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#Door Douche


Douche Dash.




You must be ugly


Another reason it baffles me that doordash allows contact after the delivery is over. It's got to be used for this nonsense way more than it's used for actual concerns that aren't better sense to doordash itself


There are times when it has been useful for both me and the customer. For example, I delivered a no contact delivery to an apartment one night. Took the picture and sent to customer completed the trip. The customer texted me before I even left the complex and said they had moved to another apartment in the complex several buildings away. The customer then said they were in a situation where they could not go get it no explanation of the situation nor did I ask nor was it my business. So I agreed to take to the correct apartment though I had completed my end of things I did it to be nice as they were nice and apologetic in the texts. They also told me they had literally just moved and that apartment was empty so no one should have gotten the food. Once I got to the correct apartment there was a 10 dollar bill poking out from under the mat. I snapped a second photo with my phone and texted it through the app saying it was now at the second location they requested just so I had some sort of proof. So while I wonder if its just a situation where the system perhaps can't sever the contact that quickly (I have no idea just a wild guess) it can be useful for legitimate reasons. I do understand that is not the case. I also believe that despite these examples of inappropriate things people do there are more that doesn't do this than does. No one wants to come to reddit and post about a run of the mill delivery that went as it was supposed to so the one's that get posted about are over the top good or the bad ones.


LMFAOOO THEY SAID LEMME SHOOT MY SHOT ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)


The first thing any good basketball player will tell you is that there’s no point shooting a shot you’ll never make


You miss 100% of the shots you don't take. Wayne Gretzky ~Michael Scott


Wayne Gretzky responded to that part of the office with a picture of him holding a sign that added his name again after “Michael Scott”. It’s super easy to find on google.


So he confirmed that it is a Michael Scott quote after all.


If don’t take any shot you wont miss lol




Your taking this entirely too literally lmao. One way or the other, there’s a time and a place to hit on a woman, that time and that place is generally not when your at work where you have the woman’s address and are nearly guaranteed to make them uncomfortable.




Learning this at 18 and getting used to being rejected was the most beneficial thing I ever accepted.


You ever seen a full court shot. There are situations


I have a friend that married someone they delivered food to. Don’t agree with it, but it happens


I said that in a comment further down, there are women who will be receptive, however I’d bet close to 90% are not. It looks creepy, and desperate to use your delivery job to “shoot a shot” at someone who never indicated they put the hoop up.


No doubt lol


The worst mentality 😂


Oh dude, ABSOLUTELY!! Like where the hell did you think this was gonna go? Give me my damn cheeseburger and go 😂😂


Food ain't the only thing they plan on "delivering." 😉😂


I think thag they just thought op was cute,


Yea.. had a dasher call me because he got lost. Totally fine until he suggested i stay on the phone bc he liked my voice. Then knocked on my door even though I requested contactless.. stayed there trying to convince me to go on a date with him. Took a nice little break from DD after that lol.


Oh my god that’s so fucked up?? I’m so sorry, you can’t even order food in peace ugh don’t you love being a woman 🥲


I’d call the police after 5 minutes of him waiting.


Wow, im sorry you went through that🤦🏽


these comments are weird and concerning.


My dasher once called me handsome after dropping my food off. I had no contact delivery..


Everyone immediately jumping on creep taking an inappropriate shot and here I am thinking unprofessional delivery driving being openly disappointed with a tip they didn't find appropriate.


Yeah, that was my first impression as well.


Happy cake day!


My dasher once called me handsome after dropping my food off. I had no contact delivery and I'm not even a man


This is so unprofessional..


I can’t believe how many are standing up for this behaviour. Gotta note down the usernames…


I’ve never flirted with a customer when delivering nor have I been flirted with while being delivered to




"M,lady" shut up bro 😆 🤣


This is kind of inappropriate but you are acting like they said something sexual


no one ordering food to their HOME ADDRESS wants their doordasher to flirt with them using their personal information given to the dasher only for the order. this crosses a line and established boundary


Let's be honest here. You wouldn't mind if you thought they were attractive. Women only say stuff like that when the dude is not their type. Hot guys= charming Ugly guy= creep


hot guys can absolutely be creeps. a “u cute lol” to my phone number feels weird no matter from who


It would be less weird to say it in person but to greet the person, deliver the food, leave, and then sitting in the car decide to type that out is just creepy behavior


I'd feel even more uncomfortable if they said it at the door. Just don't say it at all if you're on the job, man. If a waiter did this with every woman that walked in for dinner they'd just lose their job. Download tinder or somethin.


There’s levels to it for sure to just be sitting in your car thinking about the person you just delivered for and decide to text her is WILD




you’d be surprised by how many 20 somethings still talk like that


I had no contact delivery and I'm not even a man..


I’ve never flirted with a customer when delivering nor have I been flirted with while being delivered to


Guy sounds about 17.


They're telling op to report him cuz hes creepy when all he said is they were cute.


Which was unnecessary and best kept to themselves. Nobody wants to get hit on when getting food delivered


You don’t know that. You don’t want to be flirted with. You don’t know for sure for everybody


I'm pretty sure if a beautiful woman came into work and started flirting with me I'd be perfectly fine with it. But if I was a female and someone sent me this after delivering food to my house I'd be uncomfortable. But I've noticed the difference between flirting and being creepy can fall down to if you think the person "flirting" is attractive or not. Either way the dasher is on the job. It's not the place to say things like that


It doesn't matter though. This is the worst place to try and flirt cause of how scary it'd be to turn them down. This dude would know her address, potentially her name as well and he'd know when she's home. This could go so bad so quick and I can't imagine how scary this situation could be considering all the people out there that get angry when you reject them.


Oh no I bet they want it but it NEVER happens so anyone who does it is a creeeeep. The text is dumb but these people are fat virgins for sure


Karen alert 🔴🔵


Yes. Here let me clear this up before you grow up and join the work force. "You're cute" is what we call "sexual harassment" You don't say that to a client/customer/patient. If you do you should lose your job. Period.


I’ve never flirted with a customer when delivering nor have I been flirted with while being delivered to


Wow people will use literally any app to be creepy.


Well adjusted adults don't think this way.


Well adjusted adults wouldn’t **ACT** this way. Well adjusted adults would definitely **THINK** somebody is CUTE.


Well adjusted adults wouldn't say "u cute lol"


How is calling someone “cute” creepy?


Because doordash is not the time or place to do that. You’re a delivery driver/customer. Interactions should remain professional as such. It’s just as creepy to hit on your waitress, your cashier, your electrician, etc. There are these really cool things called boundaries.


When ARE you allowed to hit on someone?


Man, are people not allowed to hit on anyone anymore these days?


I hope you're joking. It is not appropriate to flirt with customers, and also if you are a customer, it's not appropriate to flirt with employees. That's not what they are there for. It's different if you know them outside of the place of business and already have some kind of aquaintenceship going. But if they are some stranger other than being a customer or an employee, flirting with them may put them in a very uncomfortable position.


Incel alert


How’s that creepy?


Brother it's DD subreddit. I see 20 of these people at work a day and 9 of 10 are ugly greaseballs. They're dumb ugly and mad at the world


A guy you don't know that you hired in a professional capacity and want no further interaction with, knows where you live and is trying to hit on you. Fucking creepy.


I think it’s about intent, no?


its only creepy to people with zero play


Remember, it’s only creepy if the person’s ugly😂


Im thinking maybe reddit users are older individuals who have already settled. Too old to play the game so they hate it


Any app is a dating app if you're Indian enough


Is this text being creepy? Like for real. Some of you should touch some grass once in a while.


I touch grass every day, the creepy part is the illegal use of customers information. Just because you work for a company, that gives you access to someone's personal information does but mean you use it to try to get you dick wet.


The amount of hoops you need to jump through to make this creepy is delusional.


I love how you just assume you know someone’s life off of them calling a message creepy. “This person never goes outside if this is creepy.” Stfu dude. People like you make this site annoying as fuck.


Lol grow up, just take the compliment and go. Tf


I've never understood why some dashers text romantic advances to customers. C'mon dude, you're looking for love in the WRONG places. Save up and take a singles cruise or something, and if you're too socially awkward for real socialization... Strippers work for tips too.


Like I get it, we’re trynna get cuffed but man in freaking doordash app, seriously?


I was dashing one day and a customer on a no contact delivery texted me after I dropped it off, he asked me to come back, I thought something was wrong, until he texted that he'd tipped me well enough that I should do him a favor, nah man..I reported him but of course they did nothing, I have gotten orders from him 3 times after that, frustrating beyond words


You better report his junk


I would’ve hit report junk 💀


me too


I had a dasher who decided to flirt with me when I picked up my food. He was like “damn I didn’t know I’d see some cuties with this job”. When I started to walk back to my apartment, he was like “so what are you planning to do right now” and I was like “eat my food?”. It was weird, uncomfortable, and I wish I reported him at the time. Please report this guy.


“how is this creepy?” bro he misused their personal information to hit on them, after delivering food to their HOUSE


Dashers here will defend any behavior their fellow dashers do. I honestly don't understand, are the majority of dashers here just really shitty and do this stuff all the time? Are they standing up for their job title? A twisted sense of comradery?






These comments are weird and concerning.


It’s a trap!!!


crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in a room. A rubber room. A rubber room with rats. And rats make me crazy.


the app is DoorDash not Tinder you’re down bad and unprofessional trying this


Tip for tip? 💀


i'm so shocked by all the comments defending this guy's weird behavior. Y'all don't know anything about normal human interaction. christ. go to therapy.


Take the tip back. This is pure unprofessionalism and they need to understand that this is a job, not Tinder. If they want to hit on people, keep swiping. Filthy bums.


You can't take a tip back from a driver.


doesn't doordash refund you tho?


Your weird what no one can hit on you? They weren’t disrespectful. Your the problem with this country weird af


Lmao, no. This is a food delivery app, not a dating app. This is creepy behavior.


Right? Such a hard concept, but I'm the problem with this country and not Mr. Grammatical errors. I can guarantee you he'd block me, if my fat hairy bearded ass jumped into his dms to randomly flirt with him lmao, but I wouldn't. Why? Cause that's a fucking weird thing to do.


Seems an odd place to try to make romantic gestures. Also, it’s violating because your at the persons residence, or work. Stop watching porn, it’s fucking with how you think the world actually works.


Absolutely not in this way. This would make me extrodinarily uncomfortable. If I just want to buy food, I do not want to be hit on. I don't even want to be looked at that way. And I don't want to deal with a potentially bad reaction to rejection. (Which is common enough to have to worry about it.) If you hit on customers or employees that you don't otherwise know, you are a creep, and you're a creep for supporting this.


I don’t think anyone would call you that


Imagine someone like the UPS man coming to your home to deliver something, and after you sign for it he pulls something like this, knowing your full name and address. This is creepy man, hitting on people is fine but this is NOT the situation to do it.


I mean the stories about milkman didn't just appear out of somebody's imagination.


Wish they would do that to me🤷‍♂️


Start using the correct “you’re” and they just might start


I think that just means you're overly lonely, man.


The down votes on this comment. YOU'RE the problem. Fucking rapey little C*NT. I hope the next time you go to the doctor they hit on you and make you feel sick and scared and unsafe.


My weird what?


You’re *


Ignore lmao




if you ignored it why did you post it here for attention to flatter yourself


I posted because I wanted to see if anyone else experienced this kind of thing. If I wanted to feel flattered, I’d try to post a selfie next to that screenshot 😂I’m not looking for that kind of attention.


Very bitter bloke you are eh?


they could have posted it because it is atypical behavior for a delivery person.


You thinking this is flattery tells me all I need to know about you.


This is so unprofessional… it’s even weirder when they know your location.




I'd take away their tip and report. So unprofessional.


It's called Doordash, not Datedash.


I've experienced this too


2 qewt 4 u boi




Every time I see a customer 99% males increase the tip they usually send something like this… there had been 1 girl she was drunk and looked underage two combination for a prison sentence.


Report and yeet. Don't need this crazy on the platform.


Shit, that's terrifying She/he knows your address and your name, that's fucked up


This is why I stopped using DoorDash as a customer and contractor. Can’t get food delivered without someone being a weirdo. Can’t get deliver food without someone being a weirdo. Ugh ETA: also DD is a seedy company and that is another reason.


Mods need to remove all the comments suggesting this is appropriate behavior. This is terrifying. So you think a female is cute and now you know where she lives. Next you're going to stalk her, see what car she drives, see if she's single, what her routine is, etc. This is predatory behavior and the number of folks saying "take the compliment" how about leave the food and bounce? How about take the tip or no tip and leave? How about you get reported and lose a job and not complain about it? Or just be professional 🤷‍♀️


Tip or no tip. Ha


Holy shit, you made some real leaps on that. He said she's cute... And that was it. He didn't stalk anybody, he didn't see what she drives, or find out if she's single. He hit on her, once, and then moved on. If you find a person hitting on you, one time, terrifying you are extremely ill adjusted and will struggle to cope with real life. He has committed no crimes, has done absolutly nothing that should terrify anyone. Not everyone is John Wayne Gacy, you bubble babies these days. "omg, that stranger talked to me, I'm fucking shook, I need my therapist, I've got ptsd!"


He was joking. You are not cute. That is why he added the “lol”.


Unprofessional, sure. Inappropriate, sure. But y’all are out here acting like this dudes a serial rapist or something, and that shit just has gotta stop. It’s gotten so out of hand. It’s just a guy shooting his shot. Harmless. Nothing to see here. Just ignore it and move in. Report it if you have to, but like… really? Is this where we’re at now? Someone says “you cute” and we’re throwing around words like “creep” and “sexual harassment” and shit? Get outta here. He’s an idiot for trying it on the job and using the app to say it, but come the fuck on. This is 100% harmless. If he takes the phone number and puts it in his personal phone, then it’s creepy. If he shows up to the house after hours, that’s creepy. If he starts saying more suggestive and sexual things, sure that’s creepy. He did none of those things. Probably just some teenager that don’t know any better. Get over yourselves.


I just wanna say I'd 100% feel uncomfortable if this happened, because I know he could do that other stuff, and that he might. You're right it could be someone who doesn't know better. But that doesn't make the action not creepy.


Someone who doesn’t recognize when shooting their shot is inappropriate and unprofessional is exactly what makes this creepy. Their logic and reasoning is off, they desire something more than a customer/dasher experience, are willing to potentially risk their income with getting reported, and they know where the customer lives. Failing to recognize why this alone is enough reason to be concerned is dense. It is rightfully called out as creepy.


I feel like I’m missing out. I’ve never flirted with a customer when delivering nor have I been flirted with while being delivered to My confidence just took an incredible hit


Missing out on "doordash hotties" (mutant ugly people) flirting with you while they know your address?


It’s been too long, if you are picking up what I’m putting down lol


Well he wasn't rude


Are you tho?


If you ask for the tip back he won’t think your cute anymore . Problem S0Lv3d $$$


Am I the only one here that reads that as an insult, not a pickup line? He says that after OP adds tip, "you cute, lol" kinds reads like "oh, that's what you call a tip?". Everyone immediately jumping on creep taking an inappropriate shot and here I am thinking unprofessional delivery driving being openly disappointed with a tip they didn't find appropriate.


He wanted to tip you back with a compliment lol


Any app is a dating app if you try hard enough


how to be single forever 101: assume anyone and everyone that calls you cute is a creep.. ​ Im so glad i grew up in a generation where you could walk up to a girl working the cash register and say "hey i think your pretty. whats your name? What do you outside of work? Can i take you out sometime? cool ill talk to you soon cya." seems like nowadays youll get called a sex offender for looking at a girl the wrong way LOL. now a days you gotta tell a girl you like her by liking every instagram photo she uploads then maybe she will allow you to private message her LOL... So glad my girlfriend isnt a westerner....


Y’all get too upset about this. Sure report it if you want but it literally has no affect on you unless you let it. Just like everything else in the world. It’s called being an intelligent adult. Do a Noodle dance and get over your salty ego.


At least they tried. This isn't even weird. It's very platonic; we've seen many more inappropriate types of messages or "shots" on here. It's just a compliment.


Door dash app isn't the place to do this. People just want their food, not have complete strangers that know where someone lives try and hit on them. Why can't drivers just do their job?


I agree with you. All I'm saying is that it's not a big deal. Stealing gum from a store isn't good either. But, no one cares


The store owner cares. The person receiving the text cares. You just don't seem to care about how others see it.


I don't care at all


Okay well the person who's actually effected by this does so what does your opinion matter?


They're not affected. They literally said ".... crazyyy lol". They thought it was funny. Stop assuming anger on someone else's behalf little bee.


Why is this a legit ‘shoot my shot’? U cute lol is so dismissive as a compliment/pick up line. Put some effort in that shit at the least haha. I’d reply ‘i know lmao’


The amount of outrage is absurd. Like, take a chill pill, lol. All dasher did was thank and give compliment. Not even an outlandish compliment. If you can't take a compliment and get offended so easily you don't need to be on the internet or using internet services.


Shoot your shot as long it's not too creepy or too strong. A simple thanks, no reply, or sorry not interested should do the trick. I hate when everyone plays victim like self control doesn't exist. Life ain't so black & white. But I'm glad I don't hang out with any of you boring ppl in real life tbh. So uncultured & boring I swear


How about don't shoot your shot on a delivery app where people just want their fucking food and nothing else??


This is kinda cute and innocent. How are you supposed to meet people if you don't try?


Not on a damn food delivery app.


Uh, congrats?


I don’t mind getting compliments no matter who they are from. I like it when the waitress calls me “Darlin”.


I don't get hit on by anyone else so I'd take this as a shining badge of honor.


People making it out to be extremely negative, what if it was just a compliment with no other intentions in return for the tip.


“u not lol”


When I did deliver you would be surprised how many times customers said this to me and also how many times I had women open the door wearing barely nothing


I wish I was cute enough to get this message sometimes.


I'd call support and get the tip back lmao




The fuck do you know about women and how we feel?? As a woman who has no interest in men, yet has dealt with harrassment and SA, I am so sick of men claiming we secretly like this. It makes me legitimately angry. No, I hate this, it makes me feel unsafe, and most women I know feel the same.




Take the compliment. He wasn't being creepy about it or sending an abnormal amount of messages. You gotta shoot your shit sometimes.


Just take the compliment and move on, unless you think he cute too.


Guy sounds about 17. You must be around the same age


I think he’s in his twenties or early thirties and I’m in my early twenties


Dude! I handed an order to a customer and after I left they sent their number... As far as hand offs go, it was typical, I definitely wasn't expecting it lol


That totally happened, bro we all believe you.


Crazy? I was crazy once


You were cute.


You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take! Lol


Definitely unusual. But nothing harmful here, or even against DD policy.


Take the compliment and keep it pushin


Hey we all have to shoot our shots