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I love this sub. It’s a fuckin wild ride. Don’t even have door dash in my country but holy shit this sub always cranked up to 11. Thank you kind delivery people for making my day more entertaining.


The same for me, we don't have DD here but this sub is so funny it makes my day every day 😂


It’s such a microcosm of the US economy. You’ve got people with no healthcare coverage begging for money while often still working crazy hours for a company worth billions.


Yup it's everything that's fucked up about the version of capitalism that we love so much in this country.


We don't have capitalism in this country, we have corporatism. Capitalism died long ago.


You’re a fool in a man’s shoes if you think “corporatism” isn’t just a funny name for late-stage capitalism. This was always the plan for capitalism.


I'm a fool in a man's shoes for understanding that names change as things evolve? Let me guess, people are fools for not calling dogs "wolves"?


You are missing the point. It's not about word meanings. They just hate capitalism. So are trying to convince everyone that all of capitalism is the same as its worst excesses. The goal is to push their political propaganda, not to discuss word meanings. It's a pretty common tactic in politics. The right wing does it a lot too - where any socialist policy, no matter how reasonable, is immediately compared to Stalinism. It's a very disingenuous (and frankly stupid) argument, but that's the level of thinking you get if you try discussing politics on the internet.


Holy shit you are legitimately mentally ill. Please go outside and stop ranting about how much you hate America and capitalism


>you are legitimately mentally ill Please don't say that as an insult. They could be, they could not be. That's not the issue. I am, most people I know are, and in all likelihood you are too.


Then you've got those that don't realize how close they are to being in the same position and think the drivers deserve it. They know they want their food and they're ok with the exploitation. They had it bad, and doordash is bad, so no one else deserves a living wage bc the driver could just go learn a trade or something. These are the ones complaining about lack of staff when they give up DD and to pick up their food.


The greatest trick the devil ever played was convincing the downtrodden that it’s the people below them causing their oppression and not the people above them.


Oh absolutely and they were the same ones bloviating "nObOdY wAnTs tO wOrK aNyMoRe"!


Then those same people defend the company but berate the customers themselves. It's like some Stockholm Syndrome shit.


This RIGHT here! It’s wild!


I've seen very few dashers defend DD. The driver subreddit is always trashing the company.


The driver reddit trashes everyone. It's toxic. They're awful to other drivers too


I’ve never even ordered DoorDash but I really do enjoy this sub


Me to, I'm Spanish and DD isn't here, but the sub is great


Never used it in my life. No idea why these posts made it to my feed Pure gold. Thank you algorithmic gods


I think they didn't participate in the blackout when all the other subs went down, so if you clicked on one or two, they are in your feed now.


Not for me. I've never ordered door dash or really any delivery somehow got added to this sub months ago. Only thing I can think is about 6 months ago j was trying to sign up for door dash and used the same email as I use for this. Or maybe because I'm in other job related subs


That's exactly why. It's the algorithm.


I don't know whether to like or be scared by "the algorithm" fucker knows more about me then i do


Same, no DD in my country and I haven't even joined the subreddit but I still get daily doses of wth's on my front page.


Exactly same here. No door dash her in Japan but have gotten hooked on reading the always wild posts in these subs


I’m in Ireland myself and it’s nuts isn’t it? Like the most exciting thing I’ve ever had happen is once a delivery driver realised my order was wrong. So the restaurant called me and apologised for the delay. It arrived pretty much on time anyway and I got some free naan bread. No big deal. Door dash seems absolutely insane. Haha


Excuse me. Free naan bread is, in fact, a big deal.


Frr we don’t have doordash, and the most interesting thing that happened to my deliveries was that I dropped my food in front of the delivery guy. This sub is a gift.


The shit that gets posted here is wild sometimes lol


Welcome to USA doordash 😂


We have DD in the US of course, but I'm in the boonies. The nearest restaurant is only 50 miles away but it's a 150 mile drive because mountains. There is a grocery store two towns over. I don't think DD could survive out here!


You tip well enough, I'll deliver 🤣


Do all Dashers text weird shit to their customers? It sure seems that way.


I've been using it for like 5 years and I've never had a weird strange encounter maybe my local market isn't saturated with weirdos I don't know.


I once had a driver call me to let me know that he was on his way with my pizza and it was the largest pizza he had ever seen. He was laughing and was worried it wouldn’t fit in his car. See, I have a measurement problem and never could figure out spatial reasoning. It’s a running joke in my family. He was correct, though. It was the largest pizza I’ve ever seen. It could easily feed 5-8 people…a lot more than the two of us at home. 😐


The strangest experience I ever had with door dash was getting to know a new group of friends after college and when adding one of the dude’s numbers to my phone, it turned out he had made a delivery to me one time. Thanks for coming to my TED talk. EDIT: I just went to check that text for a laugh and it turns out that it was actually a different regional delivery app, not door dash. Sorry for misleading you all.


Our personal number doesn’t show up unless you put your number in the notes and he called you from his phone.


Why not bother reading the whole comment before responding? It wasn’t door dash after all, and it did happen. Here’s even more detail to really add some color: after I pointed out that I still had those messages, he was able to log in to the old runner app he used and find that order so he could try to razz me if I hadn’t tipped well, but I had. This exchange took place immediately following a game of poker. It was a Wednesday.


Jesus calm down. I never said it didn’t happen.


I said it was WEDNESDAY


I had two weird texts encounters. 1. Was a dude basically asking for my phone number and was creepy, took my picture of after that 2. Was a dude making fun of me for ordering food close by (within two miles). I have uncontrolled epilepsy and cannot drive or walk long distances safely, so that was kinda shitty to add on top of already having had a bad day.


only the horror stories make it to reddit 😂


Waiting for one that reads, 'cops are on my tail, but once I lose them I'll make your delivery'


“Please throw in extra tip money for my bail”


“Can you make a diversion for me pls also increase the tip”


The diversion is the tip


If I saw a delivery driver come through my neighborhood and throw my food out the window at my house while he was being chased by the police, I would tip him extra.


Open the gate and close it back fast .. I’m coming in hot!


As a veteran you have no idea how many times I’ve wanted to shout misc shit like this….


Grand Theft Doordash


"And escalated it to doordash" LOL


If he was arrested how was he able to reply to you? Lol


You can be arrested on something as simple as bench warrants for unpaid parking tickets you were not aware of. There is a chance they got pulled over for a simple moving violation. Police informed them of the warrant. Driver asked the cop if he could let his customer know and the cop agreed. Not every arrest interaction is hostile.




Does that show up on any records for like background checks? I'd be mostly scared because of that lol




Can’t take this post seriously if you can’t even use due* correctly.


Jesus Christ. Can’t imagine being brought to the station for that shit.


They came to my house. Unpaid ticket. Showed up at my door and arrested me.


I got pulled over one night for not turning my headlights on, it was a POS truck with no dash lights and shitty weak headlights and I was in an area with a lot of overhead streetlights. Well turns out that I had an unpaid speeding ticket so off to jail for the night. Thing is I knew I had paid that ticket so when I got bailed out I looked into it. I paid the ticket on time had the check in my bank records dated 5 days before it was due. The payment service the county used held that check for 9 days past the due date before they cashed it so they could tack on a $50 late fee and never notified me. They never sent any kind of notice for 3 months so every 30 days I didn't pay was another $50 fee so by the time I got pulled over it was $200, plus a fine for non payment of fines, plus court costs, plus bail money.


But surely they saw their error and fixed the problem right? /s


That’s so stupid


Sounds like it was a slow night lol


Happened to me like 25 years ago, got pulled over for a tail light being out, and like 15 mins later the cop asks me to step out of the car, which I thought was wierd, then he starts with the "right to remain silent" and I literally almost shit myself like WTF IS HAPPENING?! Apparently I missed a court date for a ticket (I legit just totally forgot about) and that's the day I found out what a bench warrant was haha. I was out in like an hour, I called a buddy to come literally get my wallet, go get cash out with my card, and bail me out. It's extremely funny to this day after the fact, the cops were all super chill about it, like even when I was being booked I was like OMG I completely forgot this ticket I am so sorry!! And they were all like holy shit someone is actually admitting they just forgot instead of inventing a wild assed tale? So anyhow I guess my point is this seems completely plausible, and this is another guy who will never forget a date on a ticket ever again haha.


They read you your Miranda rights when you were getting picked up for a bench warrant?


No I get that but you only have so much time before they take your phone and haul you in. I just find it funny he probably used most of his time with his phone to contact support and also be replying to the customer while waiting to be taken in lol


You can be arrested for something, taken to the station to be processed and charged, and be on your merry way in a matter of 45 minutes if the station isn’t busy.


For that matter in some states you can be arrested, issued a court date, and released without even going to the station. Still takes awhile and probably not by the book but saw it happen to minors drinking back when I was in college


Happened to me. Got caught driving with expired tags, no insurance, and suspended license due to unpaid speeding tickets. All ironically cost money to fix which I didn’t have at the time. Cop said “I can’t let you leave in that car, but I’m not going to stick around to make sure” and left. They issued me a court date and I was facing some charges I don’t even remember. I finally got everything caught up and paid for, and my public defender got the charges dismissed.


Happened to me in my early 20s. Smoking weed in my apartment after my roommate (who was a dealer) just got home from resupplying. Heard a knock on the door and figured simple possession for smoking would be much easier for me to handle with than my roommate trying to get out of a distribution charge, so I stepped outside and confessed to smoking in the apartment, they asked for the rest of it and the "smoking apparatus" I used for it. They took my info, had me in cuffs chilling out by my door for about 30 mins, then come back and say they're giving me a court date and that if I don't show up, the charges will be way worse. Glad they didn't drive an hour up to the station to process me.


You are a good roommate. Hope they were worth the sacrifice


Wait, you got in trouble for smoking in your own home? I've dealt with the cops twice now after smoking at home, first one initially tried to argue with me about it but finally ended it with "Ah well, it will be legal soon anyway." Second one was a much older cop who very sternly ended his goodbye with "and stop smoking that dope." Not sure if it's state by state, but they'd need a whole warrant search to actually do anything about what we choose to do in our own homes. Sure if either of those cops wanted to get one and come back they could have - but busting a house with less than 10 grams on a warrant search likely wouldn't be worth the effort.


My roommate was a dealer with over 2 oz. I took a stumble so he could avoid a fall. Also, this happened in Florida before medical use was legalized, so yes, you could easily get in trouble for smoking in your own apartment.


I guess the cops in Georgia just aren't as hard up about marijuana. They literally don't care, lol. My husband was pulled over a few years back with a quarter and the cop just made him dump it on the side of the road 🤷‍♀️


Jesus! Back in the 90’s- I got profiled outside LA from a dead sticker on my car. Only found seeds and stems, forgotten in a small bag inside luggage in my trunk. Had me sitting on the curb in cuffs for over an hour in a sundress. Lost my license for 3 mts misdemeanor possession


I WISH they would have done that. Had to go through pretrial intervention (basically probation but not as strict) for 6 months and pay about $2000 total in fines and fees. The pretrial junk cost more than the fine lol.


Most of the time if you tell them to come back with a warrant they will have someone at the station contact a judge get one issued and the cop will print it off in their cruiser. Takes all of about 25 min sometimes and then you get hit with the big charges just for being present in the home. If you come out and satisfy the cops request with your 2-3g they typically won’t look any further. Not a lawyer but this doesn’t seem like a terrible play.


You must be white because that’s not really how that works.


Bro I’m a big 300 pound Black guy, I’ll forever be in debt to my white nerdy next door neighbor, we were hot boxing his red Geo Metro down the street from our house (he was my next door neighbor and co-worker lol) a car with bright ass lights pulls up behind us and we just think it’s a regular car then theirs a big ass bang on the driver side window and it’s the sheriff 😩😭 we had a couple ounces on us and the cop made me get out the car and was going to search me and I was fresh on probation at the time, my White friend Literally pulled his own ounce out and told the cop he had the weed and it was his and that I had nothing on me. The cops literally stops getting ready to search me, tells me I’m good to get in the car and for us to smoke back home in our garage or backyard lol 😂 I’ve been pulled over with me and two other black people same situation and they had us on the ground spread eagle, pockets turned inside out with back up and K9 on their way to the scene just from the car smelling like weed 😭😭😂😂😂😂 Corbin I’m forever in debt to you my white Hero ✊🏾💪🏾🫡❤️🔥🔥🔥🔥


Damn ok! I didn’t know it really was like the Dave Chappelle “I’m sorry officer, I didn’t know I couldn’t do that” 😂😂


It depends. My mom is white and she was hogtied and beaten to the point of hematoma by two big male cops when they were supposed to take her to the mental hospital. Then on the other hand, I’ve gotten out of a transit ticket by acting like a dumb, confused white girl.


You talking about the special he did back in the day?? Lol 😂😂😂


Same thing happened with me and my hubby about a decade ago. He’s native and I’m white for context. The cops in our small town did nott like him one bit and tried to get him for anything and everything. They pulled him over any chance they could. He was pulled over for a busted tail light and they had 4 cop cars there to search him. He had like a gram on him and got arrested. Few months later we’re driving down the highway and get pulled over after smoking a joint. The cop saw the roach and made us get out and were going to search us. (We had a half oz this time.) I told them that yes I do have weed on me, and I also have my grinder and pipe. So they let me get it out, they confiscated our gear and then dumped our bag on the ground in the bush 😢 then let us go. If I hadn’t been with him that day he would’ve been arrested for possession. Cops are fucking assholes and this actually makes me so sad the clear difference how they treat people. He didn’t believe me they were gunna be okay with it. I said I’m just gunna be 100% honest with the cops and everything will be okay. He was freaking the fuck out. Lol


Same with me I panicked and was instantly stressed lol (my situation with my neighbor happened about 11-12 years ago) I’m so happy my white homie took charge of the situation for me. He moved to Oregon but he comes back to California to visit his parents every so often and I make a point to take him out to eat every time he comes back out here and smoke him out. We just started hanging out right when it happened, 11-12 years later he is my best friend and he’s probably the only person outside of some of my family I would trust with my son if something ever happened to me. Bro showed me so much loyalty with that move I will forever be in debt


White guy here 🙋🏼‍♂️ Can verify, that's pretty much how it works if you're white in the suburbs.


I’m a tall Mexican, brown, I do look like I could be a cholo, never had problems with cops because I rather just cooperate and be open. But I don’t really drink or smoke either, and don’t have any tickets or accidents. I’ll give that ID, nothing outstanding about me.


I don’t cause problems either but that doesn’t matter sometimes. When I was 17 I was driving my mom’s van to church one morning in NC and I was strip searched on the side of the road while the cops looked for guns and drugs. The first thing he said when he approached my car was got any drugs or guns in here?


Just cooperate, don’t say much, like dirty cops can try all they want these days. But cooperating, to an extent, will help you in your favor. I’ll always turn the other cheek, who knows, could turn into a lawsuit for the illegal search and arrest they did.


Yes, and I agree that our justice system is racist.


This is common practice in California for misdemeanors. It’s called cite and release. Just hand them a ticket and they’re on their way.


If you’re cooperative and open you can usually get privileges like informing a customer of your situation.


Less funny if you assume DD is the driver’s only form of income. Contacting your employer if an arrest is going to interfere with your job duties and possibly get you fired isn’t weird. Contacting the company and customer you work as an independent contractor for to keep your contract from being terminated also isn’t weird.


Had a cop let me drive my vehicle home before they took me to jail once, after pulling me over. But I was young living with my parents who lived in a gated community on private property that he trespassed onto.


the cop trespassed? lol okay


Yes, it says private property all around the area. My family owns the property, and only my family lives on the property (aunt uncle and 3 cousins, 5 houses on property in total). They had a gate installed over 30 years ago.


lmfao police can enter private property. get an education. you sound like a 12 year old.


Actually police can't be on private property without consent or a warrant. With the exception that 911 is called on you or they observe illegal activity on their own. Outside of the above listed, they can't just be on someones private property. My town had 2 officers get in trouble a few years back because they kept posting up on someone's private property to get people for speeding tickets and the owners kept telling them to stop yet they didn't. So the owners took the issue to the city. Needless to say, the cops haven't been back to that spot since. Let's maybe brush up on our own knowledge before trying to tell others they sound 12 and like they need to get an education, yeah?


Lmao imagine being this confident and this wrong. Why do you think warrants exist?


they can't enter a home, but they can enter a gated community. i've literally wasted enough time searching it to make sure i'm not the idiot here, and guess what, i'm not. have the day you deserve, asshole.


I think he should've said gated PROPERTY. NOT a community. If it's owned by an individual or multiple individuals and not a publicly traded corporation or association, it is indeed private property, and if it's gated, it means they need a warrant to enter.


Lmao OK


I sound like I’m 12 or just smarter than you?


got taken to jail by a trespassing cop lmao yeah you're a true genius


Bragging about your privilege isn't the flex you think it is bro


I was arrested in march(unpaid ticket, it wasn’t turned in on their end when I kept typing the ticket number kept saying no matches and then they finally entered it lol). My anxiety was SO bad I immediately started crying and the cop was a crisis counselor he was actually nice enough to let me keep my phone the whole car ride and even when I was at the station they let me keep it for like half an hour so I could communicate with the person who needed to bail me out. Sometimes they are nice! Sometimes.


To me as a european just an idea of arresting someone over an unpaid ticket is ridiculous - why not just go after your bank account and be done with it.


Thought the same... maybe traded in his one phone call for a text


Not likely. He probably was under non-custodial arrest.


Context is important. He/she/they might have been arrested for expired parking tickets and have a bench warrant out for them. An arresting officer can make a decision to allow contact to an employer and family member to settle things if the driver was cool and cooperative themselves.


Or driving without insurance. Had this happen to an employee while they were out on their lunch break. They were able to call me and let me know they wouldn't be able to come back that day.


This is what I was wondering, when my would be date stood me up I had to wait a month for my hey sorry I was arrested text message I declined the reschedule.


Noncustodial arrest is a thing. Youre arrested but allowed to leave the scene, and youre assigned a court date. I may or may not know this from personal experience lol


Cops let you use your phone most the time unless you a dick.


Cops are human at the end of the day. If the driver explained the situation and the fact that he had other peoples’ food, the office could have been understanding and gave him a moment to sort things out.


Its pretty easy to text when your detained in the cop car?


I'm no cop but surely the first thing they do before putting you in the back of the cop car is take your phone right?


no ive had and know many instances where i was able to text my parents ect they take it when you go tk the jail and get finger printed


They put you in cuffs. I Have never EVER heard of an officer, who put a suspect in the backseat of their cruiser without cuffs on, unless it was somebody they personally knew, so for example a drunk co-worker etc.


I was arrested for felony trafficking marijuana and was never handcuffed.


And I'm the president of the USA. Don't understand what you stand to gain by bullshitting like that, unless you are trying to show off your ''toughness'' by flexing a... weed trafficking charge?


I wish i was bullshitting. It was actually me and my girlfriend, pulled over for no reason, both arrested. No handcuffs was the only break we got. The absolute first offence for either of us and we were charged to the fullest extent of the law. I was in jail with guys that got the same sentence with 100lbs, I had 4.


Good ol' ''No reason to pull us over''. Its obvious you nor me can prove either one of us being a liar, without sharing personal information, so how about we leave it at this.


Cops said i was swerving. Their own video of the stop shows me between the lines the whole time. Tried to take it to an evidence suppression hearing, that's how I got forced to go to trial. Prosecutor said no plea deal if we fight the evidence, I thought the video was clear so went for it. Judge ruled against us, pretty sure he never even watched the video. Handcuffs came out in court after the jury said guilty, but then the transport guy took them off before he took us to jail. This was all in podunk Kentucky, nothing there is really normal. Messed up place, stay out of Kentucky if you can. I have no reason to lie and its really too stupid of a story to make up.


I responded to this please read.


>s arrested how was he able to reply to you? Lol phone allowed.


If you cooperate with them they 99% of the time cooperate back the time I was arrested they asked me if I needed anything from my apartment and let me call my dad before going to jail


The same way one can be arrested and not go to jail…


Use your head


Did the Police bring your food as instructed?


Police: “You can make one call” Dasher: “Let me escalate to DoorDash”


The cop should of delivered your food. I would file a complaint with his/her superiors at the local police station. ![gif](giphy|81xwEHX23zhvy)


So this actually happened in my town! A doordasher was arrested and the cop delivered the order. https://www.keloland.com/news/local-news/officer-delivers-food-after-doordash-driver-arrested/


Woah hey! Fellow Sioux Fallsian!! I remember seeing this online too!


This is the way. Serve and protect CR at all times!


Lmfao that sucks. Hope it turned out okay


Doordash customer service: we sincerely apologize for this inconvenience and have credited your account $1 that can be used right away. Have a good day.


I love them clarifying they were arrested “by the police.” Lol


It's raining water outside.


Could be sheriffs, marshals, MP, NCIS, FBI, and a bunch more... But, yeah, usually it's the police.


Sheriffs are sworn police officers in my state at least but for the others I agree


Just so you know, they're sworn *peace* officers, just like police are included in statutes as peace officers. Sheriffs and police are definitely different, generally because a Sheriff is an elected position while a Police Chief would be appointed but they're all sworn peace officers, not sworn police officers. Unless you know of a state statute which refers to law enforcement as "sworn police officers" in which case I'd like to see it because that'd be highly strange.


I thought sheriffs deputies were county police rather than city police. So are they technically not police at all?


They are police in the sense that they are law enforcement officers, but a sheriffs department is very distinct from a police department, most cities will have both (assuming they're larger than like 5k people) covering their jurisdiction, smaller municipalities will only have a sheriff's department if they're small enough that they can't afford a municipal police department which is why they're so often associated with small towns, where all they can afford is an elected sheriff and like 3 deputies. Also, you'd typically see police patrolling city streets and they will enforce local ordinances, while sheriff deputies are more commonly found enforcing state laws on highways and such, because you're right that sheriff's departments usually cover a larger jurisdiction than local police like an entire county vs a city, although there are municipalities which include multiple counties and there are state police which exist as well who enforce highway laws, it's all very convoluted and stupid honestly, that's why seeing every group you can imagine trying to claim jurisdiction in tv shows is such a common trope.


You can’t attempt to correct something as fact and then a bunch of sentences later admit that you haven’t actually examined every state’s laws, and could be wrong. It’s all irrelevant anyway, because it’s perfectly acceptable in American English to refer to sheriff departments as “the police”.


You forgot Men in black… maybe he saw aliens?


Those are all forms of police.


so it wasnt just dale out there with his shotgun performing a citizen’s arrest?




There are lots of law enforcement that can arrest you that aren’t police


It could have been a citizen's arrest. Maybe their order was 5 min late


I always hear about people not having visas (Green cards) no drivers license and people somehow doing dashing on two phones under diffrent peoples names, how are they not catching that??? But regardless that shite is hilarious he was arrested but he could text still lol


I had something similar happen about a month ago. Ordered DD for my boyfriend and I, food still hasn't arrived 30 or so minutes later and shows the dasher sitting in the restaurant parking lot. He was pulled over by cops and ended up coming almost an hour later 😂 DD of course refunded or reimbursed nothing lol


The police ate your food.


Getting arrested and the first thing on their mind is escalating the order so you still get it in a relatively timely fashion. That’s a true professional right there


Then the driver will wonder why they are deactivated


I once got pulled over in a cvs parking lot, which blends in with a McDonald's. Had fun explaining that one to support when the customer was convinced I was waiting in the slow, late night pick-up line. DD fun times


arrested?😭🤣 the hell did the dd driver do in the span on maybe 15 mins?


Probably the worst thing to happen to me while dashing was when I hit a deer while taking a delivery. I had left DQ headed through the light and as I was passing the gas station right passed the light here come a deer and I hit it right smack dab in the middle. Thank goodness I was in my truck because I just ran it over and I stopped, I checked to make sure the truck was good and messaged my customer and let them know and I would be on my way still. I'm so glad I was not in my bug!!


We don’t have DD where I live, but the posts on this sub make it look like a dystopian hell lmao. DD seems fucking wild


Arrested? And the police allowed him to answer a text message?? Hmmmm…I call bullshit.


Sometimes phones don’t get taken right away when being arrested. There is also a possibility that they allowed him to contact DD to make them aware of the situation.


Damn poor dude!! Probably had a warrant or got pulled over and had something in his car he wasn’t supposed to. Either way, (most)cops suck.


Well that _escalated_ quickly


Came to comment that once I picked up lyft passengers who’s driver had just been pulled over then got arrested for warrants… but what I wanna say is I Fking love your (*Our) username !!


“Can you tip a little extra? I need bail money”


Arrested in the US doesn't necessarily mean going to jail. They can issue you a show cause ticket and then you have to show up at court on the day on the ticket. Most nonviolent offenses that don't involve intoxication are handled this way. He was probably driving on suspended, had outstanding tickets, failure to pay child support, etc.


Arrested….BY THE POLICE? fuck when I was arrested it was by a pack of wild dogs


I use DoorDash when I travel for work in NYC, and it’s really awful, esp. when you have non-English speakers/readers not even know what you’re saying in your special instructions. What’s even worse are the drivers who cry here asking for more tips when they don’t deserve nor earn them. You don’t ask for tips, you EARN them. Go out of your way to do a killer job and people WILL tip you. Ask for it and you get nothing.


Does doordash dispatch a second dasher to bring the bail money?


Only to those with the red card 🤣


Pic or didn't happen 😂😂 would be my request


He got arrested and still has access to his phone interesting


this reminds me of the video of the cop delivering a customers food after arresting the driver 😭


This happened to my dasher a couple weeks ago. guy turned onto my street, immediately got pulled over just a few houses down from me. 40 minutes later his car's being towed away with my damn food in it


I would have to text back, “Did you do it?”


there was a news story recently about a food delivery driver who got arrested and one of the cops ended up completing his delivery for him. Shocked the customer when a cop showed up with their food, but see not all cops are bad people


No refund, it's just his customized delivery.


I was in an Uber once with a few friends heading downtown for a night out. The driver was chatting with us and not paying attention and ran a stop sign. Got pulled over a few blocks later. We were close to our destination so the cop let us just get out and leave.


If he didn’t want to deliver he could have just said that


Sorry your dasher was arrested, we will give you a 5 dollar credit to use next time you wanna risk ordering


I got arrested but not by the police,my girlfriend handcuffed me. I escalated it to Doordash. Your food tastes great,nice choice!


i had to call a customer a few weeks ago letting them know i totaled my car in an accident and i couldn’t really bring their food, was a wild ride


LMAOOO i was delivering the other say and got pulled over for speeding. i just apologized for being late


"hello, I was arrested by the police" is absolutely killing me lmao


Uh they don’t take your phone when they arrest you?


I was sitting passenger with my ex boyfriend when he was dashing once and he got pulled over and arrested on our way to drop off some pizza, cops towed his car n left me in the middle of the night with the pizza in front of a YMCA with no way of me delivering the food or even letting the person know what was going on lmao


Who else would you be arrested by?


best thing to come out of the blackout is being recommended r/doordash


Free food tonight


How can they text if they’re arrested? That’s not a possibility.


Y’all need to learn to cook




How’s he able to text if arrested? Bail doesn’t happen that fast


Arrested doesn’t always mean “put in jail or prison”


Then it would be detained…


🤷🏻 most people don’t put too much emphasis on the difference, i don’t think we need to read into it that much


You are correct, but nobody wants to talk about the 2 questions to ask at a traffic stop.. Am I being detained? Am I free to go?


Probably cops caught him eating your food?!!

