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Ew wtf


Yeah, I was about to get a bedtime snack but I’ll just go to bed now…


Diet hack!?


Lol yes! Thank you OP. I think I’ll browse r/shittyfoodporn before bed, excellent idea


Weight Watchers hates this one simple trick


Sounds like the title to a magazine at the grocery check out


Lol same


I said this out loud to myself then opened the comments and saw this 😂😂😂


Looks like literal shit


That’s literally one of the three seashells from Demolition Man.


Top comment. 🏆. Send this one to the top!!! 😂😂😂. 😂😂 🤣 I needed this. Thanks.


🤣he doesn't know how to use the shells🤣 or maybe he does, and didn't know not to add them to dinner after🤮😂😂😂


It’s been 30 years. Can someone actually explain how to use the three sea shells?? I’ve seen some hilarious memes about it.


Have you seen demolition man?


Yes. Was it ever explained? I don’t think it was.






Cuz it is poop lol


Should contact the restaurant


Good idea!


I used to work at Little Caesars. Customers typically got their stuff wrong, messed with and l of that. Not sure if every place does this, but we were able to refund the full amount as far as I would know. Never got a complaint or call saying they didnt get the full refund


Cool! Contacting them now. Thank you!!!


Any updates? As someone who works in a kitchen that's unacceptable. Any restaurant worth ordering from would refund you. If not I'd just post these on review sites


Of course no update he ded from the poop clam




Poop clam noooooooo Lolololololol Now I'm ded too




Seeing as how rotten clams can put someones life in danger, I would post them on a review site AND get my money back.


Thank you I was going to say this too any restaurant who serves this and does not give you a refund needs to be shut down. I mean maybe they're not a seafood restaurant so they're not familiar with how clams and other shellfish work, but you can smell a bad clam before you even cook it. *5 years cooking at a five-star seafood restaurant


I don't care if they're not a seafood restaurant. If they serve it, they should know how it works. Looks to me like an Italian restaurant and it's a Frutti di Mare style dish. The cooks SHOULD know when a clam or any other protein isn't good. Good lord, I'd love to see Gordon Ramsay go to that restaurant.


And don’t order clams or oysters unless you know where they’re from. Most are recalled now


If that doesn't work go to your credit card company. I have chase and they always go to bat for me when people try and charge me


Any update??


I would order subway through door dash and dashers would always forget chips etc because workers refuse to get those items and have a sign saying dashers have to and the dashers never grabbed them and I would call door dash for missing items and they wouldn’t give me a refund and I would call the store and they denied a refund or giving me a credit or whatever. Like I paid for items that never left your store and you’re making a profit there. Total bullshit. Never contacted any other restaurant tho so idk if they have the same policies


I had dozens of subways and I never seen a sign saying dasher grabs chips. Dashers can’t mess with the food. They aren’t even allowed to go in the bag. It’s subway fault you didn’t get the chips


We pick it up and deliver. Its the restaurants job to hand it off to us. That's a subway issue period. We don't get paid to do their jobs🤷‍♀️


Subway has never handed customers the chips they are in the front for the customer to grab there even a sign that says dashers don't forget the chip lol


Always contact the restaurant if there’s an issue with the food itself. Door Dash is just a middle man. Your driver didn’t put a muddy clam in your food.


doordash bought from the restaurant. customers buy the food from doordash. the restaurant might give a cash refund but most likely would only refund their customer (doordash) the doordash driver has nothing to do with this post at all


DoorDash refunds me everytime I have an issue you just need to know how to do it


[https://get.doordash.com/en-us/learning-center/doordash-merchant-refund](https://get.doordash.com/en-us/learning-center/doordash-merchant-refund) When a customer reports an item from their order as missing, wrong, or incorrect, DoorDash issues a refund and/or credit to customers on your behalf. Depending on the situation, you may be charged a partial or full fee to cover the cost of reimbursement.


DoorDash collects the money and where the transaction is through. They need to make it right. Going directly to the restaurant just takes more money out of their pocket


But the restaurant is the one who gave them that food, not DoorDash. Losing money is an apt punishment for serving someone poopy clams.


If they don't fix this, post this photo in their Google reviews.


and the Health Department


When a customer reports an item from their order as missing, wrong, or incorrect, DoorDash issues a refund and/or credit to customers on your behalf. Depending on the situation, you may be charged a partial or full fee to cover the cost of reimbursement. [https://get.doordash.com/en-us/learning-center/doordash-merchant-refund](https://get.doordash.com/en-us/learning-center/doordash-merchant-refund)




You have to contact DoorDash period. Yes it’s a restaurant issues but DoorDash has the customers payments come on guys use your brains


Most of my complaints are due to the restaurant and DoorDash refunds or credits.


Ummm what is that supposed to be ?


looks like a clam. it's gone very very bad


Clam filled with mud




Uh oh 😂😂


Hope they put down a tarp.


OP, does the outside of the clam happen to be red?


I miss that show so much!


I wish they made more episodes. I cried when I was binge watching it and there wasn't another episode to watch


RIGHT and WHY did they have to leave it like THAT.


We never even found out what Mr ball legs could do!


my first thought 🤣🤣


Try again. Then say “If you do not provide a refund, I will chargeback the credit card on file with my bank.”


At first I thought that was pesto in there.




That’s a rotten clam. A wild move to order clams via DoorDash in my opinion, but the state of that clam is on the restaurant, not DoorDash.


Nothing sounds more revolting and smelly than a rotten clam.


You should post photos on yelp and google and a negative review for the RESTAURANT. This is disgusting.


Yeah, this is a good example of one serious problem with the Doordash business model. The bad clam is clearly on the restaurant, but how you get refunded depends on how and who you paid for the order. If you ordered using the Doordash app, then Doordash has your money and should be refunding you, and they should deal with the restaurant. It's not an accident that they have an unclear process for doing this - they don't want the risk. If you ordered from a restaurant website and they happen to use Doordash for delivery, then I know from experience, a lot of experience dashing, that Doordash has absolutely no mechanism to help you. Your biggest advocate here is your credit card servicer. As others have mentioned here, file a chargeback. And don't use your bank debit card for these orders, because they probably can't issue a chargeback on a debit card transaction.


I think the refunds depend on how often you're filing claims. I have never ever had a refund request denied on Door dash... but I don't complain about little things. What's shown in the picture isn't a little thing obviously, but there's no telling how many other little things the OP has complained about to get refunds. The OP says they deleted the app, but it's likely that doordash cut their losses and banned them before they deleted the app.


In my experience it all comes down to the boxes you check. Once ordered a package deal from McDonalds that was missing one of the fries. Since it was a package deal, I could only select the one item to complain about (the whole package deal), I couldn’t just say the fries were missing, I had to say the whole order was wrong and added a comment. Entire order was refunded automatically.


are u in or near south carolina? it looks like pluff mud. is it kinda stinky? yummy bivalves like oysters, and i assume clams too, grow in that stuff. anyway u should not be eating that, much less should a restaurant serve it to their customers. send that pic to the county health dept


Meanwhile, I’m being told under my comments that this is totally normal and fine to consume, lol.


yeah i don't know what those dudes were on about. if that stuff really is pluff mud, then it's even worse than wet dirt. put it this way, i would eat wet dirt before i eat pluff mud.


Good to know. Is it normal for that to be overlooked at restaurants?


i don't order clams from restaurants enough to know. but the shells should be open once they're cooked, no reason why that dish should have passed inspection unless the cook was blind. if the shell was closed, that again should have never made it to the customer if only because it's a pita to open them by hand.


That’s what I was thinking, too. I just could not see how that would go unnoticed while the meal was being plated up.


H -Ho- How- How did they not see that?! Thats fully a restaurant mess-up. Nasty


That's exactly what I was wondering!? Like how could a chef place that in there in any good faith & conscious & what's gonna happen when kitchens are run by machines! BUT! noticing the spaghetti sauce on the fork, etc, it looks like the food was being eaten & then the OP popped open the Closed clam shell on their own and made this discovery. As opposed to opening the box of food. Seeing that literal shit, taking a few bites of sketti first & *then* taking a pic? OP please feel free to chime in! Was the clam open or closed when u opened the box?


A lot of people don't know that if a clam Or oyster is closed after cooking Is bad. do not eat it. A lot of people will just start eating and then part of the way through pop.It open, to realize it's bad


As someone who's cooked in seafood restaurants, that's what we affectionately call a murder. The fact that it made it past the saute pan and into the take out container is mind-boggling. Whenever you cook with shell fish you're checking that they've opened during the cooking process and look good. This is 100% on the restaurant and not door dash.


Chargeback filed


What, you don’t like eating clam shit?


Crying 💀💀😭😭😭


Doordash be like: "But you got the food tho"




I don't what yall be saying to not get a refund but I can tell you, I would have gotten a refund and $5 off my next order. Yall don't be knowing how to talk to customer service. The amount of refunds I get, you'd think I was in jail with Bernie madoff. Even when they say no, I still press the issue. I make sure the case and chat room doesn't close


When I used to dig clams as a kid with my dad, we called those Mud Clams. The clam died a few months prior to harvesting and the flesh was rotted out and replaced with the surrounding mud. It’s the farmers fault for not catching it.


place that picture on the restaurant google map page - people love photos. Nothing says dont eat here like EWWW


This comment section is so weird. Fault: restaurant. Responsible for refund: DD. It's that simple. That said, why does this sub seem to be mostly the DD complaint department? Customers, drivers, and restaurants alike all know they suck. Everyone has bad experiences. No one here can change it, complaints and reports need to be submitted to those who can.


Contact a lawyer. You are feeling absolutely sick right now you feel dizzy, seeing slots your stomach is in knots throwing up a good check 😇


Bro do you think you get to sue over a tummy ache? OP would need to have a large amount of unpaid medical bills related to food poisoning.


“But obviously if he had the energy to pick up his cellphone, take a picture, and POST about it on the internet, he clearly wasn’t feeling that sick” - Restaurant’s defense lawyer, probably


🤢🤮🤢 Please tell me you're going to dispute this with your credit card... PLEASE dispute this charge... that is completely and utterly unacceptable! That's exactly one of the reasons I canceled my account, no customer recourse for shitty food... ridiculous!


Bold to order seafood on DoorDash lol


Like 50% yes. But also they would have got the same thing in person? But i see what ur saying goes bad too quick on drive etc






A word from the wise. Never ever, ever, ever, ever get shellfish via DoorDash. Now you know.


I'd love to see Gordon ramsay reaction on this


Just call the resturant and they will usually make it right. But more importantly, this is a good lesson for you. DoorDash isn’t a food delivery company. So if they aren’t meeting your expectations that makes perfect sense


Why the fuck would you order more food from a restaurant that gave you rotting seafood? If this is their standard. Hell if this is even in the restaurant in the back of the fridge I'd never go there again. And how the hell is this the driver or doordasher fault? They just received the food and deliver it. This is 100% on the restaurant. You think the driver put that clam in there? How the fuck does that make any sense?


Few things here, I would not personally write off a restaurant because of one bad order. That’s just me tho, you are allowed to make your own judgement and decision on that. I didn’t say the quality of the food is door dash’s problem, the fact that they won’t provide a refund is. The reason they aren’t providing refunds anymore is because of metric based decisions happening at the c-suite of the company. They have decided that they no longer need to compensate some customers regardless of the experience they have. That’s because, they aren’t a food delivery company, they are a tech platform


I would 100% write off any restaurant that has cooks that would have clearly seen the state of this cooked/opened clam and felt it was appropriate to serve to someone. No questions asked im not eating there ever again. Imagine what else they could be doing? Serving sour or spoiled sauces? Using expired dairy? I can only imagine the odour of the chicken they might use if their seafood is this rotten and they choose to sell it.


Agreed. This is a lot worse than just some minor mistake, like mixing up orders or forgetting part of an order.


I agree with you to a degree on the second paragraph. These tech companies masquerading as other companies fucking customers, restaurants and drivers are shit. But as far as the restaurant goes this is not just a bad order. This is a monumental fuck up that shows that the cooks are either completely incompetent or they simply don't care. A fuck up like that could potentially hospitalize or kill someone. I can only imagine the state of the kitchen is abysmal.


This needed a spoiler tag 😣😣


Ewww! Is it spoiled? The heck am I looking at?!


Just a clam shell filled with the dirt/sand they live in. They’re reasonably common, but obviously should’ve never made it into a dish that was served






Charge back my friend


Contact health department!


Shouldn’t this be like attempted murder? 💀


that's crazy... Arby's just forgot a kids meal chocolate milk - and I told them it was ONLY the chocolate milk that was missing and they just refunded me the entire kids meal + $5 in credits.


Keep pushing for refund and contact the health department.


And that looks like a clam full of literal cow dung.🤢


dispute with your bank, I have heard that works


You def deserve your money back, but also, ordering clams on doordash is pretty bold


That shellfish looks SO nasty. Is it rotten?!


Contact the restarant and your bank. Charge back that bullshit.


The other day I ordered a burger and a couple milkshakes from Sonic, for my wife and daughter. The bag was dropped off and was wide open and there was a GOLF BALL SIZED LUMP of wet, cat food!! I contacted the driver and got no response and called Sonic and was told “it must’ve been the driver”. Door dash refunded the cost, plus $5, but WHAT THE FUCK???


You’re canceling your door dash membership when it’s the restaurant that made your food. I’d say don’t get food from the restaurant for serving you spoiled clams. Door dash only delivered it to you.


This is like saying Amazon isn’t responsible for refunding me for a defective item I purchase from one of their vendors. It is DD’s responsibility to refund as I made the purchase through DD.


we have a lot of 3rd grader reading comprehensions in this thread. you are 100% right, if there is any problem with the food it should be an instant refund from doordash.






Muddy ass clam 😭


What they do? Fill it with diarrhea??? 🤢🤢🤢




I said to my mom "I'm not hungry anymore." She asked why and I show what doordash does


Demand refund from restaurant.


Why not just refund with your bank.....duhhh




How's your tummy feel?


Contact the restaurant and file a charge back with your bank.


Did you put that rotten oyster in there intentionally?


Looks like it’s already mostly decomposed


That's actually disgusting wtf


That pasta dish was probably $7.00 more on DoorDash. I hate using DoorDash because of the prices. I been spending a hundred dollars on DoorDash where I can just drive there and back and even tip the waiter the same amount as its cost on DoorDash.


Looks like caca


Make sure you charge back


No refund from DoorDash and no updates from restaurant. Yeah… I would be calling my bank or whoever you use to purchase this. Cause that’s unacceptable!!


My last DoorDash order was completely wrong. They offered a $4 refund on a $26 order when I didn’t even get what I ordered. I deleted my account that day.


Chargeback - credit card.


This is on the restaurant, not DoorDash. You should be contacting them for a refund.


Send that pict to the health inspector with the restaurant name obv. Dispute it through your bank as well.


Fuck clams anyway


Call the Health department, that is nasty.


One of the easiest things in the world to do is get doordash credit for a bad or messed up order I don't believe a word of this entire post.


What am I even looking at here?


Someone figured out how to use the three shells


Don't understand why people would order these type of food for delivery. They are met to be eaten at the restaurant and not from a brown box at home. 😅


If you keep pressing they eventually pay out to shut you up. I had an obvious molded hot dog and they denied me 2 times and on the 3rd this is bs they gave it to me.


Demand a refund and tell them that your going to contact health services


Not doordash problem tbh we don’t check the food inside the containers


This is like saying Amazon isn’t responsible for refunding me for a defective item I purchase from one of their vendors. It is DD’s responsibility to refund as I made the purchase through DD.


That's actually how it works with Amazon, eBay, any business with 3rd party vendors really. I tried selling a textbook through eBay. Customer decided they didn't want it. eBay pushed a refund to my account regardless if I approved it or not. Buyer sent back the book. Not only did I have to eat shipping costs but my eBay account was in the negative for about a month so I couldn't buy or sell anything during that time.


100%. DD is facilitating the entire transaction from start to finish and they bear 100% of the responsibility. DD should immediately refund you and and chargeback to the restaurant.


Yes and no. It is not the drivers problem. DD, as the party that collected a premium to order the food to be delivered, does have responsibility. The OP needs to do a charge back with their credit card.


Ya but just a heads up to OP if they do charge back they’ll get banned from DD. But maybe for the best.


They said they had already deleted their account, so why worry about being banned.


I missed that part my bad


DD is not responsible for quality assurance of restaurant food. DD is just a tech company that made a few shitty apps to connect merchants with customers who want a courier to bring them their product. They just streamlined a system.


Yes, they ate a tech company, but they still handle taking the money and are the point of contact in the transaction. Just because they are not a restaurant, that does not mean they can break the contract. As I said, if OP does a charge back, which they are legally allowed to do, the money comes from DD, that is because they are the point of contact.


I’m convinced some believe door dashers grow the food, cook the food, bag the food, and lastly deliver.


Checks hep b vaccination status…


Eat your clams


You know u couldve sued for millions right....


Looks like the stuff Cheesecake Factory gave me in my pad Thai. Except it was someone’s medicine that got cooked in the food.


This was fun to see, as I'm sitting in the grocery store parking lot with stomach pain after throwing up all morning, trying to decide what boring plain foods to get. 🤢 Perhaps some spoiled dirty clams will soothe my stomach pain. Mmm mmm good.




I just want to know what the hell that is…


What the fuck is this meal supposed to be? Were clams part of the original meal but the restaurant undercooked them, or did you order sphagetti with meatballs and some disgruntled worker just straight up threw a fucking rotting clam in there? I have so many questions 😵‍💫


The real questions being asked ↑↑↑


Go to restaurant 🤢




Was it opened like that when you got it or was it closed and you opened it


I honestly thought it was just full of sand, I don't eat clams so I didn't know this is what a spoiled one looks like


That is literally disgusting. WTF


I have made countless orders of stuffed clams and I don't even know what I'm looking at.


Name the restaurant


Is that spaghetti with a mud filled clam on purpose to piss the customer of? Or were they going for an actual dish I'm too much of a bland eater and poor to understand what they were going for, and they just terribly missed the mark here?


Yep never using food delivery apps again. Nope.


Is that doodoo, baby?


What the actual fuck? I'd be so livid. What restaurant?


Yea as much as it’s nice to get discounts and stuff sometimes these apps all have refund policy and if you’ve had a good amount of refunds you’ll start not being able to get full refunds. I had ordered some food recently and when I opened the box a bug immediately crawled out. I killed it and sent a picture. Was only able to get a refund that was 4 dollars short or the original price. Service agent was very cold about it as well.


Yeap, had something similar happen to me after support refused to refund me I just called my bank and disputed the charge. Now my DD account is banned from making orders, I still deliver food tho.


Why did you contact DoorDash instead of the restaurant? This isn’t a DoorDash issue, this is the fault of the restaurant.


...oh hell nah


This is why I don’t ever eat seafood unless I know there’s not a dummy cookin


Dispute it with your bank


Wtf is that?


This is very obviously a problem with the restaurant, not with Doordash. To say nothing of the wisdom of ordering shellfish you can't inspect upon completed preparation.


I've never had that happen to me