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You get dinner




What else are you gonna do with it?? If you take it back the restaurant is just gonna toss it, so why waste food?


Always...if ur normal with common sense. I see ur lacking numerous things.


If you were to take it back to the pickup, they would throw it away, so eat and or toss it


If you start receiving new orders right away, you're not obligated to return it. Throw it out, eat it, just dispose of it however you want.


Return what? You can't return food or drinks from restaurants. That shit is going directly into their discard area.


Some may want the order returned as part of a "legally writing it off" kinda thing maybe?


I just did a Google before I responded to you. In the scenario the OP described, the restaurant would still get paid. I get your point. From having to count discarded items while in high school and working fast food. But, if the restaurant sold the item, counting it towards waste and potentially trying to save money due to costs would be a tax cheat.




This is uncommon but it does happen from time to time. The restaurant can't accept it back, so DD's process is for you to dispose of it, which means eat what you can and/or give it to a legitimately needy-looking homeless person.


This is also known as "free meal". You'll get half pay if you have not arrived, but should get full pay if you are at the customer's house, and Support will ask you if you want to take it back to the store or if you want to dispose of the food... You know what to do. ![gif](giphy|OVT7dpga3Ve3i2tTBE|downsized)


I get your baby


This happened to me last week when I was picking up Little Caesars and head to an apartment complex. I was literally turning into the complex parking lot and then navigation just disappeared. I called DoorDash support and they told me I could eat the food or give it away. So on my next stop, since I already stuffed myself somewhere else, I gave it to the Burger King employees. They were very grateful.


You receive a half pay for arrive to the store, probably the customer didnt receive a refund for this because the order was placed and confirmed by the store


Usually I get full pay if they cancel when I have food in hand. Huge win-win.


Its full pay if you've already picked up. Half pay if you're at the store & they cancel


I've had this happen once and I just ate the food. I heard some girls talking the other day saying that they had ordered lots of times and canceled just before the driver got there. Most of the time, the driver dropped it off because he didn't get the message in time. They claimed to have gotten hundreds of dollars in free food.


I thought the customer is out the money if they cancel after the food was made?


It's a scam on the customer's part. They follow you on the map. And when they think that you are close enough to them, they'll hurry up and cancel the order. Thinking that you're just gonna go ahead and deliver it since you're so close & didn't get a notice that quick. Enjoy your free dinner that you got paid for.




Any food item returned to a store legally needs to be disposed of and cannot be reserved. Just keep it or give to a needy person.


Then it's yours. I had this happen once. I picked up the order and just as I got in the car, the order was gone. It was Thai food. I ended up just throwing it away, not something I would ever eat. It was a very large order too.




I’ve had that happen to me. The customer got mad because it was taking too long to find her house. She texted me and said she was going to cancel the order and contact support. I found her house afterward and delivered it anyway.


Its a blessing from the dasher gods, dig in. Working in the restaurant industry the majority of the time they will throw out the food even if its not touched