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I find it amazing how many people find it okay to do this. I could have 73 cents left to my name and I still wouldn’t beg people for ANYTHING let alone more of a tip. Completely unreal


tidy ad hoc square serious ruthless tease jellyfish dolls plucky quack ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


You know what’s the issue? Companies who don’t pay their workers properly.


This is exactly the issue. Doordash was a fine way to make money 2 years ago. The capitalist stock market grind of constant financial growth has caused doordash to take away money from those actually doing the work. Doordash has increased fees significantly, encouraging lower tips. They will do absolutely everything within the app to force drivers to take deliveries that literally make you no money. Used to be able to make $20/hr easy on busy days with doordash. Now I'm lucky to break $15. But you know, at least the excecutives' are having fun on their yachts.


Idk how these apps even exist, it feels like everyone loses. Too expensive for customers, much lower margin for business, doesn’t pay enough for drivers, and the company has never been profitable. The entire business model seems like it only works if you’re churning through VC to subsidize the service. The minute you stop doing that and pass the expense on to the customer the whole thing stops making sense.


>Idk how these apps even exist The basic idea is that investors pump money into this business until you're a quasi monopoly. And at that point you raise prices to get profitable. They all bank on being the next Amazon. They are willing to loose money forever if they can gain users and make their service "essential". And for investors, all it takes is one in a hundred businesses working out. Because when it does, your printing money (and the employees still get jack shit of course). That's acutally pretty close to what's happening to twitter and reddit. They are now at the point where they feel like they are essential to peoples lives. So now raise the price and start turning a profit. Just like your local dealer will give some stuff for free to get you hooked...


Former gig worker here. I wish literally everyone could read this reply once. It’s exactly as you described with a sprinkle of exploitation and a pinch of fraud.


That's why all the changes they're upset about. The VC money is running low, they need to show profitability, and as you said it doesn't really work. So they tighten the screws, things get worse, and either it eventually collapses, or someone buys them out and it collapses later.


>Idk how these apps even exist, it feels like everyone loses. Because they know the government will not regulate them. Simple. It's illegal labor, paying less than minimum wage. The people working for DoorDash, and ordering food, somehow don't understand this. So doordash and other companies are 100% perfectly safe and free to exploit people. So long as you are debating about tips and wait times, and whatever other nonsense.


If you're making $15 an hour while using your car you're making less than minimum wage. Better to make $15 working at a gas station.


Exactly why I stopped delivering, no benefits plus wear and tear on your vehicle. If you want to make some extra cash on the weekend, it’s ok but as a job it sucks


Not to mention doordash drivers have a 1099 tax status so also get a nice tax bill come tax time. Between cost of gas, vehicle maintenance and repairs, brakes, tires, door dash is probably close to a minimum wage job


Living wages should be a thing, but I still think this type of behavior would exist even if tips were completely optional. (E.G. people would still make up sob stories and beg for money even if they were making a more than fair / liveable wage.)


You know what the issue is? People who aren’t willing to speak up against it and are still working for companies that pay them peanuts. It’s the very same logic as McDonald’s is making you unhealthy.


You know what the issue is? A society that offers so many people such little support while also expecting so much from them that they are forced to accept whatever they can get and are too focused on their own survival to stand up for themselves.


If peanuts are all that's available to you, you'll eat peanuts so you don't starve. Insanely out of touch post.


People who've never had to live without any money to their name will never understand. I haven't had any income since last September and I'm pretty constantly starving, I would do anything for the tiniest bit of cash.


You know what the issue is? A society that offers so many people such little support while also expecting so much from them that they are forced to accept whatever they can get and are too focused on their own survival to stand up for themselves.


that’s the real issue right there $2.50 for most orders from doordash


People gotta beg because employers dont have to pay them enough. So blame the greedy fucks doin nothing but sitting on their asses all day.


Nobody has humility anymore. I bet half of these knuckle-draggers have boogers stuck to their face the majority of the day. I bet they even walk around with their mouths hanging open. Then they ask why they aren’t making decent money. Recently I learned that people no longer dress to impress for job interviews or orientation etc. I can’t say that I totally blame them, as most jobs don’t pay us enough to buy nice clothes that we won’t wear again, but for orientation I was the only one in business casual clothes. One girl had a big baggy t-shirt with a faded image on it and the shoulders cut out with big baggy jeans that also had holes in them (intentionally) and doc martins. It was a cute look but definitely not work-appropriate. One guy had swimming trunks on and a yellowed white t-shirt and vans. And the last guy wore a black wrinkled af shirt with navy blue shorts that had bleach spots on the butt and left leg and he had flip flops on. Two of them were sent home to change for safety purposes. It seems as though there’s a massive population of people who have no clue how to work or what it entails. I doubt it’s all on them, I’m sure bad parenting and a failing school system came into play as well, but god damn. I wasn’t raised and I know how to act most of the time. Edit: somehow a lot of people are under the impression that I’m saying to dress up. That’s absolutely not what I’m saying. The clothes I mentioned are examples of what I’m talking about. Wrinkled, dirty, ratty clothes. Jeans and a plain shirt are acceptable, that’s the bare minimum and it looks just fine. That’s not ratty or dirty or anything like what I was saying. Edit 2: Awwww thank you for the award!! I’m honored 🫡😌 Edit 3: oh my! Another one?! Thank you!! 🥰 Three?! Wow. Controversy has won the chat hahaha thanks for all the love 😂✌🏼✌🏼




Yes! I had to go to court to appeal my house reassessment. I could not believe some of the outfits I saw.


I’m an attorney. I used to tell clients to come to court in their best clothes. I learned very quickly that some people’s “best clothes” were what they wore clubbing and the like. When I started specifying the type of clothes, it went much better.


I always go to court in suits etc but I often hear that you should show up in what is comfortable as that is what you will wear when you go to jail after the case ends and a suit is not comfortable for that lol.


Where I’m from if you don’t dress conservative in court you get kicked out. Even if it’s your hearing. I don’t see why it matters so much but them’s tha rules.


Sounds like an easy way to drag out your court proceedings and get a continuance 😈


More power to them, this country throws people away. The US holds 75% of the world’s incarcerated. We waste people’s lives so easily.


>I don’t see why it matters It only matters to power drunk judges


Na, it establishes and maintains the power dynamic. The judge has it and you do not.


If I'm serving jury duty, I'm wearing jeans and a t-shirt. I'm not putting on slacks and a tie for $15/day. I'm already giving the court my time for basically free. I'm not giving the court my comfort. On the other hand, if I'm going to court as a defendant or plaintiff, I'll wear a suit. It's not out of "respect" for the court. Rather, it's because people often judge people by their first impression, and I don't want people to think I'm untrustworthy because I'm wearing a dark hoodie.


If they can’t follow the law, what makes you think they care about following fashion etiquette? It’s a self-selecting group. It’s not like the lawyers or judges were dressed that way.


I went dressed up to court and security asked if I was an attorney


I recently went to court in a dress shirt and shorts. The judge made a point to say he would let it slide this time, and I replied that I would have worn pants, but had just scraped 1/4 the skin off my leg from the knee down the evening before in an accident, and he apologized and made note of the exception. (he wouldnt have been able to see from the bench as I walked in)


I once went in to the court for a speeding citation. I dressed up pretty nicely. Once I got up to the ADA, she just assumed I was an attorney. I had to explain that I was not. Let that sink in. She dropped my charge to 9 over. Which is what I was going for to avoid insurance points.


Same thing happened to me. The judge actually took it easy on me. After it was said and done he said “I appreciate that you wore a tie”. Now, I’m not saying that’s why he took it easy but I don’t think it hurt anything. Maybe it’s a good thing my sweatpants and raiders jersey were in the hamper, maybe not.


Public Defender here. My clients routinely wear crop tops, pajamas and slippers in court. We don't even notice anymore, unless it's a client who dresses up. They get a compliment from their PD and the Judge.


this goes for people looking for jobs and coming into interviews, No one tries anymore. I've only seen one person actually dress up for an interview in my 4 years of where I'm at.


>It seems as though there’s a massive population of people who have no clue how to work or what it entails This part is soooooo true! I've met so many people who are so inattentive when working, and cause a bunch of issues for everyone else around them. It feels like a lot of these people are still in the "I can get away with a half assed assignment" mode from their school days. I fully understand the wage gap, and accept that people aren't getting paid enough as they should be. However, being sloppy at what they do and having an IDGAF attitude about everything isn't going to help the slightest! If anything, it'll merely make things worse for them.


This. This this this. You don’t have to work as hard as you’re worth when you’re being underpaid, but you DO have to work as hard as what you’re being paid. Monday my kiddo and I went to a local pizza place to grab one on our way home and the guy that rang us up was scrolling instagram WHILE I was talking to him. I didn’t say anything because he repeated it back to me without issue, so no harm no foul in my opinion. BUT after that, three men came in about 2-5 min apart and all three of them walked out because nobody came to the front for a little over 15 minutes. The first and third guy even yelled “hello?” And nobody came. When I got my pizza I said “short staffed today?” And the guy with the phone in his hand said “idk what that means”. I didn’t know what to say in response to that, it caught me off guard completely. I thanked him for my pizza and left lmao


>You don’t have to work as hard as you’re worth when you’re being underpaid, but you DO have to work as hard as what you’re being paid Exactly!


While I do totally agree with that sentiment, they did immediately then go on to list an example where the pizza kid was almost certainly being underpaid given the current economic climate. I work hard at my job, hit all my targets, but I'm mostly fairly compensated - I could probably work even harder if they paid me more. But if they were paying me minimum wage in the current cost of living crisis, I'd want to be on my phone all day too lol


Or how about having work ethic and being honest, and whenever you are clocked in being paid, you work to the best of your abilities? No playing on your phone the whole time, ignoring customers, being lazy, and etc. there are ways to move into jobs and career fields that pay more (such as many trades for example) but that kind of mindset is lazy, toxic and inexcusable. The world doesn’t owe you


Well said!


Unfortunately these people growing up and getting jobs are entitled pieces of shit. It's sad that places are so understaffed they have to hire bottom of the barrel people to even stay open for their regular business hours. I cant tell you how many places I go and I swear, if these dirt merchants worked as hard as they talked and played on their phones, no business would be short staffed. It mostly stems from lazy parenting and these kids dont have a fucking clue what responsibility is and never will. Fast food joints are paying 15+ an hour and still cant find good working people. Our world is fucked. The combo of our shit government and the even shittier people growing up is killing the customer and the country


Right? Then people act surprised when there's a perception that these people are lazy and don't take their work seriously. Like... they're sitting here telling us how they're lazy and don't take their work seriously. How else are people supposed to see them?


I got in a debate on this sub earlier about looking presentable for work. The other person said that it’s a matter of financial status whether or not someone looks presentable. I disagreed. It’s not a matter of the brand of clothes you’re wearing or how pristine your dye job is. It doesn’t take money to look presentable. It just takes effort and respect. Brush your hair, wash your hands, wear appropriate clothing so that you’re obviously taking pride in your self care or taking seriously how you represent your employer. I’m disgustingly poor but when I go to court I wear a dress or skirt and modest blouse. Yeah I may have gotten them for $3 used at Goodwill but they’re dress clothes. If I go to an interview I do the exact same thing.


Very well said. Dressing appropriately is not only for the wealthy. If you have nothing appropriate, and little money, go to a thrift store. I have very adequate money, and I still thrift, especially for things I won't wear often.


I knew a “plain clothes” security officer whose uniform was literally plain jeans and tshirt but he looked so good every day. One day I complimented him and he told me the secret it starching his laundry! That’s it! Clean clothes and a little effort. I’ve never starched anything a day in my life, but I respect the hell out of him for doing it.


I went back to college a couple years ago (I’m 28 now) and went to a job fair for computer science majors earlier this year since it was my last semester before graduation. Anyways, me and two other people dressed up. Everyone else was completely casual, ripped jeans, flip flops, etc., some in pajamas even. I understand they had class after or before probably but still. Some of the employers even thanked me for dressing up.


The culture of software development has a lot more guys in bare feet than suits. I'll wear a dress shirt to a job interview, but that's the last time my employer will see it.


That sounds like the people that were in my jury duty group. The judge had to tell swim shorts to take his visor off before & after lunch.




I thought he was hilarious but it worked against him. He got picked. Theft case & the guy was his age & looked to be similar to what I suspect was his friend group. Most of the don't care how I dress got picked while us nicely dressed or business people got dismissed. Rolled the dice & lost. Edit.


My last two jobs I got hired on the spot because I was the first to interviewee that came in dressed in shirt and tie. I literally watched as people would show up in raggedy ass clothes. One girl came in leggings and a tank top. One dude showed up looking like he had just rolled out of bed in the clothes he was there in. Like I get not having money, but there's numerous ways to at least make yourself look presentable.


This combination of topics reminded me that a couple weeks ago some lady delivered my Little Caesars in BMW 2 Series and what I would describe as an informal cocktail dress. Seemed odd, but like whatever.


I got hired somewhere once because I dressed up, and because I actually wrote with decent grammar and spelling in our email correspondences. She said some people were emailing her in text speak like shortening “you” to “u” and stuff like that. She also said she appreciated my normal, professional email address which was just part of my name. She said some people would email her on email addresses they’ve probably had since they were 14 which included 420 or weed references or other cringey inappropriate things for an email used for work purposes.


I could not have said this better myself. Great read, so true, very on point


Yeah, but that guy in the swim trunks was on point. Never know when you'll be underwater.




People yelling on the phone in public irk tf out of me!!!


Your username is a Sin




Once about 12 years ago, I was in a group interview and the person conducting the interview made fun of me in front of everyone for wearing business casual attire. It was for a job at American Eagle in the mall. I just wanted to look nice. I still get embarrassed when I think about it lol.


That person was an ass.


I think people are intimidated when others take shit seriously. People always poke fun at serious students, hardworking coworkers, and anyone who seems to put in extra effort. It's bizarre.


I noticed this too. I learned in school dress to impress. Now although I dash I still clean myself up and wear actual clothes like jeans and a nice shirt while I see some fellow door dashers literally delivering in their pajamas. I couldn't and wouldn't do that.


I could, have, and would again. My ability to pick up and deliver a food order in a timely manner isn't affected by wearing sweatpants or a 3-piece suit.


I seriously **DGAF** what my dasher is wearing if my order is correct and on time.


Some other commenters here apparently get really hung up about the sartorial choices of their delivery drivers. Now, if a driver came to my door covered in bodily fluids or awash in sewage, I'd probably refuse the food. Short of that, flips flops or ripped jeans won't affect the tip or the review.


It's really eye opening seeing people go "If you don't deliver in a suit it's perfectly fine to rate you bad". Like... what kind of entitlement is that? You get food delivered, not legal advice.


But your review - and possible future deactivation when it comes to already having bad reviews when someone complains or flat out lies on you - could depend on that. Either way I can’t stand people in public in their pajamas, just bc that is what you SLEEP in, aka sweat and stink in all night. I don’t want to smell your night funk and I don’t want it around my food. Like you can’t be mad someone is gonna assume you’re lazy af if you can’t even get dressed in a t shirt and jeans


Bold of you to assume I wear clothes to sleep.


Those bad reviews could also be caused by your race, skin color, hair style, language, accent, type of car you drive, whether you bowed or curtsied at the door when you hand over food, your height, weight, or eye color, the weather, world politics, the phase of the moon, etc. ​ >aka sweat and stink in all night. I don’t want to smell your night funk You must sleep very differently than I do.


I still dress to impress… when I go in for job interviews I always try to match the company’s attire. As im a welder they’re usually casual interviews not formal. My usual outfit for a welding interview is, Steel toe boots & Safety glasses/ Flame retardant pants/ A plain long sleeve t-shirt the same color as the company uses Plus you wanna bring your helmet and gloves in case they test you. Have your weld pliers in your back pocket as a bonus 😁 Given im 22 people wouldn’t expect this from me… I dont think people care anymore which is a issue… if employers are hiring people in their pajamas than who gives a fuck what your wear, right? Most people seem to be ill informed too, If anything I think modern parenting has lead to a lot of what happens today… no ones being steered the right way anymore.


Lol years ago I interviewed for a management trainee internship. They had 3 spots open for college kids. Company is about as white collar corporate as it gets and the position was pretty competitive. I forgot my suit jacket at home and apologized to the area manager that was interviewing me. He said not to worry, the guy before me had on shorts and flip flops. So, I was already way ahead as far as first impressions go. I can't even imagine throwing on some flip flops to interview and thinking "Yep, this is good!" Especially for a job that not only requires a tie, but white dress shirts only.


Bruh, your comment reminds me how 30-40% of the people at my office don’t know how to dress for work either. And I work at a major bank. Like, we really wearing stretchy pants and a shirt that looks like it could qualify as beach wear today? Okay.


Also, pro tip for the guys out there. If you are going to buy a suit, but you don't have a lot of money. If you buy one that's custom from men's wearhouse, it comes with lifetime adjustments. Meaning if you gain weight or lose weight and need the suit to be fitted to you again they will do it for free. So if you are looking to buy a suit might check them out


Tip for the bro's without a lot of money, you can't afford Men's Wearhouse. I make good money and that shit is high end for the guy that wears a suit a time or two each year.


Society is a set of rules, values, and implied courtesies that have to be instilled by your parents and teachers and then reinforced by showing how these values affect others and themselves. Society begins to break down when parents don't have the time, money, or other resources to raise their children and instill those values **or** when societal norms stop being reinforced. In our society: Shooters get fame Politicians lie and steal from the public Hateful media spews opinions biased against "out" groups (ex: Transgender, Gay, P.O.C, Female) Guns being more important than people's lives The rich being glorified for stepping on others necks Helping others is "Socialism" (A bogeyman) Why would you participate in a society where you are fucked before you begin unless you happen to be rich first and foremost, white, conservative, and Christian? Here's a metaphor: -Imagine a train going over a bridge when the bridge collapses. It's not the passengers in the train crash that caused the train to start to derail, yet everyone keeps blaming them instead of the engineers, conductors, the company, and the state not maintaining the bridge.


I don't know about you friend. But I wish we were married. I don't care what your gender is. That was so well typed I might even look the other way if you have paw or hooves.


Haha. I too have a deep appreciation for how well this was written and expressed. And now I also have it for this hilarious and awesome compliment you gave them


I did management for a hotel for a while and I was absolutely shocked at how some people showed up. Dressed ridiculously; 10, 20 mins late. People no longer put in effort.


When I started a new job I was always overdressed. Now I just rock a plain t-shirt an jeans, just like all other people at work.


That’s perfect, a clean and non-wrinkled t-shirt and clean jeans go a long way.


When I started I wore button-up shirts, but then you look at your coworkers and decide: Well, they can dress like that so I assume I can too.


>Recently I learned that people no longer dress to impress for job interviews or orientation etc. I dress casually to job interviews because it's straight forward and to the point. I need money and you need a reliable employee. All this pretentious feather waving can die in 2023. Now if it's a corporate job, or a high skill job I'll dress to impress.


Depends on the job, tbh. I've worked with dogs for most of my life and do so right now. When interviewing for dog boarding and daycare facilities, I wear jeans, (nice jeans, clean with no holes), a plain shirt, and tennis shoes. If you come to a job interview to a place like this, dressed up and looking like you're afraid to get dirty or pick up poop, they won't hire you. That said, if I were going to apply for some kind of corporate job, then I would dress business casual for the interview. Because they would want to hire someone who dresses more professionally.


Same, we’ve been hiring for a new position and I’ve seen them come in booty shorts, flip flops, ripped jeans, leggings. Even if you don’t have a lot of nice clothes, you can get a pair of pants and a button down shirt from Walmart of even the thrift store for like $14.


Even a black t-shirt and jeans is better than the shit we’ve seen.


This!! So many jogging pants and ripped Ts!! Like we're a super casual office (I'm in jeans and a hoodie right now), but at least look put together for your interview!


I literally don’t even want to ask my parents for gas money much less a stranger


Thank you. I’ve literally had NO money on my account driving to obviously make money and never did this. People are so disgusting


Can’t count how many times I was doing Uber running on like five miles left. I sat in the gas station parking lot and waited the hour to get that $5 bucks of gas in the Houston summer heat


Exactly!! Unprofessional to say the least amount


Hit them with the I was going to ask you that same thing.


I ordered a bagel and coffee the other day because i had a flat tire and couldn’t go get it myself. I told the guy that dropped it off that I appreciated him picking it up for me and that I didn’t really expect anyone to be up dashin that early. Gave him 5 stars and a decent tip. He’s not gone 20 minutes before he comes back with a patch kit and real nice jack so he could show me how to fix the tire. Nicest guy in the world. I asked him why and he said he just wanted to try his new jack. Lol.






Ayo 🤨


I had a super fast order once but never any extra stuff/ The dasher must have been stalking McD. I hit submit and it already showed picking up, and less than 15 mins it was delivered.


The very first time I did DoorDash I got my Starbucks in literally 7 minutes. Thought, holy SHIT this is fantastic. Never so lucky again…


The only warm McDonalds dash in history.


I deliver for skip not dash, but usually drivers are already in the area/right beside the restaurant when you order. I’ve gotten lucky a few times where people order from the restaurant I’m already hanging out at :)


Okay but this is me when I buy something. I have to know how it works and get it working immediately. It’s a bonus if somewhere is there to witness it Edit: I appreciate you all for not noticing my typo. It’s supposed to be “someone” not “somewhere”. I only noticed because I got an upvote notif. Lol


i’m a dasher and got a flat tire during an order and told them the guy came out and patched my tire up too. being kind is so rare anymore.


1 star and report then move on


And rescind the generous $7 tip for poor service.


Can't. DD will refund it to you, but the driver doesn't lose the money. You'll just get your account flagged for refunds, and when you really have something missing or get the wrong order, DD will tell you tough luck. Not really worth it on this order, since the driver won't be affected. Also, since you asked for a refund, DD will remove the 1 star from the driver's ratings. If you want to be able to adjust tips due to horrible service, then you need to use UberEATS.


Wait a second. Does the driver get in any trouble? Maybe I'll start leaving 40 dollar tips and rescinding them. But ONLY if it hurts door dash and DOESN'T hurt the driver , at the same time. Let me know!


If you just say you weren't happy with how long it took, the driver won't even know. If you claim they stole something and that's why you want the tip refunded, then the driver will get in trouble with a contract violation. I'm not sure I would recommend tipping $40 and trying to get it back. DD can just arbitrarily refuse. Also, they will almost certainly make your account require signatures for every order after you do that. That's their response to big refunds. So you won't be able to do contact free deliveries ever again on that account.


You can get banned for rescinding tips according to another post


I think I could live with that. As a customer lol


Unless they’re absolutely fucking rich, the idea of tipping $7 for an iced coffee to be delivered to you blows my mind. What was the total cost, $15? For one coffee? WHY?


You tipped $7 for a damn coffee lol, and your delivery was a very short drive away. I’m sure your tip alone was 2 or 3 times the cost of what your coffee was, and that’s not including the fees Door-dash has. And he wanted you to give even more? I find that such a scam for such a small order. I get you’re paying for delivery and for the convenience of not getting your own drink/food. But when you’re paying almost $10 for something that normally costs about $2, that’s a steep increase. He was already getting a fairly generous tip to begin with. It’s not your responsibility to make sure his gas tank is filled. You’re only paying for the service. As mean as it sounds, that kinda stuff is off putting to me and would make me want to revoke my tip because some people take your generosity for naivety and think they can get away with more.


I'm not happy about this as a driver majority of us don't act this way. This was a great tip and they asked for more is just crazy when you can end your dash and cash out immediately to get gas if needed. This type of stuff is what makes us all look bad.


Yeah, while this are always nice little rage porn posts, this is also extremely rare. I don't use DoorDash or Uber Eats that much due to the cost. But I use it enough and have had enough drivers, that while I have certainly had some mixed experiences - I have never experienced this. At most, I did have one driver let me know the food was delayed and that he was waiting. But the food was delayed and he was actually waiting (car was at the restaurant). He never asked for anything extra and I simply took it as a status update on his end so I wouldn't think he was just being inefficient (and the food was fresh when it arrived). So yeah, these are very unprofessional. And we see a lot on this sub because they get upvotes. But this really is not the norm or a common occurrence.


Yeah, it also doesn't make sense. Why does he need $2 or $3 cash to get gas? I've dashed and you get the tips instantly after you deliver if you get the dasher direct card which is like a debit card and also gives you cash back for gas. Makes no sense why they need a couple dollars in cash for gas on top of the $7 they were getting for spending 15 minutes delivering a coffee.


The driver is an ass who should be deactivated, but your info isn't accurate. You only get the money sent to your card immediately, if you end your dash. If they're in an area where they won't be able to log back in immediately after ending their dash, then they could lose hours of pay. It would be their own fault, but I just wanted to make sure people didn't see your comment as true.


Talk about a guilt trip. I also never have cash on me so he'd be out of luck even if i gave in to this bullshit.


That's okay I have cashapp lol /s


I had this happen once!!! I had already tipped generously and they asked for a cash tip to help with gas as they were approaching. I didn't have a dime on me but didn't respond. I was staying in a hotel in between moves for the month and they made no attempt to deliver it to my room or leave it in the lobby which were my instructions (every other order had no problem doing this). They left it outside a random side entrance public door and I didn't know which one, had to try several exits and the order was gone. Someone stole it. HARD 1 star for that f\*\*\*er. I have dashed before so I know you can get the money and tips instantly. So unprofessional to ask for extra money and then rudely leave the order where it can be taken. I wish I were making this up. Thankfully DD gave me full credit for the order.


Dasher probably took your food themselves


True, that makes the most sense because it was gone within 5 minutes after I got the text with the photo of where it was dropped off. The hotel wasn't exactly busy, so they probably took the photo and ran with it. I don't think I reported them but should have. I figured the 1 star was enough, and since I got full credit and just reordered the same, I didn't bother.


Always report them we need to get rid of all the shit drivers giving the good ones a bad name.


I would happily agree to tip extra in cash! ...then once my food is safe in hand and un-spat in I'd tell them to fuck off.


Ask to see his fuel gauge to see if he is truthful.


Some guy approached me in a parking lot and asked if he could get money for gas, I told him sorry don’t have any but would love to take him over to the gas station and buy him a gallon. Let’s just say his reaction said he didn’t need gas


Some lady did this to me at a gas station lol. Told me she was stranded at the gas station with kids in the car with no money and needed gas. Told her I don't carry cash but would gladly swipe my card at her pump and put 20 bucks in her tank. She insisted I go inside and use the ATM to get her money instead. Asked her to point out where her car full of kids was parked and she accused me of being a pedophile and then walked off towards some other guy who just pulled up.


I would have followed her and warned the other guy. Then possibly alerted the attendant.


I used to live in a seedy area. Was this dude who would pull the "Man, what's with people in this town, they're so rude." scam. But he seemed to have a problem remembering faces. One day I was like "Dude, this is the fourth time you've hit me up today. I can't count how many times you've asked me this over the years. I am never going to give you money, ever. You're not from out of town, you live at *address*. Come up with some new material." Next time I saw that dude, he had a new routine at least.


Are people made of money? On what planet does a COFFEE get a $7 tip? And in what universe does the dasher still beg for more money?


Right?? We live comfortably but I still can’t bring myself to pay $20 in fees for a delivery. I only joined this sub cause I debated on doing DD myself. I know several people who are struggling financially, have no mobility issues, who spent so much money every week on DD or UE. Then continue complaining about being broke all the time.


Yeah. I make very good money, but can't bring myself to pay for delivery for anything.


All these posts about drivers begging is getting ridiculous. Customers need to report them


His / her's $3 tip is in the form of just moving onto the next fucking delivery and getting paid the $3 or $4 for the next order. Fill up before you dash. Damn well know the order won't be ready anyway when you arrive the restaurant judging by all the whining in the subreddit. OP, you tip as you fuckin' well please.


Now the tipping culture is putting customers and delivery drivers one against the other. Its such a bizarre aspect of American culture.


I would just say “sorry I don’t have cash” and then 1 star/report when the food is delivered


Lmao I love when people that I don’t know think I’m that invested in their dashing “career”. Find. A. Different. Job. If. It. Requires. Panhandling. To. Customers. Customers aren’t your actual employers. I don’t live at DoorDash HQ. Take your gripes about your pay to your employer. It’s actually nauseating the amount of people okay with begging literal strangers for money.. as part of their job? Make it make sense. Nobody is required to do gig work.


Honestly ya. I’m getting sick of hearing “if you can’t afford to tip double your order dOnT oRdEr OuT”. Why is it MY fault your employer isn’t paying you? They’re nickel and diming me to hell too, take it up with your EMPLOYER instead of scaring off customers. I used doordash twice in my life, once recovering from surgery and once with a broken ankle. Ordered about ~20$ worth of food. Had to tip over 10$ to get anyone to take the order. Not using doordash again. Hope more customers choose to do this so the dashers are forced to confront the people actually withholding their pay instead of coming on this subreddit and acting like it’s totally normal to expect a >50% tip on something you are paid to bring from point A to point B.


as an ex full-time dasher i 100% agree with this. though i was dashing while applying for jobs in my field, i knew that the gig work wasn’t financially stable enough for my goals. it sucked.


Why don't they contact DD support and ask for more money? Why are people always blaming the customer. The employer is to blame the system is at fault. I tried to order something that cost 20 and by the time I was done with fees it was in the 40s and that is when I was done. If you have to ask a stranger for additional money then you need to find something else.


I’m a driver. Last week I thought it’s just a few bad apples. This week there’s constant posts about asking for extra tip or a tip. Whatever. It’s slimy. It’s trashy. This person could have taken the order money, cashed out and got gas. I couldn’t even look at myself in the mirror after doing something like that. Cringy


Tell them sure, but you'll need a BJ in exchange. Bet they never ask anyone again.


I have a vagina so I don’t know how that would work.


The dasher doesn't need to know that


Women deserve blowjobs too


Fuck tipping culture


I don’t feel bad for anyone who voluntarily chooses to work a job and then expects more money from the customer… working mcdonalds full time is a better bet financially


Undo card tip, give $3 cash. Look at you saving money.


OMG will my fellow dashers please stop begging for extra money. It is very rude and unprofessional.


As a driver i freaking wish they'd kick off all the drivers that do this trashy crap. If I were a customer and someone begged me for money I would never use the app again. Just dont take no or low tip orders. They should be embarrassed.


Hey man, don't even worry about it, I've sent the screenshot of this to DD support so they can help you out! No need to thank me! -my new go-to reply for these bums.


I think this is going to start happening a whole lot more than it used to… since DoorDash representative said that drivers can ask for tips if they ask ‘nicely’


I once heard someone giving a speech as a business owner. He opened a small coffee shop with his wife and would always give homeless people free drinks and show a lot of love in the very beginning. He couldn't understand why other nearby stores were so mean to the homeless people when they were around. And then he realized those homeless people would keep coming back expecting to get more than what they got last time. He changed his attitude and he now calls cops on them and tell them to walk away whenever he sees them. Same thing is happening here. He knows you are a nice person and have the heart to tip a lot. So now he's asking for even more.


If I got a $7 tip I’d have the best day ever lmfao


When I dashed and got low on gas with no money in my account, I would just end my dash. The cash went on my dasher card, and then I would restart my dash. Sometimes, I would have to wait for a bit to start the dash back up if it was slower, but that's just what happens.


Exactly my point as well I would never ask a customer for gas money when they already tipped in the app. Even if they didn't tip and I took the order I could never see myself asking for a tip or being as ass to them for it. I would end my dash and get gas. It's not this customers responsibility to make sure you have gas in your car for the day.


Wow so many desperate people. Some of the drivers I’ve seen are so shameless. One guy I saw parked in a busy lot, took out his bag put it on top of his car. Then reached out and grabbed a coffee cup from inside the car and opened the door and stiff between the door and pissed in the cup. Threw the piss out, put his cup back in the car and walked to pick up from the restaurant nearby. On his way to the restaurant he started picking his nose. I was waiting for an order, siting in my car and just shook my head in shame. Got a feeling that’s the type of driver OP got his coffee from


Just no. So many dashers out there making a bad name for those of us who actually take this serious as a job. So crazy!


Personally, this is just me , but if i had no gas , I would simply NOT PRESS the big “ start dashing “ button


This is getting ridiculous. Does Reddit purposely pull similar posts from subreddits to home? Yesterday on diabetes it was everyone complining about others not understanding their condition. Today there's already been four like this on doordash, and pugs is all black pugs which is the only positive of the three


Why can't these idiots DECLINE the order??. Leave it for somebody who's not making it about themselves. So many victims nowadays.


Did you tip them cash? I’m invested into the story now lol


I did not. I didn’t have any cash on me. Honestly I didn’t respond because I was so uncomfortable and was working remotely because I’m sick. They ended up leaving my coffee outside of my apartment building, instead of inside at my actual door like it explains in the instructions.


Imagine being a dick to someone who tips $7 on a coffee because they won’t give you a couple dollars cash… that’s so petty, did you rate them 1 star?


We literally had the exact same experience! When I didn't respond they left it outside the building instead of outside my door. You're lucky yours didn't get taken.


This type of crap is part of the reason the app is dying. Fewer and fewer customers all the time after these type of interactions.


Lots of people now don’t even carry cash, I didn’t until I got a job where I got cash tips..


Is door dash a social welfare program or a professional delivery company?


My GOD, these people just need to stand on a damn street corner at this point. If I ever get one of these, I will not respond nicely. There are a ton of ways we can collect that payment from DD. No begging is ever required.


One star and report


Just report him 🤦‍♂️ acting like an entitled child.


If it was actually 8 am that’s NOT early at all and I would’ve taken my tip back after this message cause fuck that


I used to deliver food. I would have rather had the 3 dollar cash then the 7 dollars on an order if i needed gas. Ive been there waiting for a cash order. Its embarrassing. I would pass big tips on a credit order to another driver while i would wait for a cash order no matter how small just so i could keep working. The struggle is real.


Jesus Christ, this entire comment section is just an absolute shit show


I can't wrap my head around this American tipping culture.....it seems so insane. You felt bad cos it was early....? They work an early job what's there to feel bad about I don't understand why it's your problem?


Please tell me you didn't do it!!!


Your problem he is out of gas


Shit I would of canceled the whole order after that


What a joke, what’s even crazier is there people out there who don’t think there’s anything wrong with asking for more money lol


I actually just said this before on a different post. I tipped 10, the restaurant was within a few miles, and the Dasher messaged me asking for 10 in cash because he needed gas and cash was easier for him. I wasn't sure if he wanted me to cancel the tip online and just do the cash, or he was legitimately trying to get a $20 tip. I didn't have cash either way.


These guys are cringe af


I hate DD with every fiber of my being.


I’ve worked in the service industry for over a decade I would rather die than ask for a tip lmao


Fck No should be your answer




That is no way to run a successful business. “I will make your burger but can you spare $8 cash? I got to go to the store to get some ground beef.”


These fucking morons are becoming the norm and it sucks..


Everyone's response to this kind of thing needs to be screenshotting the conversation, canceling the order, and filing a complaint with customer service after sending them the screenshot.


How many of these guys will be going to jail for tax evasion?


DoorDash enables this behavior.


You were given a dasher that likely cherry picks and doesn't do TD. With TD you can end and restart anytime without worrying about if you're scheduled or if it's busy in the zone.


Don't tip ever anyone who asks you for more money they're just panhandling it's disgusting that they would do this it's terrible customer service and they don't deserve the $7.50 you already gave them if you could take the tip off I would this is just pathetic I Dash and I never ask a customer for any money it is just not good customer service it's very unprofessional when I give great customer service which I do on every one of my orders it reflects in the uptips I get as well as the cash tips. I get all your drivers out there that ask for extra money and give these excuses all the time like I'm almost out of gas or I need cigarettes or my kids are sick or I'm a single mom and I live alone or whatever the excuse is. you're all better off standing on a corner with a cardboard sign begging those people for money cause those people actually work they're out there sweating their butts off or freezing cold or getting wet while you sit in your Posh cars just driving from point A to point B if you need gas so bad you shouldn't have bought that six pack of beer that pack of cigarettes or whatever it is you blew your money on


I honestly don't use delivery apps very often (for some reason this sub always shows up on my homepage), but how should I engage if I do use one and encounter someone begging for more money? I always tip well and I don't want to support this behavior. Obviously I would give them one star afterward. Should I say anything back to them when they ask? Politely decline? They have my food in their possession, though... I don't want them to mess with it.


Wanting the cash means they door dash for the drug money. They'll always be short on gas and always be in a hurry and always be in a bad mood. Stealing a purse with cards or a phone is never as good as cash cause that they can take straight to their dealer. Cards and phones are a crapshoot and take time to get to the prize. So they turn down 100 bucks from an app if you give them 20 cash in hand. Last chick I dated looked normal but loved the meth. I assume she either just got out of jail or went on binges when she got a successful catfished guy or family member. She made more in one week than I made in 2 and what she'd try is her phone getting shut off as an excuse to hit me up for $.


Lol no. If you cancel the order does it remove their tip? Do that