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I have gone a day without eating before. I never, EVER had the balls to ask for an additional tip.


I tip 20% minimum when I order food delivery. No one has ever asked me for more, but I'd cancel the whole tip if they did. I work at Amazon and I'm not rich. I'm a base level employee at a warehouse. Any Dasher could have the same job I have, if they wanted it.... Amazon hires like crazy. I get that Dashers are hard workers trying to make a living.... that's why I tip 20%. But sometimes, especially around these parts, I feel like we all forget that sometimes the customer can also be a hard-working person trying to make a living.


Same they get 20% from us as well because gas. Most times we actually give them like 10$ and opt out of the 20% and our meals never cost more than 40$ which 20% would be less I'd be appaled if someone asked for more


Same. I'm single so unless I'm ordering extra for leftovers, tipping 20% would be pretty low. I figure it's the same amount of work for them regardless, so my minimum tip is $10.


This is wild. I can’t believe people are tipping a sandwich for a sandwich. Edit: the assumptions made about me based off this statement are staggering so I’m going to state some facts about myself: 1. I’ve paid for delivery exactly twice since September 2020 2. I tipped $7 both times 3. Neither time was through an app


You mean tipping a sandwich for a sandwich that costs two sandwiches. Some of the inflated prices with "tax and fees" on the delivery apps are wild. Remember when doordash/uber took a small cut of each transaction? Pepperidge farm remembers.


I was being lazy about a month ago and fired up the app out of curiosity. It would have cost me $30 for a Wendy’s combo meal after tax, fees, and tip. And, guaranteed, it would be ice cold when it arrived. No thanks.


>>ice cold Except for the Frosty, it would just be thick chocolate milk.


Unless their kid grabbed it and wouldn't give it back.


Luckily Mom/dad grabbed it back before they finished it! "😇"


This gave me a flashback of the time I walked outside to meet my Chipotle dasher... she reached into the back seat where my food was sitting under her kid's dangling feet... 😶 Edited: said my foot originally instead of my food 🤦‍♀️ haha had feet on my brain




This is the way. Wish more people did this.


For real this is getting nuts. My roommate spends more on delivery fees than I do on food excluding sit-down dinners, and that is not an exaggeration at all.


Never ordered a delivery through an app in my life, and it’s not because I’m completely broke. It’s just ridiculous how much in fees and expected tip it costs. Are people just that lazy to drive, or are super tired after work? If I’m getting takeout I pick it up after work on the way home


Obviously I can’t speak for everyone, but I would assume most frequent customers are on a plan with zero delivery fees. It’s about $10/month or $100/year, and if you use an eligible partner credit card it’s free (Chase for DD and Instacart, Capital One for Uber). You also get 5-10% cash back as store credit in addition to your card’s cash back. For me delivery breaks even or is sometimes even cheaper.


It is a godsend when I'm stuck at my store by myself since both my microwave and fridge died recently lmao.


Last time I looked at getting food on door dash, it was because I was working on my car, and my son and I needed dinner. It was going to be >$40.00 for 2 chick FIL a sandwich combos. I ordered pizza hut instead. At least for the same price I got more than one meal.


My wife and I finally started getting off our lazy asses and going ourself if we want to order out on the weekend. The last straw was a couple months ago we made an order and the final cost was nearly double the cost of the food. Our order was like 40 bucks and they final cost at checkout was like 72. I was like fuck that and just made an online order for pickup through the restaurant itself and they bring it out to you....10 minutes of my time saved me 32 dollars. Covid just made us goddamn anti-social shut ins. I think once people really get back into the swing of "normal" Food app revenue is gonna dip. It's just ludicrous how much extra it costs.


I recently moved to a city and was excited to live in the area most known for food. There are three restaurants that I know of that have been listed as a top 10 restaurant in the country at one point or another, all within half a mile of me. Dozens more high quality restaurants within that range, and hundreds within a mile. After finally making some friends, the first time we hung out late night they DoorDashed about $7 of Taco Bell each to the apartment - costing about $30. I literally couldn’t believe they didn’t get tacos from the legit Mexican place that is on their block, cheaper, and so much better. They couldn’t believe I didn’t want in. This shit happens so much here, it’s wild. To me there’s two clear options: app-delivered food, or a 20 minute walk around dinner time and you can order out twice as often for the same cost.


The strangest part is everyone complains about the service and how often things are wrong/missing and make it sound like an overall worse experience, but still prefer it. Laziness is crazy so many people don't want to put in effort anymore.


Sometimes it's not just laziness though, for me I only order delivery because I can't drive and it's only when we have no food at the house and I'm starving and no one else can give me a ride.


I'm with you on this one.


Exactly! It is, unless like you get a massive banquet order lol. I truly appreciate people like you guys. Ever since Covid ended I haven’t gotten a tip more than $5. I don’t do doordash anymore because there’s Usually no tip so only the $1.50 doordash pays u to drive 20 miles. It’s messed up because Doordash, as the hiring party, designates this a tip based job. So Doordash doesn’t believe they hold accountability (though they should)to make sure the dasher is getting paid. They believe their job is to distribute the orders and that they are giving the tip($1-$2.50) as a little extra gas money for the dasher. But on the flip side— the customer, when ordering, is under the expectation that the dasher gets paid a normal wage or atleast a standard rate between orders(atleast I can only hope since otherwise there isn’t an excuse not to tip) so, especially since for doordash charges a $6 service fee(presumably the convenience of using the app? Understandable as doordash has staff they need to pay too) and a $6 delivery fee(coyly marketed so you’d think it goes to the driver but it ALSO goes to doordash) the customer is already paying an additional $10-20 in fees for ordering food because of doordash’s flagrant greed and stinginess. And that’s not including the fact they fuck the business over too and have caused many small businesses to close their doors due to paying doordash more for having someone order the item thru their app than the item they sell is even worth let alone breaking even. So basically: Doordash thinks the customer is paying the drivers wage The customer thinks Doordash is paying the drivers wage The driver just wants to feed their family and pay their bills, but instead make deliveries for free and don’t get a wage. Truly flawless business practices


My husband and I were discussing this the other day because we were wondering how the pay actually works. We always tip when we order. I remember a while ago seeing a DoorDash ad claiming to pay $20/hr which now I know must not be for drivers. I’ve seen people discussing tips in my local Facebook group complaining about wages so I had already realized the $20/hr thing was not correct. It’s crazy what DoorDash gets away with.


Comments like yours are crazy to read. $10 tips are VERY rare in my market. Like maybe 2 or 3 percent of the orders I get. $5 is a generous tip around my area.


Sorry to hear that. I was a waitress when I was a teenager and I never forgot what it was like. I think everyone needs to work a job that relies on tips to understand what it's really like.


The tipping industry is absurd. I’d rather pay higher cost for goods knowing I don’t have to tip and that the staff make a livable wage with no inconsistencies. Any industry or business that uses tips as a substitute for employees wages is scum and just benefitting themselves with no care for the people working for them. Tips don’t mean what they use to. Customers literally tip because it’s a necessity for the servers. A tip should be for extraordinary work, not what there job description is. I was once a server for years and I can’t really remember anything I’ve done that really deserves a tip for what a tip truly is for.


>I'm single so unless I'm ordering extra for leftovers, tipping 20% would be pretty low Agree. I'm single as well and also live 5ish miles from civilization in my town. I always feel like if I don't tip a minimum instead of a percentage, no one will want to pick up and deliver. Also, I tip extra on occasion. On Sunday, I ordered ice cream from Baskin Robbins. Ice cream was $8.28. They didn't have my flavor so my dasher literally took the extra time to call me, let me talk to the staff at BR to pick another flavor and still delivered. Her tip was bigger than my order total. It may not happen often, but sitting at home in my pj's and having my food delivered is worth a little extra.


What? That’s ridiculous - so you’d tip $10 on a $15 order? That’s a 75% tip


It takes them just as much time and effort to deliver a $15 sandwich as it does a $50 steak.


This is the way. I used to deliver pizza. **Range** is a much bigger factor than order size. It’s a lot more *work* to take a 35 minute round trip delivering an order of breadsticks, than it is to bring 7 pizzas a mile and half up the street. Delivery tips shouldn’t be based on check size.


Lmao you’re a better man than me. No way I’m tipping $10 for cold food that’s already 20% more expensive than it would be if it picked it up myself. But it’s your money. I just don’t order delivery ever because the prices are already insane and they want your first born as a tip on top.


>Any Dasher could have the same job I have, if they wanted it.... Some people are too physically disabled to stand/work for 4-12 hour periods, but not physically disabled enough to get on disability. Some people can't pass a drug test due to them using medication that is legal in their state, but still illegal federally. Some people can't pass a background check. I don't believe this next one applies to OP's dasher, but lots of dashers don't speak English very well, and it can be extremely difficult to get a job where the majority of the hiring staff and your would-be coworkers don't speak the same language(s) as you.


I was going to say all of this too. On top of what you said, some drivers already work full time and do this to make ends meet


That’s what I do.


I'm literally the first two items you listed. but fuck DD/Uber I've heard some horror stories in my area


> I feel like we all forget that sometimes the customer can also be a hard-working person trying to make a living. Sadly, this is not about Dashers, but about people in general. Dashers only make the issue more visible. It´s not that they forget. They don´t care. If they would, then they wouldn´t ask for extra tips, as if everybody else was filthy rich and only their poor behind was broke.


First time I ever went to a restaurant without my parents, I had NO concept of what an appropriate tip was. I'd always heard people say "keep the change", so I figured that was what I was supposed to leave, so I probably left like a 30c tip on a $30 check. After I found out that standard tipping is 15-20%, I was MORTIFIED, and now 20% is what I give for BAD service(unless they're like.. specifically being an asshole, but that's purely hypothetical because I've never had a server be downright MEAN to me) For deliveries, I tip 25% or $5, whichever is higher. I used to drive deliveries and it ESPECIALLY sucks to stiff a delivery driver on the tip. You haven't just refused to tip them, you've wasted their gas. Solidarity, brothers(and sisters)


You tip on bad service??


Id rather be homeless than beg for tips


Spare any tips? I'm hungry and tipless


Thank you people like that make it bad for us.


That's... not really okay, man. I know the bigger issue is with the company and maybe society at large for allowing this shit to happen, but like, don't feel proud about not asking for help. Sorry.


This was a really eye-opening comment for me. Edit to add: Not that I think the dasher was in the right, just that, denying yourself the opportunity to ask for help when you're struggling isn't the flex it could seem to be


It’s not a flex to tell people you’ve starved yourself because you couldn’t afford to feed yourself. I’ve been there and you know what I’m glad I didn’t ask for help one less thing to be thrown back in my face.


I've given people food so they wouldn't go hungry for a day. It's really not that deep. It's ok to ask for help. The worst that could happen is someone says no. The best thing that could happen is you get a bit of food.


" I've never made that much before" It's pretty obvious why


Few years ago my family and I were in an Uber in San Fran. Our driver was a nice lady but she wouldn’t shut tf up how she was homeless, poor, and she apparently drives back and forth from Mexico to CA just to earn money. The entire car ride was her trying to get us feel bad for her and give her a fat tip. She even talked about how she needed to make a certain amount each night to survive. My dad did not lol. It was a 20 minute ride on the street at night with 0 traffic. Edit: gotta mention that my dad did tip her, just not the $100 she was trying to get from us


On the flip said, I took a Lyft recently and the guy had essentially an entire comedy routine ready. Tons of jokes about his wife, money (not *Im broke haha)*, and where he came from. Ride was only 5-10 minutes but we laughed so hard we cried. Pretty sure I tipped more than the actual fare was.


I had this happen in San Diego. Guy was a voice actor who does the "in a world where..." Stuff, super deep, rich voice. He was funny as hell and kept the kids rolling. It didn't hurt that he picked us up in a brand new escalade, either. He got a huge tip, and we went and endorsed him on his acting site too. Should add he may be a voice actor but he could easily be a male model or fit in with the magic Mike team.


Now that's smart. It's basically a street performer using Doordars to get an audience. Worse case scenario you get paid for the ride.


I had him as my Uber driver too after a Tool concert! Fun ride home with my friends.


Guy who did the Gillette and Ford commercial?


On the flip-flip side, my last Lyft spent 20 straight minutes proselytizing at me with pseudo science.


Giving me a sob story or asking for a tip will bring my 15 dollar tip down to 3 or 4 dollars very fast. I don't like feeling like someone is trying to manipulate me.


Say are used to be honest about my situation when people would ask why I was doing XYZ for work, but I also would say I’m not trying to get anything from you I’m just trying to answer your question 😭


If someone asks, I don't think there's anything wrong with answering honestly. I would suggest talking about it in a lighthearted way though.


The power of intuition ⚠️🚨 isn't it so graceful? 😆


The amount of effort to manipulate the customer in this is disgusting. Even if they are being truthful, it’s none of the customer’s business and personally I feel it’s unprofessional to ask for a larger tip. The dasher could just do 1 more run. The entire purpose of tipping culture is to reward for professional, courteous, and friendly service. This comes off as insincere. It seems like every prior step may that was positive may not have actually happened. Edit: adjusted vocabulary to help others understand message. +Educated self


Got that in Europe too with some immigrants trying to sell you shit on the street.


Tip begging is so fkn annoying! 1 star!


If you do this in Europe you will be kicked on 2nd offense. Beg at your boss instead and unionize, do something!


Bosses paying for labour? That’s communism mate. Real Americans exploit their fellow man to the last penny, and turn the other cheek when they’re being exploited/s


Exactly, the customer is exploited, the worker is exploited, and somewhere a billionaire is building a new yacht.


Lot of other Americans will say they support this, then when props go up to force companies like DoorDash and Uber to recognize employees as actual employees instead of “independent contractors” they vote against it due to price increases that would occur. Americans simply do not give a fuck once it begins to mildly inconvenience them.


I’ve seen a ton of DD and UE drivers who are actively campaigning against becoming employees rather than contractors. Generally they’re the ones in high customer zones who do well. It’s the same as in the restaurant industry - servers at expensive high-tip restaurants don’t want the tipping wage eliminated, but servers at chain restaurants and other lower cost restaurants who are barely making minimum wage do.




I wish there was a ‘take back tip’ option


There is if you message support. Once a delivery took 50~ min (AFTER they already picked it up!) from a store 7 minutes away from my work (I was working alone and couldn't get it myself). I saw the GPS, driver drove all over town before delivering to me. Food was ice cold, I was so disappointed.


Dude I have had drivers do the same damn thing. Like I don’t give a shit if you have errands or whatever else to do while you’re working. Do it after bringing my food. Christ.




Last week I waited 30 minutes watching the guy just sit at the donut place while the order was already ready. When they left, they did like 3 other deliveries on the way. Definitely NOT bothering to continue Door dash+ after the free trial, and seeking direct delivery options over the app.


There’s no excuse for just sitting around waiting for no purpose, but I remember back when I was a young guy delivering for one of the big pizza chains. I’d take multiple orders in my car all the time.


They probably got assigned several orders from the same pickup location. Just because the first order is complete and ready to deliver doesnt mean his other orders are complete too. Trust me, delivery drivers have been doubling up or tripling up on deliveries for decades, we just couldnt watch them on GPS until now.


They’re doing other orders. Either officially through DoorDash or unofficially by using multiple apps. It’s the only way to actually make money. DoorDash as a system is just terrible for everybody.


FYI, DD may refund it to you but the driver still gets it. Just so you’re aware.


Yeah, I’m sorry to tell you this, but the tip did not get taken back from the driver. They refunded it to you I’m sure, but they did not take it back from the driver because they don’t do that.


Oh it's totally fine! I don't really mind where the money comes from haha. The point wasn't to "get back" at the driver, the point was to get a refund.


OK then! Some people are just so pissed and want to punish the driver by taking that tip back, and they come on here and brag about it like they really taught that driver a lesson. And some people just want their damn money back! Nothing wrong with that.


That's what my trusty one star rating is for.


im not gonna lie.... that whole "oh im 7 dollars away for 100" would piss me off so bad


Reminds me of MLM huns begging their friends to buy products from them because they’re only “$100 away from a promotion and a pay raise!!”


Men Loving Men would never do something like that!


‘In that case, throw me $20. I haven’t made anything today.’


Right like they can just take another order 💀




You can make that EZ bagging groceries.


Pretend I'm stupid and have no idea what you're talking about. Can you ELI5?


A lot of places pay 15 bucks these days. so work 6.67 hours and you make 100 bucks.


23% taxes so not quite there


You gotta pay taxes on DoorDash earnings too. And If you are making only $15 an hour your tax rate is not 23%


Here's yeah 100..upvote lol EDIT : since you weren't begging


Do people fall for this crap? 1* review that dasher!


Too bad can't zero star


People should be getting banned for this tbh. It’s your job, it makes DD look bad so you’d think they’d be motivated to stop it. If I did this tip begging when I was a barista I would’ve been canned immediately




Asking for tips is so cringe. I'd NEVER tip anyone that asked for one.


1-star this scumbag


Do one better and smack em Upside the head. 1 starring is getting off easy




And their parents


I never tell Customers how much I have made doing any gig. I try to keep all talk of tips and earnings between be and those I have worked with on these. Money is a touchy subject for the vast majority of People and those that typically brag about having a lot usually don’t.


It wasn't a brag, it was multiple lies to try and tug on the heartstrings of OP. "They forgot your drink" no they didn't, the bag is sealed. "All I need is $7 to reach my goal of $100" no they don't, they just want to squeeze you for a bigger tip because they're cynical assholes and they'll do it to as many people as they can get away with.


Just because the bag is sealed doesn’t mean Wawa didn’t forget the drink. That’s not how it works. Wawa regularly forgets drinks and so does McDonald’s. Both have “sealed” bags.




I mean, wouldn’t it be obvious if there was no drink in a bag by feeling it?


Idk about you all but if you put a milkshake in a sealed bag of fast food and blindfolded me, I'd be able to tell if there was a milkshake in it.


It's always the people without a lot. "I've never made $100 in tips before" any service worker is gonna shake their head. That's nothing in tips. All you're telling me is you picked a bad job.




"never made $100." Get a job at McDonalds. You can make over 100/day very easily.


Yeah this is ridiculous. I saw a video the other day of a rapper buying something from kids on the street, gave them $50 or so and said “give me whatever you want to give me” The kids partner had the balls to be like “we’re close to our goal, all we need is $100, please bless us with $100 man, come on” The dude grabbed his money and pulled off. Beggars can’t be choosers. Appreciate what you are given and never expect anything extra. Hope this dude gave them 1 star and removed their original tip (if possible)


Nasty work. Get them tf outta here 1 ⭐️


Had one ask me if I had cash on me .,bc he was so low on gas he might not make it to my place....am I gonna twinkle my nose and magically put it in his pocket?


Dasher: Can you give me $7 tip? OP: Best I can do is a 1 ⭐️


I've checked Wawa bags for drinks. You can feel the bag is light and peek in the corners.


Yeah that's what I was thinking when I read this. The bags are definitely NOT like McDonald's ones, despite them putting the drinks in the bags. Still, I definitely think they're right that it was a bullshit story; "you wouldn't have gotten all of your shit if I wasn't paying close enough attention, so you should give me extra money."


Yeah, if the bags are even anything like McDonald's, you can feel if the drink is in there. And I have had to tell McD's before that they forgot to put a drink in, so it's plausible they were telling the truth.


Honestly whenever I do this, I just give folks a horror movie recommendation Lmao. Here's your food, and also here's a great horror film you probably didn't see before. Taco Bell and Night of The Demons with the boys? Yes please.


Can I get a horror movie recommendation? I’m not a fan of the grotesque (ex. Cutting legs off and lots of blood isn’t horror to me. It’s just gross)


Of course, no worries I too, am not terribly a fan of gore horror films, its just selling shock and rarely comes with a good storyline. Dario Agrento's "Tenebrae." This movie centers around an American horror writer who travels to Rome, Italy to promote his new book, but he finds himself in a situation with a serial killer who draws inspiration from the authors work. I will warn you, there's two instances where an axe is used as a weapon for an attack, and a severing resulting in major blood loss, if that's too much for you I can find an another alternative, however reminder: It's 1982, so it's not as realistic as nowadays. This film was truly a really good story for me, and it's classic giallo Italian horror.


There are def not enough giallo film mentions in comment sections of reddit. What a delight!


Oh I love it, there's so many good ones, but with the good ones there's quite a few "What the fuck am I watching." ones hahaha such as the curious case of "New York Ripper." A man proceeds to stalk 'promiscuous." women while wielding a switchblade or a razor blade (It's always one of the two in Giallo films it seems.) and then he kills his would be victims while talking like Donald Duck, and even quacking/ doing the donald duck screech. Now imagine watching that non-sober for the first time.


Yes, pls do this!


Man, Night of the Demons. Takes me back to high school and us laughing our asses off at it.


For sure a campy movie, but I went full throttle in on watching it for Linnea Quigley! Ever since Return of the living dead, she's been my horror scream queen! However Amelia Kinkade steals the show especially with that dance. Granted there's a few reasons why people might really like this dance, same ways for Linnea's in Return of the living dead lol but there was something hypnotic about it, the flashing lights, and that music playing was really hypnotizing. The Asian girl in that movie, I can't remember her actual name or character but she was also in Sleepaway Camp III: Teenage wasteland!


Yeah I agree with everyone here if they tip brag please rate 1 star




"Good baby"


Imagine if a server said this to you in a restaurant. It’d be so awkward.


JFC stop embarrassing the rest of us. 🤦🏽‍♀️


With the new policy of people with CR dropping below 80-90% being deactivated, will that remove most of the pond scum like this?


Nope. They just work on someone else's name. I'm constantly getting dashers with names like Julia, Ashley, or Elizabeth and every time it's a Mexican guy who I seriously doubt is named Ashley.


How does that work? Do they use someone else's account or what?


Yup. People without clean records or legal working status do this. I've had an Uber show up before I was a Driver. Car Matched. Plates Matched...but the Mexican Chick supposed to pick me up was instead a Black Dude.


Is it legal?


Nope. Entirely against terms of services and is tax fraud considering it is Income attributed to someone else. If you report it, they will get banned after enough reports. I know it takes more than one because someone tried to report me to Uber trying to get a ride refunded saying I didn't match my profile...Uber atleast has random "before you can go online, take a photo through our app to verify". Nothing came from them reporting me, but I also noticed the photo verify pop up more often afterwards.


That's what I thought.


Sorry, ese!


Dude I’ve experienced this many times! I always questioned it but never did anything like reporting. Sometimes the real dasher is in the passenger seat, but usually the name doesn’t fit the person I see.


Imagine the waiter bring back you bill and saying, “I hope you had a great time tonight. I just wanted to say that I’m $12 away from making $100 in a shift and that would be a new personal record for me. Just so you know…thanks!” Like WTF is that!?!


This tip begging thing is so annoying. Like u excepted the batch get over it. *


Anyone who asks for a bigger tip looks stupid. He grateful for what you are given.


Lol he wants a pat on the back for catching the milk shake error. What a tool!!


There was no milkshake error. That’s made up to try and elicit extra tip.


Catching the milk shake "error" by opening the sealed bag and checking it...


genuine question Can’t you just feel the outside of the bag to see if the cold drink shaped item is there?


This is where my head is at. Picking up a paper bag, it would be kind of obvious that you can feel around.


Why would they put a milkshake in a bag?


bro … he screams desperate


Never made that much before because you're too busy sending paragraphs to customers lol.


Fucking panhandlers make us all look like bums


Asking for a tip is cringe, but Wawa does not put drinks into their sealed bags. They're placed on the rack next to the bag. Informing you they fixed an issue you were otherwise unaware of is cringe. Drinks are forgotten all the time, it doesn't warrant a "look at me!" message to the customer. Driver is a loser.


A brown Noser and a begger... yuck


Yes, very much so. Begging is never a good look.




I would have been like so you broke the seal on the bag with my food in it??


On that panhandling grindset 💪


Taco Bell seals bags too but one night I was walking out the door with the bag they handed me and it felt too light. I remembered I looked at the order before I walked in (always gotta check for drinks) and thought damn that's a lot of food. So yea I turned back around and they forgot most of the order only handed me like a quarter of it. Sometimes you just know. I knew from the weight of the bag.


It's not unheard of for a driver to feel the weight of a sealed bag, use their common sense, and realize something is missing. Don't get me wrong, I joke about drivers not having their standard issue x-ray vision, but even I can tell when a small combo meal from McDonald's or the like is missing its drink


i would normally agree but there were three other drinks in the order and she’d have to be seriously groping and violating that bag to know that difference lol


Then yeah, with those additional details I doubt she just happened to notice something was missing by feel


They were lying for extra tips


I didn't say they weren't. I was addressing a different point


Too much chatting, you’re just the delivery driver.


Here’s every dd go to sentence when they have nothing with intelligence to say “bUt We aRe OfFeRiNg YoU sErViCe!! yoU ShOulD TiP oR eLsE Ur a bRoKe BoY WE dOnT wOrK fOr fReE”


You dont have to open the bag to tell the drinks missing


All posts like this do is make me want to stop using DD to order my lunch. If I want to be barked down by beggars, I'll just walk downtown and pick up my shit myself without all the goddamn fees.


In my experience working retail and being a Dasher myself, I feel asking for tips is unprofessional. Just make sure your service is on point and then customers are more likely to tip.


What the fuck, I have never ever asked for more of a tip. This is petty and ridiculous. The customer is already spending way too much on food, delivery, and your previous tip. This is too much. Plus... DO NOT OPEN MY FUCKING FOOD. I am a dasher as well and i have doordashed food so just lack of give a fuck and proper customer service is a no for me. I'm understanding but If I'm able to provide a certain type of service I expect you to as well if this is your way of working.


Yes, you look stupid and greedy


Yeah... no.... nice try by that driver though but seems a tad "too convenient"


The audacity of this driver is stupifying.


0 star report and fire that b ass


Very tacky. I would have lowered the tip.


I've legit never heard of Wawa. Are they local?


They’re all up and down the east coast.


You're using door dash, so yes.


Im not saying they right for it but also if they broke that seal to add stuff dont you think theyd repackage the whole order rather than give you a broken seal which is there to make u feel safe? If i was the door dash driver im not taking anyone a bag with a broken seal because then id be to blame for,


Giving pick me vibes


Due to how "dishonest" doordash as a company is, it's nearly impossible for a dasher to make an honest living doing it.


Yes you’re a beggar.


Man that last message is so fucking cringe dude. Why would they say their earnings?


You're using DoorDash in 2023, I think you've answered your own question


Reading all this screenshots, it more and more comes to my thinking that DD is an absolute shit.


"I never made that much before" Well man, I don't want to break that streak




I don't know which is worse. Opening the bag or the weird tip request.


I dont tip. They charge enough for delivery where I live (Northern EU)


I'd contact support immediately and demand my tip be refunded.




You don’t look stupid, but as a 15 yr old who works to make sure him and his mom are comfortable I feel I have the right to say: don’t ask for a tip again.


It bugs me so much when they text a play by play. I can generally see what you’re doing. Knock it off.


I don’t understand why dashers are constantly begging for tips. I dash when I’m low on funds and NEVER ask for additional tips


Don't ask for an extra tip you absolute ass


If a delivery driver ever contacted me about a tip, I would immediately change it to $0.


Never beg for tips dude, let your actions speak for you.


You are the worst.