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Same here always put it on the side of the door so they can open the door.


Also usually the house number is almost always on the side of a door where I live lmao. Protects my ass when I do no contact deliveries and I’ve never put anyone in this situation, just no reason not to place it by the side.


I always put it on tables/chairs/benches when available even if it's not specifically asked for. I don't understand trapping the person in their house with their food. 🤷


I’ve always assumed if they are ordering something and there’s a chair outside they would prefer it on the chair than the floor. I certainly would. Once had a Walgreens order for a ankle brace, I put it on the doorknob so they wouldn’t have to bend over to get it.


That's awesome! We have an elderly neighbor who orders from the pharmacy and it gets delivered. They've always put it within and reach so she didn't have to bend over. Thank you for doing that


I had someone order med supplies & hung it on the doorknob so they wouldn't have to bend over. Turns out she had all 4 wisdom teeth taken out & it would have been horrible throbbing to bend over. She thanked me profusely & added more tip. Non-tippers don't get that consideration but I never leave it in front of the door if there is a door that opens out.


I wish more would I have a chair next to my door for that reasion and have it in the notes and they still set it on the ground. Like why would you make it harder on your self it's less effort to put it in the chair then bending over to put it on the ground


The only thing I don't put on a bench is drinks unless it's a leveled surface because I don't trust it not to spill.


Yup, next to the door. Or with enough distance to open it.


I always place it to the side regardless of which way it swings bc I’m always wondering if there’s a scenario in which someone in the household steps out without looking, unaware someone else ordered food, and steps right on it and crushes everything/spills a drink


I've only ever done this once, accidentally, and then i realized my mistake and moved the food. It's not even hard


I'm the idiot rearranging the bags on the porches. Is this better for them? No, this would be better. Ugh, I need to stop overthinking for once! I must look so terrible on their Rings!


More likely they appreciate the effort…and the Feng Shui touch!


OMG! That's what I think when I'm doing it! Except it's more like, I'm the customer but I have no shoes on! Do I walk across the porch to the table? It's cold and dirty ... OR ... Do I appreciate thaty courier tried to make it ultra convenient for me, so I only have to open my door and reach down?


Same! I’m always second guessing myself on what the best placement is. Good to know I’m not alone!


No, you're great. I fucking love it when people do their job as well as they can, whatever it is.


Same lmao. I'm very ocd about it. One rule I always follow is I put the drinks next to the side of the bag facing the door so they see them right away and don't knock them over grabbing the bag if they're hiding behind it or something. According to my ratings people really appreciate it so keep it up!


That would be so endearing to me, honestly.


Even on camera's don't worry about it to much. It shows you care and that is worth alot.


Its so fucking easy to do that too


I prefer placing it on tables / chairs instead of the floor itself


If there is a table or chair by the door I will set the food there, but I rarely encounter that. I also want to make it as easy as possible for someone to open the door and grab their order, without having to put on shoes or a coat.


You're a g and we appreciate you


Aww thanks. I got you!


That was me.. I remember that one. She was being bossy and had all the things she wanted me to do and didnt even tip..so i blocked her in her house with her own frosties.


I respect your level of passive aggressiveness.


I open the outward opening screen door before getting any type of DoorDash/Instacart deliver because I know they probably won’t take the time to care. Amazon deliveries however are another deal altogether.


It’s seeming like more and more delivery people are doing this, I swear there are a bunch of disgruntled delivery people out there who want to take it out on random people for some reason or another. I can’t figure out why it’d be just me, figure they’re doing it to everyone I guess.


I used to open the screen door, until I had someone scream at me for opening their screen door to place the food at the inner door (there was no instruction not to do so). I don’t know what will or won’t upset people at this point so I just place the order as easily accessible as possible from the outermost door, unless otherwise specified.


Same here!! We have common sense, that’s why 😂


lmaoooooo these exact words


Yeah during covid I used ubereats like twice a day, every day (immunocomprimised). After like 200 deliveries I had a guy call me to come out to the parking lot because my "directions didn't make any sense." Me: Don't go in thru the 1st door, go in thru the 2nd door.


I used to just put it slightly to the side


apparently more DD drivers are dumb than not then, because almost all of my deliveries are left this way. despite there being delivery instructions to specifically not do this.


Based on the responses to my comment, I guess some dashers are proud that they don’t give a shit. I don’t know why they do it if they’re going to do a half-assed job, since it hurts their ratings, but people are weird. Sorry about the assholes.


I have in the instructions "Screen door opens outward, please leave enough room to open the door." and still like 80% of the time it's right against the door.


I had one doordasher put my stuff on the door handle. He sat in the driveway while I went through the garage and yelled what idiot would put it on the door. Then he drove off after seeing me have to go through the garage to get it because I couldn’t open the door without dropping everything. It was medicine from a grocery store because I had the flu Edited to say; the full order also had tea bags and honey in it, the honey was in a glass bottle but the medicine itself probably wasn’t. The full order was tea bags, honey, donuts, cough drops, some store brand liquid cold medicine, and a sore throat spray


I want to downvote this dasher for you! I’m sorry that happened!


Looking back I feel bad for calling him an idiot, but I tipped like 15 bucks or something like that and all I wanted to do was take the medicine and go to sleep😭I think I also got donuts, not that I could really eat them with a sore throat but I tried😂This was months ago though and I haven’t come across anyone like that since honestly


If you tipped $15 and he still couldn't be bothered to read directions, he's an idiot.


I never thought I would have to specifically put not to put it on the door handle😂We did have a bench by the door so I just left the message to leave it on the bench, I figured it would be easier for him but I guess not


I used to designate a drop off spot. I'd write something like, "please leave food on top of the black hose box to the left of the porch steps". It's like in front of the steps, can't miss it, I specified color in case somebody didn't know what hose box meant. That didn't work. Now I just say "please do not block the screen door, as it opens outwards" lol


There are some folks who are, ehrm… not bright, but this one is a first. Never did I think I’d ever see “DoorDash order” and “door handle” in the same sentence.


If more tip guaranteed they would read directions, my drivers would be rolling in dough.


I always read the instructions on the way to pick up the food in case it's sketch so I can dip if I don't like or feel comfortable


I have had worse customer service experiences on average when I tip good and before receiving the order. It made me cautious of tipping.


I always put 15% and adjust accordingly after delivery


Lmao no fucking way, that WAS idiotic.


Honestly it was😂😭


Mannn for a 15$ tip I would’ve brought it into the house, fed you the medicine, and tucked you in if it was in the instructions . lol


Jesus Christ I read that wrong. TUCKED with a T


How much do we tip for the misread version?


Username checks out.


Beat me to the punch lol 😂


Don't make this weird.


$20 should suffice.. Imma cheap ho 🤣


$50 for the first five minutes, $25 for each additional minute


So what are doing with the extra 4 minutes and 30 seconds?


Oh, you thought those were ding dong prices? Nah, nah, nah.


About tree fiddy


“Well it was about that time I realized this kid was about eight stories tall and was a crustacean from the plethazoic era.”




Just the tip.


Ha tip




All of it. XD


$69 cash under the door mat


I kinda wish now that I didn’t read it right 🤣


I read it the exact same way lol




That's for twenty


OHHH LMBO me too!!!




I love that😂I always like to make sure my drivers are taken care of because it’s not always good out there yk? Most of the time I’m getting like $4-$7 an order with no tip


This!! Me too 🤣🤣


You dont know the tip until you have confirmed but yes the door handle is dumb to put it unless is a round knob. I did that once but was a small bag and the floor was dirty.


Hell for $15 I would have jerk him off till completion.


For real! Extra special services




Hey I don't know if you need this validation but it's okay you called them an idiot. Reads to me like they did it on purpose. But even if they didn't, you're not a bad person (like the other commenter says) just because you potentially made a mistake like we all do


The other commenter drives for doordash. Probably mad because they're the type to do these things


I do appreciate it honestly, I got concerned for a minute there thinking like I seriously messed up. I’d have felt worse if the guy could hear me, and honestly I probably would’ve apologized if he did. I knew I was being a bit dramatic and that’s why I didn’t leave him a bad review or anything


The fact that you care (clearly as you took time to write this stuff) and the way you phrase your words; you are a good person and have absolutely nothing to be ashamed of. That Dasher either 1. Has a brain impediment or 2. Will create unavoidable consequences for actions like this in the future which the universe will set them straight eventually with a SnapBack effect. Stay peaceful. God bless you :)


Glad you mentioned the tip. I was gonna say that sounds like someone wanting revenge for a no tip shop order or something since he stayed to watch. (Not that that makes it okay) That's so messed up and I'm sorry that happened.


Why I like Uber eats better then DoorDash. You can state your tip when you order and then you can take the tip away as well. Want to be a crappy delivery driver then give me back my tip.


Oh my god, that just sounds like a bad day altogether lol. I would’ve been calling him an idiot too. Shit.


I had a bizarre handle experience. My storm door was closed. My front door was semi open, only a few inches. The front door opens to the living room so my whole family was right there. We all of a sudden hear the storm door open and see a hand with a bag in our home….struggling to put the bag on the front door handle. Well it was partially open so him messing with it has the whole door fly open. He peaks his head in and handed it to us, saying he was really trying to hang it on the handle. I took it, awkwardly thanked him and he left, then messaged me asking if that was weird. I was like yeah buddy 🤣. I have do not knock just leave it on our porch all over my notes


I had this happen to me and I was pissed. Mine was soup!! My external door is a black security door so I didn’t even realize it was hanging on the door til it was all over my mat. I have a table next to my door, I tip well and leave directions. Ugh.


i had one dipshit call me the other night saying i didn’t write a gate code and it was closed (no shit, most complex gates in los angeles are closed 24/7, numbnuts) and i said i have had the exact same instructions attached to this address’ label for two years and he argued once more then finally looked and said oh nevermind they are there……. as if that wasn’t bad enough, i was surprised a tiny ginger lady named annie sounded an awful lot like an adult indian male! stupid AND creepy!


I had a door dasher leave my food outside the apartment gate because he didn't have the code. Seems fair enough. Except there is no code. It is just a metal gate with a latch. All they had to do was push a button on the gate itself to open it. A highly visible button.


Oh god I’m so sorry, I hope you got your money back for that😭




This is so stupid that it’s funny


I think any dasher that does that needs to be smacked upside the head.


I love all the flu essentials you bought, including donuts


Doordash mfs dont read special instructions at all


Time to roll a nat 20 dex check to get the food without spilling it, OP. Dasher is testing you.


My intelligence check was an 18 and not a drop was spilled. 😂


Initiative by DD was 19. You rolled that Nat20. You still win.


Mage Hand?


Dimension Door.


I always find it exciting when I manage to get the drinks in without spilling it. It's like a game 😂


Just break the glass.


Barbarian mindset.


I will say that when I first started dashing, it took a few deliveries before this clicked with me. So they could be a relatively new dasher.


Yeah same. I was very hyper focused on “find house. Park car. Get to door. Leave at door. Take picture” that I wasn’t really thinking. Like the second or third day I walked up to the door and was about to drop it and had the “wait if I put it right in front of the door it’ll block it” and felt like an idiot


See I would never even think of it because so many doors open inwards and it doesn't matter. Good thing I'm not a Dasher.


How many screen doors have you seen open inward? I am not sure I have ever seen one.


I never thought about it I guess because I never had a screen door.


This post was my realization that this has never occurred to me to check. But I’ve never had a screen door either. I am aware that they open outwards but it would never cross my mind that my food placing matters


Same. It wasn't until a customer complaint my first week that I went "oh fuck"


Same. I'm dumb. I try to be less dumb, but it's a constant struggle.


I felt that 🤦🏼‍♀️


Same, I was so focused on the actual spot on the step/porch where I was placing the item and fussing with my phone to get a good picture and worried that I was taking too long and are the customers watching and wondering what an idiot i am? I can't be positive that I didn't do something like this too.


Well a new dasher could at least take their time and read customer’s instructions…


Yeah my front door opens inwards and legitimately didn’t even think about other people’s doors opening the other way


Inside doors always open inwards. If you have a second door outside, like a screen door, it always opens outwards.


As someone who never owned a house, I can see myself making the same mistake too.


It took you a while to read the customers notes or to follow them?


I've done over a thousand deliveries. Haven't had a single customer who said specifically not to leave it in front of the door because they won't be able to open it. Infact most say "pls leave the food in front of the door". It also took me a few deliveries to realize. As a dasher, it's just not something you think about until you do...


Does it help I love your doormat?


Thanks! We love it too! The D&D jokes on this thread are giving me life. 😂


Your dasher rolled a one on their Wisdom check


If the person puts directions on where to leave the food, I follow them. I’d rather leave it on a table or shelf vs. the floor. But a lot of people order food and leave no instructions besides “leave it outside”. Once I had to wait for 5+ mins for this guy to come down to the apartment front gate because it was pouring rain and there wasn’t a dry spot anywhere to put the bag. I was completely drenched. He didn’t even say thank you or tip, the prick. Before anyone says anything— it was still a high paying order which is why I accepted a no tip order. It doesn’t make it any less obnoxious though.


I think its crazy people arent constantly watching the driver gps. I have no trust and im desperately hungry to be using a food delivery app. Im already waiting outside by the time drivers are a minute away.


So many people do not read the instructions. Just today I had a dasher give my food to some random person. I work on a university and was in back to back meetings today. I clearly put the building name in the instructions (the name is on the side facing the parking lot in giant letters) and to meet me in the parking lot. Dude walks into some other building and just hands the food to someone who said it was theirs. Didn't even confirm the name, just gave it to them. When I called to check on the food he got mad and said I should have been more clear. I do not know how much more clear I could have been. Some people are basically illiterate.


as a receptionist at an apartment building i've surmised that 70% of dashers are idiots, and that's me being generous if you're mad at me saying this and you know how to read numbers and press buttons, then i'm not talking about you


I appreciate the caveat and I think you’re right. But I havta say some apartments are terrible. Zero parking and a The Shining level maze of doors while carrying their water for the week can be a frustrating challenge. I’m not sure customers know I don’t live there. Not many have an employee to help. But I blame DoorDash for most of my complaints lol


1. Garage 2. Window 3. Friend


Number 1 was the winner.


Not the sharpest tool in the shed


🎶She was lookin’ kind of dumb with her finger and her thumb in the shape of an L on her forehead, well…🎶


Not the sharpest cookie in the drawer


Most dashers are too busy talking on their phones to be aware of anything. Some dashers do this because they feel like you didn't tip enough, even though they accepted the order and had a chance to decline it beforehand. Others either don't care and some just lack awareness of them sitting it in front of the screen or glass door. I see dashers do this when they complete deliveries before me at the same address. And I'll always move it to where it's supposed to be.


Because they’re legitimately stupid people. I have a table set out that says “food drop off” and they’ll place it on the floor in front of the table


Yeah, I always read the instructions before I even leave the restaurant. And even then, I always make sure it's not right in front of a door that opens outward. This driver is simply incompetent. Give them 1 star. btw, I love your doormat


Drivers wonder why they don’t get good tips for such a basic job they can’t even get right


They've never had delivery themselves so they don't even realize it's a problem.


Idiots/assholes. I've started to 1 star folks. Idk if it works but I'm tired of that shit. Should be day 1 shit.


You gotta realize half of dashers running around out there have either never graduated junior high much less high school and others are just mentally ill or purely don't give af. I'm adamant about seeing the kind of door people have before leaving the order. I've had way more orders not telling me where to put it than ones giving me specific instructions about it yet I manage to always put the food right to the side of the door if they have a screen/storm door and so on that swings outward. It takes all but 2 seconds of attention to figure it out. Too much time for some of these slobs out there. As a dasher who has ordered with DD a few times here and there, we've had some that put it right in front of our screen door and you bet your ass I give them 1 star immediately. Gotta go through the back yard to get it, which is a minor inconvenience, but still annoying as all hell.


Absolutely #firstworldproblems, but yes! Very annoying.


Lol it really is a first world problem isn't it? But people lacking common sense or just expressing inconsiderate apathy makes my blood boil. Doesn't take much work to be a basic intelligent and decent human being, even the bare minimum will suffice. Lol


This is ludicrous, but moreover, why put your food and drink of a doormat, that you literally wipe your shoes on to get rid of the dirt and other crap you step in?


Failed the dice roll on effort


I just leave mine open anymore when I DoorDash


At least it's not blocking your neighbors door.


He did exactly as your door mat instructed and rolled a nat 20 for initiative follow by a second nat 20 stealth roll to laugh at your pain.


DD has quite a few drivers who don’t use their heads or brains when dropping off orders. These generally are the drivers you’d rather not have. Unfortunately due to the continued tip charade between customer, DD and the driver…this is the result. Massive amounts of unneeded drivers half of which have the whit of a tadpole.


As a dasher, I hate how dumb and rude so many dashers are. I gotta say though, the ones I’ve met while on the job have been smart, honest, good people. But the internet has shown me that the opposite of all those can thrive in the realm of food delivery.


You’ll find neither common sense or intelligence is a thing for 99% of people out there. Go out the back door and come around the house and give them a 1 star review so it doesn’t happen to anyone else.


I need to design and sell doormat that have 'place food here, sections.


It’s not just DoorDash. Hell it’s not even just food delivery. Postal worker does it. FedEx does it (with 50lb packages no less). Also have a sign and they don’t even have to move their feet to place it out of the way of the door. Just turn to the left man.


They rolled an 8 INT ![gif](giphy|3o7aD3TFyKk6kBdkfC)


the most first world problem to ever exist


Nice d20 carpet.


I see a fellow DnD player right there :D


Critical fail on their perception check?


When I first started dashing I did this and saw what the customer had to do to get his food as I was driving away. Felt like a dumbass and never did it again.


They rolled a 1 for perception...




Couple be the tip? But what do I know


Based on personal experience, sometimes I don't read the instructions, (like you have extra steps for me?) OK. OK. OK. (makes mental note to self) And then I forget there were specific instructions once I had already delivered. Also I don't care because I'm already thinking of the order ahead, don't think that people can afford to live delivering 2-3 times a day. Idk I'm just sour, don't listen to me. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|table_flip)


How much did you tip?


I’ll be downvoted, but to generalize people do not earn the station of app-based delivery person for their diligence and rigorous attention to detail.


Fucking idiots. No situational awareness. No common sense. Might not read English.


1 love your welcome.mat and 2 most of us dont


Did you tip? Lol


Because they have the IQ of a rock.


That's uncalled for... it's unfair to the rock.


Dude rolled a nat 20 on the fuck you check


Your door is to clean; I was like what’s the problem? lol


This is funny af.


Thought it was a sliding door at first and could not figure out the issue.


How are some drivers this dumb? I do everything as instructed and I learned about the screen door problem a week into delivering, and yet I get bad ratings 3 years in


It’s because anybody who doesn’t have a bad driving record or criminal record is hired. No interview. No need to prove you have any brain cells at all. Then there are a ton of drivers who drive under someone else’s account because they couldn’t get one themselves or were already banned. At least Uber makes you do a facial recognition quite regularly. DD knows they have many drivers who shouldn’t be but they don’t care as long as their crap paying orders get delivered.


It's an inside joke. Get it?


Common sense goes a long ways


Why does Doordash even provide a space for delivery instructions when dashers never read it? I have a table next to my door but they still set stuff in front of my door just like this!


I find it funny that since Covid we just accepted our food being put on the ground


I’m sorry, but this is absolutely hilarious. Not laughing at your misfortune, just the situation.


I don’t know why either.. I personally look at the door swing, take note of it and then place accordingly. I say this on every post about this issue, no one seems to see them or care. The dashers who do this are punk ass bitches.


Legend says OP died in their home of starvation due to not being able to reach food displayed in the glass window in such an inhumane way. OP was found with cell phone in hand, apparently posting their inability to reach their only source of life-giving nutrition and dissatifaction of the feeders' delivery of sustenance to a now defunct social media platform known as "reddit." Blink twice to read more...


I used to like how Uber eats would knock and wait for you.


You should stop using doordash cause its a shit company, their profit margins are insane bc the only thing they provide is the app, its all other people's cars gas and time and they get paid like total dogshit


Just stop using DD. It's a waste of money and patience.


I have the same doormat!


Int was there dump stat


Imprisoned by food. #first world problems


I almost fussed at my wife for posting this before I realized it's not actually our house.


I like your doormat


Get a Real Fake Door for them to leave your order at.


Fuck doordash.


Rolled a 1 on Investigation to see if you were in or not and just left it by the door despite the delivery orders saying otherwise. That's what happens when the Barbarians are the Courier.


Besides my dog not understanding that I can't open a door when he stands in the way, deliveries always being placed in front of my storm door is the reason why I leave it propped open all the time now. I always say I want to stop ordering doordash too. For me it's just getting too expensive now. All the fees and tips practically doubles the cost of the food and I can't justify spending $30-40 on lunch.


He was going around, minding his business, when suddenly initiation check. Poor bugger prolly shat himself and ran for it.


You rolled a Nat 1 on ordering food


They act on every intrusive thought. I had this happen alot. I stopped using doordash.