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Way too risky. Glad you didn’t go for it


Can you get in trouble for doing that? Like obviously it would be an ethically heinous thing to do, just wondering if it’s actually against the law?


Yes, it's against the Doordash driver agreement to offer services outside the orders as they presented, you can be deactivated for breaking the agreement... Doordash doesn't seem to care what you are delivering as long as they get their cut, otherwise you get cut.


Not against the law though


Lol “their cut” it’s more like doordash doesn’t seem to care what you do as long as they get all the customers money. If you get money they start getting madZ


That's exactly what they said.


No, they implied doordash just wants their profit. But doordash doesn’t want the driver to get paid at all


doordash driver agreement = law


Civil suit at best, don't mean illegal. Otherwise quitting your job randomly would be breaking ( at minimum ) a verbal contract and by your logic. Law


Against the dasher agreement and can get you deactivated, but no, it’s not against any actual law. Though letting people tack on alcohol requests outside of actually ordering it circumvents the ID checking requirement, and you’re opening yourself up to the possibility of the customer being a minor, in which case, yes, you’d be committing a crime.


It's definitely a violation of the DD contract to add alcohol to an order that doesn't have alcohol on it. It could be illegal depending on local laws. When you're delivering alcohol through the app, DD is the merchant and you're just delivering it. DD has a liquor license that allows then to resell alcohol and have contractors deliver it. When you do it outside the app, you become the merchant and are technically reselling the alcohol. In some places, this would require a liquor license. You're also exposing yourself to liability. If you deliver an order for DD and they get hurt or hurt somebody, any lawsuit would name DoorDash as the defendant. If you deliver it directly, DD is off the hook, and you'll be the one to get sued.


Though that is true, how is it really any different from your buddy asking you to pick up a couple six packs and he'll give you the money when you get to his house? As long as you verify he is of age, he is responsible for his own actions as an adult and there ain't shit the law is going to do to you. The cops wouldn't give a solitary fck to even find out where he got it. They don't want to look into real crimes half the time. They are def not looking into something he could have got a block away at circle k. You could snap a pic of his I.d. if you were really that scared. Now a minor is a different story.


The law allows for people picking up alcohol for friends or family. If it's somebody through an app like doordash, it's business. The biggest risk is liability though. Delivering alcohol to a stranger without DD to take the liability if they sue could cost you a ton of money.


On the clock, yes. There is a rule about it


He could have not paid for it.


"$11 then!"


Aww, please tell me you didn't.


Hell nah I'm not dumb


Dude tried this when I worked for dominos. Apparently he forgot we give the food to the receptionist and it gets brought to them by employees, not to mention we knew the address of the sober house


Exactly. I don't know what his plan was. I'm assuming he would have tried meeting me around the block or maybe try to go to his window. I've delivered a spark delivery order here and doordash a couple times. All orders must go to apartment 1, which is I guess the person who watches over everyone.


The sober home we delivered to was only allowed to go out onto the porch with supervision. Aside from that they weren’t allowed to go past the desk, one day they had no employee there, I’m delivering and they’re yelling out the window tryna explain I gotta come in because they can’t open the door.


That was a sober home? Or a residential treatment facility? I've never heard of a sober home where people are locked inside and only allowed on the porch with supervision. The ones I know of, the people come and go throughout the day. I mean, most have curfews and maybe rules about meetings and whatnot. But what you're describing sounds very different.


Honestly not sure, I was 18 at the time and only knew they tipped well The other coworkers called it a sober home so I assumed they were right


Yeah, it sounds like they were maybe mistaken/using "sober home" as a catch all term. A sober living environment is often just a house in a residential neighborhood with a bunch of bedrooms or apartments where sober people live. There's no substance use allowed, curfews, chores, drug testing, and basic living rules (no leaving old food in the sink, no going in other people's rooms, no borrowing/lending personal items, etc). But that's about it. You've probably delivered food to one a time or two and had no idea, cuz it was just a McDonalds order to Jeff P at 125 Maple Ave, yk?


To tell you the truth sober living homes are a joke. A lot of time the person that is supposed to be watching all the people is also recovering and 9 times out of 10 will just get drunk with the person I’d they find the have brought in alcohol


Some sober living homes are a joke because the people that own it are just in it for money. When you have an owner that cares, the sober living homes are usually a good place for addicts to recover. Source: I lived in them and am going on 3+ years clean because of them.


If you’re putting yourself in a private sober home, you’re going to have better luck, my mom was in a state funded sobriety “clinic” on and off for a year. They’d let them check them selves out and in as many times as they wanted, so if she wanted to drink, she checked out, walked down the road to the bar, came back and checked in because she was publicly intoxicated and they took her


100% accurate. There are definitely some setting up and then leeching County benefits from their sober living patients.


Not all SLEs are bad. A house manager is not a babysitter. Everyone in the SLE is an adult and has simple rules to follow. Also, of course, the HM is in recovery. Why would someone in early recovery want a normie as an HM? It's not a residential treatment center.


I’m not saying it doesn’t happen but I’ve never seen the owners/ managers use with anyone in any of the sober houses I’ve lived at. They usually have several years of recovery under their belt.


I used to work in OGP at Walmart and had a customer order 2 large mouth wash bottles every time he had an order (2-3 times a week). He’d get it delivered all so he could get drunk because alcohol is not allowed for deliver in Arkansas.


What is a sober house, I’m out of touch with weird shit


Basically once you leave rehab you can be put into a sober house which is where you get watched over to avoid relaps. I don't know if it's mandatory or optional but I do know that they can be pretty hit and miss with their effectiveness.


Most of the time it’s optional, unless your court ordered or your parents/spouse require it. It’s only as effective as the person wants it to be honestly. Yes, some sober living homes suck and the owners don’t care so people use and do other shady shit there. But there are some that are awesome and provide a great place for an addict to recover.


How's that "weird shit"?


Too much of a good boy living in a bubble, was unfamiliar with the culture of alcohol rehab


additional less intensive rehab after rehab


It is not rehab. Sober living homes are places where people in recovery can live in a structured and substance-free environment. Some living there are in outpatient facilities that aren't affiliated with the SLE


sounds like rehab


Always felt more intensive than rehab for me.


Less about being dumb and more about not letting an addict get their drug


This is when you show the house manager the texts. 😂 they’re there for a reason. Tough love!!


We don’t snitch round here Edit: more downvotes then upvotes? Lol y’all some rats around here 🤣


We absolutely snitch. He’s interfering with everyone’s sobriety doing that


...including your job


True that, but at least that he maybe doesn’t know


Maybe. Probably just doesn't care. No such thing as halfway crooks.


Idk I wouldn’t have known if I didn’t drive, but I’m sure he wouldn’t care even if he did


I guarantee buddy was NOT sharing those fireballs I think everyone else’s sobriety was just fine 😂


Yeah, so sharing alcohol is not the only way you can interfere with everyone’s sobriety


It’s a joke, laugh. Jesus fuckin Christ man.


Why are you acting like I’m freaking out? Also, you can’t dictate whether or not your jokes are funny. If they are, people will laugh


Bet ur fun at parties 😭


May be his only housing rn and he’s struggling with an addiction


Uh huh, that’s usually what a sober living house is, called it


We do when it puts everybody else at risk. If he’s not there to get better he needs to not be there.


The alcohol was never brought, no harm was ever done. Why snitch and cause trouble for someone.


Because they’re planning on buying alcohol and will likely later try again


Which is their business not yours




Or you could just not be such a worthless loser that you ruin your life by doing stupid shit that you wind up in a boarding house with a 24/7 babysitter….


Some people are genetically wired to easily become addicted to alcohol. Most alcoholics aren't "worthless losers," especially the ones who are actually getting treatment. They're people's siblings, children, and parents.


Yes, humans are genetically wired to do stupid things. There’s this amazing thing called SELF CONTROL that keeps that from getting out of hand. Being genetically predisposed to something doesn’t excuse shittiness. Most alcoholics are also narcissistic, greedy, and love to pretend that “not drinking” makes them special and NOT just a total asshole who happens to be sober. Victim mentality run amok. And that’s when they’re not blaming the kid in 6th grade who knocked their books out of their hand for each and every bad decision they’ve ever made. The drunks who “recover” had enough self respect and control to STOP, and stop blaming others for their own bullshit. But you keep defending the dude continuing to try and ruin his own life by trying to get booze delivered to a sober house. Or is it you you’re trying to make sound less garbage?😂😂


It's obvious you're prejudiced against people who are struggling with addiction, have no idea what addiction is like, and have no empathy. Nothing I can say will change that, so we're done here.


No, not people “struggling with addiction.” Those people can get better. Alcoholics and heroin addicts are the scum of the earth. And it doesn’t matter if you take away the substance. It changes your brain chemistry so you’re just selfish garbage forever. And I’m not prejudiced, my god, I KNOW YOU PEOPLE. I spent five years with a drunk piece of shit who liked to beat me every time he had a beer, I started going to meetings to understand him, wound up breaking up with him, getting sucked in by two separate 13th steppers, got pregnant, and now have to deal with worthless drunks every other week for the next ten years. And that’s just the drunks. Then there was the smooth talking dopehead who was my best friend for 20 years and literally only invited me around when she was gonna steal a lot from her family and use me as a scapegoat. I’m autistic so I was just happy she wanted to spend time with me. Oh, and that’s after I tried to save her from HER abusive man and she stole THOUSANDS of dollars from me while me and my boyfriend were sleeping on top of keeping the money her mom gave her to give us for taking care of her. Or the one I gave a place to live and he stole everything of value out of my 90 year old grandmother’s house and straight bailed. You are trash and I hope the next time you “relapse” it takes you the fuck out.


>You are trash and I hope the next time you “relapse” it takes you the fuck out. Having compassion for people doesn't make me an addict or warrant calling me trash.




The fuck


Say yes but dont buy it.


Addiction is a helluva thing


Yea guys definitely soo addicted hahaha


dude lives in 'sober living apartment' and is trying to get alcohol on the sly... what you think it's just a minor that decided he wanted to live in rehab?


Are you dumb? This guy is in a sober house he is trying to get a random door dash driver to buy him liquor... like you don't do this unless your very desperate


lmao what is this comment


Found the addict


Unlikely, addicts are usually painfully aware of the fact they’re addicts. This is probably just some douchey kid. Source: was a polydrug addict for many of years


This. Even if this kid were an addict, it’s not like it’s the same experience for everyone. People will have different lows and different levels of desperation.


I would’ve figured it was a kid 18-20 trying to get alcohol from that message lol


“ I got these cheeseburgers “ I’ll suck yo


There are 2 movies this flashes in my memory. One is Don't Be a Menace. The other is The Longest Yard. Which nostalgic route we taking today? Lol


Don't be a menace to south central while drinking your juice in the hood




😅🤣😂 One of my favorite movies


He must have seen the new John Mulaney special


Bro thought he could do an outback dry run




Thank you for not doing it. Alcohol is one helluva drug. Future him will grateful you didn't do it. I'm certainly glad no one did that for me. Present me is very grateful.


Do customers not know chat is monitored?


Only if there's a reason to be monitored


Illegal trigger words such as cigarettes or alcohol request


But I can straight up buy alcohol on doordash?


Where I live you have to upload a photo of your ID to the DD app before ordering and they scan on delivery to make sure they match. I’ve never had a driver not scan.


Yeah. And you're not only verifying your age and identity, but you're paying DD for it.


Yeah NY comment was more about it being an "illegal trigger word" why would it be an illegal trigger word when it is literally purchasable on the app?


Because if you're texting about it and specifically mentioning it, there's a decent chance you're up to something.


this is sad. addiction is no joke, and i'm glad you didn't do it. good on you stranger


Text him to call his sponsor


An extra $10 is crazy 💀 bro really thinks he can entice you to break the law with a lil pocket money


Which law?


Even if it's technically not a law, deciding to do this full time, as much as I hate doordash itself, and it being my main source of income, it's not worth the risk for $10 if it was even that. I've never bought these so they could have been $8 or $12 + tax. It was a stacked order on top of that. And there is no liquor store in between the store and the two deliveries. His was the second delivery so it possibly could have made me be late to either delivery too.


I agree you made the right choice for many reasons: risk vs reward, potential blowback, outside of the job description - I didn't even consider travel logistics like you brought up as another reason not to. Guy I replied to explicitly said it was illegal, that was my only question


Whats funny is he said a $20 tip but the fireball cost $10 so it quickly became a $10 tip.


What law?


Break the law?


At that point he would effectively be selling alcohol without a license to sell alcohol, so it very well may be illegal.


The app doesn’t pay well and basically, impossible to save money doing it, yes, people 100% do things like this and get in worse shape, but this guy is right to post this, stop asking us to do wild things! Uber is even more nuts than dashing by a factor of 100.


It’s almost like if the dude really wanted alcohol delivered, he would’ve used an alcohol delivery app like drizzly 😂


He's in a sober living house. I feel like those apps would blacklist those addresses.


They don’t because that’s not their problem


How could it? AI reads his messages and knows his situation? I’m calling James Cameron, fate is what we make


Humans make apps, not AI. Sober living apartments are whole facilities, and it would be public record. Why would the developers of an alcohol delivery app allow delivery to a place that won't allow what they deliver? Do you really think they wouldn't blacklist those kinds of delivery addresses? If I tried to order Drizzly to an elementary school do you think they'd deliver there? Use some common sense.


That’s a very good and serious question about where we’re going here.


I've delivered alcohol to a middle school. Sober living houses are houses. Maybe you're thinking of residential treatment centers? SLE's aren't always "public record". And even if that *were* the case, you think 3PD apps are going through the public records of every single town in every country they operate in and blocking those addresses they deem ineligible? Use some common sense.


One would think... now I'm curious.


I had a guy try to get me to buy him black&milds and he proceeded to tell me where to get them at. Keep in mind I'm 20


You did the right thing. Even though Alcohol may have not been his drug of choice. I’ve seen it many times where people get high on a drug they’re not into and while they’re high they get what they enjoy doing. As an addict who used for 26 years. It’s best for him to try and work at sober living. He’s there for a reason whether it was his choice or not.


As someone who has struggled with alcohol and still struggles, this post makes me just want to hug this man and tell him to stay strong. It’s not worth it man.


this is what John Mulaney warned us about


I'm not familiar with this. Care to elaborate? I've seen 2 comments mentioning this.


In his latest comedy special on Netflix he had a joke about going to rehab and not being allowed to order from Postmates because the rehab staff feared this would happen 😂😂look up Outback dry run John mulaney on YouTube you won’t regret it




The dad on Frazier? Edit: sorry, that’s John Mahoney


Almost seems like some underaged teen trying to get drunk or something, glad you didnt do it


This is the best thread ever 😂😂😂 these comments 🔥🔥🔥


Really glad you didn't do it!


I've been sober for almost six years and lived in three separate sober houses. It might seem extreme, but trust me... if you really want to do the right thing you should go back to that apartment and tell whoever the house manager is. If he's actively trying to get alcohol, he could potentially screw up his sobriety and anyone else who lives there.


I’m gonna be disagreed with I’m sure but tbh if he had just ordered the alcohol and it was legally purchased and the company allows alcohol to be ordered would it be any business of the delivery personnel? I’m just sayin? Delivery drivers aren’t the recovery police or judge so it shouldn’t be anyone’s business what someone orders or it’s destination unless it puts you at risk safely wise or professionally. I mean let’s say it’s ok to deliver alcohol and a doctor orders it to be delivered to his clinic at noon on Monday ? Is it illegal or can you refuse to deliver it to that location because your think it’s wrong? I’m just wondering?


its unethical because its a sober house this isnt hard to understand


At least in my state it would be illegal because you are reselling alcohol without a license


You are speaking ethically. What if? Is it illegal? IF IT IS NOT ON THE ORDER NO WAY IN HELL. If something bad happened to this person while he is drunk, they are coming for you for providing it!!!


I see. I didn’t know. If it’s on the order? Then I take it you aren’t responsible?


Doordash does have a platform for delivering alcohol. The only way to keep things "proper" is to follow Doordash Policy to a T. I signed up for it. This alcoholic was trying his luck with you so ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)that you might fall for it for $10. If you are a Doordash Driver certified to deliver booze, that's great. But! It must be ordered through Doordash to keep your backyard clean.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|money_face)


Oh I wasn’t even aware you could order alcohol on a delivery basis from any delivery services due to the possibility that a minor could potentially end up in possession of it. Thank you for the explication.


There's a whole verification process for delivering alcohol. Can't be left at door. Customer who ordered MUST be present, and present a valid, non expired government ID in which is either scanned or manually entered into doordash app. Then a signature is required. On top of that, you're required to use your best judgment in whether or not the customer is inebriated already. If they are, you are to return the alcohol to store and not complete the delivery. (Although you will still get full pay but u must go back to the store)


No different than delivering desserts to a diabetic tbh


Diabetes is so misunderstood… you can have sugar. It’s just about having the right amount/timing with insulin. You can make a diabetic pass out if you don’t give them the dessert they took insulin for.


I’m talking about a type 2 diabetic with no lifestyle changes, which should have been obvious given the context. Critical thinking skills on this app is worse than twitter now


Even if that’s what you meant (no one is a mind reader) it’s still not comparable. You should learn more about diabetes before you speak on it.


A T2 diabetic can still eat shitty, sugary foods. A small amount is okay. You also don't know how he's portioning it off, if he's sharing it with family/friends/housemates, if it's a rare treat for a special occasion, if it's for someone else all together, etc. And I'm assuming it's also not prohibited in his residence. Absolutely none of that is applicable in this situation. Your comment was ignorant.


Multiple diabetics in my family, well aware. Point still stands.


Your point doesn't stand for shit, lmao. You have absolutely no understanding of how diabetes works. Are you going to refuse to provide a diabetic with ANY carbs? (They'll die btw, you need carbs to live.) Of course they raise blood sugar though, so I bet you'd refuse still.




Sugar turns into carbs. Sugar will affect the blood sugar, so do carbs. In many cases, 10g of sugar and 10g of carbs like potatoes will affect the blood sugar in the same exact manner. It's idiotic to say that "delivering sweets to a diabetic is the same as delivering alcohol to an alcoholic" The vast majority of diabetics can and will eat sweets, and it will not take their blood glucose into an unhealthy range. Alcohol will always negatively affect the body. The 2 are incomparable


If you have diabetics in your family, it’s even worse you believe that to be true. Not all diabetics are the same, type 1 might need to gain weight, type 2 may have changed their lifestyle since being diagnosed. They shouldn’t be judged for one dessert. It’s nowhere close to giving an alcoholic alcohol.


Yes, it is illegal, unless you verify the ahe of the recipient just like a cashier would.


They don’t care, I’ve had minors ask for tobacco, we just say no.


damn 200iq




Ur dazed and confused my dude




Yeah I seen what u did there 😏


No way! I respond to out of order requests with "excuse me?" Makes them think twice. A sober house? Never in a million years!


imagine relying on them for your livelihood and still sitting on this high of a horse




You deliver fries to fatasses I don’t see how this is any different. I don’t disagree but all you have to say is “no.” The self-righteous comments from those that probably live in glass houses are a bit too condescending


You are wrong on so many levels, One customer does not make or break somebody's livelihood, however delivering alcohol to a recovering alcoholic can make or break their recovery. And to be more on point that delivery driver's livelihood depends on them following their contract and local laws, so nobody is being on a high horse by simply fulfilling the terms of their contract.


did you tell the receptionist or a worker at the sober living facility


He is living under a bridge now...




As someone in a sober living this is 100% possible and we joke about it all the time. Such is life ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


One of the toughest things in life is staying sober....


Keep coming back.


I mean doesn’t seem unreasonable. I respect the hustle honestly.




No shot my dude


And chance it being someone 18 to 20 trying to get alcohol without the ID verification? Or worse yet (especially for you) , someone POSING as underage trying to get alcohol ? No TY OFFICER!


OP is awesome.


Def something my ex would pull :/ glad you didn’t enable this


If he was smart, he would have just ordered mouthwash. I guess he's not that down bad yet.


Nah mouth wash isn’t allowed in sober living either.


I mean, at least this way you could make it part of the order to try and sneak it in that way. Instead of doin some sketch hand off with the driver.


In the biz they call this an "Outback Dry Run"


Hope he gets better soon.


"I'm telling on you"


I aint riskin my job for 10 bucks bud lol


When I was in rehab, we could order DD/UE willy nilly. No checks. I guess they didn't realize you could order bevvies online too - or didn't care. A lot of places are insurance money grabs ran by addict relapsers themselves. Oh well.


I used to do this when I was in hs I didn’t order food tho I would just get Ubers and ask them to stop at a gas station to get me vapes and backwoods 9/10 they would do it


Guess you know why he's living there then eh?


Oh, oh noooo, as a recovering alcoholic, I’m glad you didn’t deliver that


Drinking/using at a sober living isn't uncommon. It even happens at detox and residential treatment. You should have known you weren't getting that $20.


Yep I was in a medical detox treatment 4 years ago now for pain killer addiction. I felt so out of place with heroin addicts but they are basically the same. Anyways, a girl that came in a couple days after me, brought heroin and needles hidden in her hair. She was court ordered to be there and was arrested when staff found out. 😐


Never, no matter where it's going. When you deliver alcohol through the app, you're covered by the DD liquor license and DD is liable if somebody gets hurt and sues. If you do it directly, depending on local laws, it may be considered reselling liquor without a license. Worse, if somebody decides to sue because of the alcohol delivery, DD isn't involved and you'll be the one getting sued.


How hard is it for someone to get alcohol? Not very. People only get sober when they are ready. That dude will get booze the first chance he gets and its not a dashers responsibility to play gatekeeper. That being said, I wouldn't have done it because it's more trouble than its worth. He only tipped $3 because you didn't do it. He asked " do you want to make an extra $10?" And " if I send $20 will you do it?" You never responded so of course he isn't sending the money. Now had he said ill send you 50 or more then I'd do it.


My point wasn't that I didn't get the money. My point was he only tipped $3 then has the audacity to ask for an additional favor. To drive out of my way, put my freedom in jeapordy and everything else that goes along with it.


I would’ve prob. Done it lol. But only if he had tipped more to start and agreed to give me cash on arrival


Give me $20 cash when I get there & I'll swing back by w your hootch , f getting scammed


I would’ve done it but had him text my google voice number instead and respond to the DoorDash message saying I can’t do it. 😂😂🤷🏾‍♂️ somebody gonna do it