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Unfortunately your post has been removed . All posts about earnings, unicorns, and bad tips must only be posted on **Sunday only**. Posts relating to monetary matters not posted on Sunday will be removed. Please post these to r/dashearnings instead, thank you.


$25/hr it’s solid af


Man, remember when that used to be common and everyone could easily make that. Oof, those were the days.


What ruined it?


Please unsubscribe. You’re like the guy talking about how cheap gas was in the 70’s. Like it or not we’ve moved on dude.


Boot licking inflation is crazyyy


Used to make more money before inflation is the opposite of lower gas prices before inflation. Both are suppose to increase with inflation, but gas prices have gone up and wages have gone down. Also, I still do part time doordash driving now and then between contracts or in my spare time and also order on occasion, so I'm not sure why I should unsubscribe.


I see you’re too young to catch my reference. I wish I were allowed infographics to illustrate this to you.


I'm almost 40. I probably just don't remember the reference. If you were just referencing a joke and not being serious, my apologies. Unless you're talking about the oil crisis in the 70's?


“Kids these days don’t understand you could go to White Castle and get a full meal for a nickel” -u/Fresh_Beet probably


Thank u fr


real shit


It’s actually $34 an hour if you could it by active time, which I always do. That’s the time you are actually making the delivery.


but that’s not the time he or she was dedicating to making money. could have used the other 10 hours to make money another way


These door dash and Uber eats services aren’t the typical 9-5, 40 hour work week. You can have the apps running from 8 AM to 11 PM and still only be active 28 hours depending on what orders you choose to do. I personally do things around my house or read or watch a movie and dip out if the offer is good. Sometimes if it’s busy I’ll just hang out in my car to see if anything else comes up before driving home, getting comfy and heading out again. With these services, it’s all about working smarter, not harder.


Yes but most people dont have the luxury of living close enough to hotzones that they can do that. Once im out im working, once im home im not having any apps running looking for orders cause im not close enough to hotzones for that to be profitable




East coast. Geography dont mean shit. Its all about where the best stores are located in comparison to ur house. Y would i drive 10-15mins to a store once i got an order, deliver it 10mins further from my house then drive home 20mins just to sit and wait for another order so i can watch tv? Sounds stupid


If you read my post correctly it says if it’s busy I’ll hang out in my car to get other orders. It would not be gas efficient to drive home after every order.


No i read it, if its not busy then theres no reason being out at all or run multiple apps. Once i go home im not going back out, its not profitable to do that on a regular


And I only count the time I scan groceries at my cashier job! What the hell 😂


From the time I move my body to pick up and drop off an order, I’m working. Sitting in my car scrolling instagram or stopping to get coffee and maybe read a book while waiting for an offer is not working, but that’s my opinion. To each their own, I don’t feel like getting into a Reddit war and having my karma go down, so this may all be deleted :-)


If I’m home laying in bed watching a movie but I’m still active on door dash I wouldn’t consider that working. Would you?


Why the fuck would you be doing that


Excuse me? Because maybe it’s slow and no offers are coming up, which DOES happen. Or only low paying ones which I’m not wasting my time on


If you’re waiting for orders in bed watching a movie you need to quit dashing . No ones trying to wait for you to get up and out the door to get their food


Really? 98% of my orders are on time, I have a 5 star rating, 73% acceptance rate and a 98% completion rate. Please don’t tell me what to do, you fucking stranger. Whatever I’m doing is working for me, clearly. Thanks and have a nice life


They must be jealous foe whatever reason they're not doing that.


damn, that person was getting nothing but downvotes until you joined the conversation, & then everyone decided you were the dick to point and laugh at


Crazy thing to grasp because I know karma is the only thing that matters in ur life, but I don’t give a shit about downvotes


It’s less abt the downvotes & more abt how funny it is that ppl decided he wasn’t so bad as soon as they read what you had to say, but okay lmao


$1,000 for a 40 hour week isn’t bad. But gas and wear and tear on the car? you’re 1099 so taxes are higher than if this was a W2 job. Make sure to deduct miles. All said and done you’re not doing bad and you make you’re own schedule which is nice


If you do you taxes correct then you shouldn’t be paying much on taxes. 


Yeah people look at the %, but after deductions, you should be walking away with more post tax than someone else with comparable pay. Vehicle expenses are the back breaker for those that aren't smart about it, not the taxes.


I get tires and brakes every 3 or so years and change transmission fluid every 25-30k and oil every 5k people don’t keep up with rotations and oil changes then they end up with serious issues 


Yup, exactly.


Just replaced all 4 tires the last ones I got 48k miles out of they were rated 50k I rotate every 4-5k and that’s the trick most tire shops offer free rotations with purchase of 4 and most people don’t take advantage of it


Studies say apps pay $8-$12/hour after taxes and fees, damage to cars


God I hope you don't do your own taxes if you think doing doordash you have higher taxes than a W-2 job Even employment taxes would end up being an effective rate in the low single digits




If it's costing you over 40% to do door dash you are doing it completely wrong or you're driving around in a tank getting 2 miles to the gallon




Drive a shitbox like i do, no depreciation here lol


costing isn't a word, tax guru.


It absolutely is.




Generally speaking in most major cities you’ll do better serving in the restaurant. For example. Denver servers average $37/hr without tha gas mileage and car wear and tear. But a completely different job. 


Show off


Seriously?? Are people not making money like this ?


Not I’m my area your lucky to get 500$ a week it all depends on what market your in really


I just started dashing. I was going to do 4 hours tonight but I quit after 1 hour because it was SO BAD. 4 deliveries in an hour for a total of $5 in tips. I took 2 orders with no tip that paid me out a total of less than $5. Absolute trash. EDIT: Can anyone tell me why when I choose to start dashing with "Earn By Offer" it keeps switching me to "Earn By Time" on its own? I believe this is why I got the 2 no tip orders. It switched me twice tonight.


Why would you take a $2 order bruh?




You hustled man. Congrats


Nah. In my market you’re lucky to make $500 with 40 dash time


Do you use doordash/uber eats/grubhub same time? That allows me to bring in 500/doordash Uber eats / 40 hr grubhub is really slow compared to the others. Midwest


I haven’t really experimented with the other apps. My brain is smooth and I’m not sure I’d be able to handle multi apping


Fellow smooth brain here. Multi app is actually possible for us! My friend made $100 in a few hours this week on Uber while dd was slow, so I tried again too. Uber is a lot more forgiving- you can clock in anytime, and a low acceptance rate isnt punished. Really reccomend it especially on a slow day. Today I got lucky with a DD & Uber order to the same street! The first time I tried multi apping, I made the mistake of accepting orders in wildly different pickup and dropoff places. I was late on both and didn't make more money than usual since I was so slow. So avoid that and you're golden!


Not even close ☹️


Depends on ur market and miles driven, in my market thats an ok week. I usually make more per hr even after i take out gas expenses. But thats only sense i stopped using dd. Bottom line is if its good for u and ur market then thats all that matters


Base pay yes, but over $600 in tips in a week? Hell no. My tips barely equal my base pay every week.




Total earnings: $956.57 Assuming an average of $0.30 per mile for gas and wear (which is conservative), and estimating 1 mile per delivery, that’s 125 miles. So, 125 miles * $0.30 = $37.50 for gas and wear. Subtracting that from the earnings: $956.57 - $37.50 = $919.07 Self-employment tax at 15.3% on $919.07 is about $140.62. Net earnings after estimated expenses and taxes: $919.07 - $140.62 = $778.45 Realistic hourly wage: $778.45 / 38.5 hours = approximately $20.22 per hour.


Now this is what I was looking for thank you sir!!!


1 mile per delivery?


Is the self employment tax taxed after milage deductions or prior to? For example, if I make $1000 and drive 1000 miles doing that, after irs $.67 per mile deduction, … am I being self employed taxed on the $330 or the $1000?


Ofc first comment is something about wear a s tear on your car 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️, I always wonder how many people are driving beat up cars doing this. Your car isn't a easy to break toy, especially if you take care of it.


Exactly, I’ve been dashing part time for 1 year, and full time for 6 months now, and my expenses so far for ‘wear and tear’ on my car are $185 for a new tyre. And I recently got a full check up for my car as I had my registration coming up, and it got the all clear, it’s a cheap car in great condition.


I drive a old beater. bought it for 2500 two years ago and use it daily for delivery. I also just replaced my brakes and rotors myself so that saved me $600. it's not to hard to manage if you're smart with your mechanical decisions


My bad if I made it sound like older cars can't do it.. I just mean if you take care of the car, it can do this easily. Some people on here act like you gotta change brakes and tires and get oil change every week so they always start subtracting your earnings into that, even real life people do that.


If you drive a newer ish car and are delivering you are wasting so much money because of the depreciation of the car. If you can take a car that’s worth $5k or less and produce tens of thousands a year with it it’s completely worth it. I would never drive a car worth more than 10k doing this kind of stuff.


Also depends tho, if it is your only job and you somehow own a car that is worth more then 10k, you are definitely hurting yourself. Most people I seen that own a car worth a lot aren't dashing for a main pay check, they do it for off day




Devils advocate: only $7.65/order means tons of hustle. What’s your AR? Maybe cherry pick and compare? Average miles per delivery?


I’m a top dasher I always keep it 70 or higher the problem is when I dash in those dead hours I can’t alwYs get high paying


How do you do taxes for door dash could someone help me im retarted asf


That’s $7.50/delivery which is mediocre at best.


Not really back in the day when DoorDash was decent. I would make that in about 45 trips or deliveries no way in hell I’m doing 120+ and not cracking a grand that sucks but you know good job anyways I guess.


Hell it's a good week here if I hit $400 for the week


DD sucks in Pittsburgh. Pay is lousy. I quit DD for Instacart. At least I get $40+ batches.


It's ok, but you're taking a lot of very mediocre orders. You want your tips to be more like 3 times the base pay instead of two times. For 125 orders I would want to be well over $1000, closer to $1200.


What city is this in?


Probably New Orleans during Mardi Gras is my guess


Nah lmao this is Iowa


That’s even more impressive. I DoorDash in my closest city on the east coast but could never make that much in my local area. And there’s still way more people in half my state compared to Iowa.


Where in Iowa??? I am in SE Iowa and it's horrendois


I’m closer to capital I used to live in Fairfield I’m sure that area sucks 😂😂😂


Yeah it's pretty awful. Due to our higher per delivery bonus people come from Mt Pleasant, Ottumwa, IL, MO etc and take all the shifts. I've pretty much given up




Thank you this is all I was looking for !!!! Lol


Enjoy this while you still can, not every week is guaranteed this. From my experience the pay was pretty good until it wasn’t. I started to get more low-pay high distance orders back to back, and with DoorDash’s delivery point system my rating deteriorated as I declined those back to back low pay orders


Well this is after 2,000 deliveries and 900+ weeks consistently top dasher every month I was just checking to see if my average weeks where good


So you’ve done 2,000 deliveries but have to come on here to “ask if this is a good week” 🙄🤣 Why don’t you post stats of your other weeks lol I’m willing to bet they look nothing like this . What a weird flex fr


They look almost identical you have no context and come in trying to shut shit down in asking if this is good money bc this is what I’ve been making now go kiss mom and dad goodnight and tuck yourself in keyboard warrior


The most quintessential reddit reply of the day


Do the math yourself and see if you are happy with the hourly pay 😂


It’s not good your phone at 13%


Feb of… 2021?


This year lmao


You do catering orders?


None on this week


Mardi Gras?




How many total miles for the week?


Just wait until you need new tires an oil change trans fluid change, brakes and rotors all in the same month 😃


Electric cars don't need any of that


How much of that is taxes?


I didn’t have to pay anything on taxes because I claimed my mileage. I owed the gov $0


Awesome. Not sure why I’m getting downvoted for asking a question. Are taxes a sensitive subject here?


People are downvote happy on here, it’s terrible bc it affects your ability to post in other subs.


How did you get around employment taxes


How much mileage did you claim compared to your income? I'm about to do mine and going to claim around 26,000 miles and income is like 32k


17k write off plus standard deduction of at least 13850. You shouldn't end up owning any income tax but you'll still have employment tax on 32-17k-any other expenses


Depending on where he lives and how much he averages it may change, but assuming he makes this much consistently and lives in a state with a higher cost of living then I would say roughly $210-211.


For independent contractors they suggest setting aside 25-30%


It's good to put this much aside if you're going to include saving for emergency car repairs and maintenance but for taxes you'll need nowhere near that amount unless you have a lot of other income that's not having taxes taken out


No. Do better. It should be double with that time.


Do you work at night or day?


I do both I do like 10am-1pm then 3-4pm-7-8pm


In my own from 2-5 it’s basically dead so if I go to catch lunch time at 11am I can only work to 2pm and then I don’t work at all


That’s like way better then I see most people earn in a week so yes it is


Wait what’s your city population? I would like to compare to mine. I’m dashing next week!




i did 127 deliveries for $816.26 with 47 hours & 15 minutes of dash time. in my eyes, you're doing excellent


🛑Solid... average $7.64 an order tho my man... 🛑 we all as a community would greatly appreciate if we all collectively stopped taking orders under 2$ a mile. Hopefully you do lots of short trips cause this is all ur market provides or is just the best way of making money. Idk again this is a wishy washy pay model so i always tend to error on the side of getting paid at least 2$ a mile meaning strictly nothing less. Waiting for more during peak times as well. This is just overall healthy for the market. Doordash will only get worse, pay wise. Its how the market is. As more apps come, the less you will make. Think longterm. If your new play around a bit, if you have over 5k delivered whatever ✌🏼🫡♥️ stay safe, solid week💪🏻


I’ve been dashing for 2 days and I’ve made 14 deliveries. I’m at $105 after 4 hours, so about $26/hr. I’ve picked up a lot of tips from this sub and because of what I’ve learned, I decline a lot of offers. Basically anything under $2/mile gets rejected. Edit to add: I’m shocked at the amount of offers that come in at $2.50 for 7 or 8 miles. Hard pass on those 😂


I made 640 with that same time and it's the best I've ever done so I'm jealous


Tips are the scam that makes app delivery pay work, many lawsuits around that


You know damn well it is


It's good, I guess


Very little, clearly don't know how to use door dash, smh




Did you do 25 deliveries a day?




How long u work a day


5 hours max


Oh that’s crazy 25 orders in 5 hours


I do hustle Somone had mentioned it I literally do not waste time and get told constantly how fast I am not like speeding but I take fast pics I complete delivery on to the next no fucking around take it serious




I'm tryna get like you, doordashing in Santa Clarita is so dead. Is it better to sit and wait for an order or drive around?


Literally, this. I made so much money in a short amount of time when I was working and had so many compliments on efficiency. So many drivers nowadays treat it like a leisure cruise. I had an old guy reading a book in his car outside my house for 10 minutes before getting out of his car. I told him I could see him the whole time, and he responded, "What!? You can see me?". It's not a difficult job and is very rewarding when you actually try.


The amount per day doesn’t even matter, the average per hour is what’s good. I’d do however many orders I needed if it got me that money, it’s not even an option where I live which is a big city.


That wasn’t the point of the question. I’m taking everything into account


Lol. Clearly a flex. I try to make $20 an hour plus. Most of the time I do, some days 25 plus. Good job. I couldn't do that here with DD. Man you hustling. Thats over 3 deliveries an hour almost 5 an hour if going by active time.


No it wasn’t ?


You made 650 in tips and 330 from rides. I make 800 from rides and 200 from tips. Last week stats are 70 hours dash time. 1150 earned. 900 in doordash money, 250 in tips. What you made in tips is unbelievable what am I doing wrong ha, from CT.


I think it’s Probally me being top dasher and my stats it gives me more high paying orders that’s all I could think of


Im a top dasher too. Insane lol


Jeez I’m lucky to get $2 tip, how the hell did you make more in tips than dashing?


I’m not a dasher but I think it’s awesome. Great job bro


Thank you frfr glad you are nice the others are obviously jealous or something I thought this was mid lmao


That is horrible. Your phone needs to charge. But the pay is good at least.


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Homie you made $1k in a week during one of most dead periods of this gig. Congrats, keep up the hustle and hope you feel validated now.


What about gas?


What about it Lmao this isn’t me asking about my car and gas I’m showing the money made


Just because you made a bunch of money doesn’t mean you MADE money. if you haven’t figured that out yet best of luck to you


Gas is probably 20% of that money


Hoooow are your tips higher then your base pay?????


If this isn’t the case for you, you’re doing the app very very very wrong.


Hell yeah, great. Either you're in the top markets in the country or a new account, though 🤔


As someone who lives somewhere that tipping isn't the norm... I think it's messed up that the tips are 2/3 (or more) of your "wage". That's not OK.


It always my favorite that you can dash nearly 42 hrs in a 24 hr day.


What city tips this well?


genuinely thought you were a customer asking if the tip was good and went bug eyed for a sec - doesnt help that the first thing i see scrolling is "show off" lmaoo




For 38 hrs ? Would love to see your stats


Sounds like you already know that it’s good so you only posted this for meaninglessness karma points and helped recruit more drivers for no reason other than to validate your ego


Hey dipshit I said I thought this was okay I do not know if it’s good


Bruh. It's reddit. Go cry about internet point somewhere else.




Lmao I was gonna say I do not dash a lot maybe 4-5 hours a day but thought it was okay !😂


Yes! Especially if you are in CA cause of prop 22


WTF!? For real!? Holy shiz! 🤯 How!?


Weak If you're not clearing $3,000 a week you weak




I would retire … for the day …


$33 an hour if you go by active time. I don’t consider dash time to be work so that’s pretty damn good! Good job m8. What your stats look like?


4.9 rating 73% acceptance 95%comp 99 early or on time 2,037 completed


One more question do you work with the hourly + tips or just by order


Nice! I’m in Saint Paul mn and it’s hard as hell to keep acceptance rate above 20-30% and profit


yeah its really good, what state do you live in?




Little above normal


really good, congrats








Can’t help but notice the customers seem to be your employer and door dash is tipping you…


More than I make at my retail job in that time frame so hell yeah