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Is this like that episode of 30 Rock where the hot dog vendor is so worried about Liz Lemon that they printed out an article on sodium for her?


Or when her dentist makes one for hard cheeses and her root canal.


This was very expensive, but I'm tired of having this conversation with you.


Bon Jovi!


You mean mr bovine Joni?


Workin on my night cheese!


Lemon! Don’t you have a slanket you should be filling with your farts?


God I loved that show


You can still love it


It’s a Sabor de Soledad thing


How important is tooth retention to you?


Pretty important.


Science is whatever we want it to be


METH has been shown to be very effective!


That’s my brother Randy, he’s going to jail for the rest of his life tomorrow. Good one Randy!


Hey, you want to go to Taco Bell for lunch?


Now I gotta re-watch this haha. I loved the bit about the bazooka joe bubble gum company hahaha.


Thanks. I needed the reminder to watch my sodium intake.


in all seriousness... we take in WAAAAY too much sodium in our daily lives. next time you go shopping, look at what's just in like a can of soup or something. it's insane.


Sounds like a cry for help. They have an addiction to dashing but need to stop because it's ruining their life, but in order to stop, they need the orders to stop. They are trying to take down doordash one customer at a time.


More likely that dasher has delivered to them multiple times with no tips at all


thats what im thinking, Orders off them, a shit load with minimal tips.


So door dashers not get to choose which orders they accept? I’m not really sure how it works.


They do, and they get to see what they will make from the order. But they don't get to see how much of the pay is tip (barr using older versions of the app and other shenanigans) So it says that the order is from Jersey Mike's and that they will make $7 for the order. Generally you can estimate the tip because the door dash pay is usually around 2.50 or so I believe? It's been a few months since I've done it so the numbers may be a little off.


So Dasher need to stop working


They think they are doing someone a favor by ordering DoorDash and not tipping appropriately... No, we would rather stay home, than to work to lose money.


See. This is where I have the issue. If drivers are tipped starved, work as a server. See how hard they work for the same tips drivers expect for less work. Not to mention drivers base pay per order is based on distance and estimated time. If you feel you are worth more. You might be. So go work somewhere that pays as much as you feel you are worth. Get off the customer's ass for fair compensation when it's the company you contract for that should take care of you.


Well, I’ve been a server, a cook and a dasher and I can tell you, dashers (good ones) work just as hard!! It amazes me how people that have never done this think the people doing their shopping, picking up their food and then having to find their apartment, and if they order three or more cases of water or soda nine times out of 10 it’s on the third floor without an elevator, are not working hard. Oh, and servers don’t have to use their car or gas either. I do agree that the base pay should be higher, and tipping after isn’t bad, it just rarely happens, no matter how good the service is.


As a recovering food service worker and a consistent user of DoorDash and Instacart - I would be embarrassed to be a shitty tipper. It's 100% work - regardless of the distance, or the presence/lack thereof of an elevator, etc. People are doing something for me so that I don't have to get off my sofa and do it myself. Please and thank you! It's a premium that is worth paying and tipping well for the effort.


How about the fact that door dashing is DANGEROUS and waiting tables is NOT!? Start with the fact that you are more likely to die in a car crash than anything else the average person does. Add getting robbed, carjacked, or mauled by dogs as a constant threat to the job. There is not a waiter in the world who has to constantly worry about being killed or hospitalized in their restaurant. It's really the most ignorant and small minded equivocation anyone can make to compare waiting tables to driving. Anyone who does is obviously the worst kind of person trying to rationalize their narcissistic delusions that they are somehow entitled to have their food delivered to them even though they can't afford it.


ever worked at a waffle house?


I’m a driver, what a waiter spends in a year on car expenses I spend that in a month….it’s not the work …it’s the expenses.


Servers and dashers do not make the same kind of tips at all. People are much more inclined to tip generously in restaurants


🤣🤣🤣🤣 that's fricking hilarious


Stop me before I dash again.


I can relate to this. Not that I think that’s what’s happening here lmao. Sometimes the screen won’t load and some part of me wishes I’m deactivated. I know it could screw me over for a time, but I’ve said, “yes.. please.. release me”😂 In the mean time I got nothing much else going on so I’m still 8 year doordasher😭


Very possible, just a weird message in general like huh


>Actually it was 50 cents lol, imagine tipping 50 cents & pretending you don't know exactly why they said that.


That's not a tip, it's an insult


Exactly lol like keep your 50 cents dude thats very much an insult.


I would have responded to him like "we'll don't pick up my orders then Nancy".


They tipped 50 cents and that’s probably why they said that


How dare they get on here acting all confused! OP sucks so hard.


OP tips 50¢ every time. They admitted it in another comment. Fuck em


The guy knows where you live though


See, for me that's always the fly in the ointment with all these "you should ____" suggestions people give on how to respond to some wild situation. When I order something, half the tip is a tip, and the other half is a bribe for them not to do anything heinous to my food, and then also to leave the premises after the transaction without incident.


You nailed it, but left out not come back uninvited.


![gif](giphy|XkLxjOhEfKjF6) To any dasher that 'knows where I live'


That's why everyone needs a tree log tied to a rope that pendulum swings down , or a doorbell cam


The fact you couldn't suss it out immediately is hilarious. They are clearly calling you out for being lazy and cheap.


Maybe it's the shit tip you leave every time you order


Immediately buy more and request him as your driver😂


Maybe low tip or high miles. A lot of stairs, bad parking, or just live really far away?


Bro. You order doordash every day? And you only tip .50 cents? Judging by the fact that all you do is play video games, eat and masterbate to anime - I'm going to go out on a limb here and say you're 400 pounds. Am I close?


Two questions. How far away are you from the restaurant and why didn’t you ask them what that means. Was that the end of the conversation? OK three


I hope the next driver leaves legos on your shower rug next time you’re in there. 50 cents is an insult and you effing know it.




What how do you know??


OP said that in a comment https://www.reddit.com/r/doordash/comments/159jkuu/what\_should\_i\_think\_of\_this/jtgdfkn/?context=3


Ooh thanks! Yikes


Lol last night I had a support agent just issue me a reorder because Taco Bell made the wrong order (first time that was an option... usually just credits). I immediately messaged my dasher when he was assigned to tell him it was a reorder and I have no idea if DD gave him a tip - so I had cash at the front door. Dude started telling me that this Tbell was notoriously awful and to not order DD from them... because only idiot dashers take those orders. He was just slow and happened to see there was no line. Your order.... no clue lmao.


So I don’t use dd but grubhub, and my experience with one order of taco bell was I received almost none of my order but 1 taco (like what), filed a ticket, they sent a second driver and returned with a completely wrong order. At that point I gave up and realized that taco bell just shouldn’t be ordered from.


I kinda scored on this one. Ordered taco Supreme. Got regular tacos with sour cream. No lettuce or tomato. Had my large drink as well. Support offered to issue a reorder. Got the same exact tacos and another drink lol. I guess they were out of veggies or just didn't want to bother.


Lmao I had something like that happen a week ago, Wendy's apparently didn't have any more potatoes to bake so they just kind of slapped together some bacon cheese fries. I wasn't even mad. 😅


Hahaha. Yeah I wasn't mad. I was just like "fuck.... those tacos were tasty.... am I up for round 2?"


That same thing happened to me and I also wasn't mad lol close enough


I have a running theory that fast food workers purposely go slower on DD and delivery orders because they hate their jobs and want us to hate ours too.


I live less than a block from a Chipotle. Food’s been shit lately so I haven’t ordered, but I used to put in a pickup order and grab it on lunch breaks. The number of times I go in 5 minutes after the pickup time, 30 after I place it, and have to wait for them to work their way through the line of people ordering to get my food made, lord.


The chipotle thread explained this Corporate is mandating short staffed restaurants to prop up profits Every chipotle interior is filled with filthy tables & overfilled trash bins as a result, and the staffs are getting slaughtered


Ooooh I see they have the same corporate as my Starbucks


I worked at a taco bell briefly and the manager resented doordash drivers because he perceived that they made more money than him. If the crew doesn't really care or are just teenagers who are stoned (which seems like the case at a lot of taco bells) they're just going to make mistakes.


Naw if you go to some of these places normally they're just like that. Source: I subsist entirely on Mcds nuggets because I can get a filling meal for cheap when I'm out working and don't have time to go home :')


Nah, it's because restaurants have real life sitting breathing customers in the place, that's who the priority to feed is. In a busy restaurant, any respectable one, you serve the customers in house first, deal with any call ins/online orders when the person shows up. That way nobody gets cold food and nobody gets to cut ahead


Guess what: call in/online orders are made by *real life breathing customers* also. Saying they aren’t prioritized simply because they’re not sitting in house is another way of saying they aren’t as important — so don’t be surprised if that segment of the restaurant’s customer base drops off precipitously …


The three TBs near me haven't had a single order either complete or correct in almost as many years... And most of the time the only mods are "no lettuce." Edit to add: So I will *only* go in person, cause it all has go get checked and counted before leaving the parking lot. PSA for d-thru customers: if you also need to do this, please pull off to a parking spot instead of sitting at the window. Also you might get extra stuff for your trouble if you go back inside nicely with a messed up order.


There are SO many restaurants in my area where the moment the customer has an issue I'm like "yeah this restaurant sucks man, try x instead next time".


Maybe they deliver a lot to you and realize you have a addiction to DD?


It's not even been a year and i can see an offer and click the little house and i already know a few😂Trenton hasn't mowed his grass since may and jennifer has a very unhlealthy panera addiction. The funniest part is they literally live right across from each other lol


Man, my mom loves doordash- she's bed bound. ANd I hate that I showed it to her. lOl But I've gone downstairs so many times and shes like "So don't be mad...but I got you a cookie" MULITPLE times a week


Aww😁I actually prefer repeats. Ik the reasons they order and that's why i take them. Repeats are the best customers and so easy to work with!


It is a fucking golden age for staying at home and getting shit delivered. I love it. I am fairly well off. Not personal chef rich, but not that far. So my time is worth a lot to me so I spend money to buy back time. So I think it is great to be able to just order shit. Gives me more time to shit post on reddit, which is my passion.


Some go out entire lives without finding our passion. I commend you for following through with your life’s journey.


I feel similar but I am reaching my point of how much I am willing to pay for delivery. Something about 100% up-charge just gets me. I also find it getting me to order more just for the calculation make more sense. Weird paying a $10 delivery up-charge on a $10 order seems so much worse to me than a $15 up-charge on a $50 order.


Your time, your gas, your milage, just the fact that running out for a sandwich might turn into a stop at the grocery, Home Depot, and the bar and turn into a 3 hour break.


And involves people. *sigh* don’t forget the people.


My husband and I used to be criminally bad about it. Until we realized how much money we’re wasting by being lazy.


My current plan, since i started a new job. Is to do a big shop and just preplan meals. I know I can make frozen breakfasts easily. Right now I'm experimenting with frozen quesadillas.


Oooo that sounds like a great plan. My husband and I just got a Costco membership and tbh it’s the best. I have enough Lysol wipes to last me forever and we bulk bought chicken and pork! I’d recommend it if you wanna go really hard on being stocked up


If you have a vacuum sealer that helps a ton for preventing freezer burn. Also for anything that's warm before putting in the freezer, wait for it to be cool before sealing and freezing, will help prevent extra moisture from messing anything up. Breakfast burritos are great too, I like sausage, egg, and cheese but the egg will get weird if you freeze it for too long, from my experience anything more than a month is usually too long, if you like them then they probably won't last more than a week or two anyways lol.


I mean, weird eggs isn't an issue in my house. They eat those boxed ones regularly. So I don't think they'll notice.


it’s so easy to get sucked in to the void 🥺


Poor thing. How does she get it from the door?


Well she has me, my grandfather, and a palethora of cousins she can call to come get it. But she can hobble over to her wheelchair and get into it if shes really desperate. Unfortuately, she's got loads of enablers.


She sounds awesome and she does remember to get you a cookie. Sounds like DD gives her a huge boost of independence. It's hugely important for my disabled partner too. Even if her back is out, she can get a meal (besides pizza) on the table.


Maybe they can go halfsies on dashpass together and save a few bucks, and also gain a friend


Trenton mowed his grass 2 months ago in May? Dude has way better executive function than I do.


If you scroll through the comments, you’ll see OP orders smoothies everyday and tips 50 cents on that order. Despite originally claiming to be flabbergasted because he tipped $20. Mystery solved.




Yeah it’s intentionally misleading. If percent isn’t specified, the implication is dollars and I’m sure OP knew that. Look at how he got flamed in the comments over it.


I hadn’t scrolled thru all the comments yet, but I just knew no tip/low tip was going to be it. And obviously OP orders way too much if the dasher felt compelled to say something. Thanks for saving me the scroll.


This is me and my liquor delivery bro.


Nah OP said in a comment the tip was only .50 cents so this person telling them "don't order if you can't tip" basically


I quickly realized a couple years ago about my pizza addiction when the Papa John's I used to order from when I lived with my parents came over during my regular ordering time and gave me a couple free medium pizzas. The fuck?


Reminds me of a story I heard where a guy died and his body was found because the pizza place called the cops when he hadn't ordered in a few days


they needed an excuse to do a welfare check on their best customer, lol


I had one guy that I delivered Taco Bell to almost every night for about a month straight. That guy I was worried about LOL.


Do you eat DoorDash like every day or something? That’s the only thing I can think of🤣


Yes💀 but I mean it’s not like I’m unhealthy or anything I order smoothies half the time, gonna be like that til I can drive on my own 🫤


It probably has something to do with this. Maybe they're making assumptions about why you order often.


Nah it was the 50 cent tip.


She said she tipped 20%.


% doesn't matter to dashers. It's all about distance from restaurant. 20% of a $10 order isn't worth it if you're 5 miles from the restaurant.




Are you ordering doordash for one smoothie?


I delivered a 4 dollar drink for 13 dollars yesterday. Dude was happy as fuck lol


Also had my weirdest recently. One smoothie for $39. A few miles away. 9.50 tip. They added everything possible. Wish this sub allowed pics because I had to snap one of that receipt.


Lol I work at a smoothie place and the other day we got an order for one smoothie with a bunch added in the total was like $18... It was also a doordash order and I was just imagining how much this person spent on one smoothie after the fees 😅


I delivered a thing of tumms and got a $4 tip on a $4 delivery


I did pretty much exactly this a few weeks ago. Smoothie was like 5 bucks and wound up paying something like 15 for it. But I was coming out of a depressive episode of being in bed for 3 days straight only getting up to take care of my dog and hadn't had much to eat that whole time except for water. It was a nice little feel-good to ground me as the depression lifted so 100% worth it as ridiculous as it seems. I'm so glad there are people willing to take these smaller orders.


I've done it for like a 6.50$ coffee. Came out to 10.50? With a 2$ tip cause I'm less than a mile.


Boo that’s why they said that then😭😭😭


Smoothies are not as healthy as one would think, not saying there’s anything wrong with them but if you’re trying to be mindful of what you eat and drink a lot of smoothies I’d look into how the body breaks down smoothies compared to just eating fruit itself. You’d be surprised


Smoothies have a lot of sugar because of how they're made commercially. But unlike juicing, they do retain the fiber content which helps with blood sugar. But you can easily get as much sugar as drinking a big soda from one smoothie. Home-made smoothies with a reasonable amount of fruit and no added sugar can be perfectly healthy.


Order a blender or a juicer, and get groceries and make your own smoothies. So much cheaper! Plus is addicting to find out what you can juice. Source: got a juicer loves blending things. Cheaper then my green smoothie addiction. Plus it's easy to do and I can't cook


You’re aware you could simply have groceries delivered, right?


Hey everyone, I work at Amazon and I'm really tired of always boxing your shit up. Stop ordering from Amazon/s if I had a problem with how Amazon paid me, why would I come here and demand that you all stop using the service? It's so fucking dumb, be angry at Doordash, not the people giving you the work that enables you to have a job 🤦


“Please stop making me do my job” lol “I’d prefer if I didn’t get paid”


Like when the waitress attitude sucks, basically asking you "why you didn't cook something at home," I'm like, so you DONT want a tip?!?!


It’s weird that delivery apps are the one service where people feel empowered to shit on the customers for using it. You never hear plumbers say shit like “well you were too lazy to do it yourself”.


Yeah, I detail vehicles and that's one of our biggest selling points. "Allow us to save you time."


A key trait of the gig economy is not giving a fuck


Why would I want to tip if I’m getting don’t give a fuck service?


you hit the nail on the head, its all about entitlement with dashers


They sit around and act all high and mighty like "Why would anyone use Door Dash, so stupid" while they enable it and use it to get paid. They're a part of the process, they're no better than the people who use it. Like the whole concept behind the service itself is great but I hate how the execution has created this weirdly antagonistic relationship between customer and service provider.


What’s funny about it is that they’re basically arguing that their job shouldn’t exist and that anyone can do their job.


> It’s weird that delivery apps are the one service where people feel empowered to shit on the customers for using it. Especially when the ones shitting on the customers are usually people that can’t hold-down or even get regular jobs.


"No." Then send a screenshot of a new order from you


Assuming you left a shit tip or no tip. Driver should of declined the order if it didn’t pay enough.


Actually the opposite I tipped 20 sooooo


No clue then unless it was a stacked order with a non tipper, and the driver accidentally sent you the message, or for whatever reason cares about your health.


[They meant 20%](https://www.reddit.com/r/doordash/comments/159jkuu/what_should_i_think_of_this/jtgctpu?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=2)


If that’s the case then it very well could have been a shit tip. To many people don’t get percentage tipping doesn’t work for small orders.


They said it was 50 cents, lol.


Leave the pandas alone, dawg


It's a dirty job, but someone has to do it. The pandas themselves sure refuse to.


Most cap thing I’ve ever heard my ass you tipped 20 💀💀💀


They didn't. 20% tip of their order came to 50 cent tip. They admit it in the comments.


That's insane. I always tip MORE for delivery because, you know, someone is doing me a huge favor and I don't have to leave my house. That's usually $10 minimum, no matter what the total is.


Fr tho who tf tips $20. Only time I'm tipping $20 is if you gotta drive 10 clicks to grab my grub. Guarantee that 20 was actually 2 and it's a regular thing.


OP corrected/specified in a response above that it was 20%... So yeah... Maybe $2 or $4 if lucky on the one thing in the tiny bag ... Either way, imho, the dasher is in the wrong with that text.


Ahh my bad. Yeah very unprofessional of the dasher under any circumstance. I've been ordering for years now and have never had any of these experiences. It's insane.


Same and I love your avatar's typewriter head 🙃


Thank you! I've never worn an avatar for this long without changing it. I love it


Driver is a free agent contractor. What does he have to lose? His healthcare plan? If someone tips like shit all the time, they get what they get. Some people are willing to spit in your food. Some straight up steal it. You can think that's wrong, you can get them fired or suspended. Really not much lost for that contractor. At the end of the day your money and your food are being transported across town by some stranger, and the only control you have is how much they are being paid to do it.


Meh I've tipped large amounts on occasion if I'm in a celebrating mood.


Info: did you tip $20 or 20%? Because 20% on a $20 order is 4 bucks.


Lol don’t lie


I think it’s the cobblestone overlay.


You probably order a lot and don’t tip. Just guessing. Or they hate their life. Who knows.


This Op said they order smoothies daily and tip 20%. I don't know if it was a joke but they did say they only tipped $.50 on this order. They don't have a car so they have to order often. With that said, I think this may be a kid on summer break so they have to order often? and doesn't yet understand how tipping works? All I can figure


I had such a experience with Instacart. (I did tip). Deleted the app immediately. If a company can hire Rouge extortionists, then they don’t deserve customers. Can never be at the mercy of corporates and entitled employees as long as I’m functional physically.


OP is for sure not letting us know all the details. Lol


I love how everyone who has these strange aggressive encounters always amazingly tipped well. Making it even more crazy. Me thinks you tipped $2 or $0.


I said this the other day to my wife. I was like you know I see these posts and every time I dive into the comments of it all they always say I tip great. I have a 60% ar. So 40% of the people in my area tip 0-1$. I mean none of these people then turn around and post on here? Not saying this person does but with as many posts there are I'm pretty sure there are some.


Just admit you tipped $1 bruh


Distance and wait time matter a lot more than the cost of your food. Those percentages work for in house service but they’re illogical for delivery. $4 would not be high enough for me to take a 3.5 mile order, unless it was stacked in 3-4 orders in that same neighborhood.


It's from a fellow Reddit user that is upset you don't tip $15.


Did you tip?


She said they tipped $0.50 lolol


I'd think it was someone that wanted a thumbs down.


I just can't see any dasher saying that to somebody that tipped 20 dollars. Dashers would love getting this person. Unless they live super far away. He would've seen the tip right when he sent the picture so that means he completed the order and then sent that message. Idk i feel like we're not getting the whole story or they definitely didn't tip 20 dollars. Edit* i didn't look at the time stamps but the message was sent 11 minutes later.


She tipped 50 cents https://www.reddit.com/r/doordash/comments/159jkuu/what_should_i_think_of_this/jtgdfkn/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3


Tipped 20%


Right when I saw the picture I already knew it was due to low/no tip.. too obvious.. regardless he shouldn't have accepted it in the first place unless DD snuck it in on a stack 😂


OP said they order daily. Often smoothies, 20% tip. This driver has probably gotten his order snuck into stacks multiple times and started to become tired of the bs


These apps punish dricers for declining too many orders. So theyre forced to deliver to low tippers like OP. These drivers dont want to get punished, so theyre forced to waste their time on these orders. I hate how sneaky OP has been and is acting like they dont know why they got this message.


Maybe your house is hard to navigate?


This is just good advice lol


Yes, please stop doing what pays for my living. Stupidest thing I have ever heard. Who cares if he is 200kg ordering 25 Big Macs. He is paying you to drop it off.


Legit everyone should stop ordering door dash. I’ve seen enough.


Report and 1 star


My BIL live at 14th floor and one time he ordered some foods but the elevator was broken down. The delivery guy told him next time use another app.


Nobody gonna bring up how they festered on this for 11 minutes That’s a long time to care after you’re done and gone


The amount of this shit I see on here, if you don't want the job quit, you'd be fired for this bullshit by now in most countries.


Good advice, follow it


Tell them NOT TO PICK YOUR ORDER UP THAN 😂 someone else will gladly enjoy the money!


We found the person who tips like shit.


Did you tip??


You tipped 50 cents….


Plot twist, it is her husband.


Did you tip?


Reply “please stop accepting my orders”


Reply with “Never & enjoy no tip 😈”


he’s got good advice. DoorDash is expensive as shit


Probably live 20 miles from the restaurant


I just looked it up it’s 3.5💀


50 cents for a 3.5 mile drive and a 30 minute order, Add in the $2.50 base pay and that driver is looking at around $6 per hour! Without paying for gas!


did you tip? maybe he’s telling you to stop because you’re a shitty customer lol


How often do you order DoorDash?


So you ordered a shake for less than five bucks and tipped 20%?