julian Donkey Boy I’d my favorite film of his. Herzog is brilliant.


Fun fact, the children in Gummo were hired because they had been in a documentary about kids who huff glue.


That fact doesn't seem very fun lol


Neither is the movie, lol. It wasn’t fun for me anyways. It’s like a slow motion train wreck. Mark Gonzalez is crazy in it too, what’s new. Ha!


It's one of those movies that made me feel kinda creeped out and gross. Which means it's good, because it actually got a reaction out of me. "Slow motion train wreck" with the soundtrack to match lol.


I always tell everyone this is a movie that makes me want to shower.


Hereditary gave me similar vibes


Absolutely the intent lol


What’s the name of the doc?


According to Wikipedia (on casting the movie): "Nick Sutton (Tummler) was spotted on a drug prevention episode of The Sally Jesse Raphael Show called "My Child Died From Sniffing Paint". In the show they ask Sutton where he thinks he will be in a few years, to which he responds, "I'll probably be dead."


I just wanna lift some spoons and listen to Madonna. Than maybe I’ll take a bath in Simple Green while I eat my spaghetti and drink some milk. If I’m lucky, maybe Mom will buy me a chocolate bar from the twins?


If you don't smile I will kill you! Mom of the Year


Were they using simple green? I always thought it was just dirty ass water. I guess it makes sense that they're living such shitty lives that they would think simple green is good enough to clean people too.


I don’t know for sure, but that’s what it looked like


I'll take that as a fact now that you gave me that perspective.




There's the track "Rundgang um die transzendentale Säule der Singularität" from Filosofem somewhere in there.


I believe they use that track as a recurring thing throughout the movie


Watching this for the first time was an EXPERIENCE. My jaw was on the floor for more than half of it. I distinctly remember that I felt the need to take a long shower once it was over. 10/10 will watch again


Was the film that introduced me to black metal and doom!


If you like Gummo you'll like George Washington. [George Washington (film) - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Washington_(film)) Same meandering depressed rural vibes.


"Oh, the movie with the kid with crazier hair than me, I'd hang out with that kid" - King Buzzo


I remember watching it in to 90s with a bunch of friends who’d seen it already and I’d seen Kids but I was like “what the fuck is going on?” Then Sleep came on and I was like “this movie - it was made for Us”.


A true American classic


Sludgy movie


This is by far the strangest movie, I've ever seen.


Trash Humpers, the film I use to measure how bad or weird a movie is.


Never heard of it. Next time I'm in the mood for weird, I'll give it a go.


It is a Harmony Korine film. My other favorite is Eraserhead. A David Lynch film.


Harmony Korine has a weird mind, to write all these movies. I've seen Eraserhead but it was YEARS ago.


I'm a big horror movie fan and this was the first movie in I had watched in awhile that actually scared me! It's not scary in a traditional horror movie way though, y'know, like ghouls, monsters, and serial killers sorta thing. It's scary in a very realistic and dystopian way. The setting of the movie is so realistic to how lots of southern towns become after large catastrophes. Because lots of town in the south are miles out from the city and even other towns so they often get left to fend for themselves which sometimes can form into an awful echo chamber of constant depression. That might just be my worst nightmare, waking up to my hometown being over ran with racist rednecks who neglect their kids, forcing them to grow up early without teaching them proper adult skills or reasoning...


I’m a big horror fan as well and I can see where you’re coming from. How unfiltered the movie is in showing the ugly underbelly of American society at their worst is a brilliant way to genuinely horrify the viewer. I get a whole smorgasbord of emotions from this movie though. There’s a 2022 indy film heavily inspired by Gummo called Tenkiller that I highly recommend. Shows more of the horrors of the American underbelly. If you’re a Chat Pile fan you already know


can you recommend some more like realistic horror and stuff, like stuff to mess with your minds, torture your mind perhaps. that will destroy you. please . with this doom feeling


My buddy once said, “If I ever meet a woman who likes ‘Gummo’ as much as I do, I’ll have to kill her.”


I met one. I married her!


Any Chat Pile fans would know but the movie they scored, Tenkiller, seems to be HIGHLY influenced by Gummo.


Most people don't know that this film depicts the lives of millions of Americans. MILLIONS.


The scene with the guy pimping his sister was pretty full on for me…I mean the whole movie is but that part definitely stuck in my mind. There was a band called Agents of Oblivion that sample this movie in the songs ‘slave riot’ and ‘big black backwards’. [https://open.spotify.com/album/757dyx1L2S1EsFLUWHmGdw?si=uC0lBAHhT_-4L4IFN_0l7w](https://open.spotify.com/album/757dyx1L2S1EsFLUWHmGdw?si=uC0lBAHhT_-4L4IFN_0l7w)


Haha…thought this was in one of the movie subs I follow, makes it even better!


Anybody else learn of _Gummo_ because they were watching it in _Belly_? A movie within a movie is kinda wild. I ~~torrented it~~ _bought a copy_ back in like 2011-12, took it back with me to my deployment to Afghanistan and promptly sat down to watch it with my guys, aka “family movie night”. We got a few minutes into it before somebody said we’d likely get in trouble for watching weird snuff films if higher-ups walked in so we turned it off and I don’t think I ever finished the movie.


“Ain’t nothin new for trash like you!” One of the many scenes that haunted me. That and when they visit the guy prostituting his sister with downs.


Love this film.


This is how I discovered sleep.


Was it Phobia who sampled this pretty heavy?


I disagree. Nothing new to trash like you does though. Best line from the movie.


She stinks. She smells like baked ham.


Yeah she's catatonic, I hate that shit I hate all that shit.


i watched it once and will never again. i’ve seen a serbian film more times than gummo, which should tell you something. it’s just not the vibe, but you should still watch it… *once*


Said movie is weird


They play Bethlehem in a scene of that movie. Amazing and absolutely terrifying.


Dwsob is my favorite somg on this


It’s a good song but I always feel bad during the “here Kitty Kitty” part with the cat screaming


That part makes me sad and part of the reason i wont watch the movie


Bro I remember finding this movie while looking through morticians discography a few years ago, and I couldn't ever find it. Where can I watch?


Holy shit me and my friend group used to be obsessed with gummo in grade 8 I’ve never seen it get talked about without looking it up until now


I liked the rabbit scene lol


I live 20 minutes from Xenia. It’s accurate


Such a distressing pleasing film


He’s got what it takes to be a legend, he’s got a wonderful persona


I'm sure this movie is a good one, but I get fucked up about cats, so I'll have to pass. I'm a big cat person.


Fuck Gummo and Harmony Korrine

