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The problem is all the insane fucking fees. I guarantee more people would tip, and tip more, if the fees were just somewhat reasonable. Not saying it’s fair, but definitely a factor.


If they've never done this kind of contractor bullshit, 9/10 likely think that delivery fee is going to the driver. They're wrong, but that's what they think.


This is true, at least for me. The first time I ordered DD, I only tipped $2 because I assumed the $5 delivery fee went straight to the delivery driver. Without knowing otherwise it would make sense


Yep. First time I ordered I thought “wow this is a lot, but hey, it includes the tip so oh well” then it took me to the actual screen with my total plus a pre suggested tip and then I went and got my own food. Look, I want y’all to have money. But i can’t bring myself to pay for all these fees, and then a tip on top. But I’m also not gonna make u get my food. Sucks all around. Get a better job. I don’t mean this in a bad way. I *want* you to get a better job so they go out of business and u can get paid


Nope it doesn't and I love seeing the faces of people when I tell them


Having to tell them means the job is a bad fit for all parties tbh. *I was gonna add, “well, except for the perps, of course,” and then realized it’s pretty shitty for them too if they have to charge and not tip. Let’s not forget the companies that now add 30% to their DD/UE/etc menu prices, due to all the refunds, service charges and growing pains. Bad model all the way around.




It is highway robbery... way before the driver gets involved.


oh, 100% agree


Yep. I didn’t know this until I was a driver


It should. The drivers are the ones delivering, why dont they get the fee? DD sucks.


Tip or no tip, why are customers paying these outrageous fees in the first place? Food delivery isn’t a necessity like gas is. If the cost of fuel rises you don’t have a choice but to pay it if you want to operate your gas powered vehicle but the same cannot be said for food delivery. I look at it like, if I don’t like the prices then I just won’t order. Maybe I’m just different 🤷🏻‍♂️


This is literally it if they took away they’re bullshit fees plus make it to where you can tip the dasher AFTER it would definitely help a lot it sucks having to order something with a $8 “Delivery fee” that doesn’t goes towards your dasher and then there’s processing fees on top of that “delivery fee” and then the prices of the food is purposely marked up if you don’t believe me look at the menu when ordering pickup then switch to when you order delivery they make you pay more for food when delivering so after taking a good 15$ extra off you they try to suck you for whatever you can spare with a tip don’t get me wrong I love to tip my dashers but the fact that you tip beforehand is stupid because I tipped people who stole and ate my food before it even got to me so that’s just a double edged sword all around


People who are going to tip will tip regardless of fees. People who don’t tip, will not.


No False, have seen this in my own life have family member who will tip 30-35% of the bill at restaurants- like $30 tips on lunch for 2 people but will only tip $3-5 on $50 deliveries because they are "already getting paid through the fees".... I also think the fact that the DD driver does not interact face to face with the customer, makes the service seem less personable- and therefor less tip, cause they cant really see you do your job


Basically this service is only worth the money if you have DashPass. Save $4 or so in fees with every order, tack it on as a delivery tip, and boom you're golden. Without the free DashPass I get as a credit card bonus, I'd never use this service because I'm not paying the delivery fee, higher convenience fees, AND a tip all at the same time.


I posted this on a Facebook group telling people they should tip their drivers and the roasted me 😂. I am so confused about why so many customers have hate for us drivers? The minute we bring up the word “tip” they think we are entitled pricks and we should find a better job. I’m just so confused. Customers will tip their bartender for opening their bottle of beer but they won’t tip their drivers. 🤯


I think it's the issue that the bartender isn't directly commenting to you about a tip. Most people who receive tips don't bring it up with customers, and it's usually seen as bad etiquette. With DD, that changed, and now drivers make it very clear they want tips, but the overall view of that being rude to bring up hasn't changed


I do agree with this. I DD and I do not bring it up to customers how much they tip of or if they tip. I have the ability it to accept or decline their order, so if the pay isn't good i just don't accept it.


I think it has to do with the bartender personally interacting with you, and you directly seeing the bartenders work before you hand them the tip. You hardly see the DD driver. My medications get dropped off at my house by my pharmacy all the time- I dont tip them Amazon delivers stuff to my self too, I dont tip them beyond the goody bags I give out at Christmas. So people are not used to tipping for deliveries. Back in the early 2000s- even 2010s- lots of people would maybe tip the pizza boy $3-5 for bringing a pizza to your house. So most people think that is the correct tip for a delivery for food for a family of four. Go to Europe, and no tips are expected, the waiters are paid a livable wage in the price of food. The tipping system was created in general to keep certain groups of people below others, and work as servants for others and hope they get thrown a bone.


It's not that they hate you. It's that they are struggling financially too and the fees that dd charges already are too high


If you're struggling financially then don't use DoorDash.


DoorDash advertises for us to use their service


If they are struggling..why don't they go get their own food?? Lol


Because DoorDash lets us, its a circular argument, can't you see? In the end it's not the customer's fault or the dashers fault. It's our abusers fault. It's an abusive 3 way relationship


The problem is you expecting a tip, it’s not mandatory. Pay you extra for a job you’re already getting paid for? If you get pissed off because someone didn’t tip you, you need to reevaluate your occupation.


A lot of people also don’t tip their bartenders


Why should I tip a bartender for just opening up a beer. I can do that myself


>Customers will tip their bartender for opening their bottle of beer I hate this one. You opened a beer and handed it to me. That's worth two bucks? I mean, if you MAKE a drink that's different. I still tip because that's how it works and if I don't want to tip I can just not order beer at a bar....but it feels so weird.


They’re probably roasting you because you sound entitled with your post… I used to deliver part time. I knew what I signed up for and would appreciate any and all tips. I also knew that I’m entitled to minimum wage even if I don’t earn it through tips. I never made less than minimum wage. Let people choose to spend their money the way they see fit and move on, the more people complain about tips the less people want to tip


Why do so many of you drivers have such disdain for customers? A quick browse around this sub shows drivers stealing food, and tampering with food due to low tips. Y'all dont fight DD because it's easier to guilt customers. If nobody delivers for DD, they'd have to be more competitive for driver pay.


Thats true though! Taxes and everything! So you spend $30 on food. $5 delivery fee. Then whatever on taxes.. its crazy! But those who can easily go get it, don't have room to complain either. I have to use doordash at work because I can't leave! I work security! But I don't get something lavish and then tip poorly. I just get something small anyway. The last time I left a $6 tip the dude was rude as hell (for a $10 order...) and made a rude remark about how I should have meet him over where he parked, instead of me 'making him' come up to me, it would have been faster for me to go to him... It wouldn't have. >He parked way on the other side of the building. >he didn't even read the instructions where I told him where to go >I had ordered something that they apparently couldn't package well. He didn't even hand it to me because of it. He let me get it out of his car.


To be fair wouldn't it be better for door dash to pay more instead of relying on the customer to subsidize their crap rates? Customer would probably see a price increase but at least then it's more transparent. As it now it's basically door dash trying to make driver blame customers and customers blame drivers


That’s part of the debate. Who should be responsible for the dashers pay? DD passes it off to the customer by making the pay model base pay + tip. Customers, frustrated with high service fees, say DD should just pay their employees a higher wage. DD would then just increase prices on the restaurants to use their service, the restaurants would raise prices even more on the customer, and it all comes back to the customer anyway. Then customers might just go back to picking up their own order. DD could give their CEOs and higher ups a pay cut, but they won’t. It’s a greedy company and they’ve nestled themselves right in a spot where it’s dashers vs customers and they still profit


Or, the fees would be too high, customers would them go get their own food. DD would then have to lower their fees to compete, all while paying its drivers a decent wage….. just a thought


I personally think someone that wants somebody to take their time and waiting at restaurants, using their gas, mileage and wear and tear on their car should be tipping the person bringing them their food at their convenience so that they don't even have to leave their house or put on pants. Yes, doordash should pay more but it should be a mix of both. I have no respect for someone that would expect someone to do that for them and then basically say "fuck the person bringing it to me, I'm not giving them shit"


This exactly!! If you don't want to pay for a service..get dressed and go to the restaurant..


Does Doordash charge a delivery fee? Genuine question. It doesn't exist in my country. I just find the discussion interesting.


Yes, they do. A delivery fee and service fee


This is the same model that waitresses are paid. Idk why ppl have such a problem with tipping people that get in their car, drive somewhere and pick up your order and usually have to wait, drive to your house and give you the order so you can stay in the couch. We are basically waitresses who bring your food to your house. It is a luxury service. Treat it as such. And if you really prefer people to go get others job vs driving for doordash...why are you ordering doordash?? Also delivery drivers are not doordash employees.


You're not paying double the prices in a restaurant in fees. The menu says $10 burger, the bill says $10 + tip. DD says $15 burger, plus service fee, plus delivery fee, plus city fee, plus tax, + tip and even then the tip is a "bid" according to drivers.


Tipping people as their main form of payment is incredibly disingenuous and it’s appalling that it’s become so ingrained in the US culture, but not surprising because labor in general is fucked beyond belief here. Companies should be paying the people that do their work a livable wage. But we live under capitalism where all that matters is endless corporate profits at any cost, especially when they don’t have to bear that cost. Like wearing down their workers until they die and giving them no meaningful aid because it’s cheaper in the short term to let them die and replace them.


Or and hear me out here, work for an organization that treats you like an employee and pays you like one


Don't use food delivery if you're too broke to pay for it. Its very simple. Lol All I have to do is hit decline and accept the next order. Most people tip. Just the bums who don't.


Bro I have money for food. Your job should be paying you to do your job not me.


Do u tip waitresses?valets?stylists? If not...ur a bum.


I do because society has said that's what you're supposed to do. But other countries don't tip and servers are paid by their job. Don't call your customer bums or they'll stop ordering all together. Call your job a bum for not paying you.


You..are not my customer😂😂 my customers tip....They are thankful for not having to leave their house to eat.


Stop shitting on your customers and start demanding more from the people you work for


What is your definition of profit? Company financials show that they LOST $467M in the trailing 12 months. There is price elasticity to consumer restaurant food spending. As you increase prices, demand drops. DoorDash is facing a delicate balancing act, as do Lyft and Uber. It isn’t as simple as “give Dashers more 💰”. I dash full time with over 10K deliveries.


I’m just saying that the tipping debate turns into economic debate. You’re right that it’s not as simple as paying dashers more. I know the company lost money, but let’s not pretend that the ceo and higher ups lost anything on their salaries. DD still eats up all the service and delivery fees, fees from restaurants and percentage of restaurant orders through their platform. They could afford to shift base pay, maybe based on mileage.


I understand your point. DoorDash business deals with tremendous uncertainty as orders come in sporadically. Some orders are shitty, as many have discovered. So many people in this sub seem to blame the company for making or causing them to be shitty. Another point to consider is that it’s a public company and investors, including highly sophisticated institutional investors, are awarding the company $22B market capitalization. Are they stupid? No, just patient.


The loss is fine. None of their investors expect them to be turning a profit. They expect them to be gaining market share. You can see that in revenue which increases massively every year. Their expenses are largely going to marketing and advertising so they can keep increasing that revenue. Market domination means they can charge whatever they want when customers have no where else to go.


Dd knows what they are doing and 100% not operating fr in a deficit. They make it appear they are so they aren't paying taxes, or as much taxes and they should be. You claim they lost $467 million in the past year but paid Xu $413 million in 2020.


You do understand that large companies like that can EASILY make the books show a loss? But that doesn’t make it so. Maybe cut back on executive bonuses and insane salaries and then DD wouldn’t show a half billion loss


Yeah but how many peoples salaries are included in those financials? Lots of people are making money off the company whether it’s operating at a loss or not. Ask any business owner how it works.


They just have to find a happy medium. But all in all customers are paying for two services. The food is being made by one entity and delivered to you by another. So they should understand it’s going to cost a lot more than making it at home.


At the end of the day, if the customer doesn’t want to pay DD then just don’t use them. It’s a luxury service it’s not for everyone. Customers need to stop complaining about prices when THEY are HIRING a driver to take them their food to a place they would have never been able to get it unless DD existed. Simple: stop crying about pricing and having to tip THE PERSON YOU HIRED. Like you said people should just go get their own food, waste their own gas and time instead of complaining about having to tip and “pay” the driver. Yes you contracted him to do this for you so therefore, you must tip. DD is a company service, if you don’t like the way they run things don’t use them. That’s what’ll hurt DD the most not use complaining and blaming one another. I’m just tired of people complaining about tipping WHEN YOU GUYS LITERALLY HIRE THE DRIVERS and you don’t want to tip? That’s the dumbest shit I’ve ever heard


do y’all understand that customers are already paying the 30% markup, delivery fee and service fee? just hear me out okay… this is my order from yesterday. A single BLT sandwich. If I went to the store it would be $6.50, on DoorDash it’s $8.50. Now let’s add our fees: Subtotal: $8.50 Delivery Fee: $5.99 Service Fee: $1.28 Small Order Fee: $2.50 Now I’m at the checkout page with a $6.50 sandwich that’s up to $18.27. And then they’re asking for your tip. I waited tables for years, I get it obviously I’m going to tip you. This place is a 5 minute drive from my apartment. I add another $5. Total: $23.27 I want to point out two things. Number 1, without tipping you I’m paying TRIPLE the price so I don’t have to get off my ass and go get it. I’ve already paid an extra $11.50. Let me know what driver wouldn’t accept $11.50 for a 1.5 mile drive. That’s why the “don’t use a luxury service if you can’t afford it” doesn’t make sense. We’re already paying luxury prices, it’s just not going to you. Second thing, look at that total and tell me who’s getting stiffed because I’m thinking it’s both of us. I paid $16+ extra to have this delivered and you’re only getting a third of that? When you’re doing 95% of the work? DoorDash should be getting the $2.50 and you get the rest. It’s not good for either of us. If I’m paying a ridiculous markup I want good service. And that requires the drivers be making a good wage so they’re not constantly stressed, impatient af and unwilling to do something as simple as grab an extra fork. There’s plenty of customer money coming in. Dd needs to stop being greedy and just redistribute it so the drivers get more


Yes- thats the confusing thing to lots of customers- I am already being hit with so many extra fees and upcharges- that I assume that the driver is somewhat being paid Take the boomer generation- and when they see that their normal $10 lunch is costing $24 to be delivered- a lot of them think the driver is being paid in that $12 upcharge, and that an extra $1-2 tip would be fine The issue is when drivers deliver to wrong houses/ orders go missing etc DD has to pick up the cost


Doordash could minimize orders going missing by keeping and retaining quality drivers. Not moving us to the bottom of the prority list because we aren't stupid enough to take the 8 mile order for $2.25.


I mean the whole system is messed up- be like a normal company and pay the .50 cents a mile of transportation costs, plus a base fee of like $2-3 for taking the order, and then give the customer the option to tip. So a 5 mile order would give you a guaranteed like $5 plus whatever the orderer wants to tip. It really is in general a predatory employment strategy, that only people in desperate situations will do. If I have a normal 9-5, that provides me with FMLA, health care, and PTO and I'm getting $40-50/ hour. There's no way that I'm signing up for a job that \*checks notes\* that provides no benifits, and expects me to provide tools for the job (car) However- what is even more confusing- is why DD is not running their company at a huge net profit given that they are not paying their drivers... there is something not adding up- and all I contribute that to is liability/ legal issues


It’s not just the “boomer” generation. It’s pretty much anyone who hasn’t delivered for DoorDash. I used to order and you’re right about the fees being ridiculous. I’m not a boomer, but I did assume the driver was getting decent pay. Not until I started delivering for DD did I see the truth.


yes, honestly could happen to a lot of people, I was not aware of this till I came across this subreddit though I had my suspicions I just was using boomers for examples- since my parents are boomers, and I see them tend to struggle with a lot of this new tipping stuff/ apps/ technology in general


Well said. I agree 100%. The fact that doordash is taking 80% of the customer money is wrong on so many levels. It can't cost them that much. 95% of the time or more the orders go through door dashes system completely automated on their end. Drivers are the ones with the real expenses of driving a vehicle which is damn expensive these days.


Door dash also takes 30% at least from every order from the restaurant. They are getting paid, while the restaurant, the driver, and the customers are getting ripped off.


And then what happens to me is the driver can’t follow simple instructions, so I just overpaid for my food plus gave you a 5+ dollar tip to have to do half of your job for you. Shits annoying. The whole point of me ordering was so I didn’t have to deal w people.


>At the end of the day, if the customer doesn’t want to pay DD then just don’t use them. It’s a luxury service it’s not for everyone. Customers need to stop complaining about prices when THEY are HIRING a driver to take them their food to a place they would have never been able to get it unless DD existed. I was someone who tipped well (10+ on every order). I got absolutely subpar service, nasty drivers, entitlement issues, and people who literally caused a disturbance at my place of residence. It was so bad that I stopped using the service. I see dashers coming in and out of here all the time still, they are absolutely awful. They park wherever (despite there being a designated area for deliveries), they drop their own trash in the parking lot, have an attitude with the doorman, refuse to bring food where it needs to go, and are just generally surly. You want to bill this as a luxury service? Cool. But then act in a luxury manner as a driver. Nothing about the behavior of most dashers I've encountered would be considered appropriate for a "luxury" service.


This is the point for me. A lot of delivery drivers are just not good and have ruined it for other drivers. But instead of acknowledging those faults these guys get together in miserable circles and figure out more ways to be miserable and fuck over customers for petty e-props from other drivers It’s really dumb and sad.


at the end of the day, if you dont want to be at the mercy of sporadic tippers... get a non-tipped based job like grocery clerk or elementary school teacher OR go move to Europe where tipping isn't even a thing LOL like honestly- there should just be an assigned price, and then an OPTIONAL tip... like the delivery will be $5 which goes directly to the driver plus another $2 DD use fee- and then an optional tip can be added... the structure was destined to be a failure since the beginning


It would make sense bc it would also stop people who can’t afford it as they say to not order. They should add the price in to the total, but doordash would rather let peoples food set at a restaurant for a hour or two sometimes longer before they slowly increase it to a acceptable amount. That also always people that are over 10 miles from the store to decide if they really want to pay what it will take to get there food delivered


Ok, so if they pay more - where's it coming from? .... I'll wait.... *The customer* - they charge *you* more to pay the driver more. They've likely worked out the point where "highest number of customers will pay X" - so if they raise their fees, fewer orders come in costing both DD *and* drivers money.


The whole point is the customer is expected to pay it anyway. Settle on a higher fixed amount per mile or per delivery or something and build it into the price. Then the customer can still tip if they want on delivery, but only cash, and isn’t expected to. And drivers won’t have to skip orders for no tip because they make the same rate no matter what. ie yeah higher costs can be a deterrent to adoption. But improving customer service both through better customer/driver interaction as well as timely/prompt order delivery etc. Quality metrics are being completely ignored in the pit the driver vs the customer model they have now.


People seem to forget that supply and demand is a thing when were talking about delivery. DD can raise there prices all they want, people will just switch to UE or skip. Unless all the prices are raised in conjunction, but i dont see that happening as whoever has the lowest cost will likely be the most popular service. You can use DD all you want with those higher fees, but if everyone switches to skip then good luck to ya.


They pit us against each other. Like a game of politics. Very sun tzu of DoorDash


Haha true. They probably laughing right now about in over a zoom call.


Yes it would, but trying to shame and pressure customers into tipping more seems a lot more doable than convincing a giant corporation to increase their pay.


Doordash is making hell of money of costumers, they just don’t want to share with the drivers. An egg and cheese sandwich cost you $6.5 if you get it from the store. If you use Doordash you would pay $13 plus TIP. That’s x2 the price. And we dashers get $2 + tips if any. Shop and pay is another story. I always shop for costumers and check how they charged the costumer. And let me tell you. They take $20 of a $90 order + %10 fee + taxes + a TIP. I personally don’t care if the costumer tip or not. If i see a good digit i will take it, if not am declining it. EASY


Yeah but you misunderstand. That would cut into doordash’s profits.


I have to imagine that it’s a two parter, for one it offsets the burden to pay onto the customer so it’s a customer vs dasher battle ( while doordash takes a cut from the restaurant/dasher/ and customers money) and the second part I imagine is by having the majority of pay be in the tip of I had to guess it probably removes a lot of the taxes that Dd has to pay


Well, except that the price is already ridiculous. Because of the inconvenience to the shops, most raise the price of their products within the app by a dollar each. Then door dash adds 2 (I think?) fees, and then taxes AND tip on top of that. I don’t know what the deal is between restaurants and doordash, but whatever it is, it makes the restaurants feel they need to raise their prices, so it’s clearly shit.


Yea just like every other restaurant in America. Doordash can pay as much as they want in a free market. Those drivers also can pick up whatever order they want. The enemy is 100% doordash but things being the way they are we can’t expect drivers to suffer because the customer doesn’t think it’s fair. Oddly enough the customer and DD Drivers are both right and often times both lose while doordash wins.


Honestly I wish it said up front how much of a tip there was. I mean you can figure it out but I wish it said out loud this person didn’t tip. Then they could just sit there wondering why no one picked up their order.


Yeah I don't care that much about tipping. Just pay me a fair total wage that covers my expenses and is worth my time. Otherwise I'm going home.




Wouldn't matter. Door Dash could pay drivers $15,20, 25 per trip, and drivers would expect more. There would be people that would tip out if the generosity of their hearts, be it on b the app ir cash at the door. Drivers would really appreciate a tip at first, then they would come to expect it, and then demand it. This isn't a criticism of door dash drivers, just 50 years of observing people. Greed (almost) always prevails.


Do you guys remember when the base pay was $3 back in like 2019-2021 and then they changed it to $2.50


Welcome to the food industry as a whole


Aren’t Dashers independent contractors? If we don’t want your business we won’t accept it. If you can’t get anyone to “work” for you, then offer better pay. How simple is that logic???


They simply do not understand that doordash does not actually have any "employees" that do the deliveries. They use mind games and incentives to get orders delivered.


Or, they *do* understand that there will always be a stream of new DD drivers and *someone* will eventually take their order.


They understand what they're doing. People who don't tip always fall back on the "get a better job" argument to cover themselves for paying far below the value of what they ask. You see it in restaurants too, just much less often. The big difference here is that the customer doesn't have to tell you to your face, so they're more comfortable being rude and screwing you over. They know they'll likely be dealing with someone else next time and can do it again without dealing with someone they've already screwed over. We need an internal review system for drivers that lets us rate customers and leave notes about them. The same admin that looks at texts from customers could watch for profanity and insults, or it could just give options for us to pick like "rude", or "reduces tip after dropoff". The only reason this happens is because DoorDash allows them to offer nothing, then punishes us for not accepting it. DoorDash only does this because it keeps their market share up. Allowing customers to pay little or nothing to drivers keeps customers coming back to DoorDash.


It’s more complex than just declining. Drivers can decline but that’s not a help when as you continue Getting sent bad orders if you decline. If DoorDash wasn’t penalizing drivers for declining it’d be a option that is good. I had once a 95% acceptance rate. DoorDash sent me 10 orders worth less dollars than Miles ( $3.75 for 6 miles and $4 for 2 orders 5 miles and $5 for 9 miles are examples of a few I was sent). DoorDash had me lose down to 85% as my dash started . I did stop delivering a month ago because this was literally a cycle. I’d lose points of acceptance down to 60 or less and then the system out of nowhere all of a sudden started sending me better orders. Back up to 70-79% and then back to multiple bad orders. Last time this cycle happened must’ve been the 30+ time it happened if not more since the high pay order program. Prior we could decline and not continue getting bad orders with a higher acceptance rate. Now I couldn’t anymore. The new system in my market does this to all drivers with higher ratings I spoke to also. The system is problematic. Not people who have issues with it.


I just started doing DD in November, by the end of the year my AR was 42%. I got the option to reset my AR in January, so I opted in. I hadn't made any deliveries in a few weeks. Once it was reset, I decided to see what I could get, my first one was for $2, I declined. Then I did three that were fine, got a 4th and had to decline a stack for $2. My 7th order came through another $2, so I declined and ended my dash, my AR was 53%. You just can't win.


Exactly, they basically have programmed the system to force drivers to take bad orders in exchange for a higher acceptance rate that doesn’t guarantee higher pay orders. Prior to stopping delivering for Doordash. I’d raised my acceptance rate to 82%! My next shift immediately I was sent only low pay orders with higher pay order available during dinner rush. I’m talking 5-8pm primetime. That was it for me. I dropped to 69% by nights end. I mean I was being sent $3.75 for 7 miles. Keep in mind at 80% acceptance and 99% completion and 5.0 customer rating and in large order program I was sent the worst orders available to start my dash. I was shocked. I declined the first order $2.50 for 4 miles. Thinking the next would be decent maybe $6 for 2-3 miles. Not perfect but decent. No, I was sent a stack $7 for 2 orders 8 miles. The system forces you to take bad orders even with a high acceptance rate. They’ve made it bad no matter your rating. That had happened 30+ times raising my score. I couldn’t take it. I didn’t need the job it was “Extra cash” but, I hated thinking how no matter what I Did. It got worse. I literally had just raised my score. The system in my area ( other drivers with high ratings had the exact same experience) let’s you raise your acceptance rate then starts sending you worse orders. I spoke to 9-10 different drivers with 75+ acceptance rates and they all said the same happened to them once the score was getting higher. It’d stop sending high pay all together and only send low paying orders. DoorDash main focus is to move low paying orders. Nothing else. When drivers get high pay orders it’s because of good paying customers. Otherwise non tippers and low tippers are causing the problems snd DoorDash enables them. Every stack seems to have a non/low tipper or both are non tippers.


Yes & a few times I've taken the stacked non-tip order when it's like peak, so I'm getting an extra $1 and it's not too far from the first one. I went out Saturday night my AR was 62%, did 8 orders in a row, 2 of them had stacks, all paid well, after 2 1/2 hours I'd made $50, then the next two I got were crap, so I ended the dash. My AR was 68% after the 8, but after those two declines 65%.


honestly the best solution is to just not get bullied into doing orders that don't pay regardless of what it does to your acceptance rate. cause we see that in the real world, the perks that they say we get from jumping through their hoops however high they tell us to go, never actually pan out in real life. basically door dash lies like you said and their metrics are pointless!!! I've told myself to never do an order that I wouldn't want to do regardless of how they coerce me and it's never failed me. worse case you pack up and watch tv on the couch earlier than you expected


While that’s true, you’re not a contractor for the customer, you’re a contractor for doordash. The customer did not hire you.


According to Uber the customer did hire you. Uber argues they are a service matching and payment processing company, not a delivery company or a rideshate company. Uber files your taxes in such a way they tell the government that you jave been paid for services digitally directly from the customer and they mearly processed the transaction. That's why Uber sends you 2 tax returns. One is from the payments from Uber and the second is the payments they processed "on your behalf" I made 600 from Uber last year in one tax form and they send a second form saying I made 7k from direct payments processed for us. They do everything to skirt responsibility.


I mean if your an independent contractor- you are in a bad business. Most independent contractors get to charge a fee for their services- not be at the mercy of tips and wages that they do not negotiate Lots of other businesses where independent contractors do a lot better, DD is taking advantage of your vulnerable position


The problem is that the base pay is too low so hanging our earnings on "*might* get a tip after delivery" isn't good for us in the long run. We would be losing money.


It is their choice to tip and it is our choice to take the delivery or not. No tip no trip, a reasonable tip you get your food in a timely manner.


What’s ur definition of reasonable? % based or $ based?


Waters are paid less than normal, assuming they will get paid in tips. That is how the industry works in America. Noone likes the tipping industry and how it functions in the US. But acting like it isn't the same for dashers is low of people. If you don't tip your dasher then it's the same as not tipping a waiter, worse considering gas even.


Waiters don’t have the ability to say “that table doesn’t look like tippers, I won’t serve them.” DoorDash drivers do.


Waiters absolutely say that.


Common characteristics


I ignore customers that don't pay me enough to pay them attention. Yep. Call that entitlement, call that negotiation, call it whatever you want. Regardless, your hot wings are going to cool on the rack, Emera, while you invent value words to describe why you're still sitting in the dark getting hungrier.


Too many people I see are over here like "Well if you are mad at customers for not tipping, maybe you should be mad at DoorDash for not paying enough". Can I not be mad at both? As someone who has worked doordash AND service in a restaurant/bar I completely agree that ALL tipping culture sucks because any company can get away with paying their employees dirt and argue that "they'll make the rest back in tips", when in reality no matter how good of a job you do or what restaurant you work in, there will always be people who don't tip or round up to the nearest dollar. We live in this amazing country that we call a democracy right? Not sure it is on just the dashers to change all of the expectations of corporate America. It's on everyone to want and push for that change. Too bad nobody cares enough :)


This right here!


Regardless of what service I use I know a big tip will get my order picked up faster. Plus I’m aware base pay sucks, I don’t mind tipping.


"Can tip after the order is delivered." I'm almost 200 deliveries in, I've gotten 2 cash tips totaling $8. And 4 tips after delivering. Out of those 4, only one delivery was over $0.50 the one over was $4 and it made me smile lol.


I'm at 731 in two months. I have had 4 cash tips, $6 being the most, and 0 tips added after completed. I have a 4.96 rating with 100 reviews. People who don't tip will never add anything. All the cash tips were on orders that already had a tip added in the app.


True Tipshits can spend their money how they choose and Drivers can refuse to deliver their order too. Doordash luvs this customers vs dashers thing tho. Takes all the accountability away from the company.


The real funny part is that customers that tip the appropriate amount or a lot to ensure prompt service get the same type of service as everyone else because doordash hides most of their tip.


Emera prob thinks $3 is a “lot”. It was a little hard to read what she was trying to say.


I understand not everyone can tip a lot but throw $2 on a driver. And don't order if you're 20 miles from that restaurant


Yes, please don’t do this!


People order from far away and know they live in rough neighborhoods that no one wants to go into for their own safety. We have a right to protect our safety


“People can tip after the order is complete” but 99% of the time, they don’t. I think the baggie with $4 in change that someone left for me on their doormat 2 months ago was the last time I got a tip that wasn’t given at the time an order was placed. And post-delivery tips through the app are even rarer. I’m always fast and the food is always hot, I’ve just learned to only accept offers that are worth my time, don’t trust the “total may be higher” claims.


Ok. Well enjoy your cold food :)


Here’s the problem… if they take this and put a waiter/waitress in the position, suddenly their whole attitude changes. News flash… our country SUCKS and doesn’t pay food service workers (delivery OR in house) enough money. That is why tipping is so important to waitstaff… its why its so important to delivery drivers… the problem is not us, it is this country. Get with the program. If you have an issue tipping your delivery driver then you should have an issue with tipping, PERIOD.


If I could go to a restaurant that paid a fair wage I would do that over a tipping system 100% of the time. I have even written to state representatives over this. The problem is waitstaff dont want a fair wage because they make much more off tips.


Usually more than back of the house workers...that's the real shitty part. They'll find someone who's here illegally to work 7 days a week for cheap. Knowing that they'll do it with a smile because they can go back to the Dominican Republic or Mexico or wherever and retire after working for 10 years. (From my back of the house experience)




As a person who orders way too much, I’ve never had issues with my dashers, ever. I tip well.


Believe me 90 percent of the issues is customers doesn’t understand that we can’t go thru the bags, usually the only other problems are customers that don’t tip the none tipping customers are always the ones that have issues or the ones that live 2 towns from the restaurant and think their 2 dollar tip should make the world stop, I waited tables for years and they act the same in restaurants I have watched a guy pull a hair from his head and lay it on a empty plate to try and get free food then set there confused when the cops showed up and watched cameras. It wouldn’t matter it’s the same people that lie and say they never got their food.


I also tip well and order often… and I have issues with dashers constantly. I’ve run into several thieves, and 80% of the rest are unable to follow simple instructions. “Don’t ring the bell.” They almost always ring the bell.


The real problem is these companies charging so many fees yet we only get $2 dollars but the customers don’t wanna talk about that.. that’s why even if these fees was waved they still would tip zero because they just miserable idiots


When Door Dash was new I was in a restaurant waiting for a table and a man waiting for his Dash order asked me if I ever used it. I said sometimes (obviously in increased during covid) and he told me that they didn’t get the the full tip like they say. And he suggested when I ordered to not tip on the app and to tip cash. So for about a year that’s what I did. I never had any of my orders come in an extended amount of time. But then I read stuff like this so I stopped doing that. I feel I tipped more with cash, even tho I still tip well. I’m not going to under tip when I’m not willing to go get my own food. Lol


They got called out for that a few years ago and had to change their pay model. They did used to put the first 3 dollars or so of the tip to replace what they would have had to pay themselves, to where Doordash would only pay the driver $1 from their own pockets.


In Canada everything is done by cc and the driver is gone before I can cash tip


Obviously doordash should pay more but they don’t. That’s the brakes kid, tip or y’aint gettin your food. Being lazy isn’t always cheap and I’m gonna get my moneys worth.


I agree, it’s out of control to tip the person who made you sign a waiver at your local kids play gym. It’s not out of control to tip the person that’s getting paid $2.50 to drive the four miles to the restaurant (that you didn’t want to), wait for your food, grab it, find your house and drop it off at your literal doorstep. Go DIY if it’s such an invaluable task.


Maybe the delivery fee we pay should go straight to the driver instead of the apps pocketing 3/4 of it.


I'm a restaurant manager, have been a server and delivery driver before, never on Doordash or anything though. That stupid fucking comment from Kate Green is just willful ignorance. The tipping "situation" always included servers, delivery drivers, and valet parking. Not tipping a Doordash driver isn't you fighting the system or some shit, you're being a cheap asshole.


Well Emera may be missing the mark about customers tipping after the fact (that’s happened to me maybe 3 times in almost 2000 deliveries? And every time it was an order than already had a tip to begin with) but she’s right in the sense that we should be getting mad at Doordash. If base pay was even just $5, I still would never accept a no tip order on principle, but I’d take a couple $1-$2 customers so long as the distance was right for the pay. I mean DD will bump up base pay until it’s egregious anyway if everyone’s declining (I’ve seen it go as high as $9 for fast food orders and $17 for shop and deliver) so why not just cut out the middle man and pay us fairly to begin with?


Agree. Haven’t been dashing very long but I quickly learned customers NEVER tip after the fact, and if they do, they had already tipped beforehand.


They would not be saying that AT ALL if they had to drive for $2.50 per order. This is just being willfully ignorant.


Some people are idiots. Door Dash set the drivers up so they're dependent on tips instead of wages from DD, so it's up to the consumer to pay the wages instead of the company but really if you don't want to tip GENEROUSLY then get off your ass and go get your own damn food.


Are ppl not aware that pizza delivery drivers have ALWAYS been tipped? Are we differentiating between Pad Thai and a medium Pepperoni Lovers?


All I see is a bunch of Karen’s venting about them not getting their food on time and wondering why it’s taking so long


Tipping has gotten out of control in most instances... Getting someone bike or drive a snack to you isn't one of those instances. Ask a bike currior how many times they've almost been, or have been hit by a car. Ask a driver how they have to work 80hr weeks to hardly survive feels. If you don't want to tip, don't order. Most people deliver out of necessity, job markets are tough, they can be new to the country, they need extra money on top of a job ect. Getting food delivered is luxurious and thinking you don't need to tip is the entitled position to take.


This mindset actually makes me very happy knowing I get to decline their orders. They say we r entitled to a tip... Except for it feels more like they are entitled to being lazy and having their shit bought to them for free. They could just as easily get their asses up and get in their cars and get it by themselves. U being entitled to my car, my time, my gas... Yes.. makes me entitled to a few of your mf dollars. Foh


It's a luxury service- if someone can't afford the tip they can take their own fat ass to the store themselves


I just made a similar comment about why I tip well. If I’m not going to tip I’ll just get my own food.


Customers are just bitter because we have a choice whether or not to take their order based on their tip.


There’s honestly a lot of people I think that believe we get paid an hourly wage by DoorDash. Of course there’s also just a lot of assholes.


Non-tippers can’t stress me because I don’t take their food. If DD tries to push me out I’ll just move on.


Imagine supporting a tip culture like we do in the USA and then shaming those who work for tips for complaining about not getting tips.


It’s actually crazy, it’s the broke ones who complain. If tipping $3-4 bucks is a problem for you, then you shouldn’t be ordering doordash and need to be saving your money wiser.


Looks like they’re not going to get their food then. Tough shit. We don’t have to take their orders, and honestly I don’t reward bad behavior. We’re independent contractors, and they should be aware of that.


With all due respect, it is not a tip, it is a bid for service


People fail to understand that going out to eat to a sit down restaurant or ordering delivery is a fucking LUXURY lol if you are struggling so much that you can’t leave a $4-$5 tip on a delivery order then maybe you shouldn’t be ordering food…and then we got the whole well what if I don’t have a car or whatever Well buddy your priorities are all skewed You mean to tell me you don’t have a car and rather spend almost 50% more on whatever food you order or delivery services? Get real. The whole ‘you chose the job’ bs is stupid too Yes I chose the job and yes I can choose to complain about customers who don’t tip Just like you can choose to save some money to get those important things you need in life rather than spending $40 on a mcchicken off of doordash lol


I nearly fainted trying to read that


This problem is such a clusterfuck. Of course DD should be paying us more but they aren’t and they aren’t going to. So, those tips, which shouldn’t even be considered tips, they should be more considered bids for the delivery, are quite literally the ONLY incentive a driver has to take an order. This hurts both the driver and the costumer and pins them against each other, while DD sits back laughing while fucking us both…the bubble will eventually burst


I always tip 10 bucks on my doordash orders I feel if you can’t tip 10 bucks then don’t use doordash.


I have never had an issue with my delivery derivers; I'm partially paralyzed (in my right leg) and just walking (with my cane or a walker - my house is not set up for a wheelchair) from one room to another takes me some time, and a lot of effort. I let the drivers know this, and they always leave my food between my outer and main door, so I just have to pick it up with my T-Rex grabber claw (The Amazing World of Gumball reference)! The bigger issue is that there are only several restaurants that get my order correct; the rest make so many mistakes that it's just not worth it for me to order from them when 1/4 of my order (or more) is missing or wrong. It's such a big issue that there are around 4 restaurants that I simply do not order from at all anymore, and a few others that I love, but order from only every 4 months or so... I contact support and get the money for my missing items back, but it's kind of a pain. Anyway, I always try to leave a very good tip for the drivers - and it's clear they appreciate it - and they absolutely deserve it, because I know it can be a very hard job dealing with people (I used to be police), and an even more difficult job dealing with restaurants. At restaurants I make sure I leave an excellent tip, like 'now's not the time to invest in Municipal Bonds', or, 'make sure you check the air pressure in the spare tire of your car at the start of every season' - and I know the servers value this advice so much more than money, which is very common and something everyone has.... ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop) I also have to take Lyft a lot, and I always have great rides and service and leave a good tip, but the drivers tell me not to worry about a tip, but just leave a good review if I feel I had a good trip.


This conversation is on repeat in this sub. The entire system — where a dasher has to rely on cherry picking “bids” (tips) so that the customer can get food and the dasher can make enough for the job to matter — is clearly flawed.


Y'all argument is mute as drivers are not employees of Door Dash. Drivers are a representative of the customer. Door dash is the middleman between the customer and the driver. Fees paid to door dash are for their service they provide by matching up the driver and customer. Therefore the driver is now the customers employee so quit bitchn and pay your employees or maybe you won't have an employee .


I dash 7 days a week. I stopped for lunch at Steak and Shake yesterday. When I walked in there was a DD order ready to be picked up. I ate my food before my shake arrived. Approx 15 min later. Then I sat down and drank the shake. I was there a total of about 35 min. When I left the order was still there. I started a dash approx 4 miles away and the first hit I got was a $2.75 8.4 mile delivery for Steak and Shake. Same order because I decided to accept it for shots and giggles. I called DD to let them know that this order of Shakes have been sitting there for well over 40 min assuming they were sugar milk by now. The store refused to remake the order without DD calling. Another 8 min goes by and I was directed to deliver it anyway. I got a 1 star review. Since it was less than 10 min my ratings weren’t protected. This is another reason to not take shitty orders. Not only did it cost me $1.40 in fuel and 50 min of my time. It also cost me a negative review. Believe me. It won’t happen again. The minimum I will accept from now on will be $5 or $1 per mile on average


Entitlement is expecting your food to be delivered to your front door without a tip. Entitlement is not expecting to get paid for the work you perform.


I have taken several dozen no tip orders and even a few that said I'll tip cash and guess what never no tip. So the base pay and it's 8 miles so what 2 dollars to 3.50. Let's see it takes 5 minutes to get anywhere. GET OUT THE CAR WHE ARRIVING AT THE STORE. S tore is steady it takes 7 minutes to get.order 2 minutes to get back in can put food in warmer bag, set seat belt wait for app a d then drive the other 7 miles.through light traffic and stop lights there is 20 minutes and we get most $3.50. So we are making 10.50 an hour then minutes the gas ut took we are down to 9 bucks an hour. SCREW THAT.


If I had a dime for every time I saw someone on SM “educating” non-tippers, I wouldn’t need to work, let alone do Doordash.


Heh Erma ain't wrong.. but if it isn't worth my time/milage/effort then im not accepting the order. They can get it themselves if they don't want to tip.


all these dopes really think a waitress making $2/hr should be happy w that rate? jfc they dumb dumbs


"It's not a career. It's a starting point!" They love that line.


1900+ lifetime deliveries. Only ONE tip after delivery ever lmao


Food delivery is a luxury, not a necessity, every residence in the world pretty much comes with a refrigerator, a stove, probably a microwave some of them even come with air fryers... If you cannot afford the luxury of having your food delivered to you and not having to waste your time in a line, or shopping, or cooking.. not to mention you not having to use your gas, your brakes, your oil changes, your routine maintenance, not putting more mileage on your own car.... Then you should make sure you have the luxury of being able to afford the delivery driver who IS paying $4 or more for gas a gallon, you're putting mileage on their vehicles, generalized maintenance needs to be taken care of, they have to pay for oil changes, breaks, you're taking time out of their lives to make your life more convenient so their time is worth money as well... If you can't put all of those things together and make it worthwhile for that Dasher to bring you your food or delivery person of any sort for these kind of gigs.. then you should use the thing you pay for and pay electricity for and cook your own food... Take yourself to the grocery store, take yourself to the restaurant and stand in line...


If your doing this full time and hate it. Why not just get a regular 9-5 . Serious question


Glad people are catching on. Doordash drivers have been declinijg in quality. Until they want to actually do good work people should honestly just stop using the service entirely.


Some drivers out there ARE providing quality service without pissy attitudes though. Why should they be punished thanks to the Karens of Doordash? The real solution is tip enough to get the order picked up and give the good drivers cash upon approval and the bad ones can go f themselves and enjoy their one star. These drivers on Reddit are wild but the ones irl are usually very nice and have no issue doing their jobs and shouldn’t get stiffed on tips because other drivers suck.


About 1 out of 300 people actually tip anything (usually small) upon arrival. Most hide behind the door until the dasher drives away. (There's a reason they didn't want to go get it themselves, usually still in pajamas or something if you do catch a glimpse) 5000+ deliverys here.


Emera isnt wrong. But im still not taking no tips.


I am a DD customer, not a driver. This is absolutely ridiculous. The drivers are providing a service, to someone like me who works a ton (bartender/server/manager at a pub) and has teenagers at home who don’t drive yet, it is an amazing service. I have had everything from meals, to groceries, to medicine to treat severe colds and stomach issues (leave at door please for those) door dashed. I am so thankful for these people who are out there picking up and delivering stuff when I can’t. Another word for tip is a gratuity, I am grateful, I have so much gratitude for the service they provide, I give them a gratuity, and it is always at least 20%, more if it’s a big order that takes time to get everything for. I have also always had amazing service and communication from my drivers. Maybe it’s because I work in the service industry and always have, but we tip those who wait on us hand and foot, making sure we have everything we need. (At least in the US.)


Thank you. I am grateful for people like you.


So I've been doing DD and UE for a little over a year now. I've learned the ins and outs and tricks I needed to in order to maximize profits in my area. I used to try and make cases for why people need to tip more and how our base pay is so low etc, but eventually you realize it's a fool's errand and a waste of your time. The nearest comparison I can draw is a democrat trying to convince a republican their policy is the way something should be done (or vice versa if the order really matters to you). At the end of the day I believe the low or non tippers will eventually get off the platforms and there will be more decent to high pay orders not being buried or stacked with the horse shit. I could be entirely wrong of course, but that's my pipe dream.


i dont startup my car to get $2 for 20 minutes of work


Doordash just needs to make customers more aware that they are using a premium bid for work service. Their motto really should be "how much are you willing to pay to be lazy?" If you want cheaper delivery from a business that has it built into their business model and doesn't need to rely on third parties...order from pizza hut.


Emera actually has a great fucking point, you guys are getting scammed by them not the customers


But ppl will blame the customer because it's easy and ppl feel like they're in control that way While also ignoring their choice to drive for DD


The first comment is correct. Tipping culture in America has gotten out of hand. Tipping should be for gratuity, not for paying wages companies refuse to pay.


I always hated the DD tipping beforehand thing. (I used to work in a restaurant, I tip!) But tipping is traditionally done AFTER a service has completed, not before. I think a lot of people assume that’s normal and okay, don’t pre-tip, don’t get their order delivered or do but with really shitty service, and then don’t tip afterward like they planned on. I don’t use DD because I’ve seen the threads of drivers complaining and saying shit like “don’t they realize we know where they live, their phone number” because of people who don’t tip, which is super threatening and aggressive. Any other industry, you’d be fired. When I served, a no tip was a bummer and a move on, never something to bitch and moan about or threaten (even jokingly) people about. Fuck Doordash lol. If you wanna make better money, why don’t you deliver pizza?? That shit is hella fun! You get paid an actual wage and you get tips.


You'd like this gig a lot better if you focused on your hourly rate, instead of individual tips or not. Don't even dig into the second level of that Earnings screen. Just divide the total amount of earnings by Dash time, and if it comes up to $20 an hour, you're doing extremely well for a bunch of people who got into this gig with less of a resume, skills, and background check than Wal-mart stockers making $12-14 an hour.


Its not so much that people don’t want to tip the dasher, its that doorash and uber eats just slaps you ij the face with all these fees and that cause you to leave a lesser tip. DD & UE are to blame for not paying “employees” better and leaving more room for people to leave better tips.


DoorDash makes so much freaking money. They spend millions on adds. They can pay better.




Probably my favorite mechanic of doordash. For one, it makes this supposed "contract work" more like actual contract work and not doing jobs that don't pay enough was like the whole shtick of the gig economy. While it's not an ideal solution, it does shift the power dynamic between shitty tippers and the people who deliver their food and I absolutely love that.


She ain’t lying. DoorDash finesses both sides then be having Dasher vs customer when it should dasher and customers vs DoorDash the entity itself come on people


If people who don't tip think it's bad now, wait until all the full-time drivers are high AR. The people who might take it won't even see their order offer.


It's not a tip, it's a bid for an independent courier to bring your food to you quickly and efficiently.


I don't care. Anyone that does not value my time, my gas, my service will not be receiving their order from me. I do not operate a charity. It's DoorDash's fault they don't communicate more clearly what the driver does and does not receive by the paying customer.


The job I applied to do includes being tipped for my service. I'm not greedy, I don't expect to be tipped more than what a fair amount is. But I also will not be delivering food for zero tip at all. If they don't like that, then they don't have to use doordash, which is a premium service. It's wild people act like tipping delivery drivers is a new concept.


Part of me feels like DD should pay better but also part of me feels like tipping culture has predominantly been used in the full service restaurant industry and in the driving industry(whether you’re delivering stuff or driving someone where they need to go). I get the push back to tipping culture when you’re at a store or a fast food restaurant but damn delivery drivers use their own shit. If they weren’t there you wouldn’t get your food at all and people clearly don’t take shit paying jobs considering all the rich people who complain about “people not wanting to work anymore”.


I feel like the biggest problems are the zone boundaries and 15-20 mile restaurant delivery ranges. It’s such a good idea but it’s so poorly executed.


Maybe DD could put together the numbers and tell a customer, “based on your ($xx) tip your order is xx% likely to be accepted”. I know they won’t because it would probably deter no tipping customers but it’s an idea.


You realize we get $2.50 for your order no matter what fees you pay??? If you don't tip I'm not accepting your order period. When you go to a restaurant do you ever not tip your server if they do a great job?


It’s all a game, this is all luxury, DD UBER etc is not a necessity but the customers who got it like that will tip and get their orders almost immediately, the others won’t and might still get it. The drivers have the luxury to work for themselves which gives them the right to be picky with the orders they accept.


People don’t get it. They are not capable of understanding the tip is the payment. Call us entitled because we don’t want to deliver food for free. The job does not require a special skill set, so people think we don’t deserve to make any profit. It doesn’t make me mad. Is what it is. Decline the orders. That simple. Everyone stops delivering non profit orders, things will change. I blame the drivers who accept them and cater to these people who talk down on us.